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Fix open_edges, now checks all. Refactor edge_intersect
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TaipanRex committed May 22, 2016
1 parent aa94993 commit bdf7746
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Showing 5 changed files with 71 additions and 188 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ __pycache__
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ def get_adjacent(self, point):
def __contains__(self, point):
return point in self.points

# TODO: This runs slow, self.points should be a set in __init__
def __eq__(self, edge):
return set(self.points) == set(edge.points)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ def __init__(self, polygons):
def get_adjacent_points(self, point):
return [edge.get_adjacent(point) for edge in self.graph[point]]

''' should return a generator/iterator '''
def get_points(self):
return self.graph.keys()

Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import cProfile
import pstats
import shapefile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from graph import Graph, Point, Edge
from visible_vertices import (edge_intersect, point_edge_distance,
visible_vertices, angle)

def test_country():
sf = shapefile.Reader("examples/GSHHS_c_L1.dbf")
shapes = sf.shapes()

poly1 = [Point(a[0], a[1]) for a in shapes[4].points]
graph = Graph([poly1])
ship = Point(-80, -30)

fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=90)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

x = [a.x for a in poly1]
y = [a.y for a in poly1]
ax.plot(x, y, color='gray', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1,
solid_capstyle='round', zorder=2)

for pp in graph.get_points():
visible = visible_vertices(pp, graph, ship, None)
for point in visible:
x = [pp.x, point.x]
y = [pp.y, point.y]
ax.plot(x, y, color='red', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1)

ax.set_title("Python visibility graph")
fig.savefig("poly.png", bbox_inches='tight')'test_country()', 'runtime')
p = pstats.Stats('runtime')
156 changes: 0 additions & 156 deletions
Expand Up @@ -168,159 +168,3 @@ def test_visible_vertices_3(self):
ship = Point(2.5, 3.5)
visible = visible_vertices(ship, graph, ship, None)
assert visible == [point_c, point_b, point_d, point_f]

class TestShortestPaths:
def setup_method(self, method):
# test obstacle A
self.point_a = Point(1.0, 2.0)
self.point_b = Point(4.0, 2.5)
self.point_c = Point(5.0, 3.0)
self.point_d = Point(4.5, 5.0)
self.point_e = Point(3.0, 5.0)
self.point_f = Point(3.0, 7.0)
self.point_g = Point(4.0, 7.0)
self.point_h = Point(4.0, 8.0)
self.point_i = Point(1.0, 8.0)
self.points = [self.point_a, self.point_b, self.point_c, self.point_d,
self.point_e, self.point_f, self.point_g, self.point_h,
self.edges = []
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_b))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_i))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_b, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_b, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_b))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_e))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_e, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_e, self.point_f))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_f, self.point_e))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_f, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_f))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_h))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_h, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_h, self.point_i))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_i, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_i, self.point_h))
self.polygon_a = Polygon(self.points, self.edges)
# test obstacle B
self.point_a = Point(6.0, 1.0)
self.point_b = Point(7.0, 2.0)
self.point_c = Point(8.0, 6.0)
self.point_d = Point(10.0, 1.5)
self.points = [self.point_a, self.point_b, self.point_c, self.point_d]
self.edges = []
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_b))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_b, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_b, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_b))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_c))
self.polygon_b = Polygon(self.points, self.edges)
# test operating network
self.point_a = Point(1.0, 2.0)
self.point_b = Point(4.0, 2.5)
self.point_c = Point(5.0, 3.0)
self.point_d = Point(4.5, 5.0)
self.point_e = Point(4.0, 8.0)
self.point_f = Point(1.0, 8.0)
self.point_g = Point(6.0, 1.0)
self.point_h = Point(8.0, 6.0)
self.point_i = Point(10.0, 1.5)
self.point_j = Point(4.0, 7.0)
self.points = [self.point_a, self.point_b, self.point_c, self.point_d,
self.point_e, self.point_f, self.point_g, self.point_h,
self.point_i, self.point_j]
self.edges = []
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_b))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_f))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_a, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_b, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_b, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_b))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_h))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_c, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_e))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_d, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_e, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_e, self.point_f))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_e, self.point_j))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_e, self.point_h))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_f, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_f, self.point_e))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_a))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_d))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_h))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_g, self.point_i))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_h, self.point_c))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_h, self.point_e))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_h, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_h, self.point_i))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_i, self.point_h))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_i, self.point_g))
self.edges.append(Edge(self.point_j, self.point_e))
self.op_network = Polygon(self.points, self.edges)
self.graph = Graph([self.polygon_a, self.polygon_b])
self.op_graph = Graph([self.op_network])
def test_shortest_path_1(self):
ship = Point(10.0, 5.5)
port = Point(1.0, 2.0)
shortest = shortest_path(self.op_graph, ship, port)
edge_a = Edge(ship, Point(8.0, 6.0))
edge_b = Edge(Point(8.0, 6.0), Point(5.0, 3.0))
edge_c = Edge(Point(5.0, 3.0), Point(4.0, 2.5))
edge_d = Edge(Point(4.0, 2.5), Point(1.0, 2.0))
# Draw the obstacles and operating network
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(5, 5), dpi=90)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Draw the obstacles
for polygon in self.graph.polygons:
for edge in polygon.edges:
x = [edge.points[0].x, edge.points[1].x]
y = [edge.points[0].y, edge.points[1].y]
ax.plot(x, y, color='gray', alpha=0.7, linewidth=5,
solid_capstyle='round', zorder=2)
# Draw the operating network
for edge in self.op_graph.get_edges():
x = [edge.points[0].x, edge.points[1].x]
y = [edge.points[0].y, edge.points[1].y]
ax.plot(x, y, color='red', alpha=0.7, linewidth=1)
# draw shortest path
for edge in shortest:
x = [edge.points[0].x, edge.points[1].x]
y = [edge.points[0].y, edge.points[1].y]
ax.plot(x, y, color='green', alpha=0.7, linewidth=2)
ax.set_title("Python visibility graph and shortest path")
xrange = [0, 11]
yrange = [0, 9]
ax.set_xticks(range(*xrange) + [xrange[-1]])
ax.set_yticks(range(*yrange) + [yrange[-1]])
fig.savefig("poly.png", bbox_inches='tight')
assert shortest == [edge_a, edge_b, edge_c, edge_d]
57 changes: 25 additions & 32 deletions
Expand Up @@ -30,9 +30,16 @@ def visible_vertices(point, graph, ship, port):
except ValueError:

is_visible = False
if not open_edges or edge_distance(point, p) <= point_edge_distance(point, p, open_edges[0]):
''' Not ideal, checking each open_edge, but should be able to add new
open edges in sorted order, so you only check the closest edge.
Is likely due to concave polygons.'''
smallest_edge = float('inf')
for e in open_edges:
dist = point_edge_distance(point, p, e)
if dist < smallest_edge:
smallest_edge = dist
if not open_edges or edge_distance(point, p) <= smallest_edge:
if previous_point is not None and angle(point, p) == angle(point, previous_point):
if edge_distance(point, p) < edge_distance(point, previous_point):
is_visible = True
Expand All @@ -44,6 +51,7 @@ def visible_vertices(point, graph, ship, port):
if is_visible:

''' This should only be needed if I fix open_edges order '''
edge_order = []
for edge in graph[p]:
if (point not in edge) and counterclockwise(point, edge, p):
Expand All @@ -64,6 +72,7 @@ def angle2(point_a, point_b, point_c):

def counterclockwise(point, edge, endpoint):
''' TODO: merge with ccw() '''
edge_point1, edge_point2 = edge.points
if edge_point1 == endpoint:
angle_diff = angle(point, edge_point2) - angle(point, endpoint)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,49 +121,33 @@ def angle(center, point):
dx = point.x - center.x
dy = point.y - center.y

if dx == 0:
if dy < 0:
return pi*3 / 2
return pi / 2
return pi / 2
if dy == 0:
if dx < 0:
return pi
return 0

return 0
if dx < 0:
return pi + atan(dy/dx)
if dy < 0:
return 2*pi + atan(dy/dx)

return atan(dy/dx)

def edge_intersect(point1, point2, edge):
Return True if 'edge' is interesected by the line going
through 'point1' and 'point2', False otherwise.
If edge contains either 'point1' or 'point2', return False.
edge_point1, edge_point2 = edge.points
if point1 in edge or point2 in edge:
return False

if point1.x == point2.x:
x1_left = edge_point1.x < point1.x
x2_left = edge_point2.x < point1.x
return not (x1_left == x2_left)

slope = (point1.y - point2.y) / (point1.x - point2.x)
def ccw(A, B, C):
return (C.y-A.y) * (B.x-A.x) > (B.y-A.y) * (C.x-A.x)

y1_ex = slope * (edge_point1.x - point1.x) + point1.y
y2_ex = slope * (edge_point2.x - point1.x) + point1.y

if y1_ex == edge_point1.y or y2_ex == edge_point2.y:
def edge_intersect(A, B, edge):
Return True if 'edge' is interesected by the line going through 'A' and
'B', False otherwise. If edge contains either 'A' or 'B', return False.
TODO: May be an issue with colinerity here. See:
C, D = edge.points
if A in edge or B in edge:
return False

y1_below = (y1_ex > edge_point1.y)
y2_below = (y2_ex > edge_point2.y)
return not (y1_below == y2_below)
return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) and ccw(A, B, C) != ccw(A, B, D)

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