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Please use the following issue template links for filing issues. There are links to create issues using the template. To modify the issue template links, replace the body and title link attributes in the URL with text that has been encoded using

User story

Click here to file a user story


As a [role] I want to [action] in order to [objective]


## Tasks
* [ ] Code
* [ ] Unit tests
* [ ] Documentation
* [ ] Integration Tests

## Acceptance criteria
- ...


Click here to file a bug


I expected [expected behavior] but I get [actual behavior]


Current version:
Upgraded from:
Issue on tablet and/or server:

## Expected behavior

## Actual behavior

## Steps to reproduce the behavior

Technical issue

Click here to file a technical issue

There is no template for this one but make sure to add the technical label.

Release Workflow

  • Maintainer prepares for a new version by creating a Milestone and adding a place for the release in the in the develop branch.

  • Issues are assigned to the Milestone.

  • When you are assigned an issue, create a branch based on the develop branch named after the issue number and description, something like 1325-fix-some-bug. Put the PR in the milestone, link to the corresponding issue from the PR and mark issue as "in progress".

  • As time progresses while developing your feature, keep your code up-to-date with changes in the next and (after feature freeze) release/v-feature-number branches. The Gitflow docs explain this process in greater detail.

    Git commands to keep your branch in-sync:

      git fetch origin
      git merge origin/release/v3.x.x # (if currently in feature freeze)
      git merge origin/develop  
  • When your PR is ready, add notes to the file in your branch and request a review.

  • After code review, if code is merged, the Maintainer will tag the next branch with a prerelease tag and mark corresponding issue with "review" tag for QA.