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Things that make TeaSpeak different than TeamSpeak

NOTE: Most of the here described changes only apply to the query interface or are useable with the TeaClient or the TeaSpeak web client.


New systems

Enchanted systems

Server management

Ban System



New systems

Built in musicbots

TeaSpeak brings it's own built-in music bot system which brings high-quality, high-performance and low bandwidth usage music bots. For a quick setup grant yourself the music related permissions and then type .mbot in the channel chat. If you want more detailed information, click here.

Invisible channels

With TeaSpeak you have the ability to create channels, which are hidden for some users.
Just assign the permission i_channel_view_power to a channel and watch the magic happen.

Customizable Messages

In TeaSpeak you can customize a lot of otherwise hardcoded messages via the config.yml.

  • The message that users see when the virtualserver or instance was stopped or crashed.
  • The description of channels and clients that don't have a custom description set.
  • The message of the kick a user gets when he exceeds his i_client_max_idletime.
  • The version and platform of the server shown on the infodata pane and server connection info of the client.
  • The license type that is shown to any connecting client in the infodata pane (You can choose between No Licence, ATHP, LAN LICENSE, NPL and two auto-license modes that will change the license type based on the current slotcount of the instance/server)
  • The query message-of-the-day (motd) and newline character of the query interface.
  • The country flag a client gets when no valid country can be detected (Either through connecting with a local or not yet registered IP)

Built-in console

TeaSpeak has a built-in console that can be used from stdout containing the following commands:

  • end|shutdown <now|<number>[h|m|s]:...> <reason>
  • chat <serverId> <mode{server=3|channel=2|manager=1}> <targetId> <message...>
  • permgrant <ServerId> <GroupId> <Permission Name> <Grant> to recover permissions without tampering with the database.
  • passwd <new_password> <repeated> to change the Admin Server Query password.

New Permissions

Permission Description
b_client_allow_invalid_badges Bypasses the serverkick when invalid (hacked) badges were detected.
b_client_allow_invalid_packet Bypasses the serverkick when empty packets were recieved from that client.
b_client_ban_create_global Allows to create global ban rules.
b_client_ban_delete_global Allows to delete any global ban rules.
b_client_ban_delete_own_global Allows to delete global ban rules that were created by that client.
b_client_ban_edit Allows to edit any local ban rule.
b_client_ban_edit_global Allows to edit any global ban rule.
b_client_ban_list_global Allows to list the global ban rules.
b_client_even_textmessage_send Allows the client to send private text messages to himself.
b_virtualserver_modify_music_bot_limit Allows to modify the maximum amount of musicbots that can be created on that server.
i_channel_group_member_add_power Power to set a channel group for a client.
i_channel_group_needed_member_add_power Needed i_channel_group_member_add_power to add this client to a channel group.
i_channel_group_member_remove_power Power to take a channel group from a client.
i_channel_group_needed_member_remove_power Needed i_channel_group_member_remove_power to remove this client from a channel group.
i_channel_group_modify_power Power to modify a channel group
i_channel_group_needed_modify_power Needed i_channel_group_modify_power to modify a channel group
i_client_max_clones_hwid Sets the maximum amount of clients with same hwid that can be on the server at the same time.
i_client_max_clones_ip Sets the maximum amount of clients with same ip that can be on the server at the same time.
b_client_music_server_list Allows to list all musicbots on the server.
b_client_music_channel_list Allows to list all musicbots in their current channel.
b_client_music_create Allows to create new music bots.
b_client_music_delete_own Allows to delete music bots that were created by that client.
i_client_music_delete_power Power to delete music bots.
i_client_music_needed_delete_power Needed i_client_music_delete_power to delete music bots.
i_client_music_info Power to use chatcommand .mbot info.
i_client_music_needed_info Needed i_client_music_info power for this musicbot.
i_client_music_limit The limit of musicbots a client can create.
i_client_music_play_power Power to use chatcommand .mbot play.
i_client_music_needed_play_power Needed i_client_music_play_power power for this musicbot.
i_client_music_rename_power Power to use chatcommand .mbot rename.
i_client_music_needed_rename_power Needed i_client_music_rename_power power for this musicbot.
b_client_ignore_vpn Allows the client to bypass the vpn check
i_channel_view_power The channel view power of a client
b_channel_ignore_view_power Allows the client to bypass the visibility check and see all channels
i_channel_needed_view_power The required channel view power for a channel
b_virtualserver_select_godmode Allows a query to select a server without being bind to it
i_server_group_self_add_power Power for the client to add himself to this group
i_server_group_self_remove_power Power for the client to remove himself to this group
i_channel_group_self_add_power Power for the client to add himself to this channel group
i_channel_group_self_remove_power Power for the client to remove himself to this channel group
b_virtualserver_modify_country_code Regulated the option to edit virtualserver_country_code

New properties

Property Description
serverinstance_query_max_connections_per_ip, serverinstance_query_max_connections Limits the connection for the query server per ip and the max connections
serverinstance_filetransfer_max_connections_per_ip, serverinstance_filetransfer_max_connections Limits the connection for the file transfer per ip and the max connections
serverinstance_virtual_server_id_index The start index to count the virtual server id from. If zero the lowest possible value will be used
client_total_online_time, client_month_online_time Online time of the client on the server
virtualserver_default_client_description The default client description for every client. *1
virtualserver_default_channel_description The default channel description for every channel. *1
virtualserver_default_channel_topic The default channel topic for every channel. *1
b_virtualserver_modify_country_code The country code for the server
channel_last_left A unix timestamp (in seconds) pointing to the time the last user left this channel
channel_created_at A unix timestamp (in seconds) pointing to the time when the channel has been created
channel_created_by Contains the client data base id from the client which created that channel

*1) To take effect the server needs to be restarted

Limit channels per client

You can limit the channels/client with these permissions:
- i_client_max_channels
- i_client_max_temporary_channels
- i_client_max_semi_channels
- i_client_max_permanent_channels

Enchanted systems

Server management

Scheduled Shutdowns

TeaSpeak has the possibility to schedule a shutdown with the query command serverprocessstop - serverprocessstop type=cancel|schedule time=60 msg= - time just required when type = schedule - msg optional

Increased slot count

We at TeaSpeak believe that admins that just want to run their own little server for their own little community should be bound to such high restrictions as they are in the non-profit license, therefor on TeaSpeak you can have as many virtual servers you like, with each of them having a slotcount of max 1024 slots. (If you need more take a look at the database)

Own binding options for each individual virtual server

This need a littlebit more text :)

Additional props in commands

TeaSpeak is a community driven project so we listen a lot to feature requests

  • channellist, channelinfo (read more)
    • created_by -> Client db id (Visible in channel list & channel info)
    • created_at -> Unix timestamp (Milliseconds)
  • clientdblist -details, clientdbfind -details, clientdbinfo (read more)
    • client_badges -> Last used badges string
    • client_version -> Last used version
    • client_platform -> Last used platform
    • client_hwid -> Last used hardware id
  • notifyplugincmd (#35), notifyconnectioninforequest (#36)
    • invokerid -> The client id of the invoker
  • New command propertylist

clientdblist without IPs

In TeaSpeak you have the ability to allow clients/queries to view the clientdblist without IP's by not assigning the b_client_remoteaddress_view permission to them. (read more)


cldbid=3 client_unique_identifier=Dc3Wno3oyXQsrocaODdAAUwiPHo= client_nickname=SpoilerAlarm\s\p\sConnor client_created=1526131558 client_lastconnected=0 client_totalconnections=0 client_description client_lastip=|cldbid=4 client_unique_identifier=ServerQuery client_nickname=Bluscream\s[YaTQA] client_created=1526131558 client_lastconnected=0 client_totalconnections=0 client_description client_lastip=
error id=0 msg=ok


cldbid=3 client_unique_identifier=Dc3Wno3oyXQsrocaODdAAUwiPHo= client_nickname=SpoilerAlarm\s\p\sConnor client_created=1526131558 client_lastconnected=0 client_totalconnections=0 client_description client_lastip=hidden|cldbid=4 client_unique_identifier=ServerQuery client_nickname=Bluscream\s[YaTQA] client_created=1526131558 client_lastconnected=0 client_totalconnections=0 client_description client_lastip=hidden
error id=0 msg=ok

Global group assignment

TeaSpeak does not only support server bound group assignment. Because with TeaSpeak every user with his unique id has a unique database wide database id, its possible to assign a group to a user instance wide. If you want to assign or demote a group instance wide you have to be bound on server zero. (use 0) There you could use the servergroup[add|del|list] like you already know.

Ban System

Global banns

With TeaSpeak you can easily create/modify and delete instance-wide banrules. The commands banlist, banadd, bandel and banedit have a new sid property, that (if 0 or not on a virtual server use sid...) will apply the action to the global banlist. So for example banadd sid=1 ip= reason=Google\sDNS will become banadd sid=0 ip= reason=Google\sDNS if you want to ban that id globally. You can even use that system in YaTQA, as you see here:

Ban enforcement list

TeaSpeak also provides a log where you could lookup every ban enforcements.
This chould be easily done with the TeaClient (not yet) or by query with the command bantriggerlist

Additional tweaks

Also TeaSpeak allows you to directly editing bans. The Teamspeak 3 Client has a dummy "Edit ban" feature that just executes bandel <original ban> and banadd <modified ban> afterwards which i would call a workaround rather than proper implementation. In addition to that hardware id's (Which TeamSpeak claims they would not ban even though they do) with the new hwid property (Example: banadd hwid=165dwq18q4f6qw5f1f5q64d9qw448wq,165dwq18q4f6qw5f1f5q64d9qw448wq or banadd hwid= to ban empty hwids)


Additional Server Query Notifies

In TeamSpeak your can register a query client to ServerQueryNotify via servernotifyregister so you don't have to use loops and sleeps in your scripts, but the amount of events provided by TeamSpeak is very limited (server|channel|textserver|textchannel|textprivate). However on TeaSpeak you have a wide variety of events to use (almost all events that are sent to normal voice clients) (This change is so big that we created an extra page for it here)

Encrypted Query Connection

On Teamspeak everything sent through server query (telnet) is plain text (unencrypted). Even your Admin Server Query password! TeaSpeak gives you the ability to either enforce, allow or deny SSL encrypted telnet sessions so you can use certificates to secure your connection. To use this feature your telnet client must support certificate based encryption!

Setting token value

You can pass a new parameter on tokenadd named token.
The type is a string and its optional.
The value is the actual token (if its not set it would be generated)