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559 lines (510 loc) · 12.4 KB


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559 lines (510 loc) · 12.4 KB

List of quiby functions

Quiby functions are functions that have been modified to work directly on quib arguments. When a quiby function is applied on quib arguments, it creates a new quib, whose function is to perform the original function on the value of its quib arguments.

# Imports
import pyquibbler as qb
from pyquibbler import iquib
import numpy as np

Checking if a function is ‘quiby’:

To check whether a given function is quiby, use is_quiby.

For example, np.sin is a quiby function:


We can therefore use it directly on quib arguments:

x = iquib(1.5)

On the other hand, int is not a quiby function:


Applying int directly on a quib argument will raise an exception.

Note though that any non-quiby functions, like int, or any user function can be converted be a quiby function using the function quiby. See User-defined-functions.

List of all built-in quiby functions

To see all available quiby functiuons, use list_quiby_funcs():

['None: <function identity_function at 0x7fb371188280>',
 'None: <function proxy at 0x7fb371188700>',
 'None: <function identity_function_obj2quib at 0x7fb3716f7010>',
 'Quib: __add__',
 'Quib: __sub__',
 'Quib: __mul__',
 'Quib: __truediv__',
 'Quib: __floordiv__',
 'Quib: __mod__',
 'Quib: __pow__',
 'Quib: __lshift__',
 'Quib: __rshift__',
 'Quib: __and__',
 'Quib: __xor__',
 'Quib: __or__',
 'Quib: __radd__',
 'Quib: __rsub__',
 'Quib: __rmul__',
 'Quib: __rtruediv__',
 'Quib: __rfloordiv__',
 'Quib: __rmod__',
 'Quib: __rpow__',
 'Quib: __rlshift__',
 'Quib: __rrshift__',
 'Quib: __rand__',
 'Quib: __rxor__',
 'Quib: __ror__',
 'Quib: __ne__',
 'Quib: __lt__',
 'Quib: __gt__',
 'Quib: __ge__',
 'Quib: __le__',
 'Quib: __matmul__',
 'Quib: __neg__',
 'Quib: __pos__',
 'Quib: __abs__',
 'Quib: __invert__',
 'Quib: __round__',
 'Quib: __trunc__',
 'Quib: __floor__',
 'Quib: __ceil__',
 'Quib: __getitem__',
 'Axes: plot',
 'Axes: scatter',
 'Axes: axvline',
 'Axes: axhline',
 'Arc: __new__',
 'Arrow: __new__',
 'ArrowStyle: __new__',
 'BoxStyle: __new__',
 'Circle: __new__',
 'CirclePolygon: __new__',
 'ConnectionPatch: __new__',
 'ConnectionStyle: __new__',
 'Ellipse: __new__',
 'FancyArrow: __new__',
 'FancyArrowPatch: __new__',
 'FancyBboxPatch: __new__',
 'Patch: __new__',
 'RegularPolygon: __new__',
 'Axes: acorr',
 'Axes: angle_spectrum',
 'Axes: annotate',
 'Axes: arrow',
 'Axes: axhspan',
 'Axes: axline',
 'Axes: axvspan',
 'Axes: bar',
 'Axes: barbs',
 'Axes: barh',
 'Axes: boxplot',
 'Axes: broken_barh',
 'Axes: cohere',
 'Axes: contour',
 'Axes: contourf',
 'Axes: csd',
 'Axes: errorbar',
 'Axes: eventplot',
 'Axes: fill',
 'Axes: fill_between',
 'Axes: fill_betweenx',
 'Axes: hexbin',
 'Axes: hist',
 'Axes: hist2d',
 'Axes: hlines',
 'Axes: imshow',
 'Axes: legend',
 'Axes: loglog',
 'Axes: magnitude_spectrum',
 'Axes: matshow',
 'Axes: pcolor',
 'Axes: pcolormesh',
 'Axes: phase_spectrum',
 'Axes: pie',
 'Axes: plot_date',
 'Axes: psd',
 'Axes: quiver',
 'Axes: semilogx',
 'Axes: semilogy',
 'Axes: specgram',
 'Axes: spy',
 'Axes: stackplot',
 'Axes: stairs',
 'Axes: stem',
 'Axes: step',
 'Axes: streamplot',
 'Axes: table',
 'Axes3D: text2D',
 'Axes: tricontour',
 'Axes: tricontourf',
 'Axes: tripcolor',
 'Axes: triplot',
 'Axes: violinplot',
 'Axes: vlines',
 'Axes: xcorr',
 'Axes: set_alpha',
 'Axes: set_aspect',
 'Axes: set_facecolor',
 'Axes: set_fc',
 'Axes: set_position',
 'Axes: set_title',
 'Axes: set_visible',
 'Axes: set_xlabel',
 'Axes: set_xscale',
 'Axes: set_xticklabels',
 'Axes: set_xticks',
 'Axes: set_ylabel',
 'Axes: set_yscale',
 'Axes: set_yticklabels',
 'Axes: set_yticks',
 'Axes: grid',
 'Axes: bar_label',
 'Axes: set_xlim',
 'Axes: set_ylim',
 'Axes3D: acorr',
 'Axes3D: arrow',
 'Axes3D: axhline',
 'Axes3D: axhspan',
 'Axes3D: axis',
 'Axes3D: axline',
 'Axes3D: axvline',
 'Axes3D: axvspan',
 'Axes3D: bar',
 'Axes3D: bar3d',
 'Axes3D: barbs',
 'Axes3D: barh',
 'Axes3D: boxplot',
 'Axes3D: broken_barh',
 'Axes3D: bxp',
 'Axes3D: contour3D',
 'Axes3D: contourf3D',
 'Axes3D: csd',
 'Axes3D: errorbar',
 'Axes3D: eventplot',
 'Axes3D: fill',
 'Axes3D: fill_between',
 'Axes3D: fill_betweenx',
 'Axes3D: hist',
 'Axes3D: hist2d',
 'Axes3D: hlines',
 'Axes3D: imshow',
 'Axes3D: legend',
 'Axes3D: loglog',
 'Axes3D: matshow',
 'Axes3D: pie',
 'Axes3D: plot3D',
 'Axes3D: plot_date',
 'Axes3D: plot_surface',
 'Axes3D: plot_trisurf',
 'Axes3D: plot_wireframe',
 'Axes3D: quiver3D',
 'Axes3D: scatter3D',
 'Axes3D: secondary_xaxis',
 'Axes3D: secondary_yaxis',
 'Axes3D: semilogx',
 'Axes3D: semilogy',
 'Axes3D: stackplot',
 'Axes3D: stairs',
 'Axes3D: stem3D',
 'Axes3D: text3D',
 'Axes3D: tricontour',
 'Axes3D: tricontourf',
 'Axes3D: tripcolor',
 'Axes3D: triplot',
 'Axes3D: tunit_cube',
 'Axes3D: tunit_edges',
 'Axes3D: violin',
 'Axes3D: violinplot',
 'Axes3D: vlines',
 'Axes3D: voxels',
 'matplotlib.widgets: RadioButtons',
 'matplotlib.widgets: Slider',
 'matplotlib.widgets: RangeSlider',
 'matplotlib.widgets: CheckButtons',
 'matplotlib.widgets: RectangleSelector',
 'matplotlib.widgets: TextBox',
 'matplotlib.image: imread',
 'numpy: empty',
 'numpy: empty_like',
 'numpy: eye',
 'numpy: identity',
 'numpy: ones',
 'numpy: ones_like',
 'numpy: zeros',
 'numpy: zeros_like',
 'numpy: full',
 'numpy: full_like',
 'numpy: array',
 'numpy: fromfile',
 'numpy: arange',
 'numpy: linspace',
 'numpy: logspace',
 'numpy: geomspace',
 'numpy: meshgrid',
 'numpy: mgrid',
 'numpy: ogrid',
 'numpy: diag',
 'numpy: diagflat',
 'numpy: tri',
 'numpy: tril',
 'numpy: triu',
 'numpy: vander',
 'numpy: shape',
 'numpy: reshape',
 'numpy: ravel',
 'numpy: moveaxis',
 'numpy: rollaxis',
 'numpy: swapaxes',
 'numpy: transpose',
 'numpy: atleast_1d',
 'numpy: atleast_2d',
 'numpy: atleast_3d',
 'numpy: broadcast_to',
 'numpy: expand_dims',
 'numpy: squeeze',
 'numpy: asarray',
 'numpy: concatenate',
 'numpy: stack',
 'numpy: row_stack',
 'numpy: hstack',
 'numpy: dstack',
 'numpy: column_stack',
 'numpy: tile',
 'numpy: repeat',
 'numpy: trim_zeros',
 'numpy: unique',
 'numpy: flip',
 'numpy: fliplr',
 'numpy: flipud',
 'numpy: roll',
 'numpy: rot90',
 'numpy: invert',
 'numpy: left_shift',
 'numpy: right_shift',
 'numpy: load',
 'numpy: loadtxt',
 'numpy: genfromtxt',
 'numpy: array2string',
 'numpy: dot',
 'numpy: vdot',
 'numpy: inner',
 'numpy: outer',
 'numpy: matmul',
 'numpy: tensordot',
 'numpy: einsum',
 'numpy: kron',
 'numpy: trace',
 'numpy: all',
 'numpy: any',
 'numpy: isfinite',
 'numpy: isinf',
 'numpy: isnan',
 'numpy: isnat',
 'numpy: isneginf',
 'numpy: isposinf',
 'numpy: iscomplex',
 'numpy: iscomplexobj',
 'numpy: isreal',
 'numpy: isrealobj',
 'numpy: isscalar',
 'numpy: logical_and',
 'numpy: logical_or',
 'numpy: logical_not',
 'numpy: logical_xor',
 'numpy: allclose',
 'numpy: isclose',
 'numpy: array_equal',
 'numpy: array_equiv',
 'numpy: greater',
 'numpy: greater_equal',
 'numpy: less',
 'numpy: less_equal',
 'numpy: equal',
 'numpy: not_equal',
 'numpy: sin',
 'numpy: cos',
 'numpy: tan',
 'numpy: arcsin',
 'numpy: arccos',
 'numpy: arctan',
 'numpy: hypot',
 'numpy: arctan2',
 'numpy: degrees',
 'numpy: radians',
 'numpy: unwrap',
 'numpy: deg2rad',
 'numpy: rad2deg',
 'numpy: sinh',
 'numpy: cosh',
 'numpy: tanh',
 'numpy: arcsinh',
 'numpy: arccosh',
 'numpy: arctanh',
 'numpy: around',
 'numpy: round',
 'numpy: rint',
 'numpy: fix',
 'numpy: floor',
 'numpy: ceil',
 'numpy: trunc',
 'numpy: prod',
 'numpy: product',
 'numpy: sum',
 'numpy: nanprod',
 'numpy: nansum',
 'numpy: cumprod',
 'numpy: cumproduct',
 'numpy: cumsum',
 'numpy: nancumprod',
 'numpy: nancumsum',
 'numpy: diff',
 'numpy: ediff1d',
 'numpy: exp',
 'numpy: expm1',
 'numpy: exp2',
 'numpy: log',
 'numpy: log10',
 'numpy: log2',
 'numpy: log1p',
 'numpy: logaddexp',
 'numpy: logaddexp2',
 'numpy: i0',
 'numpy: sinc',
 'numpy: lcm',
 'numpy: gcd',
 'numpy: add',
 'numpy: reciprocal',
 'numpy: positive',
 'numpy: negative',
 'numpy: multiply',
 'numpy: true_divide',
 'numpy: power',
 'numpy: subtract',
 'numpy: floor_divide',
 'numpy: float_power',
 'numpy: fmod',
 'numpy: remainder',
 'numpy: modf',
 'numpy: divmod',
 'numpy: angle',
 'numpy: real',
 'numpy: imag',
 'numpy: conjugate',
 'numpy: maximum',
 'numpy: fmax',
 'numpy: max',
 'numpy: nanmax',
 'numpy: minimum',
 'numpy: fmin',
 'numpy: min',
 'numpy: nanmin',
 'numpy: sqrt',
 'numpy: square',
 'numpy: abs',
 'numpy: sign',
 'numpy: interp',
 'numpy: polyval',
 'numpy: polyfit',
 'numpy.random: rand',
 'numpy.random: randint',
 'numpy.random: randn',
 'numpy: in1d',
 'numpy: intersect1d',
 'numpy: isin',
 'numpy: setdiff1d',
 'numpy: setxor1d',
 'numpy: union1d',
 'numpy: sort',
 'numpy: argsort',
 'numpy: argmax',
 'numpy: nanargmax',
 'numpy: argmin',
 'numpy: nanargmin',
 'numpy: argwhere',
 'numpy: nonzero',
 'numpy: flatnonzero',
 'numpy: where',
 'numpy: searchsorted',
 'numpy: extract',
 'numpy: count_nonzero',
 'numpy: ptp',
 'numpy: percentile',
 'numpy: nanpercentile',
 'numpy: quantile',
 'numpy: nanquantile',
 'numpy: median',
 'numpy: average',
 'numpy: mean',
 'numpy: std',
 'numpy: var',
 'numpy: nanmedian',
 'numpy: nanmean',
 'numpy: nanstd',
 'numpy: nanvar',
 'numpy: corrcoef',
 'numpy: correlate',
 'numpy: cov',
 'numpy: histogram',
 'numpy: histogram2d',
 'numpy: histogramdd',
 'numpy: bincount',
 'numpy: histogram_bin_edges',
 'numpy: digitize',
 'numpy: bartlett',
 'numpy: blackman',
 'numpy: hamming',
 'numpy: hanning',
 'numpy: kaiser',
 'numpy: diagonal',
 'numpy: size',
 'numpy: ndim',
 'numpy: apply_along_axis',
 'numpy: vectorize',
 'Quib: get_override_mask',
 'Quib: get_quiby_name',