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Jorge Costa edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 47 revisions

When using VS2010 or VS2012, you will need to install

This extension allows Visual Studio to interact with a SonarQube server, in order to import issues into the development environment. To use the extension, access the menu Sonar and start the issues window.

This is how it looks:

  1. Analysis Modes
  2. Status Bar
  3. Project association and tools
  4. Mode specific tools

Quick Usage Guide

  1. Setup a user name and password and server address. see Authentication and Configuration. Save settings and go back to solution
  2. Login, left click connection icon. or right click to bring context menu

Once connected the icon will turn blue

  1. If project can be associatiated automatically it will, and the information displayed in the assocaition window. If not it can be selected from the side pane

  1. If everything went correctly, the project name should be indicated in the status dialog

Detailed Usage

  1. Authentication and Configuration
  2. Tailoring the view
  3. [Query Issues] (Query-Issues)
  4. [Server Analysis] (Server-Analysis)
  5. [Local Analysis] (Local-Analysis)
  6. [Changing Status of Issues - Server mode] (Change-Status-Issues)
  7. [Using the extension with solution closed and open] (Visual-Studio-Modes)
  8. [Troubleshooting] (Troubleshooting-and-FAQ)

Development and Plugins

Follow Plugins to know how to extend the extension