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Code of Conduct

The TiKV community follows the TiKV Code of Conduct. Here are some excerpts:

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming evironment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

Community Membership

Refer to Community Membership.

Community Structure

community organization

The community structure comprises two parts. The first part is the community organization, and the second part is the role division within the community group and the promotion path of each community role.

PMC: The Project Management Committee; functions as the core management team that oversees the TiDB community. The PMC decides the roadmap of the project and makes major decisions related to the community.

Developer Group:

  • Maintainer: Mainatiners are the planners and designers of the project, with the authority to merge branches into the master.
  • Committer: Recommended by Maintainers or the PMC as Contributors with outstanding contributions to TiKV. A Committer must have completed at least one feature or fix a major bug independently.
  • Reviewer: Reviewers are responsible for reviewing the code submitted by the community to ensure the quality and correctness; generated out of Contributors. Reviewer has the rights to approve code reviews with LGTM (Looks Good To Me).
  • Active contributor: Contributed 8 PRs and above to TiKV within one year and received recognition from 2 incumbent Reviewers
  • Contributor: Merged at least 1 PR in any Repo under TiKV

Organizer Committee: The Organizer Committee consists of organizers in charge of event or activity operations; in charge of the execution of PMC’s strategies and decisions. Specifically, the members are the leaders of user groups or community event organizers across regions

Developer Group Structure

developer group

Community groups include Special Interest Group (SIG) and Working Group (WG). The second part of the organizational structure illustrates the definition of the SIG and WG, the internal roles of the group, and the role promotion machanism.


  • SIG: Special Interest Group, need invitation currently. Members are Contributors who are active in a particular project. The ultimate goal of the group is to train community talents and help them advance to the higher-level Reviewer, Committer and Maintainer.
  • WG: Working group open for everyone, community members can join without a threshold. The working group is a temporary group established to complete a short-term project, and the project is dissolved when it is completed. A working group can involved in multiple interest groups. After a period of training, excellent community members will be selected into a special interest group for further study.

Internal role:

  • Tech Leader: The technical leader of the group controls the technical direction of the entire team. Responsible for formulating study plans, member assessment rules, etc. A team can have multiple Tech Leaders.
  • Please see the community organization chart for the rest of the roles