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1674 lines (1253 loc) · 54.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1674 lines (1253 loc) · 54.1 KB
index API about cryptography update Contributing Code of Conduct


Table of Contents

General concepts

Those concepts/rules apply to all methods.

What gets encrypted

Everything of a doc will get encrypted. Except for _id, _rev, _deleted, _attachments, _conflicts and the hoodie object!

Also all keys that start with an underscore (_) will not get encrypted! Because they are special document members used by CouchDB and PouchDB!

Don't save private data in the _id!


You can read and write design-documents (ddoc) using this plugin (if the active user has the rights for this).

All the special fields of an design document will not get encrypted!

Select fields that shouldn't get encrypted

You can also define your own fields that shouldn't get encrypted. This works on all methods.

There are two ways for it:

  • add an array of field-names as cy_ignore
  • add an array of field-names as __cy_ignore (please note the 2 _ at the beginning!)

Both work the same way: Every field listed in one of them, won't get encrypted. They differentiate in that cy_ignore will get saved (encrypted) in the document. While __cy_ignore is temporary, and won't get saved.

  secretValue: 'this will get encrypted',
  publicValue: 'this will not get encrypted', // will get saved in plain text
  cy_ignore: ['publicValue'], // list all fields that shouldn't get encrypted
  __cy_ignore: [ // both can be used at the same time!
    'other' // Not existing fields are not an error!

Results in:

  "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
  "_rev": "1-1234567890",
  "hoodie": { "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z" },
  "tag": "6bc503f508a8...",
  "data": "1b16dfd59038808511...",
  "nonce": "433d5b039fb...",
  "publicValue": "this will not get encrypted"
Some tips:
  • On reading a document all not encrypted fields will get merged in the final object. But on a conflict the encrypted fields will overwrite the un-encrypted ones!
  • cy_ignore gets also encrypted. But if it gets listed in cy_ignore or __cy_ignore, then it will not get encrypted.

Handling of un-encrypted documents

All methods can read un-encrypted documents.

Un-encrypted documents get fully encrypted, if they get updated using one of the methods! All data will then get encrypted and and the un-encrypted data will get deleted!

  "_id": "something",
  "_rev": "1-e66d7e8ddf584d0fa56e34105b5b1752",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "An ISO-Date"
  "foo": "bar"

After hoodie.cryptoStore.update(await'something')) becomes:

  "_id": "something",
  "_rev": "2-b9c5a6b9353e4dfcaf5a9183da02a647",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "An ISO-Date",
    "updatedAt": "Another ISO-Date"
  "data": "09ae27028776974ef291030b85",
  "nonce": "f04ad8243a5ab2f59cc4a174",
  "tag": "9b01f13a765ed9351d97a11bba48e7b4"

Documents from this plugin

Settings, reset-keys, and the salt-document get saved using a prefix of hoodiePluginCryptoStore/.

Those are:

  • hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt - for storing the salt and password check
  • hoodiePluginCryptoStore/pwReset_[0-9] - for storing the reset-keys. They are 10 documents.

Concepts of cryptoStore.withPassword

You can use cryptoStore.withPassword() even if the cryptoStore isn't unlocked!

It allows to encrypt documents with a different password (and salt). It is like cryptoStore.withIdPrefix() but for passwords.



new CryptoStore(store, options)

Setup the cryptoStore and adds it to hoodie.

Argument Type Description Required
store Object Hoodie's client-store instance or hoodieApi instance from pouchdb-hoodie-api Yes
options.noPasswordCheckAutoFix Boolean Deactivate password-check autofix. Default is false No
options.remote PouchDB Remote database. Used to check and fetch the salt doc. No

Returns cryptoStore API.

Required if you setup your hoodie-client yourself! Else Hoodie does it for you!


var Store = require('@hoodie/store-client')
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb')
var CryptoStore = require('hoodie-plugin-store-crypto')

var store = new Store('mydbname', {
  PouchDB: PouchDB,
  remote: 'http://localhost:5984/mydbname'

var cryptoStore = new CryptoStore(store, { /* some options */}) // sets up the cryptoStore

  .then(function () {

To lock the cryptoStore on sign out you have to listen to hoodie's signout event.

hoodie.account.on('signout', () => {

If you use Hoodie's plugin API, then locking on sign out is already setup for you.

If used with pouchdb-hoodie-api then the CryptoStore can't lock itself, too.



Setup an users encryption.

Argument Type Description Required
password String A password for encrypting the objects Yes

Results with an Array of 10 resetKeys (Strings). crytoStore.resetPassword() requires them, in case the user did forget their encryption-password.

Sets up the encryption, generates a salt and saves it in hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt. A salt is a string that will get used with the password together for the encryption. More about what the salt is.

This will not unlock the cryptoStore!

Rejects if there is already a local or remote hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt doc!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
badarg 500 password must be a string! The password wasn't a string.
badarg 500 password is to short! The password must be longer than 2 chars. (You should require an even longer password!)
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. Did already setup.


async function signUp (username, password, cryptoPassword) {
  const accountProperties = await hoodie.account.signUp({
    username: username,
    password: password

  if (cryptoPassword == null) { // Use a separate password for encryption or the same
    cryptoPassword = password
  const resetKeys = await hoodie.cryptoStore.setup(cryptoPassword)

  // This can be: displaying the 10 keys to the user
  // or/and generate a text-file for the user to download.

  return signIn(username, password, cryptoPassword) // Call your signIn function

cryptoStore.setup(password, salt)

cryptoStore.setup(password, salt)

Setup an user for encryption. But provide your own salt. This is not recommended!

Argument Type Description Required
password String A password for encrypting the objects Yes
salt String To add another protection lair, as a second password. If this is missing, a salt will be generated. Which will result in a different encryption! Yes

Results with an Array of 10 resetKeys (Strings). crytoStore.resetPassword() requires them, in case the user did forget their encryption-password.

Sets up the encryption and saves the salt in hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt. A salt is a string that will get used with the password together for the encryption. More about what the salt is.

This will not unlock the cryptoStore!

Rejects if there is already a local or remote hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt doc!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
badarg 500 password must be a string! The password wasn't a string.
badarg 500 password is to short! The password must be longer than 2 chars. (You should require an even longer password!)
badarg 500 salt must be a 32 char string! The passed salt wasn't a string or not 32 chars long!
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. Did already setup.


async function signUp (username, password, cryptoPassword, salt) {
  const accountProperties = await hoodie.account.signUp({
    username: username,
    password: password

  if (cryptoPassword == null) { // Use a separate password for encryption or the same
    cryptoPassword = password
  const resetKeys = await hoodie.cryptoStore.setup(cryptoPassword, salt)

  // This can be: displaying the 10 keys to the user
  // or/and generate a text-file for the user to download.

  return signIn(username, password, cryptoPassword) // Call your signIn function



Unlock the cryptoStore. It will be ready for usage after it. The user must be setup first!

Argument Type Description Required
password String The password used for encrypting the objects Yes

Uses the salt in hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt and unlocks the cryptoStore. It will pull hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt from the remote and reject if it doesn't exists or got deleted or the password mismatch.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
badarg 500 password must be a string! The password wasn't a string.
badarg 500 password is to short! The password must be longer than 2 chars.
badarg 500 salt in "hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt" must be a 32 char string! The salt was changed and is not a 32 char string!
invalid_request 400 store is already unlocked! Store is unlocked.
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. The password wasn't correct. (user input)
not_found 404 missing The salt-doc couldn't be found! Was it deleted or the user wasn't setup?


async function signIn (username, password, cryptoPassword) {
  const accountProperties = await hoodie.account.signIn({
    username: username,
    password: password

  await hoodie.cryptoStore.unlock(cryptoPassword)

  // now do what you do after sign in.

cryptoStore.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword)

cryptoStore.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword)

Changes the encryption password and salt. Then it will update all encrypted documents.

All encrypted documents, that couldn't get decrypted, will not get updated! The Array, at the notUpdated field, will include all their _ids.

Argument Type Description Required
oldPassword String The old password, that was used up until now Yes
newPassword String New password, with which the docs will be encrypted Yes

Resolves with an object with the new salt, an array (notUpdated) with the ids of not updated docs and an Array of 10 new resetKeys.

It will update all with oldPassword encrypted documents. And encrypt them with with the help of the newPassword. It also updates the salt in hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
badarg 500 New password must be a string! The new password wasn't a string.
badarg 500 password is to short! The new password must be longer than 2 chars.
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. The entered old password is wrong.


hoodie.cryptoStore.changePassword('my-old-password', 'secret').then(function (report) {
  console.log('all documents are updated!')
  console.log(report.salt) // the new salt
  console.log(report.notUpdated) // array with all ids of encrypted docs that have not been updated

  // This can be: displaying the 10 keys to the user
  // or/and generate a text-file for the user to download.
}).catch(function (error) {

cryptoStore.resetPassword(resetKey, newPassword)

cryptoStore.resetPassword(resetKey, newPassword)

This is for when the user did forget their password.

Changes the encryption password and salt. Then it will update all encrypted documents.

All encrypted documents, that couldn't get decrypted, will not get updated! The Array, at the notUpdated field, will include all their _ids.

Argument Type Description Required
resetKey String One of the resetKeys generated by setup(), changePassword() and resetPassword() Yes
newPassword String New password, with which the docs will be encrypted Yes

Resolves with an object with the new salt, an array (notUpdated) with the ids of not updated docs and an Array of 10 new resetKeys. It will update all with the main password encrypted documents. And encrypt them with with the help of the newPassword. It also updates the salt in hoodiePluginCryptoStore/salt.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
badarg 500 New password must be a string! The new password wasn't a string.
badarg 500 password is to short! The new password must be longer than 2 chars.
unauthorized 401 Reset-key is incorrect. The entered resetKey is wrong.


async function userDidForgetPassword (resetKey) {
  try {
    const report = await hoodie.cryptoStore.resetPassword('my-old-password', 'secret')

    console.log('all documents are updated!')
    console.log(report.salt) // the new salt
    console.log(report.notUpdated) // array with all ids of encrypted docs that have not been updated

    // This can be: displaying the 10 keys to the user
    // or/and generate a text-file for the user to download.
  } catch (error) {



This locks the store and every method fails until a new password is set. It also overwrites the internal key's memory in a in an cryptographic save way (10 times).

Resolves with a Boolean. true if the store is now locked, false if the store was already locked.

The cryptoStore listen automatically to hoodie.account.on('signout') events and locks itself.



Encrypt and add a document to the users store.

Argument Type Description Required
properties Object properties of document Yes
properties._id String If set, the document will be stored at given id No

Resolves with decrypted properties and adds id (unless provided). And adds a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties. It will get encrypted.

  "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
  "foo": "bar",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z"
Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object properties isn't an object.
Conflict 409 Object with id "id" already exists An object with this _id already exists.


hoodie.cryptoStore.add({foo: 'bar'}).then(function (doc) {
  console.log( // bar
}).catch(function (error) {



Encrypt and add one or more documents to the users store.

Argument Type Description Required
arrayOfProperties Array Array of properties, see cryptoStore.add(properties) Yes

It adds _id (unless provided) and a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties. And encrypts them.

Resolves with an array of the added documents, decrypted.

    "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
    "foo": "bar",
    "hoodie": {
      "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object properties isn't an object.
Conflict 409 Object with id "id" already exists An object with this _id already exists.


hoodie.cryptoStore.add([{foo: 'bar'}, {bar: 'baz'}]).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs.length) // 2
}).catch(function (error) {



Find a document in the users store. And decrypt encrypted documents.

Argument Type Description Required
id String Unique id of the document Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents.

  "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
  "foo": "bar",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
Not found 404 Object with id "id" is missing There is no object with this _id.


hoodie.cryptoStore.find('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC').then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Find a document in the users store. And decrypt encrypted documents.

Argument Type Description Required
doc Object Document with _id property Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents.

  "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
  "foo": "bar",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
Not found 404 Object with id "id" is missing There is no object with this _id.


hoodie.cryptoStore.find(doc).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Find one or more documents in the users store. And decrypt encrypted documents.

Argument Type Description Required
idsOrDocs Array Array of id (String) or doc (Object) items Yes

Resolves with array of decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents.

    "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
    "foo": "bar",
    "hoodie": {
      "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
Not found 404 Object with id "id" is missing There is no object with this _id.


]).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs.length) // 2
}).catch(function (error) {

cryptoStore.findOrAdd(id, doc)

cryptoStore.findOrAdd(id, doc)

Find a document in the users store. And decrypt encrypted documents. If no document is present: doc will get added (and encrypted).

Argument Type Description Required
id String Unique id of the document Yes
doc Object Document that will be saved if no document with the id exists Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. If doc gets added, it will also encrypt it and add a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
missing_id 412 _id is required for puts id is not a string or an object with an _id.


hoodie.cryptoStore.findOrAdd('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC', doc).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Find a document in the users store. And decrypt encrypted documents. If no document is present: doc will get added (and encrypted).

Argument Type Description Required
doc Object Document with _id property Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. If doc gets added, it will also encrypt it and add a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
missing_id 412 _id is required for puts id is not a string or an object with an _id.


hoodie.cryptoStore.findOrAdd(doc).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Find one or more documents in the users store. And decrypt encrypted documents. If a document is not present: a new one will get added (and encrypted).

Argument Type Description Required
idsOrDocs Array Array of documents with _id property or ids Yes

Resolves with an array of decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. If a doc gets added, it will also encrypt it and add a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
missing_id 412 _id is required for puts id is not a string or an object with an _id.


]).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs.length) // 2
}).catch(function (error) {



Find all documents. And decrypt encrypted documents. The filterFunction filters out documents, the same way as Array.prototype.filter does.

Argument Type Description Required
filterFunction Function Function that will be called for every doc with doc, index and arrayOfAllDocs. And returns true if doc should be returned, false if not. No

Resolves with array of decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents.

    "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
    "foo": "bar",
    "hoodie": {
      "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.


function filter (doc, index, allDocs) {
  return index % 2 === 0

hoodie.cryptoStore.findAll(filter).then(function (docs) {
}).catch(function (error) {

cryptoStore.update(id, changedProperties)

cryptoStore.update(id, changedProperties)

Find a document with id and update all changedProperties. Then encrypt it.

Argument Type Description Required
id String Unique id of the document Yes
changedProperties Object Properties that should be changed Yes

Resolves with updated decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object changedProperties isn't an object.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.
- - Must provide change changedProperties isn't an object or function.


hoodie.cryptoStore.update('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC', {foo: 'bar'}).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {

cryptoStore.update(id, updateFunction)

cryptoStore.update(id, updateFunction)

Find a document with id and update it with an updateFunction. Then encrypt it.

The document will be how the updateFunction changes it. This can add, update and delete field on the document.

Argument Type Description Required
id String Unique id of the document Yes
updateFunction Function Function that get the document passed and changes the document. Yes

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object updateFunction isn't an object or function.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.
- - Must provide change updateFunction isn't an object or function.


function updater (doc) { = 'bar'

hoodie.cryptoStore.update('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC', updater).then(function (doc) {
  console.log( // bar
}).catch(function (error) {



Find a document with _id of that object. And assigns all properties of this object to the doc. And then encrypts it.

Argument Type Description Required
doc Object Properties that should be changed with a _id property Yes

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object doc isn't an object with an _id field.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.


  _id: '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC',
  foo: 'bar'
}).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Find one or more documents. It uses the _id of every object to find the document. Then all properties of that object will get assigned to the doc. And then encrypts it.

Argument Type Description Required
arrayOfDocs Array Array properties that should be changed with a _id property Yes

Resolves with an array of updated and decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object This element in the array isn't an object with an _id field.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.


    _id: '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC',
    foo: 'bar'
]).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs.length) // 2
}).catch(function (error) {

cryptoStore.updateOrAdd(id, doc)

cryptoStore.updateOrAdd(id, doc)

Try to find and update a doc with id. If none exist add one with id as its `_id' and doc as its properties. And encrypt the document.

Argument Type Description Required
id String Unique id of the document Yes
doc Object Properties that should be changed or added if doc doesn't exist Yes

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Updates existing documents and adds nonexistent docs. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted! If the doc gets added, it will encrypt it and add a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties added.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object doc isn't an object.


hoodie.cryptoStore.updateOrAdd('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC', {foo: 'bar'}).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Try to find and update a doc with _id. If none exist add this doc as it. And encrypt the document.

Argument Type Description Required
doc Object Properties that should be changed or added with a _id property Yes

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Updates existing documents and adds nonexistent docs. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted! If the doc gets added, it will encrypt it and add a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties added.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object doc isn't an object with an _id field.


  _id: '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC',
  foo: 'bar'
}).then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Try to find and update one or more documents. It uses the _id of every object to find the document. If a document doesn't exist, that object will get added as it. And encrypt the document.

Argument Type Description Required
arrayOfDocs Array Array properties that should be changed or added with a _id property Yes

Resolves with an array of updated and decrypted properties. Updates existing documents and adds nonexistent docs. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted! If the doc gets added, it will encrypt it and add a hoodie property with createdAt and updatedAt properties added.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object This element in the array isn't an object with an _id field.


    _id: '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC',
    foo: 'bar'
]).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs.length) // 2
}).catch(function (error) {



Find all documents and update them. Assign changedProperties to every document. And then encrypt all documents.

Argument Type Description Required
changedProperties Object Properties that should be changed by all documents Yes

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

This updates and encrypts all documents with its idPrefix!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
- - Must provide object or function changedProperties isn't an object or a function.


// This updates and encrypts all documents in the users store!
hoodie.cryptoStore.updateAll({foo: 'bar'}).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs) // all docs!
}).catch(function (error) {

// This updates and encrypts all documents that have an _id that starts with 'foo/'!
hoodie.cryptoStore.withIdPrefix('foo/').updateAll({foo: 'bar'}).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs) // all docs whose _id starts with 'foo/'!
}).catch(function (error) {



Find all documents and update them. The updateFunction will be get called on every document. And then encrypt all documents.

Argument Type Description Required
updateFunction Function Function that get the document passed and changes the document. Yes

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

This updates and encrypts all documents with its idPrefix!

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
- - Must provide object or function changedProperties isn't an object or a function.


// This updates and encrypts all documents in the users store!
hoodie.cryptoStore.updateAll(function (doc) { = 'bar'
}).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs) // all docs!
}).catch(function (error) {

// This updates and encrypts all documents that have an _id that starts with 'foo/'!
hoodie.cryptoStore.withIdPrefix('foo/').updateAll(function (doc) { = 'bar'
}).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs) // all docs whose _id starts with 'foo/'!
}).catch(function (error) {



Find a document with id and removes it.

Argument Type Description Required
id String Unique id of the document Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. It set the document to deleted. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted! It adds deletedAt to the hoodie property.

  "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
  "_deleted": true,
  "foo": "bar",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z",
    "deletedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.


hoodie.cryptoStore.remove('12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC').then(function (doc) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Find a document using the _id of that doc. It will update, remove, and encrypt the document.

Argument Type Description Required
doc Object Properties that should be changed with a _id property Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. It set the document to deleted and updates properties. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted! It adds deletedAt to the hoodie property.

  "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
  "_deleted": true,
  "foo": "bar",
  "hoodie": {
    "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z",
    "deletedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object doc isn't an object with an _id field.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.


  _id: '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC',
  foo: 'bar'
}).then(function (doc) {
  console.log( // bar
}).catch(function (error) {



Find one or more documents using the _id of that doc. It will update, remove, and encrypt all those documents.

Argument Type Description Required
idsOrDocs Array Properties that should be changed with a _id property or ids Yes

Resolves with decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. It set the document to deleted and updates properties. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted! It adds deletedAt to the hoodie property.

    "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
    "_deleted": true,
    "foo": "bar",
    "hoodie": {
      "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z",
      "deletedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description  Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object That element of the array isn't an object with an _id field or a string.
not_found 404 missing There is no object with this _id.


]).then(function (docs) {
  console.log(docs.length) // 2
}).catch(function (error) {



Remove all documents. If a filterFunction gets passed, it will behave like Array.prototype.filter. The resulting documents will get then removed and encrypted.

Argument Type Description Required
filterFunction Function Function that will be called for every doc with doc, index and arrayOfAllDocs. And returns true if doc should be returned, false if not. No

Resolves with updated and decrypted properties. Works on encrypted and not encrypted documents. Not encrypted documents will get encrypted!

    "_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789ABC",
    "_deleted": true,
    "foo": "bar",
    "hoodie": {
      "createdAt": "2018-05-26T18:38:32.920Z",
      "updatedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z",
      "deletedAt": "2018-05-30T00:05:46.976Z"

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.


// Just like Array.prototype.filter()
function filter (doc, index, allDocs) {
  return index % 2 === 0

hoodie.cryptoStore.removeAll(filter).then(function (docs) {
}).catch(function (error) {



Checks if the object matches the structure of an encrypted document.

Argument Type Description Required
object Object Document or object to be checked if it has the structure of an encrypted document. Yes

Returns a Boolean. Returns true if the passed object matches and encrypted document, and false if it is not.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object object isn't an object.


async function test () {
  const obj = await hoodie.cryptoStore.add({
    _id: 'test',
    value: 3

  hoodie.cryptoStore.isEncrypted(obj) // false; because the obj was decrypted!

  const doc = await'test')

  return hoodie.cryptoStore.isEncrypted(doc) // will return true



Resolves the Promise. Then checks if the resulting object matches the structure of an encrypted document.

Argument Type Description Required
Promise Promise Promise that will resolve into an Object. That object will then be check if it has the structure of an encrypted document. Yes

Resolves a Boolean. Resolves true if the passed object matches and encrypted document, and false if it is not.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
bad_request 400 Document must be a JSON object object isn't an object.
Error - - Rejects with that error the passed Promise rejects to.


function isEncrypted (id) {
  return hoodie.cryptoStore.isEncrypted(

cryptoStore.encrypt(jsonValue, aad)

cryptoStore.encrypt(['test', true])

Encrypt any JSON-data without storing them. Uses the same encryption key as any other method.

Argument Type Description Required
jsonValue Any valid JSON value Data that should be encrypted. This can be anything that can also be passed to JSON.stringify() Yes
aad String or Buffer/TypedArray Optional additional validation. If present, then it must also be present and the same value/content when decrypting. No

Resolves with an object containing the value encrypted.

This method encrypts everything. It will not use cy_ignore or __cy_ignore! undefined will get encrypted as null.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.

cryptoStore.decrypt(encrypted, aad)


Decrypt everything encrypted with cryptoStore.encrypt(). Uses the same encryption key as any other method.

Argument Type Description Required
encrypted object Data that is encrypted with cryptoStore.encrypt(). All fields on the object other then data, tag and nonce will be ignored. Yes
aad String or Buffer/TypedArray Optional additional validation. Required if it was present when encrypting. No

Resolves with original data.

Rejects with:

Name Status Description Why
unauthorized 401 Name or password is incorrect. This plugin wasn't unlocked yet.
bad_request 400 Data was undefined. Data is must be an object! encrypted was undefined or null.
bad_request 400 Data was not an Object with the required fields. It must be an object with data, tag and nonce! encrypted didn't contain data, tag or nonce. All three must be strings.
_ _ Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data aad (additional authentication data) didn't match.


cryptoStore.on(eventName, handler)

Add an event-handler. It behaves like hoodie-store-client's on. But will not emit events for not encrypted documents or documents it couldn't decrypted. It will also decrypt the document.

Argument Type Description Required
eventName String Event type. One of add, update, remove or change. Yes
handler Function Event Handler, that will be called every time that event emits. Yes

Returns the cryptoStore. handler will get called with an updated doc. If the event is change, than the first argument is a eventName.

Rejects with:

Name Description
Error ...


function changeHandler (eventName, doc) {
  console.log(eventName, doc)

hoodie.cryptoStore.on('change', changeHandler)
  .on('add', function (doc) { // .on returns the cryptoStore
    console.log('a doc with ' + doc._id + 'was added')
  }), handler)

Add an one-time event-handler. It behaves like hoodie-store-client's one. But will not emit events for not encrypted documents or documents it couldn't decrypted. It will also decrypt the document.

Argument Type Description Required
eventName String Event type. One of add, update, remove or change. Yes
handler Function Event Handler, that will be called one time that event emits. Yes

Returns the cryptoStore. handler will get called with an updated doc. If the event is change, than the first argument is a eventName. After that event get emitted, that handler will get removed.

Rejects with:

Name Description
Error ...


function changeHandler (eventName, doc) {
  console.log(eventName, doc)
}'change', changeHandler)
  .one('add', function (doc) { // .on returns the cryptoStore
    console.log('a doc with ' + doc._id + 'was added')
  }), handler)

Remove an event-handler. It behaves like hoodie-store-client's off.

Argument Type Description Required
eventName String Event type. One of add, update, remove or change. Yes
handler Function Event Handler, that will be removed Yes

Returns the cryptoStore.

Rejects with:

Name Description
Error ...


var changeHandler = function (eventName, doc) {
  console.log(eventName, doc)

hoodie.cryptoStore.on('change', changeHandler)'change', changeHandler)


Argument Type Description Required
prefix String Section that will be added before every id. Yes

Returns subset of cryptoStore API with _id property implicitly prefixed by passed string.

Rejects with:

Name Description
Error ...


var userData = hoodie.cryptoStore.withIdPrefix('user/')

// Only emits changes for docs with a 'user/'-prefix.
userData.on('change', function (eventName, doc) {
  console.log(eventName, doc)

  _id: 'test-user', // will be saved as 'user/test-user'
  name: 'Tester'
  .then(function (doc) {
    console.log(doc._id) // 'user/test-user'
    return userData.find('test-user')

  .then(function (doc) {
    doc.isTester = true
    userData.update(doc) // 'user/test-user' and 'test-user' work!


cryptoStore.withPassword(password, salt)
Argument Type Description Required
password String A password for encrypting the objects Yes
salt String A second password part, to add another protection lair. If this is missing a salt will be generated. Which will result in a different encryption! No

Resolves with an object containing the used salt and a subset of cryptoStore API. This API will have the encryption key from password and salt. If no salt or a now correct one, got passed, a new salt will get created.

This also works if the main instance isn't unlocked!

  "salt": "1234567890",
  "store": {
    "add": function () {},
    "withPassword": function () {},

Rejects with:

Name Description
Error ...


var result = hoodie.cryptoStore.withPassword('secretPassword')

  .then(function (result) {
    var store =
    var salt = result.salt

    // Only emits changes for docs that are encrypted with this password and salt.
    store.on('change', function (eventName, doc) {
      console.log(eventName, doc)

    store.add({foo: 'bar'})

    // you must save the salt! Only with the same salt it is the same encryption!
      _id: 'secondPasswordSalt',
      salt: salt


Event Description Arguments
add Is emitted every time a doc is added/created. doc the added document.
update Is emitted every time a doc is updated/changed. doc the changed document
remove Is emitted every time a doc is removed. doc the removed document.
change Is emitted every time a doc is added, updated or removed. event what did happen? (add, update or remove), doc the changed document.