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File metadata and controls

261 lines (213 loc) · 8.74 KB
id title


useAllDocs is the hook version of db.allDocs(). It gives you the ability to fetch multiple documents by their ids.

It doesn't need the creation of a secondary index. This means that it is useable right away, even when not all documents did sync.

As all hooks, it subscribes to updates.

useAllDocs can only be invoked from a component nested inside of a <Provider />.


useAllDocs expects a single options object. It has the same options as db.allDocs(). Options descriptions are copied from the PouchDB API page.

  1. options: object - db.allDocs() option object.
    • options.include_docs?: boolean - Include the document itself in each row in the doc field. Otherwise by default you can only get the _id and _rev properties.
    • options.conflicts?: boolean - Include conflict information in the _conflicts field of a doc.
    • options.attachments?: boolean - Include attachment data as base64-encoded string.
    • options.binary?: boolean - Return attachment data as Blobs, instead of as base64-encoded strings.
    • options.startkey?: string - Get documents with IDs in a certain range. The range starts with this key.
    • options.endkey?: string - Get documents with IDs in a certain range. The range ends with this key.
    • options.inclusive_end?: boolean - Include documents having an ID equal to the given options.endkey. Default is true.
    • options.limit?: number - Maximum number of documents to return.
    • options.skip?: number - Number of documents to skip before returning (warning: poor performance!).
    • options.descending?: boolean - Reverse the order of the output documents. Note that the order of options.startkey and options.endkey is reversed when descending is true.
    • options.key?: string - Only return documents with IDs matching this string key.
    • options.keys?: string[] - Fetch multiple known IDs in a single shot.
      • Neither options.startkey nor options.endkey can be specified with this option.
      • The rows are returned in the same order as in the supplied keys array.
      • The row for a deleted document will have the revision ID of the deletion, and an extra key deleted: true in the value property.
      • The row for a nonexistent document will only contain an error property with the value "not_found".
      • For more details, see the db.allDocs() documentation or the CouchDB query options documentation.
    • options.update_seq?: boolean - Include an update_seq value indicating which sequence id of the underlying database the view reflects.
    • options.db?: string - Selects the database to be used. The database is selected by it's name/key. The special key "_default" selects the default database. Defaults to "_default".

keys is check for equality with a deep equal algorithm. And only if it differentiate by value will it cause a new query be made.


useAllDocs results an object with those fields:

  • rows: object[] - Array of objects that contain the requested information. Empty during the first fetch or during an error. Each object has following fields:
    • id: string - _id of the document.
    • key: string - _id of the document.
    • value: object - Object with one field:
      • value.rev: string - _rev of the document.
    • doc?: PouchDB.Core.Document - If options.include_docs was true, this field will contain the document. And if attachments is also true, the document will contain the attachment data in the "_attachments" field.
  • offset: number - The skip provided.
  • total_rows: number - The total number of non-deleted documents in the database.
  • update_seq?: number | string - If update_seq is true, this will contain the sequence id of the underlying database.
  • state: 'loading' | 'done' | 'error' - Current state of the hook.
    • loading - It is loading the documents. Or it is loading the updated version of them.
    • done - The documents are loaded, and no update is being loaded.
    • error - There was an error with fetching the documents. Look into the error field.
  • loading: boolean - It is loading. The state is loading. This is only a shorthand.
  • error: PouchDB.Error | null - If there was an error, then this field will contain the error. The error is reset to null once a fetch was successful.

Example Usage

useAllDocs is useful for many operations where you need to load multiple documents.

Prefix search

If you sort your documents by _id, then you can use useAllDocs to load all documents with a prefix. Read more at the 12 pro tips section 7.

The '\ufff0' is a special high Unicode character, that is sorted after most others.

If a document, that fall into this range, gets added, updated or deleted, then the rows will be updated accordingly.

import React from 'react'
import { useAllDocs } from 'use-pouchdb'
import { ErrorMessage } from './ErrorMessage'

export function Comments({ id }) {
  const commentsPrefix = `comments_${id}`
  const { rows, loading, state, error } = useAllDocs({
    startkey: commentsPrefix,
    endkey: commentsPrefix + '\ufff0',
    include_docs: true,

  if (state === 'error') {
    return <ErrorMessage error={error} />

  if (loading && rows.length === 0) {
    return null

  return (

        { => (
          <section key={}>
            <h5>{row.doc.username} commented</h5>
            {!row.value.rev.startsWith('1-') && <span>Edited</span>}

Load multiple documents by id

useAllDocs can also load multiple documents by their IDs.

import React from 'react'
import { useAllDocs } from 'use-pouchdb'
import { ErrorMessage } from './ErrorMessage'

export function Related({ doc }) {
  const { rows, loading, state, error } = useAllDocs({
    keys: doc.related || [], // doc.related is an Array of IDs.
    include_docs: true,

  if (state === 'error') {
    return <ErrorMessage error={error} />

  if (loading && rows.length === 0) {
    return null

  return (
      <h4>Read more</h4>

        { => (
          <li key={}>{row.doc.title}</li>


It is imported to remember that options.startkey and options.endkey switch, when options.descending is true.

import React from 'react'
import { useAllDocs } from 'use-pouchdb'
import ms from 'milliseconds'
import { ErrorMessage } from './ErrorMessage'

export function LastBookings() {
  const midnight = new Date()

  // this goes from midnight to 7 days ago.
  const { rows, loading, state, error } = useAllDocs({
    // start midnight
    startkey: 'bookings_' + midnight.toJSON(),
    // End at endkey
    // the date 7 days ago is the end.
    endkey: 'bookings_' + new Date(midnight.getTime() - ms.days(7)).toJSON(),
    include_docs: true,
    descending: true,

  if (state === 'error') {
    return <ErrorMessage error={error} />

  if (loading && rows.length === 0) {
    return null

  return (

        { => (
          <li key={}>
            {row.doc.amount}€ from {row.doc.partner}

Select a database

import React from 'react'
import { useAllDocs } from 'use-pouchdb'
import { ErrorMessage } from './ErrorMessage'

export function Comments({ id, isLocalReady }) {
  const commentsPrefix = `comments_${id}`
  const { rows, loading, state, error } = useAllDocs({
    startkey: commentsPrefix,
    endkey: commentsPrefix + '\ufff0',
    include_docs: true,
    // Select the database used
    db: isLocalReady ? 'local' : 'remote',

  if (state === 'error') {
    return <ErrorMessage error={error} />

  if (loading && rows.length === 0) {
    return null

  return (

        { => (
          <section key={}>
            <h5>{row.doc.username} commented</h5>
            {!row.value.rev.startsWith('1-') && <span>Edited</span>}