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Basic Setup

You need to have node and npm installed. Both are bundled together and can be downloaded at

Setup Create-React-App

In this tutorial we will be using Create-React-App. It's fast to start and not opinionated.

Open your terminal and navigate to your development directory. Then enter:

npx create-react-app use-pouchdb-todo
cd use-pouchdb-todo
npm start

This will create a new project with create-react-app installed. npm start will start your development server. To visit your app open http://localhost:3000/.

Your app client is in src/. When ever you change something, the development server will live reload your app!

PouchDB and usePouchDB

Next up is PouchDB. Lets install PouchDB and usePouchDB:

npm i -D pouchdb-browser use-pouchdb
yarn add -D pouchdb-browser use-pouchdb

CouchDB backend

Now which to use? CouchDB or PouchDB-Server? Well, normally both. PouchDB-Server is local to the project. It is installable with npm, you can configure it with a JSON file. While CouchDB is the one you will be using in production. It is more powerful. So I normally recommend that you install both. PouchDB-Server for your day to day development. And CouchDB to verify and test if everything works. But to only get started, PouchDB-Server is enough. And that is why we are going to be using PouchDB-Server for this guide.

There are some incompatibilities though.

While PouchDB-Server is intended as a drop-in replacement of CouchDB, the later moves faster. At the time of writing, 2020-05-23, CouchDB did release version 3 and PouchDB-Server didn't catchup yet.

Regarding compatibility the biggest change was, that the default setup of CouchDB is more secure. In previous versions with the standard setup, everyone could create an user. Now you must be an admin or change some settings.

Now, CouchDB lacks some user management features; for example sending Mails to the user, or password recovery. You need to implement them yourself. With serverless functions (function as a service) it became more strait forward. But log in/out didn't change.

In this tutorial we will be using the old sign up method, where everyone can create an account. If in your app you need more, please visit CouchDBs Security section.

You don't need CouchDB installed for this tutorial!

Because you have to change some security settings, it might be better to only use PouchDB-Server for the beginning. And when you are more comfortable with PouchDB and its distributed nature, learn more about Apache CouchDB.

Installing PouchDB Server / express-pouchdb

PouchDB-Server can be found on npm. But to make this tutorial even more strait forward we won't be using PouchDB-Server! But express-pouchdb. We will be using it, because then we don't have to deal with CORS and running two processes.

Express-Pouchdb is part of the PouchDB-Server project and includes everything we need. In fact it is what PouchDB-Server uses. PouchDB-Server adds some cli and config tools.

npm i pouchdb-node express-pouchdb
yarn add pouchdb-node express-pouchdb

All options can be found in the README.

For this tutorial we add express-pouchdb to the Create-React-App dev-server. Please create in your src a setupProxy.js file with this content:

// The node version of PouchDB (without browser stuff)
const PouchDB = require('pouchdb-node')
const expressPouchDB = require('express-pouchdb')

const PrefixedPouch = PouchDB.defaults({
  prefix: 'db/', // All PouchDB data will be stored in the directory ./db/*

module.exports = function (app) {
  // app is the Create-React-App dev server.
  // Our databases will be available at http://localhost:3000/db/*
  app.use('/db', expressPouchDB(PrefixedPouch))

Please create a directory with the name of db in your project root. We use defaults.

After saving this file, you have to re-start your dev-server. Press ctrl + c to stop it.

In production you would have to use Express.js or use Apache CouchDB. There are also some CouchDB as a Service providers.