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Tesserex edited this page Jan 23, 2012 · 2 revisions

Entities are the most important - and most complex - part of the engine. An entity is an object that exists during gameplay, while stages are being played, and during cutscenes. Entities represent everything that can have a state or behavior.

Some examples of entities include:

  • Mega Man himself
  • Projectiles
  • Enemies
  • Items and powerups
  • Yoku blocks and other "intelligent" platforms


Entities are declared in their own file. They are enclosed in a parent Entities tag at the root of the document. You can split your entities across multiple files if you like, but you can't mix entities with other declarations in the same file.


    <Entity name="PropFollower">
        <Tilesheet pallete="Default">images\enemies\propfollower.png</Tilesheet>
        <Sprite width="24" height="16">
            <Hotspot x="12" y="8" />
            <Frame x="0" y="0" duration="6" />
            <Frame x="24" y="0" duration="6" />
            <Frame x="48" y="0" duration="6" />
            <Frame x="72" y="0" duration="6" />
            <Frame x="96" y="0" duration="6" />
            <Frame x="120" y="0" duration="6" />
            <Hitbox name="H" damage="2" x="-12" y="-8" width="24" height="16" environment="false">
        <State name="Start">
            <Movement mode="Repeat">
                <Velocity magnitude="0.4" direction="Player" />
                <EnableBox name="H" />
            <Condition>Health.Hit == True</Condition>
                <Sound name="EnemyHurt" />

There's clearly a lot going on in the above example. The Entity tag only has one required attribute: name. Most of the sections represent components, described below.

##Component System

A component-based system is a way of constructing entities as a collection of smaller parts. This isn't a unique concept to this engine - component systems are commonly used in game programming. For a primer, read Evolve Your Heirarchy. Each of the smaller components serves a single purpose, allowing you to use only the features you need. See the section below for how to include and use each of the components.

##List of Components

##Additional Tags

Other than the components, there are a few tags that can be used directly within the Entity tag.

###Trigger You can use trigger tags outside of a state component tag, and they will apply to all states. See the state component page for more information.

###Tilesheet This tag is part of the sprite component declarations. See the Sprite page for more info.

###Death When an entity dies, the contents of the Death tag will be executed. This only applies when the object dies or is killed in the game. It does not get executed if the entity is simply removed by the system, for example by going off screen.

The Death tag behaves as a function, and can contain the same instructions. See the function page for more info.

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