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charlesbryant edited this page May 7, 2014 · 7 revisions

TestPipe does not currently have a GUI or test recorder (I think recorders are evil {rant}). To use it you have to know at least basic C# and OOP principles.

There is a demo project in the source code repository on GitHub, This can be used as a template to quickly get you running tests with TestPipe.


NuGet Install

The easiest way to get started with TestPipe is to use the NuGet packages. Create or open a class project and install the TestPipe NuGet package. The TestPipe package installs the framework and the TestPipe.Plugins.Selenium browser plug-in that allows you to drive browsers with Selenium WebDriver.

Manual Install

If you want to go hardcore, you can fork the TestPipe repository, build the solution, export the DLLs to your test project, manually add the references, app.config settings, and folder structure...and more. I won't go into how this is done.

There is a Demo project in the source code that gives an example of how to setup a TestPipe testing environment.


Here is were TestPipe needs some work (see Contributing :). We still have to do quite a bit of manual configuration to get things wired up properly.


In the TestPipe Specs project, update app.config. Set:

  • browser.plugins to the location of the browser plug-ins folder. The plug-ins folder is installed by the NuGet package.
  • file.basePath to the location of the Data folder in your TestPipe.Specs project.

Test Suite and Feature Configuration

Also, in the TestPipe Specs project, set the Visual Studio, Copy to Output Directory property for any Test Suite and Feature Configuration files to "Copy if newer". NuGet installs some quick start configurations in the Data folder.

File path configuration is something that needs to change. TestPipe should be able to find file without it being in the output directory.

You can get more information about configuration on the Configuration page.

Writing Tests

If you are familiar with SpecFlow, writing tests is pretty much no different than writing SpecFlow Feature and Step files. Until I get something better written you can view the SpecFlow documentation or check out the Demo project.

Running Tests

To run or debug the tests, just use the runner for your test framework. For NUnit we recommend installing the NUnit Test Adapter for Visual Studio.


If you have problems running tests, try running it in the debugger, with no breakpoints, as you may get more information about the issue you are having. If that doesn't work, please submit a ticket.