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File metadata and controls

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Testausapis provides API-endpoints for Testausserveri's general tasks, such as:

  • GitHub organization self-service joining
  • Statistics and dynamic data for our homepage

Table of Contents

API Documentation

This is the API documentation for the current version 1.

The base server url is The API doesn't require authentication as it is currently purely for public open use.



GET /v1/discord/guildInfo

Daily activity statistics of the Discord server.

You can pass a GET param v with a comma-seperated list of object keys you want in response. Omitting v will respond all the existing keys.

Example response:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 06:58:52 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 39
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

{"memberCount":1223,"membersOnline":1130,"messagesToday":32, "premium": { "subscriptions": 12, "tier": 2}}

Values N/A when unavailable

GET /v1/discord/roleInfo

Get general information about a specific role. Role is specified with the query parameter id as the role id. This API publishes only otherwise public information.

Example response:

HTTP/2 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *


Value definitions

  • "name", The role name
  • "id", The role id
  • "color", The role color as a hex color value
  • "members", Array of memberObjects (see below)
  • "count", The number of members that have the requested role
  • "timestamp", Unix timestamp of the time of response generation
  • "cache", A cacheState (see below)
GET /v1/discord/memberInfo

Get activity & general user information for a specific role. The role is specified with the query parameter id as the role id. This API publishes possibly private information and requires the users to opt-in for their data to be published.

The response format is identical with /v1/discord/roleInfo

GET /v1/discord/connections/authorize

Redirects the user to the Discord OAuth 2.0 authorization page to grant the API access to account information.

GET /v1/discord/connections/authorized

Handle the OAuth 2.0 callback from Discord and update cached account information.


GET /v1/github/authorize

Redirects the user to Github OAuth 2.0 authorization page to grant the API access to account information.

GET /v1/github/authorized

Handle the OAuth 2.0 callback from Github and add the user to the Testausserveri ry organization.



    "name": Member account name,
    "displayName": Current user display name,
    "discriminator": Discord discriminator (#xxxx),
    "id": Member id,
    "presence": [
            "type": Discord activity type (such as PLAYING),
            "id": Activity application id,
            "emoji": [
                    "animated": Boolean,
                    "name": The emoji name,
                    "url": The asset url
                }, ...
            "name": Activity name,
            "details": Activity details,
            "state": Activity state,
            "assets": {
                "largeImage": Large asset url,
                "largeImageText": Large asset description,
                "smallImage": Small asset url,
                "smallImageText": Small asset description
        }, ...
    "avatar": Member avatar url,
    "banner": Member banner url,
    "color": Member profile hex color,
    "flags": Member Discord flags,
    "connectedAccounts": [
            "type": Account type,
            "name": Account name,
            "id": Account id,
            "visible": Boolean
    "bio": Member bio

Arrays presence, emoji & connectedAccounts can be empty.

Presence assets can be an empty object.

All values can be expected to be strings or numbers (if possible, excluding ids)


A string value that can be any of these values:

  • "valid", The cache is up to date.
  • "expired", The cache has expired and contains expired data.
  • "expired-updating", The cache has expired, but will update shortly.