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Compile and Benchmark Custom Model

New Model Evaluation

    • Refer this section if the custom model that needs to be evaluated is falling into one of the below supported out-of-box example tasks categories. For such cases the example python scripts in this repository can be used as it is by following the steps described in this section
    • Image classification
    • Object detection
    • Pixel level semantic Segmentation
  • Complete model evaluation process (both compilation and Inference) can be carried out by using the out of box python examples.
  • Refer the documentation available here to familiarize with the steps to compile the out-of-box models and all the available compilation options for TIDL offload.
  • Models Dictionary in the python examples directory lists all the validated models with this repository
  • Define a entry for your custom model in this dictionary and add the new key in the model list of the python script based on your model format and runtime, for example - to evaluate a Tflite model update below entry here
#models = ['cl-tfl-mobilenet_v1_1.0_224', 'ss-tfl-deeplabv3_mnv2_ade20k_float', 'od-tfl-ssd_mobilenet_v2_300_float']
models = ['cl-tfl-custom-model']

  • An example dictionary entry of an existing model for reference
   'cl-ort-resnet18-v1' : {
       'model_path' : os.path.join(models_base_path, 'resnet18_opset9.onnx'),
       'source' : {'model_url': '', 'opt': True,  'infer_shape' : True},
       'mean': [123.675, 116.28, 103.53],
       'scale' : [0.017125, 0.017507, 0.017429],
       'num_images' : numImages,
       'num_classes': 1000,
       'session_name' : 'onnxrt' ,
       'model_type': 'classification'

  • As a first step, run the model with default OSRT runtime options (without TIDL acceleration) by passing -d argument as described here. A right functional result from this step confirms your model configuration dictionary is right and model is working fine with the out of box example code.
  • Now model compilation and Inference steps can be executed.

Custom Model Evaluation

  • The first and important step in custom model deployment is writing python inference code for your custom model. The user may need to write this python code either using TFlite runtime or ONNX runtime based on the model type.
  • User can refer the official documentation from OSRT or a simple Colab notebook for end-to-end working reference in the below table as a starting point to create inference script for their custom model.
Official Python API documentation Simple Colab notebook for end-to-end working reference
TFLite Python API TFLite Colab Notebook
ONNX Runtime Python API ONNX Runtime Colab Notebook
  • Validate the inference code for functionality with couple of input samples and required Pre and Post processing.
    • Note - Please continue with following steps, only after getting right functional results from this step
  • Update the inference script to compile the model with TIDL acceleration by passing required compilation options. Refer Here for detailed documentation on all the required and optional parameters.
  • Run the python code with compilation options using representative input data samples for model compilation and calibration.
    • Default options expects minimum 20 input data samples (calibration_frames) for calibration. User can set as minimum as 1 also for quick model compilation (This may impact the accuracy of fixed point inference).
  • At the end of model compilation step, model-artifacts for inference will be generated in user specified path.
  • Create OSRT inference session with TIDL acceleration option for running inference with generated model artifacts in the above step.
    • User can either update existing python code written for compilation or copy the compilation code to new file and update with accelerated inference option.
  • Refer the below tables for creating OSRT sessions with Compilation and Accelerated inference options.

OSRT APIs for TIDL Acceleration

TFLite Runtime

Session Name API and Options to Create Session
Default RT Session tflite.Interpreter(model_path=config['model_path'])
RT Session Model Compilation options['artifacts_folder'] = './model-artifacts-dir/'
options['tidl_tools_path'] = './path-to-tidl_tools/'

tflite.Interpreter(model_path=config['model_path'], experimental_delegates=[tflite.load_delegate('', options)])
RT Session with TIDL accelartion options['artifacts_folder'] = './model-artifacts-dir/'
options['tidl_tools_path'] = './path-to-tidl_tools/'

tflite.Interpreter(model_path=config['model_path'], experimental_delegates=[tflite.load_delegate('', options)])

ONNX Runtime

Session Name API and Options to Create Session
Default RT Session so = rt.SessionOptions()
ep_list = ['CPUExecutionProvider']
sess = rt.InferenceSession(config['model_path'] , providers=ep_list,sess_options=so)
RT Session Model Compilation options['artifacts_folder'] = './model-artifacts-dir/'
options['tidl_tools_path'] = './path-to-tidl_tools/'

so = rt.SessionOptions()
ep_list = ['TIDLCompilationProvider','CPUExecutionProvider']
sess = rt.InferenceSession(config['model_path'] ,providers=EP_list, provider_options=[options, {}], sess_options=so)
RT Session with TIDL accelartion options['artifacts_folder'] = './model-artifacts-dir/'
options['tidl_tools_path'] = './path-to-tidl_tools/'

so = rt.SessionOptions()
ep_list = ['TIDLExecutionProvider','CPUExecutionProvider']
sess = rt.InferenceSession(config['model_path'] ,providers=EP_list, provider_options=[options, {}], sess_options=so)

TVM Compiler

Session Name API and Options to Create Session
Default TVM Compiler with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params =, target=build_target, params=params)
TVM Compiler for TIDL accelartion compiler = tidl.TIDLCompiler(platform="J7" ,
tidl_tools_path = './path-to-tidl_tools/',
artifacts_folder = './model-artifacts-dir/',
advanced_options = {'calibration_iterations' : 1},)
with tidl.build_config(tidl_compiler=compiler):
graph, lib, params =, target=build_target, params=params)
  • User can also refer the out of box python examples provided here to understand the APIs and flow

Reporting issues with Model deployment

  • Please refer the steps detailed out Troubleshooting Guide for debugging any functional and performance issue
  • If the issues could not be resolved with the above Troubleshooting Guide, please share please details to re-produce the issue
    • Python code used for Model compilation and inference
    • A representation model (ONNX or Tflite file) – Need not to be exact model, trainable parameters can be random as well
    • Representative input data samples for model compilation/calibrartion
    • Complete console log of both model compilation and inference with debug_level=1 and debug_level=3