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class GhstApplication

constructor(options?: MiddlewareOptions)

@param options
    Used to add middleware to your ghst application.

@param on404
    A request callback for when a request tries to access content that does not exist on your web app. Any response status code will be replaced with 404.

readonly on404: (arg0: HTTPRequest, arg1: HTTPResponse) => void How the application handles 404 requests.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication({
                    res.setStatus(404).send(`Cannot ${req.method} ${req.requestUrl.path}`);                }

static ContentTypeHeaders: Record<string, string> Content types for (some) file extentions. onRequest(path: string, method: Methods, callback: (arg0: HTTPRequest, arg1: HTTPResponse) => void) Adds a request to your web app.

@param path
    The path of the request.

@param method
    The method of the request.

@param callback
    The callback for when the request is requested.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
            res.setStatus(200).send("Welcome to my web app!");

static ContentType(contentType: string): MiddlewareFunc Middleware for setting a default content type header on all requests. Not recommended with use of sendFile().

@param contentType
    Sets each page to this content type.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication({
            middleware: [GhstApplication.ContentType("text/html")]

static Helmet(): MiddlewareFunc A function meant to mimic the behavior of the express {@link helmet middleware}.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication({
            middleware: [GhstApplication.Helmet()]

setStatic(path: string) Sets the static directory to avoid content type errors.

@param path
    Directory you want to be static.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

async listen(port: number, hostname?: string, callback?: () => void) Starts listening for requests.

@param port
    Port to host your web app on.

@param callback
    Optional callback for when your web app starts listening for requests.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();
    ghst.listen(8080,"",() => console.log("Running on :3000"));

type Methods = "GET" | "HEAD" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "CONNECT" | "OPTIONS" | "TRACE" | "PATCH" Every request method that Ghst supports.

type MiddlewareFunc = (arg0: HTTPRequest, arg1: HTTPResponse, arg2: Deno.RequestEvent) => void Type that describes a middleware function.

type ResponseBody = Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream | string Every acceptable type that can be sent in the response body.

class HTTPRequest

constructor(req: Deno.RequestEvent, path: string, query: string) readonly path: string Path of the request.


readonly query: string Any querys used in the request.


readonly url: string The url of the request.


readonly requestUrl: Url Details about the request url. readonly method: string Method of the request. readonly headers: Record<string, string> Headers used in the request. readonly body: string The request body. [key: string]: unknown has(propertyName: string) See whether an object is in this request object.

@param propertyName
    Property to look for in the request object.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {

parseBody() Attempts to parse the request body.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
     const body = req.parseBody();

class HTTPResponse

constructor(requestEvent: Deno.RequestEvent) body: ResponseBody The body of the response. status: number Status code of the response. readonly headers: Record<string, string> Headers the response has. send(content: ResponseBody) Updates the body of the response.

@param content
    The content the body will be updated to.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
            res.send("Hello World!");

json(content: any) Responds to the request with a JSON object. Use send or append instead, does the same now.

@param content
    JSON object to respond with.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
            res.json({ foo: "bar" });

sendFile(path: string) Sets the body of the response to be the contents of a file.

@param path
    The file you want to show in the body of the response.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {

render(path: string, values: Record<string, string>) Reads a file and replaces text with specified values.

@param path
    The path of the file.

@param values
    The values to replace text with.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
            res.render("./public/index.html",{ foo: "bar" });

            <h1>{{ FOO }}</h1>

setHeader(name: string, value: string) Adds a header to the response.

@param name
    The name of the header.

@param value
    The value of the header.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
            res.setHeader("Content-Type","text/html").send("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")        

setStatus(code: number) Sets the status code of the response.

@param code
    Status code.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication({
            on404: (req,res) => {

redirect(url: string) Redirects the response using the Location header. Also sets the status to 308 so the request method doesn't change when redirected.

@param url
    Url to redirect to.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/location-header","GET",(req,res) => {

end() Sends the request. If not called then will automatically be called.

    const ghst = new GhstApplication();

    ghst.onRequest("/","GET",(req,res) => {
            res.send("Hello World!");
            res.send("Welcome to my web app!"); // doesn't send.


A light-weight http framework built for Deno.







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