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Awesome CLI programs for Arch Linux


Install croc package and easily send files or folders to another person. Just croc send file-or-folder or croc receive croc-code


Track the coronavirus from the command line.



scrot is a cli tool for taking SCReenshOTs. It has plenty of options.

Betty, the CLI Siri

I bet you didn't know this one. Start with Betty what time is it?

Check file sizes with du ncdu and df

Monitor the system with htop gtop and powertop


Mandatory tool for hackers pretending be cool. It will place a dot in a map when you supply an IP address. Try iponmap


The classic mail client mutt just supercharged with some extra functionalities.


Mapscii is one of these amazing cli tools! Just explore highly detailed maps from the command line.

asciinema and asciicast2gif

asciinema is a tool to record and share terminal sessions. You can install the asciinema package in arch, record with arciinema rec, stop recording with Ctrl+D. You can upload it to or save the .cast file locally.

I haven't found an easy way to embed and view the cast file in the markdown files so I use another tool called asciicast2gif that you can install with the AUR package and use it asciicast2gif -S 1 -s 2 -w 80 -h 5 file.cast file.gif. Not ideal since the gif files are usually large. See an example below.


Did you watch Sneakers the movie? You will probably remember this scene. nms is a command that does exactly that! I usually use it in a pipe. Try ls | nms and pretend you are a hacker decoding your own disk.


For those like me who like to pretend they are hackers you have this tool that will show a matrix encoded screen. Consider it like a terminal screensaver.


lolcat is a colourful variant of cat. It just displays the file in a full rainbow gradient.


cowsay is a funny way to echo messages to the screen. I usually pipe it to lolcat

cowsay and lolcat


An even cooler alternative to cowsay is ponysay with it's full colour drawings (do not pipe to lolcat or you will mess up the colours!).


A great IRC client for the cli. I really miss those IRC days and I use it all the time. For those born in the 80's and later check this quick start guide.


testdisk is the perfect data recovery tool for the cli. It can undelete files you mistakenly wiped out.


This simple tool allows you to display a simple calendar with many display options available.



bat is a syntax higlighted cat. I use all the time to display files


grabc is a small color picker utility from the command line. Jus type grabc and a small cross cursor will appear. Click on the color you want to capture and it will appear in the terminal as hex value.


lsix is a simple CLI utility designed to display thumbnail images in Terminal using Sixel graphics. You need to install imagemagick. Before start using lsix, make sure your Terminal supports Sixel graphics. If you use UXTerm like me, then add UXTerm*decTerminalID: vt340 in your .Xresources file and apply the changes with xrdb -merge .Xresources.

Usage, just type lsix or lsix imagefile

fim image viewer

This is a image viewer for the command line with plenty of options. I don't like that it opens in a new window. Trying to sort it out.


A great utility to generate a QR, I use it to share wifi connection settings with smartphones.

qrencode -o /tmp/wifi.png 'WIFI:S:SSID;T:wpa;P:PASSWORD;;'


  • Autoload the image
  • Integrate it with the profiles I have in /etc/netctl
  • Code a reader and generate a netctl profile


A command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites