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$ npm i pkg-random --save


const random = require("pkg-random")

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This function returns a random floating point number between 0 and 1.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  console.log(random.variate()); // Outputs a random fraction


This function returns a randomly chosen element from an array.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  let a = [12,23,34,45,56,67,78,89,90,98,87,76,65,54,43,32,21];
  console.log(random.choice(a)); // Outputs a random number from array(a)

This also works for a string instead of arrays.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  let s = "Hello World!";
  console.log(random.choice(s)); // Outputs a random character from the string(s)

Returns undefined if the argument is neither an array nor a string.

Choices(array, n)

This function returns an array of n elements from the array. The elements might be repeated.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  let a = [12,23,34,45,56,67,78,89,90,98,87,76,65,54,43,32,21]
  console.log(random.choices(a, 4)) // Outputs an array of 4 randomly chosen elements from array(a)

This also works for a string instead of arrays.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  let s = "Hello World!"
  console.log(random.choices(s, 4)) // Outputs an array of 4 randomly chosen elements from string(s)

Returns undefined if the argument is neither an array nor a string.

Randint(min, max)

This function returns a random integer from the specified range including the end points specified i.e. from the interval [ min , max ]

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  console.log(random.randint(-34,50)) // Outputs a random integer between -34 and 50

Your app will be stuck at infinite loop if min > max


This function returns a random integer from the specified range excluding the end points specified i.e. from the interval ( min , max )

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  console.log(random.range(-104,908)) // Outputs a random integer between -104 and 908

Your app will be stuck at infinite loop if min > max

Sample(array, n)

This function returns an array of n unique elements from the array.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  let a = [12,23,34,45,56,67,78,89,90,98,87,76,65,54,43,32,21]
  console.log(random.sample(a,5)) // Outputs an array of 5 unique elements from a

Difference between choices and sample is that sample picks unique elements while elements can repeat in choices.


This function shuffles the array passed as argument and returns the shuffled array.

  const random = require("pkg-random");
  let a = [12,23,34,45,56,67,78,89,90,98,87,76,65,54,43,32,21]
  console.log(random.shuffle(a)) // Outputs array(a) after shuffling it.


This function returns a random word from the English dictionary.

const random = require("pkg-random");

console.log(random.word()); // Outputs a random word.

wordArray(min, max)

This function returns an array of minimum min and maximum max randomly selected words.

const random = require("pkg-random");

console.log(random.wordArray(4,8));	// Returns an array of random words.

This returns an array of min words if max is not specified.


This function returns a sentence made up of l randomly selected words.

const random = require("pkg-random");

console.log(random.sentence(6)) // Outputs a sentence made up of 6 randomly selected words.

sentenceArray(n, min, max)

This function returns an array of n sentences, each with a minimum of min and maximum of max randomly selected words.

const random = require("pkg-random");

console.log(random.sentenceArray(5, 4, 8)) // Outputs an array of 5 sentences, each having at least 4 and at most 8 words

This returns an array of n sentences, each with min words if max is not specified.

Tips and Tricks

  • Get a random double between a specified range

    const random = require("pkg-random");
    console.log(random.range( min , max ) + random.variate())
  • Get a random positive integer in the range 0 to a random integer between min and max.

    const random = require("pkg-random");
    console.log(random.range( min, max ) * random.variate())


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