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Hugo ATTAL edited this page Feb 10, 2021 · 9 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions of Darker Nodes plugin

How to activate the plugin?

If you're still with the old theme, you might need to activate the plugin Edit/Plugins/.

Find "Darker Nodes" (you can search it in the top right corner) and enable it. You'll need a restart.

How can I make Darker Nodes to be applied on every project?

Find the plugin installation folder, it should be something like: D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\DarkerNodes.

Open the DarkerNodes.uplugin file with a text editor and add "EnabledByDefault": true, bellow the "Installed": true, line.

How can I change the theme?

You can change all the settings in Edit/Editor Preferences/Plugins/Darker Nodes Plugin.

You'll need to restart your editor after for the changes to take effect. (The primary color change might need two restarts)

The Unreal editor menus are flickering

One of those solution should work:

  • Editor Preferences/General/Appearance/User Interface
    • Uncheck (if not already) "Enable Window Animations"
  • Windows Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/System/Advanced system settings/Advanced/Performance
    • Uncheck (if not already) "Enable desktop composition"
  • Go to Editor Preferences/General/Appearance/User Interface
    • Uncheck (if not already) "Enable High DPI Support"

If the top bar goes white, an editor restart should fix it.

Some elements are invisible / Search box are glitchy or unreadable / I'm having a visual bug

This can rarely happen on old projects when you upgrade Darker Nodes.

  • Go to Edit/Editor Preferences/Plugins/Darker Nodes Plugin
  • Click Fix Missing Elements (if the checkbox stay unchecked, it's normal)

I get an error when packaging my project

Error: LoadConfig (/Script/DarkerNodes.Default__DarkerNodesSettings): import failed for ... This means you changed a setting of Darker Nodes and an update removed/renamed that setting.

  • Go to Edit/Editor Preferences/Plugins/Darker Nodes Plugin
  • Change any setting (and change it back): this will trigger a config save and solve the problem

Shader compiler errors compiling... or LowLevelFatalError: Failed to find shader map for default material... This means you probably have your r.ShaderDevelopmentMode set to 1. Disable it and you should be good to go.

Where to find my saved configuration of DarkerNodes?

You can find it in the file located at [Project]\Saved\Config\Windows\EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini.

The configuration should be under the line [/Script/DarkerNodes.DarkerNodesSettings].

How to go back to default?

  • First, go in the settings in Edit/Editor Preferences/Plugins/Darker Nodes Plugin.
  • Then, uncheck "Master Activation". Then click on the "Reload default" checkbox (if it doesn't check, it's normal).
  • Restart the editor.

How to go back to default if I can't access the plugin?

  • First, go in the settings in Edit/Editor Preferences/General/Appearance.
  • Replace those colors:
Name Hex sRGB
Colors/Selection Color DEA309FF
Colors/Pressed Selection Color DA8209FF
Colors/Inactive Selection Color 898989FF
Colors/Editor Windows Background Color FFFFFFFF
Graphs/Grid Regular Color 343434FF
Graphs/Grid Ruler Color 161616FF
Graphs/Grid Center Color 000000FF
  • Reset the images to None in "Colors/Editor Windows Background Color" and "Colors/Editor Windows Background Override"