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74 lines (50 loc) · 2.54 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (50 loc) · 2.54 KB

Contributing to Lunar Proxy

Welcome, fellow space explorer! We appreciate your interest in contributing to Lunar Proxy. 🧑‍🚀

Your contributions will help us take a giant leap towards a more reliable and secure browsing experience.

An astronaut writing code on a laptop

How can I contribute?

Note: Before embarking on your mission, please review our Code of Conduct.

There are many ways you can contribute to Lunar Proxy. You can:

How can I contribute code?

To ensure a smooth journey aboard our lunar mission, please follow these guidelines:

Feature Branch Approach

We employ a feature branch approach for development. This approach allows contributors to work on new features or bug fixes in isolated branches before merging them into the main codebase.

Every feature or bug should have a corresponding GitHub issue. Before starting work on a new feature, please check if an issue exists. If not, create a new one to track the progress.

Branch Naming Convention

When creating a branch for a new feature or bug fix, please use the following naming convention:


We have a handy script which automates the branch creation process. Feel free to use it and embark on your coding expedition:


Opening a Pull Request

When you believe your code is ready for review and integration into the main codebase, open a pull request (PR) on GitHub. You can do this by running:

gh pr create

We encourage you to seek early feedback, even if your code is not yet ready to be merged. In such cases, mark the pull request as a draft to indicate its work-in-progress nature.

Squash and Merge

Once your PR has been reviewed and approved, and all continuous integration (CI) checks have successfully passed, it's time for the ultimate space maneuver: Squash and Merge. This operation combines all your commits into a single, coherent commit, preserving the integrity of our code history.

Thank you for joining us on this cosmic journey. Together, we'll propel Lunar to new heights and conquer the challenges that lie ahead. Happy coding, and may the lunar light guide your way! 🌖