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update action

The update process

The exegol wrapper has an update action dedicated to updating the different modules (wrapper, resources, etc.) of the project as well as the (docker) Exegol images.

Modules updates

This action make sure the local copies of the following repositories are up to date:

  • Exegol (wrapper code). If the wrapper has been installed with Pip, it will not be able to self-update, updating the package through Pip will be required (e.g. python3 -m pip install --upgrade exegol).
  • Exegol-images (docker building files)
  • Exegol-resources (offline resources, exegol-resources<exegol-resources>). This module is optional, and users can choose to install/update it at any time.


When running exegol update -v, the user will be able to choose from what branch them module should be synchronized with, allowing to switch easily between release and dev versions.

Images updates

Once the local code base is updated, the wrapper compares the installed Exegol images with those offered on the Dockerhub registry. If no parameters have been provided at command-line, an interactive selection will be possible to choose the images to update (if updates are available).


Older versions of images will be automatically deleted if they are no longer used by any container and if a newer version of the same image is installed. This automatic deletion behavior is a default configuration that can be modified in the configuration file<exegol_configuration> if needed, but it's advised not to change it as disk space is not unlimited and Exegol image can take up to 30GB.


The options of the update action are the following.

Option Description
IMAGE This option specifies what image to update.
--skip-git Skip modules updates <Modules-updates>.
--skip-images Skip images updates <Images-updates>.

Command examples

# Update interactively an exegol image:
exegol update

# Update the full image:
exegol update full

# Update the full image without updating exegol modules:
exegol update --skip-git full

# Update exegol modules and have the option to change branch without updating docker image:
exegol update -v --skip-images