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Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add nexio

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install nexio



  Nexio.configure do |config|
    config.api_key = <YOUR_NEXIO_API_KEY>
    config.environment = "development"

Setting config.environment to development will use sandbox, otherwise it will use live Nexio API.

Creating One Time Token

@nexio_one_time_token = Nexio::PaymentGateway.create_one_time_token(
    "card" => {
      "cardHolderName" => "Abdul Barek"
  "data" => {
  "currency" => "USD",
  "customer" => {
    "customerRef" => 780,
    "billToAddressOne" => "Main Road",
    "billToAddressTwo" => "",
    "billToCity" => "Same City",
    "billToState" => "FL",
    "billToPostal" => "84702",

Saving a credit card

@card = Nexio::PaymentGateway.save_card(
      "card" => {
        "cardHolderName" => "Abdul Barek",
        "expirationMonth" => "10",
        "expirationYear" => "#{ + 10}",
        "encryptedNumber" => "JQ2DIwFqQOCypsOE+3n0Mx6W6das1LrFAQVFR1lBD9KySCbVQXvJoweQ7R3wCv34oK6d8QlYQgsAWpmcROiwe4LowQI3pLfADmGRg4arowdaW8UBcR3gm26tT7KUdG13Y+0aiTKSleSJiRUSm3yU/VrNMe1tblYG+SsmtC8c3PEZkQxkJ216RYCzBkFRku2O7TRvx/GtxGd4VQItIF567VanRmZ8tIUaZGg9ZN6PKzUifRfCCt+2XGY7I1+Z7EOEAX1gQZT86+2vzcdk8MiZtMS4KYs+4kngSxR2EhyJa+3wRQBmkApRt03qCoWJEPIbNYxgwdjapy2oWeI/DrZu6A=="
      "data" => {
        "currency" => "USD"
      "shouldUpdateCard" => true,
      "token" => <ONE_TIME_TOKEN>

Update a card

 data = {
    "shouldUpdateCard" => true,
    "card" => {
      "expirationYear" => 2036,
      "cardHolderName" => "Abdul Barek",
      "expirationMonth" => 3
    "data" => {
      "customer" => {
        "billToAddressOne" => "1234 Anywhere St.",
        "billToAddressTwo" => "",
        "billToPostal" => 84072,
        "billToState" => FL,
        "billToCity" => "",
Nexio::PaymentGateway.update_card(<CARD_TOKEN>, data)

Deleting Cards

Nexio::PaymentGateway.delete_card([card_token1, card_token2])

Retrieving details of card


Charging a card through it's token

It is highly recommended to pass order number and customer reference on charging a credit card. Also it is mandatory to pass paymentType. For one time payment pass one of the following based on your scenario:

  1. merchant initiated using new card: initialMoto
  2. client initiated using new card: initialUnscheduled
  3. merchant initiated using saved card: unscheduledMit
  4. client initiated using saved card: unscheduledCit

Please check this for more information

customer = {
  "orderNumber" => 4848,
  "customerRef" => 123
processingOptions = {
  "paymentType" => 'initialMoto'
amount_in_usd = 20.25
Nexio::PaymentGateway.charge(amount_in_usd,card_token, customer, processingOptions)

How to refund

@refund = Nexio::PaymentGateway.refund(@nexio_payment_id,1.20)

You can use card 5105105105105100 to charge and refund for testing purpose as it settles payment immediately.

Get Payment Status Before refunding, it is needed to know the payment status Settled. Please visit to know the different payment status

@payment_status = Nexio::PaymentGateway.payment_status(@nexio_payment_id)

How to void a payment

@payment_status = Nexio::PaymentGateway.void_payment(@nexio_payment_id)

Handling error

rescue Nexio::NexioError => e
  puts e.to_hash

Getting http request details including body parameters and header information

rescue Nexio::NexioError => e
  puts e.request_details_in_hash

How to use custom css

This is very easy to style payment form by passing css file in uiOptions as below:

@nexio_one_time_token = Nexio::PaymentGateway.create_one_time_token(
        "card" => {},
        "uiOptions" => {
          "css" => ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path('your_custom.css', host: Rails.application.secrets.asset_host ? Rails.application.secrets.asset_host : request.base_url)
      "data" => {
      "currency" => "USD",
      "customer" => {}

Sample CSS: Nexio payment form has a wrapper with #paymentForm element, so you can apply more css considering it as parent. Just inspect the Nexio payment form to get their DOM structure in order to apply styles. SCSS Example:

  width: 500px;
  margin-left: 180px;


bundle exec rake test


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/nexio.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.