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File metadata and controls

54 lines (38 loc) · 2.69 KB

To install and setup just follow the following:

add to routes:

mount PpLogin::Engine => "/pp_login"

for setup in an initializer file put in

PpLogin.setup do |config| = "PayPal App ID"
  config.secret = "PayPal App secret"
  config.website_url = "website_URL" #just put your website URL here, just let the engine handle the rest.
  config.redirect_url = 'redirect_url' #put here where you want the engine to redirect to after it's gotten the access token/user_info, if left out it defaults to the website_url.
  config.mode = "sandbox" #or 'live'
  config.scope = 'scope' #not really needed as it defaults to 'openid email'
  config.token_store = :param # or :session, :cookie, :db, will default to :session if no value is supplied. How you want the engine to deal with the access token, see token store to understand the different options. 
  config.token_model = :model_name # if token_Store is set to :db then this is the name of the model to store it into.
  config.user_store = :param #same as token_store
  condif.user_model = :model_name #same as token_model

The helpers are:

  • get_token_path = the path that PayPal will redirect to after the user has logged into, you shouldn't need to use this..
  • refresh_token_path = the path you can use to refresh the access token (expects :refresh_token param).
  • user_info_path = the path you can use to retrieve user info (expects :access_token param)
  • logout_path = the path you can use to logout the user (expects :refresh_token param).

To use the following helpers include PpLogin::Helpers within your application_controller, they should be immediately available within the views and controllers.

  • user_info = will automatically return the user info after having been re-directed from the engine

  • token = will automatically return the token values after having been re-directed by from the engine

  • paypal_login(type,options) = used to generate a link or a button to login with paypal. type can be either :button or :link. Options accepts a hash, you can supply normal link_to or button_to options as well. The default text is "Login With PayPal" but can be changed by with the text: option.

Token Store

There are several methods to deal with the token

  • :param, will return token values as a param in the URL bar :token/:user, it's pre-parsed to json. (not secure)
  • :session, will store token in session under :token/:user, it's pre-parsed to json.
  • :cookie, will store token in cookies under :token/:user,it's pre-parsed to json.
  • :db, will store token into DB model that you supply (not implemented yet)

The link to send the user to paypal so they can login is stored in PpLogin.loginURL there is no helper as of yet.