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Model Fusion by Graph Matching

This example shows how to fuse different models into a single model by pygmtools. Model fusion aims to fuse multiple models into one, such that the fused model could have higher performance. The neural networks can be regarded as graphs (channels - nodes, update functions between channels - edges; node feature - bias, edge feature - weights), and fusing the models is equivalent to solving a graph matching problem. In this example, the given models are trained on MNIST data from different distributions, and the fused model could combine the knowledge from two input models and can reach higher accuracy when testing.


This is a simplified implementation of the ideas in Liu et al. Deep Neural Network Fusion via Graph Matching with Applications to Model Ensemble and Federated Learning. ICML 2022. For more details, please refer to the paper and the official code repository.


The following solvers are included in this example:

  • (classic solver)
  • ~pygmtools.linear_solvers.hungarian (linear solver)

Define a simple CNN classifier network

Load the trained models to be fused

Print the layers of the simple CNN model:


  (conv1): Conv2d(1, 32, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, padding_mode=replicate)
  (max_pool): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=1, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
  (conv2): Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=(5, 5), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1), bias=False, padding_mode=replicate)
  (fc1): Linear(in_features=3136, out_features=32, bias=False)
  (fc2): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=10, bias=False)

Test the input models

Testing results (two separate models):


model1 accuracy = 84.18%, model2 accuracy = 83.81%

Build the affinity matrix for graph matching

As shown in the following plot, the neural networks can be regarded as graphs. The weights correspond to the edge features, and the bias corresponds to the node features. In this example, the neural network does not have bias so that there are only edge features.


Define the graph matching affinity metric function

Define the affinity function between two neural networks. This function takes multiple neural network modules, and construct the corresponding affinity matrix which is further processed by the graph matching solver.

def graph_matching_fusion(networks: list):
    def total_node_num(network: torch.nn.Module):
        # count the total number of nodes in the network [network]
        num_nodes = 0
        for idx, (name, parameters) in enumerate(network.named_parameters()):
            if 'bias' in name:
            if idx == 0:
                num_nodes += parameters.shape[1]
            num_nodes += parameters.shape[0]
        return num_nodes

    n1 = total_node_num(network=networks[0])
    n2 = total_node_num(network=networks[1])
    assert (n1 == n2)
    affinity = torch.zeros([n1 * n2, n1 * n2], device=device)
    num_layers = len(list(zip(networks[0].parameters(), networks[1].parameters())))
    num_nodes_before = 0
    num_nodes_incremental = []
    num_nodes_layers = []
    pre_conv_list = []
    cur_conv_list = []
    conv_kernel_size_list = []
    num_nodes_pre = 0
    is_conv = False
    pre_conv = False
    pre_conv_out_channel = 1
    is_final_bias = False
    perm_is_complete = True
    named_weight_list_0 = [named_parameter for named_parameter in networks[0].named_parameters()]
    for idx, ((_, fc_layer0_weight), (_, fc_layer1_weight)) in \
            enumerate(zip(networks[0].named_parameters(), networks[1].named_parameters())):
        assert fc_layer0_weight.shape == fc_layer1_weight.shape
        layer_shape = fc_layer0_weight.shape
        num_nodes_cur = fc_layer0_weight.shape[0]
        if len(layer_shape) > 1:
            if is_conv is True and len(layer_shape) == 2:
                num_nodes_pre = pre_conv_out_channel
                num_nodes_pre = fc_layer0_weight.shape[1]
        if idx >= 1 and len(named_weight_list_0[idx - 1][1].shape) == 1:
            pre_bias = True
            pre_bias = False
        if len(layer_shape) > 2:
            is_bias = False
            if not pre_bias:
                pre_conv = is_conv
            is_conv = True
            fc_layer0_weight_data =
                fc_layer0_weight.shape[0], fc_layer0_weight.shape[1], -1)
            fc_layer1_weight_data =
                fc_layer1_weight.shape[0], fc_layer1_weight.shape[1], -1)
        elif len(layer_shape) == 2:
            is_bias = False
            if not pre_bias:
                pre_conv = is_conv
            is_conv = False
            fc_layer0_weight_data =
            fc_layer1_weight_data =
            is_bias = True
            if not pre_bias:
                pre_conv = is_conv
            is_conv = False
            fc_layer0_weight_data =
            fc_layer1_weight_data =
        if is_conv:
            pre_conv_out_channel = num_nodes_cur
        if is_bias is True and idx == num_layers - 1:
            is_final_bias = True
        if idx == 0:
            for a in range(num_nodes_pre):
                affinity[(num_nodes_before + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + a] \
                    [(num_nodes_before + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + a] \
                    = 1
        if idx == num_layers - 2 and 'bias' in named_weight_list_0[idx + 1][0] or \
                idx == num_layers - 1 and 'bias' not in named_weight_list_0[idx][0]:
            for a in range(num_nodes_cur):
                affinity[(num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + a] \
                    [(num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + a] \
                    = 1
        if is_bias is False:
            ground_metric = Ground_Metric_GM(
                fc_layer0_weight_data, fc_layer1_weight_data, is_conv, is_bias,
                pre_conv, int(fc_layer0_weight_data.shape[1] / pre_conv_out_channel))
            ground_metric = Ground_Metric_GM(
                fc_layer0_weight_data, fc_layer1_weight_data, is_conv, is_bias,
                pre_conv, 1)

        layer_affinity = ground_metric.process_soft_affinity(p=2)

        if is_bias is False:
            pre_conv_kernel_size = fc_layer0_weight.shape[3] if is_conv else None
        if is_bias is True and is_final_bias is False:
            for a in range(num_nodes_cur):
                for c in range(num_nodes_cur):
                    affinity[(num_nodes_before + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + c] \
                        [(num_nodes_before + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + c] \
                        = layer_affinity[a][c]
        elif is_final_bias is False:
            for a in range(num_nodes_pre):
                for b in range(num_nodes_cur):
                    (num_nodes_before + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before:
                    (num_nodes_before + a) * n2 + num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre,
                    (num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + b) * n2 + num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre:
                    (num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + b) * n2 + num_nodes_before + num_nodes_pre + num_nodes_cur] \
                        = layer_affinity[a + b * num_nodes_pre].view(num_nodes_cur, num_nodes_pre).transpose(0, 1)
        if is_bias is False:
            num_nodes_before += num_nodes_pre
    # affinity = (affinity + affinity.t()) / 2
    return affinity, [n1, n2, num_nodes_incremental, num_nodes_layers, cur_conv_list, conv_kernel_size_list]

Get the affinity (similarity) matrix between model1 and model2.

Align the models by graph matching

Align the channels of model1 & model2 by maximize the affinity (similarity) via graph matching algorithms.

Project X to neural network matching result. The neural network matching matrix is built by applying Hungarian to small blocks of X, because only the channels from the same neural network layer can be matched.


In this example, we assume the last FC layer is aligned and need not be matched.

Visualization of the matching result. The black lines splits the channels of different layers.


Define the alignment function: fuse the models based on matching result

def align(solution, fusion_proportion, networks: list, params: list):
    [_, _, num_nodes_incremental, num_nodes_layers, cur_conv_list, conv_kernel_size_list] = params
    named_weight_list_0 = [named_parameter for named_parameter in networks[0].named_parameters()]
    aligned_wt_0 = [ for name, parameter in named_weight_list_0]
    idx = 0
    num_layers = len(aligned_wt_0)
    for num_before, num_cur, cur_conv, cur_kernel_size in \
            zip(num_nodes_incremental, num_nodes_layers, cur_conv_list, conv_kernel_size_list):
        perm = solution[num_before:num_before + num_cur, num_before:num_before + num_cur]
        assert 'bias' not in named_weight_list_0[idx][0]
        if len(named_weight_list_0[idx][1].shape) == 4:
            aligned_wt_0[idx] = (perm.transpose(0, 1).to(torch.float64) @
                                 aligned_wt_0[idx].to(torch.float64).permute(2, 3, 0, 1)) \
                .permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
            aligned_wt_0[idx] = perm.transpose(0, 1).to(torch.float64) @ aligned_wt_0[idx].to(torch.float64)
        idx += 1
        if idx >= num_layers:
        if 'bias' in named_weight_list_0[idx][0]:
            aligned_wt_0[idx] = aligned_wt_0[idx].to(torch.float64) @
            idx += 1
        if idx >= num_layers:
        if cur_conv and len(named_weight_list_0[idx][1].shape) == 2:
            aligned_wt_0[idx] = (aligned_wt_0[idx].to(torch.float64)
                                 .reshape(aligned_wt_0[idx].shape[0], 64, -1)
                                 .permute(0, 2, 1)
                                 @ \
                .permute(0, 2, 1) \
                .reshape(aligned_wt_0[idx].shape[0], -1)
        elif len(named_weight_list_0[idx][1].shape) == 4:
            aligned_wt_0[idx] = (aligned_wt_0[idx].to(torch.float64)
                                 .permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
                                 @ \
                .permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
            aligned_wt_0[idx] = aligned_wt_0[idx].to(torch.float64) @
    assert idx == num_layers

    averaged_weights = []
    for idx, parameter in enumerate(networks[1].parameters()):
        averaged_weights.append((1 - fusion_proportion) * aligned_wt_0[idx] + fusion_proportion * parameter)
    return averaged_weights

Test the fused model

The fusion_proportion variable denotes the contribution to the new model. For example, if fusion_proportion=0.2, the fused model = 80% model1 + 20% model2.


Graph Matching Fusion
1.00 model1 + 0.00 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 84.18%
0.90 model1 + 0.10 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 85.12%
0.80 model1 + 0.20 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 85.21%
0.70 model1 + 0.30 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 82.52%
0.60 model1 + 0.40 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 71.11%
0.50 model1 + 0.50 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 53.74%
0.40 model1 + 0.60 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 63.26%
0.30 model1 + 0.70 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 78.51%
0.20 model1 + 0.80 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 82.81%
0.10 model1 + 0.90 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 83.97%
0.00 model1 + 1.00 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 83.81%

Compare with vanilla model fusion (no matching), graph matching method stabilizes the fusion step:



No Matching Fusion
1.00 model1 + 0.00 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 84.18%
0.90 model1 + 0.10 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 84.01%
0.80 model1 + 0.20 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 81.91%
0.70 model1 + 0.30 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 74.67%
0.60 model1 + 0.40 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 60.39%
0.50 model1 + 0.50 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 47.16%
0.40 model1 + 0.60 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 55.34%
0.30 model1 + 0.70 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 72.86%
0.20 model1 + 0.80 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 79.64%
0.10 model1 + 0.90 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 82.56%
0.00 model1 + 1.00 model2 -> fused model accuracy: 83.81%

Print the result summary


time consumed for model fusion: 102.27 seconds
model1 accuracy = 84.18%, model2 accuracy = 83.81%
best fused model accuracy: 85.21%


This example supports both GPU and CPU, and the online documentation is built by a CPU-only machine. The efficiency will be significantly improved if you run this code on GPU.


Total running time of the script: ( 1 minutes 50.463 seconds)


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Download Jupyter notebook: plot_model_fusion_pytorch.ipynb <plot_model_fusion_pytorch.ipynb>
