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Java® SDK ========

Getting Started with Java SDK

Maven™ Configuration

Add the following entries to your Project Object Model file. This is the preferred method to use the SDK:

<!-- sdk dependency -->

<groupId>com.threatconnect.sdk.core</groupId> <artifactId>threatconnect-sdk</artifactId> <version>${threatconnect-sdk.version}</version>



Programmatic Configuration

To connect to the API using the SDK, create a Configuration object with one of the following constructors:

public Configuration(String tcApiUrl, String tcApiAccessID, String tcApiUserSecretKey, String defaultOwner);
public Configuration(String tcApiUrl, String tcApiAccessID, String tcApiUserSecretKey, String defaultOwner, Integer resultLimit);

Pass the Configuration object when creating a new Connection. (See examples in the Reader and Writer sections.)

Configuration using Properties

This property can be defined in two ways:

In the Java virtual machine (JVM), you can call your program with the following -D property flag:

threatconnect.api.config=<YOUR CONFIG FILE LOCATION>

Or the system property can be directly set at runtime using the following code:

System.getProperties().setProperty("threatconnect.api.config", "<YOUR CONFIG FILE LOCATION>");

Once the configuration has been set up, the examples in this document should be executable, as long as the Java SDK for ThreatConnect is part of the classpath. See the following examples for a typical start-up script.

On Windows®:

java -cp ".;threatconnect-sdk-<version>.jar" TestClass

On Linux®:

java -cp ".:./threatconnect-sdk-<version>.jar" TestClass

The Java SDK will need to be configured with an Access ID and Secret Key. When a no-arg Configuration constructor is called, the SDK searches system properties for the "threatconnect.api.config" property.

The configuration file should contain the following lines at a minimum:


connection.tcApiAccessID=<YOUR API ACCESS ID>

connection.tcApiUserSecretKey=<YOUR API SECRET KEY>


If you are working with the ThreatConnect sandbox, the connection.tcApiUrl should be:

Third-Party Dependencies

The SDK utilizes these open-source libraries primarily for RESTful communication and JSON parsing.

Library Version Used by
HTTP Core 4.4.1 SDK
HTTP Client 4.4.1 SDK
Commons Logging 1.2 HTTP Client
Commons Codec 1.9 HTTP Client
Jackson Core 2.5.3 SDK
Jackson Databind 2.5.3 SDK
Jackson Annotation 2.5.0 Jackson Databind

Technical Design

The Java SDK for ThreatConnect was designed with a focus on abstracting the API REST calls while enabling the developer to use an enterprise-level programming language. The abstraction layer is relatively 'thin', because it coincides directly with all of the REST API calls. In fact, the entities themselves were ported directly from the ThreatConnect API to enable consistent communication between the Java SDK and the REST API.

SDK Design

SDK Design

The Java library was designed with common programming-design patterns. You will notice the 'Adapter' pattern used to manage the interaction with the API connection and REST calls. The Java SDK depends on the Apache HTTP components open-source library to handle these calls. Because instantiating an Adapter requires a low-level RequestExecutor, a 'Factory' design pattern was utilized to expose reading/writing functionality in a simplified way.

Java generics are used to type many of the Adapters in an effort to reuse code, as most readers share functional resources. Below is a diagram that will help illustrate common interactions between different classes.

Note that names are conceptual to illustrate interaction. Actual class names and methods will be discussed later in this document. All interactions with the Java SDK will follow this programmatic idiom:

SDK Architecture

SDK Architecture

To facilitate interaction with the full set of Java SDK readers and writers, the use of ReaderAdapterFactory and WriterAdapterFactory, respectively, is highly recommended.

Example Java App

Once retrieved, the Adversary objects will be printed to the console.

import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractGroupReaderAdapter;
import com.threatconnect.sdkb.client.reader.ReaderAdapterFactory;
import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection;
import com.threatconnect.sdkb.exception.FailedResponseException;
import com.threatconnect.sdkb.server.entity.Adversary;
import java.util.List;

public class GroupExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Connection conn = null;

        try {

            System.getProperties().setProperty("threatconnect.api.config", "/");
            conn = new Connection();

            AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Adversary> reader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupReader(conn);
            List<Adversary> data = reader.getAll("System");
            for (Adversary g : data ) {
                System.out.println( "Adversary: " + g.toString() );

        } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) {
            System.err.println("Error: " + ex);
        } finally {
            if ( conn != null )     conn.disconnect();



To write the first program using the Java SDK for the ThreatConnect API, an Adversary reader that pulls all Adversaries belonging to the System Organization must be created.

Line Description
1-7 Notable imports include: The com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader package holds all Adapter classes that read data from the API. The com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity package holds all entities returned by the Java SDK.
17-18 The platform programmatically defines the system property to load the configuration file. This allows the developer to instantiate Connection objects (line 18) with a no-arg constructor. If the threatconnect.api.config property is not defined, the developer has the option of passing the configuration file name string in the single-arg Connection constructor.
20 To create an AbstractGroupReaderAdapter object: Use the ReaderAdapterFactory pattern and generics to enforce compile-time type constraints on this abstract class. Then pass the Connection object used by the Adapter to interact with the ThreatConnect API.
21 Using the Reader object, call getAll() method and pass it the Organization string name to return all Adversaries for the System Organization.
22-24 Iterate through the data collection to print the contents to the console.
26 The IOException is potentially thrown if the Connection object cannot find the properties file. The FailedResponseException is thrown if the API request is invalid.
29 In all cases when processing is complete, call disconnect() on the Connection object to release resources.


This section explained:

  • How to connect to the ThreatConnect API by passing the configuration file in system properties
  • How to get a list of Adversaries for the System Organization
  • What types of exceptions a connection and read operation can potentially throw
  • How to close a ThreatConnect API connection

Deploying a Java App

Apps must be packaged and deployed into ThreatConnect's application runtime environment.

Supported Version

ThreatConnect Java integrations require Oracle JRE 7 or later. OpenJRE is not supported.

Third-Party Libraries

These libraries are automatically included in the classpath of every Java app. There is no need to include these libraries in the installation zip file. There is also no need to include these libraries in the configuration variable named java.classpath.

Library Version
ThreatConnect SDK 2.0.0
HTTP Core 4.4.1
HTTP Client 4.4.1
Commons Logging 1.2
Commons Codec 1.9
Jackson Core 2.5.3
Jackson Databind 2.5.3
Jackson Annotation 2.5.0

Deployment Configuration

Apps use a deployment configuration file to define variables and execution environment. You can read more about the deployment configuration file here.

Command-Line Parameters

The application runtime environment passes standard parameters to all jobs as part of its standard sandbox container. There should be no assumptions made on the naming or existence of paths passed in these variables outside of the lifetime of the job execution. Because all job executions are run in a sandboxed environment, app developers should never hard-code ThreatConnect Parameters.

ThreatConnect Parameter Description
tc_log_path Log path for the specific instance of the job execution
tc_tmp_path Temporary storage path for the specific instance of the job execution
tc_out_path Output path for the specific instance of the job execution
tc_api_path Path to the ThreatConnect API server

Job Results

Job executions can use a special file called to write results as a mechanism for updating parameters for subsequent runs. A use case for this feature is an app that needs to know the last time it completed successfully in order to process data since that completion. The parameter definitions are quite flexible, with the only restriction being that the parameters written to the file must exist in the configuration file in order to be persisted.

Example file:

param.last_completed_time = 1430619556

Assuming there is a property with the same name in configuration, the job executor will update the new property value in the system for the next run. The property will only be stored if the job execution is successful. This file should be written to the tc_out_path passed as one of the standard ThreatConnect parameters.

Exit Codes

There are standard exit codes that the application runtime environment uses to report whether a program completed successfully. The Java app is responsible for calling System.exit(N), where 'N' is the appropriate exit code highlighted below:

When System.exit() is not called by the app, an exit code of zero is returned by default during normal code execution. System-critical errors (e.g., file not found) return non-zero exit codes. The developer is responsible for catching and handling program errors accordingly.

At times, a program may want to report a partial failure (e.g., batch process where X out of Y updates completed). In cases of partial failure, the System Administrator can retrieve the log file for that job execution and view more detailed output from the program run.

The contents of are typically written any time the program exits normally or through an error:

Status Description
Success Exit code 0 - Process completed successfully.
Partial Failure Exit code 3 - Process had a partial failure.
Failure Any value not 0 or 3 (typically Exit code 1) - Process failed.

Exit Message File

Exit codes provide a mechanism to report status at a high level. For more granular control of the exit message displayed to the user, the app can write a message to the tc_out_path directory under the file named All content in this file should be limited to 255 characters or less. The job executor reads this file after execution completes on each job and displays the contents in the Job table detail tip.

Exit Message

Exit Message

The Reader Package

The Reader Package is the primary package to retrieve data from the ThreatConnect API. It covers all available resources exposed through the ThreatConnect API. The primary classes in the Reader Package, which encompass all read functionality from the API, are listed below.

Class Description
ReaderAdapterFactory Primary entry point to instantiate all readers in the Reader Package
AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<T extends Group> Generic Group Reader Abstract class. Concrete object available in ReaderAdapterFactory
AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<T extends Indicator> Generic Indicator Reader Abstract class. Concrete object available in ReaderAdapterFactory
AbstractReaderAdapter Base Abstract Reader for all Reader Adapters in the Reader Package
OwnerReaderAdapter Concrete Reader for Organization owner data. Convenience object available in ReaderAdapterFactory
SecurityLabelReaderAdapter Concrete Reader for SecurityLabel data. Convenience object available in ReaderAdapterFactory
TagReaderAdapter Concrete Reader for Tag data. Convenience object available in ReaderAdapterFactory
TaskReaderAdapter Concrete Reader for Task data. Convenience object available in ReaderAdapterFactory
VictimReaderAdapter Concrete Reader for Victim data. Convenience object available in ReaderAdapterFactory

Reader Factory

The ReaderAdapterFactory class is, effectively, the "hub" for reader Adapters. It provides convenience objects for all the Adapters in the Reader Package. Below is a list of the static methods and return types of the ReaderAdapterFactory:

Type Method
static AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Adversary> createAdversaryGroupReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Email> createEmailGroupReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Incident> createIncidentGroupReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Signature> createSignatureGroupReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Threat> createThreatGroupReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<Address> createAddressIndicatorReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<EmailAddress> createEmailAddressIndicatorReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<File> createFileIndicatorReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<Host> createHostIndicatorReader(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter<Url> createUrlIndicatorReader(Connection conn)
static BatchReaderAdapter<Indicator> createIndicatorBatchReader(Connection conn)
static DocumentReaderAdapter createDocumentReader(Connection conn)
static OwnerReaderAdapter createOwnerReader(Connection conn)
static SecurityLabelReaderAdapter createSecurityLabelReader(Connection conn)
static TagReaderAdapter createTagReader(Connection conn)
static TaskReaderAdapter createTaskReader(Connection conn)
static VictimReaderAdapter createVictimReader(Connection conn)

Reader Factory Example

1 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractGroupReaderAdapter;
2 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.ReaderAdapterFactory;
3 import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection;
4 import com.threatconnect.sdk.exception.FailedResponseException;
5 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Adversary;
6 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Email;
7 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Group;
8 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Incident;
9 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Signature;

10 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Threat; 11 import; 13

53 private static void doGetById(Connection conn) throws IOException, FailedResponseException { 54 55 AbstractGroupReaderAdapter reader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupReader(conn); 56 IterableResponse<Group> data = reader.getAllGroups(); 57 for (Group group : data) { 58 System.err.println("Checking group.class=" + group.getClass() + ", type=" + group.getType()); 59 Group result = null; 60 switch( Group.Type.valueOf(group.getType()) ) { 61 case Adversary: 62 AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Adversary> adversaryReader 63 = ReaderAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupReader(conn); 64 // "result" is assigned an Adversary object 65 result = adversaryReader.getById(group.getId(),group.getOwnerName()); 66 break; 67 case Email: 68 AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Email> emailReader 69 = ReaderAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupReader(conn); 70 // "result" is assigned an Email object 71 result = emailReader.getById(group.getId(), group.getOwnerName()); 72 break; 73 case Incident: 74 AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Incident> incidentReader 75 = ReaderAdapterFactory.createIncidentGroupReader(conn); 76 // "result" is assigned an Incident object 77 result = incidentReader.getById(group.getId(), group.getOwnerName()); 78 break; 79 case Signature: 80 AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Signature> sigReader 81 = ReaderAdapterFactory.createSignatureGroupReader(conn); 82 // "result" is assigned a Signature object 83 result = sigReader.getById(group.getId(), group.getOwnerName() ); 84 break; 85 case Threat: 86 AbstractGroupReaderAdapter<Threat> threatReader 87 = ReaderAdapterFactory.createThreatGroupReader(conn); 88 // "result" is assigned a Threat object 89 result = threatReader.getById(group.getId(), group.getOwnerName() ); 90 break; 91 default: 92 System.err.println("Unknown Group Type: " + group.getType() ); 93 break; 94 } 95 96 assert result.getId().equals(group.getId()); 97 } 98 99 }

This example continues building from the first one and uses more Adapters available in the Reader Package. The following example reads all Groups available to the System Organization. It then proceeds to iterate through each Group, printing and performing "getById()" lookups to get the full Group object from the ThreatConnect API. (Note: For brevity, an ellipsis (...) has been substituted for code sections removed.)

There are more concise ways of handling reading data and purely checking its ID. This code is written in a more verbose form, strictly to illustrate the usage of different methods in the ReaderFactory.

Line Description
5-10 Notice how all Group-level entities in the imports are added. Results from reader Adapters will return an entity or a collection of entities from the com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity package.
52-53 Groups to which the current API user has access under the System Organization should be retrieved. All AbstractGroupReaderAdapter’s have access to the getAllGroups() method. It returns a collection of Group objects for the "System" Organization from the ThreatConnect API.
60 To illustrate the different instantiations, a switch statement on the generic Group object is used.
61-63 Based on the Group.Type enum value (in this section, "Adversary"), an AdversaryGroupReader object is created from the ReaderAdapterFactory. The assignment to the adversaryReader variable is typed using generics to enforce compile time checks on the data returned from this reader.
65 The getById() method to retrieve the proper Adversary Group data, based on the ID and Organization name, from the ThreatConnect API, is used here. The result variable is assigned an Adversary-type object.
67-90 The remaining case statement blocks will check for different Group types, but, effectively, does the same operation. Take some time to review these blocks to understand how the ReaderFactory facilitates the creation of proper readers.
96 Here the Group ID is compared against the result ID returned by the getById method to assert that they are, in fact, the same entity.

IterableResponse Class

Using this iterable, the developer can utilize traditional iterator() methods to iterate through the results, or, more concisely, the Java for each loop is as follows:

IterableResponse<Address> data = reader.getAll();
for(Address a : data) {
   System.out.println("Address: " + a); 

In the previous example, the IterableResponse class retrieves all Groups for the default owner. The IterableResponse class is the primary type returned by all collection-based reader operations. Typically, a collection, like a List, would be expected in this scenario, but to resolve the paging limits of the ThreatConnect API, the IterableResponse was created.

All paging is performed behind the scenes, allowing the developer to rely on an iterable to fulfill its contract and return a hasNext() of false when there are no more results. The iterable will make use of the resultLimit value defined during the creation of the Configuration object.

Reader Class Overview

While the main entry point to the Reader Package is the ReaderFactory, getting familiar with the main Adapters helps developers understand how to interact with the data returning from the ThreatConnect API. Although there is extensive use of Java Generics, the Method naming conventions will be familiar and self-explanatory. Parameter naming conventions have been kept abstract to more accurately reflect the identifiers being passed.

Parameter Naming Convention

Type Description
uniqueId Identifier for the reader/writer Group or Incident Adapter type. For Groups, this is an Integer that requires an Adversary ID, Email ID, Incident ID, Signature ID, or Threat ID. This identifier is system generated when the group is created in ThreatConnect. For Indicators, this is a String that requires an IP Address, Email Address, File Hash, Host Name, or URL text. This identifier is user generated when the Indicator is created in ThreatConnect.
victimId Identifier for the Victim Adapter type. This identifier is an Integer created by the system when the Victim entry is created in ThreatConnect.
assetId Identifier for the VictimAsset Adapter type. This identifier is an Integer created by the system when the VictimAsset is created in ThreatConnect. This identifier represents a VictimEmailAddress ID, VictimNetworkAccount ID, VictimPhone ID, VictimSocialNetwork ID, or VictimWebsite ID.
securityLabel Identifier for SecurityLabel Adapter type. This is a user-provided String that represents the Security Label.
tagName Identifier for Iag Adapter type. This is a user-provided String that represents the Tag.

The AbstractGroupReaderAdapter is the object returned when GroupReader is called from the ReaderFactory. These GroupReader instantiations were reviewed in the last example.

The Java SDK library for ThreatConnect comes with JavaDocs in the "apidocs" directory, which is an additional reference to the Java SDK.


Example filter usage:

IterableResponse<Url> urls 
  = urlReader.getForFilters("System", // owners
                             true,                              // OR filters 
                             ApiFilterType.filterConfidence()   // filter:
                                          .greaterThan(50),     // confidence > 50
                             ApiFilterType.filterRating()       // filter:
                                          .greaterThan(2.5));   // rating > 2.5
ApiFilterTypeexposes a builder pattern that can be used to build filters for indicators, groups, documents, tags, and victims.
Filters can be passed to the getForFilters(...) method in the AbstractBaseReader class.


The methods below get data for the Group type (T) linked to this Adapter. The uniqueId (P) for Groups is an Integer.

Type Method
T getById(P uniqueId)
T getById(P uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<T> getForFilters(String ownerName, boolean orParams, ApiFilterType...filters)
IterableResponse<T> getAll()
IterableResponse<T> getAll(String ownerName)

The methods below get generic Group objects associated to this Group type (T).

Type Method
IterableResponse<Group> getAllGroups()
IterableResponse<Group> getAllGroups(String ownerName)
String getAllGroupsAsText()

Associated Groups

The methods below get associated Group elements by distinct type.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Group> getAssociatedGroups(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Group> getAssociatedGroups(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Adversary> getAssociatedGroupAdversaries(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Adversary> getAssociatedGroupAdversaries(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Adversary getAssociatedGroupAdversary(Integer uniqueId, Integer adversaryId)
Adversary getAssociatedGroupAdversary(Integer uniqueId, Integer adversaryId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Email> getAssociatedGroupEmails(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Email> getAssociatedGroupEmails(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Email getAssociatedGroupEmail(Integer uniqueId, Integer emailId)
Email getAssociatedGroupEmail(Integer uniqueId, Integer emailId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Incident> getAssociatedGroupIncidents(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Incident> getAssociatedGroupIncidents(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Incident getAssociatedGroupIncident(Integer uniqueId, Integer incidentId)
Incident getAssociatedGroupIncident(Integer uniqueId, Integer incidentId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Signature> getAssociatedGroupSignatures(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Signature> getAssociatedGroupSignatures(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Signature getAssociatedGroupSignature(Integer uniqueId, Integer signatureId)
Signature getAssociatedGroupSignature(Integer uniqueId, Integer signatureId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Threat> getAssociatedGroupThreats(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Threat> getAssociatedGroupThreats(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Threat getAssociatedGroupThreat(Integer uniqueId, Integer threatId)
Threat getAssociatedGroupThreat(Integer uniqueId, Integer threatId, String ownerName)

Associated Indicators

The methods below get associated Indicator elements by distinct types.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Indicator> getAssociatedIndicators(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Indicator> getAssociatedIndicators(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Address> getAssociatedIndicatorAddresses(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Address> getAssociatedIndicatorAddresses(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Address getAssociatedIndicatorAddress(Integer uniqueId, String ipAddress)
Address getAssociatedIndicatorAddress(Integer uniqueId, String ipAddress, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Email> getAssociatedIndicatorEmails(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Email> getAssociatedIndicatorEmails(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Email getAssociatedIndicatorEmail(Integer uniqueId, String emailAddress)
Email getAssociatedIndicatorEmail(Integer uniqueId, String emailAddress, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<File> getAssociatedIndicatorFiles(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<File> getAssociatedIndicatorFiles(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
File getAssociatedIndicatorFile(Integer uniqueId, String fileHash)
IterableResponse<Host> getAssociatedIndicatorHosts(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Host> getAssociatedIndicatorHosts(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Host getAssociatedIndicatorHost(Integer uniqueId, String hostName)
Host getAssociatedIndicatorHost(Integer uniqueId, String hostName, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<Url> getAssociatedIndicatorUrls(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Url> getAssociatedIndicatorUrls(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Url getAssociatedIndicatorUrl(Integer uniqueId, String urlText)
Url getAssociatedIndicatorUrl(Integer uniqueId, String urlText, String ownerName)

Associated Security Labels

The methods below get associated Security Labels data elements.

Type Method
IterableResponse<SecurityLabel> getAssociatedSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<SecurityLabel> getAssociatedSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
SecurityLabel getAssociatedSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, String securityLabel)
SecurityLabel getAssociatedSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, String securityLabel, String ownerName)

Associated Tags

The methods below get associated Tag data elements.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Tag> getAssociatedTags(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Tag> getAssociatedTags(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Tag getAssociatedTag(Integer uniqueId, String tagName)
Tag getAssociatedTag(Integer uniqueId, String tagName, String ownerName)

Associated VictimAssets

The methods below get associated VictimAsset data elements.

Type Method
IterableResponse<VictimAsset> getAssociatedVictimAssets(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<VictimAsset> getAssociatedVictimAssets(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<VictimEmailAddress> getAssociatedVictimAssetEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<VictimEmailAddress> getAssociatedVictimAssetEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
VictimEmailAddress getAssociatedVictimAssetEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
VictimEmailAddress getAssociatedVictimAssetEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<VictimNetworkAccount> getAssociatedVictimAssetNetworkAccounts(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<VictimNetworkAccount> getAssociatedVictimAssetNetworkAccounts(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
VictimNetworkAccount getAssociatedVictimAssetNetworkAccount(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
VictimNetworkAccount getAssociatedVictimAssetNetworkAccount(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<VictimPhone> getAssociatedVictimAssetPhoneNumbers(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<VictimPhone> getAssociatedVictimAssetPhoneNumbers(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
VictimPhone getAssociatedVictimAssetPhoneNumber(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
VictimPhone getAssociatedVictimAssetPhoneNumber(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<VictimSocialNetwork> getAssociatedVictimAssetSocialNetworks(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<VictimSocialNetwork> getAssociatedVictimAssetSocialNetworks(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
VictimSocialNetwork getAssociatedVictimAssetSocialNetwork(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
VictimSocialNetwork getAssociatedVictimAssetSocialNetwork(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<VictimWebSite> getAssociatedVictimAssetWebsites(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<VictimWebSite> getAssociatedVictimAssetWebsites(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
VictimWebSite getAssociatedVictimAssetWebsite(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
VictimWebSite getAssociatedVictimAssetWebsite(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)

Associated Attributes

The methods below get Attributes and Attribute Security Labels for this Group type.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Attribute> getAttributes(Integer uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Attribute> getAttributes(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)
Attribute getAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId)
Attribute getAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<SecurityLabel> getAttributeSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId)
IterableResponse<SecurityLabel> getAttributeSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String ownerName)
SecurityLabel getAttributeSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String securityLabel)
SecurityLabel getAttributeSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String securityLabel, String ownerName)


AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter and AbstractGroupReaderAdapter share many of the association actions. Indicators share the ability to associate Groups, Indicators, Security Labels, Tags, Victim Assets, and Attributes. The listings below are some distinctions or subtle differences.

All Indicators in the ThreatConnect API have a uniqueId data type of "String". This identifier is provided by each Organization in the form of an Email Address, IP Address, File Hash, Host Name, or URL text. To understand this distinction, read the Indicator section in the ThreatConnect API documentation.

The methods below get data for the Indicator type (T) linked to this Adapter. The uniqueId (P) for Indicators is a String.

Type Method
T getById(P uniqueId)
T getById(P uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<T> getForFilters(String ownerName, boolean orParams, ApiFilterType...filters)
IterableResponse<T> getAll()
IterableResponse<T> getAll(String ownerName)

The method below returns all the generic Indicators to which the current API user has access.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Indicator> getIndicators()

The methods below return owners who have created the Indicator under the uniqueId.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Owner> getAssociatedOwners(String uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Owner> getAssociatedOwners(String uniqueId, String ownerName)

The methods below return False Positive counts for the Indicator under the uniqueId.

Type Method
FalsePositive getFalsePositive(String uniqueId)
FalsePositive getFalsePositive(String uniqueId, String ownerName)

The methods below return Observations and Observation counts for the Indicator under the uniqueId.

Type Method
IterableResponse<Observation> getObservations(String uniqueId)
IterableResponse<Observation> getObservations(String uniqueId, String ownerName)
ObservationCount getObservationCount(String uniqueId)
ObservationCount getObservationCount(String uniqueId, String ownerName)

The AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter class has a concrete subclass FileIndicatorReaderAdapter that exposes the methods below.

Type Method
FileOccurrence getFileOccurrence(String uniqueId, Integer fileOccurrencId)
FileOccurrence getFileOccurrence(String uniqueId, Integer fileOccurrencId, String ownerName)


The BatchReaderAdapter class allows the developer to poll for the status of a batch upload file using a batch id. Once a batch is complete (either successfully or with errors), the developer can download errors (if any).

Type Method
ApiEntitySingleResponse<BatchStatus, BatchStatusResponseData> getStatus(int batchId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse<BatchStatus, BatchStatusResponseData> getStatus(int batchId, String ownerName)
void downloadErrors(int batchId, Path outputPath)
void downloadErrors(int batchId, String ownerName, Path outputPath)


The DocumentReaderAdapter class is a subclass of the AbstractGroupReader class. In addition to all GroupReader functionality, the document reader has access to the following method.

Type Method
void downloadFile(int uniqueId, String ownerName, Path outputPath)


The OwnerReaderAdapter is a simple Adapter that returns a list of Organizations to which the API user has access. There is a second method called "getOwnerMine()" that returns the default Organization for the API user.

Type Method
Owner getOwnerMine()
IterableResponse<Owner> getOwners()


The SecurityLabelReaderAdapter class is a concrete class (available through the ReaderFactory) that returns Security Labels to which the developer's API user has access, as well as by uniqueId (P). The uniqueId data type for Security Labels is a String.

Type Method
T getById(P uniqueId)
T getById(P uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<T> getAll()
IterableResponse<T> getAll(String ownerName)

In addition to retrieving basic Security Label data, associated Groups and Indicators can be retrieved. For more details on these methods, see the AbstractGroupReaderAdapter class.

TagReaderAdapter Class

The TagReaderAdapter class is a concrete class (available through the ReaderFactory) that returns Tags to which the developer's API user has access, as well as by uniqueId (P). The uniqueId data type for Tags is a String.

Type Method
T getById(P uniqueId)
T getById(P uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<T> getForFilters(String ownerName, boolean orParams, ApiFilterType...filters)
IterableResponse<T> getAll()
IterableResponse<T> getAll(String ownerName)

In addition to retrieving basic Tag data, associated Groups and Indicators can be retrieved. For more details on these methods, review the AbstractGroupReaderAdapter class.

TaskReaderAdapter Class

The TaskReaderAdapter class is a concrete class (available through the ReaderFactory) that returns Tasks to which the API user has access, as well as by uniqueId (P). The uniqueId data type for a Task is an Integer.

Type Method
T getById(P uniqueId)
T getById(P uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<T> getForFilters(String ownerName, boolean orParams, ApiFilterType...filters)
IterableResponse<T> getAll()
IterableResponse<T> getAll(String ownerName)

In addition to retrieving basic Task data, associated Assignees and Escalatees can be retrieved.

The methods below return all Assignees or Escalatees associated with a given Task's ID

Type Method
IterableResponse<User> getAssignees(P uniqueId)
IterableResponse<User> getEscalatees(P uniqueId)

The methods below return an individual Assignee or Escalatees' information

Type Method
IterableResponse<User> getAssignee(P uniqueId, String userName)
IterableResponse<User> getEscalatee(P uniqueId, String userName)

VictimReaderAdapter Class

The VictimReaderAdapter class is a concrete class (available through the ReaderFactory) that returns Victims to which the API user has access, as well as by uniqueId (P). The uniqueId data type for a Victim is an Integer.

Type Method
T getById(P uniqueId)
T getById(P uniqueId, String ownerName)
IterableResponse<T> getForFilters(String ownerName, boolean orParams, ApiFilterType...filters)
IterableResponse<T> getAll()
IterableResponse<T> getAll(String ownerName)

In addition to retrieving basic Victim data, associated Groups, Indicators, and VictimAssets can be retrieved. For more details on these methods, review the AbstractGroupReaderAdapter class.

Reader IP Address and Tag Example

The following example uses the Reader Package to retrieve associated Tags from our IP address Indicators:

private static void doGetAssociatedTags(Connection conn) throws IOException, FailedResponseException {
    AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter reader = ReaderAdapterFactory.createAddressIndicatorReader(conn);
    IterableResponse<Address> data = reader.getAll();
    for (Address address : data) {
        System.out.printf("IP Address: %20s", address.getIp() );

        IterableResponse<Tag> associatedTags = reader.getAssociatedTags( address.getIp() );
        System.out.printf("\tAssociated Tag:");
        for(Tag tag : associatedTags) {
            System.out.printf("%20s", tag.getName() );
Line Description
3-4 An IndicatorReaderAdapter is created to read all the addresses to which the API user has access. The getAll() method returns a collection of addresses from the ThreatConnect API.
5-6 Each address is iterated through and its uniqueId is printed. As mentioned in the AbstractIndicatorReaderAdapter section, all uniqueIds for Indicators are Strings. In the case of address objects, it is the IP Address or the getIp() getter method.
8 To get a collection of associated Tags for the IP Address, the getAssociatedTags() method is called.
10-11 Each Tag returned from the ThreatConnect API for that specific IP Address is iterated through and printed to the console.


This example explained how to:

  • Get a collection of Indicators to which the API user has access
  • Retrieve associated data (in this case Tags) based on the uniqueId of the Indicator

The Writer Package

The Writer Package shares many of the concepts of the Reader Package with the distinction of introducing the new functionality of version 2.0 of the ThreatConnect API. Note that the WriterAdapterFactory class is effectively the "hub" for writer Adapters. It provides convenience objects for all the Adapters in the Writer Package. Below is a list of the static methods and return types of the WriterAdapterFactory.

Class Description
WriterA dapterFac tory Primary entry point to instantiate all writers in the Writer Package
Abstrac tGroupWri terAdapte r<T exten ds Group> Generic Group writer abstract class. Concrete object available in WriterAdapterFactory
Abstrac tIndicato rWriterAd apter<T e xtends In dicator> Generic Indicator writer abstract class. Concrete object available in WriterAdapterFactory
Abstrac tWriterAd apter Base abstract writer for all reader Adapters in the Reader Package
Securit yLabelWri terAdapte r Concrete writer for SecurityLabel data. Convenience object available in WriterAdapterFactory
TagWrit erAdapter Concrete writer for Tag data. Convenience object available in WriterAdapterFactory
TaskWri terAdapte r Concrete writer for Task data. Convenience object available in WriterAdapterFactory
VictimW riterAdap ter Concrete writer for Victim data. Convenience object available in WriterAdapterFactory
Abstrac tBatchWri terAdapte r<T> Writer for batch Indicator uploads. Concrete object available in WriterAdapterFactory

Writer Factory

The primary methods for the WriterFactory are listed below. They encompass all write functionality for the ThreatConnect API.

Class Method
static AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Adversary> createAdversaryGroupWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> createEmailGroupWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Incident> createIncidentGroupWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Signature> createSignatureGroupWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Threat> createThreatGroupWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<Address> createAddressIndicatorWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<EmailAddress> createEmailAddressIndicatorWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<File> createFileIndicatorWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<Host> createHostIndicatorWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<Url> createUrlIndicatorWriter(Connection conn)
static AbstractBatchWriterAdapter<Indicator> createBatchIndicatorWriter(Connection conn)
static DocumentWriterAdapter createDocumentWriter(Connection conn)
static SecurityLabelWriterAdapter createSecurityLabelWriter(Connection conn)
static TagWriterAdapter createTagWriter(Connection conn)
static TaskWriterAdapter createTaskWriter(Connection conn)
static VictimWriterAdapter createVictimWriter(Connection conn)

Writer Responses

This section details some conventions used in the writer API that will help clarify how deletes, creates, and updates are handled by the Java SDK, and what the developer should expect when a failure occurs.

When a single item is modified (create/delete/update) using the Java SDK, the return type is an ApiEntitySingleResponse object. In an effort to simplify write-operation response handling, the ApiEntitySingleResponse object provides a single object for the developer to validate the modify operation.

When a collection of items is modified (create/delete/update) using the Java SDK, the return type is a WriteListResponse object. Likewise, in an effort to simplify write-operation response handling, the WriteListResponse object holds collections of failed/succeeded ApiEntitySingleResponse objects. The following listing describes how modify responses should be handled.

Type Method
List<ApiEntitySingleResponse> getFailureList()
List<ApiEntitySingleResponse> getSuccessList()
boolean isSuccess()
String getMessage()
T getItem()

While the ApiEntitySingleResponse class manages failed write operations to the ThreatConnect API, the developer is responsible for capturing any runtime exceptions that may occur because of network, configuration, or data-related issues.

Fluent Entities

The following is a simple Fluent example:

Attribute attribute = new AttributeBuilder()
         .withDateAdded(new Date())
         .withLastModified(new Date())

There are entity classes available using a Fluent style to simplify object creation. These classes are part of the SDK and can be used in place of creating a traditional new ThreatConnect entity with all setters. Using the Fluent entities in the com.threatconnect.sdk.client.fluent package are optional and a matter of preference.

Fluent Types

Writer Create Example

The following is a simple Writer Create example:

3 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.AbstractGroupWriterAdapter;
4 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.WriterAdapterFactory;
5 import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection;
6 import com.threatconnect.sdk.exception.FailedResponseException;
7 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Adversary;
8 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.response.entity.ApiEntitySingleResponse;
9 import;

10 import java.util.List;

103 private static void doCreate(Connection conn) { 104 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Adversary> writer = WriterAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupWriter(conn); 105 106 Adversary adversary = new Adversary(); 107 adversary.setName("Test Adversary"); 108 adversary.setOwnerName("System"); 109 110 try { 111 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Adversary,?> response = writer.create(adversary); 112 if ( response.isSuccess() ) { 113 Adversary savedAdversary = response.getItem(); 114 System.out.println("Saved: " + savedAdversary.toString() ); 115 } else { 116 System.err.println("Error: " + response.getMessage() ); 117 118 } 119 120 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 121 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 122 } 123 124 }

Code Sample

Line Description
104 An AbstractGroupWriterAdapter for the Adversary Group type is created. With this Adapter, Group data elements, Victim Assets, Attributes, and associations can be written/updated/deleted.
106-10 8 A simple Adversary with a name and owner (Organization) is created.
111 The writer is used to create an Adversary using the ThreatConnect API. For single-item writes, an ApiEntitySingleResponse object is always returned. This object allows for the appropriate inspection and handling of the response.
112-11 4 To see if the create was successful, isSuccess() is called. If the check passes, the item associated with the response is delivered using the getItem() method (Line 113). The successfully saved Adversary object returns from the ThreatConnect API with a valid ID value.
116 If the response is unsuccessful, the response message to the console is printed.
121 Any potential runtime exceptions are caught and handled appropriately. In the case of this basic example, it is simply dumped to the console.


This example explained how to:

  • Create an Adapter using the WriterFactory
  • Create an Adversary and verify if the save was successful
  • Handle errors from a write operation to the ThreatConnect API

Writer Class Overview

Most of the conventions in the Reader Package are mirrored in the Writer Package. Much like the Reader Package, the Method naming conventions will be familiar and self-explanatory. Parameter naming conventions have been kept abstract to allow for a better representation of the identifiers being passed. Below is a listing of the classes in the Writer Package.


The methods below write data for the Group type (T) linked to this Adapter.

  • The create methods require a Group type object as a collection or single object.
  • The delete methods require the key ID value as a collection or single object.
  • The update methods require a Group type object as a collection or single object.
Type Method
WriteListResponse<T> create(List<T> itemList)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item, String ownerName)

Associate Groups

The methods below associate a Group type to another Group type. Groups are associated by passing in the uniqueId (Integer) with the Group ID to which it will be associated.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupAdversaries(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> adversaryIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupAdversaries(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> adversaryIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupAdversary(Integer uniqueId, Integer adversaryId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupAdversary(Integer uniqueId, Integer adversaryId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupEmails(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> emailIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupEmails(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> emailIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupEmail(Integer uniqueId, Integer emailId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupEmail(Integer uniqueId, Integer emailId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupIncidents(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> incidentIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupIncidents(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> incidentIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupIncident(Integer uniqueId, Integer incidentId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupIncident(Integer uniqueId, Integer incidentId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupSignatures(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> signatureIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupSignatures(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> signatureIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupSignature(Integer uniqueId, Integer signatureId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupSignature(Integer uniqueId, Integer signatureId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupThreats(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> threatIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateGroupThreats(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> threatIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupThreat(Integer uniqueId, Integer threatId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateGroupThreat(Integer uniqueId, Integer threatId, String ownerName)

Associate Indicators

The methods below associate Indicators to a Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> ipAddresses)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> ipAddresses, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorAddress(Integer uniqueId, String ipAddress)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorAddress(Integer uniqueId, String ipAddress, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> emailAddresses)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> emailAddresses, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, String emailAddress)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, String emailAddress, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorFiles(Integer uniqueId, List<String> fileHashes)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorFiles(Integer uniqueId, List<String> fileHashes, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorFile(Integer uniqueId, String fileHash)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorFile(Integer uniqueId, String fileHash, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorHosts(Integer uniqueId, List<String> hostNames)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorHosts(Integer uniqueId, List<String> hostNames, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorHost(Integer uniqueId, String hostName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorHost(Integer uniqueId, String hostName, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorUrls(Integer uniqueId, List<String> urlTexts)
WriteListResponse<String> associateIndicatorUrls(Integer uniqueId, List<String> urlTexts, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorUrl(Integer uniqueId, String urlText)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateIndicatorUrl(Integer uniqueId, String urlText, String ownerName)

Associate Security Labels

The methods below associate Security Labels to a Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<String> associateSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, List<String> securityLabels)
WriteListResponse<String> associateSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, List<String> securityLabels, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, String securityLabel)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, String securityLabel, String ownerName)

Associate Tag

The methods below associate Tags to a Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<String> associateTags(Integer uniqueId, List<String> tagNames)
WriteListResponse<String> associateTags(Integer uniqueId, List<String> tagNames, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateTag(Integer uniqueId, String tagName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateTag(Integer uniqueId, String tagName, String ownerName)

Associate Victim

The methods below associate Victims to a Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictims(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> victimIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictims(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> victimIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictim(Integer uniqueId, Integer victimId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictim(Integer uniqueId, Integer victimId, String ownerName)

Associate Victim Asset

The methods below associate Victim Assets to a Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetNetworkAccounts(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetNetworkAccounts(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetNetworkAccount(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetNetworkAccount(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetPhoneNumbers(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetPhoneNumbers(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetPhoneNumber(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetPhoneNumber(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetSocialNetworks(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetSocialNetworks(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetSocialNetwork(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetSocialNetwork(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetWebsites(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> associateVictimAssetWebsites(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetWebsite(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse associateVictimAssetWebsite(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)

Add Attributes

The methods below add Attribute types to a Group.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Attribute> addAttributes(Integer uniqueId, List<Attribute> attributes)
WriteListResponse<Attribute> addAttributes(Integer uniqueId, List<Attribute> attribute, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse addAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Attribute attribute)
ApiEntitySingleResponse addAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Attribute attribute, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> addAttributeSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, List<String> securityLabels)
WriteListResponse<String> addAttributeSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, List<String> securityLabels, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse addAttributeSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String securityLabel)
ApiEntitySingleResponse addAttributeSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String securityLabel, String ownerName)

Update Attribute

The methods below update an Attribute added to a specific Indicator type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Attribute> updateAttributes(Integer uniqueId, List<Attribute> attributes)
WriteListResponse<Attribute> updateAttributes(Integer uniqueId, List<Attribute> attribute, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse updateAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Attribute attribute)
ApiEntitySingleResponse updateAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Attribute attribute, String ownerName)

Create Observation

The methods below create an Observation on a specific Indicator type.

Type Method
ApiEntitySingleResponse createObservation(Integer uniqueId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse createObservation(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)

Update False Positive

The methods below update the False Positive field on a specific Indicator type.

Type Method
ApiEntitySingleResponse updateFalsePositive(Integer uniqueId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse updateFalsePositive(Integer uniqueId, String ownerName)

Delete Group Association

The methods below delete Group Associations to a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupAdversaries(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> adversaryIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupAdversaries(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> adversaryIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupAdversary(Integer uniqueId, Integer adversaryId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupAdversary(Integer uniqueId, Integer adversaryId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupEmails(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> emailIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupEmails(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> emailIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupEmail(Integer uniqueId, Integer emailId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupEmail(Integer uniqueId, Integer emailId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupIncidents(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> incidentIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupIncidents(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> incidentIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupIncident(Integer uniqueId, Integer incidentId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupIncident(Integer uniqueId, Integer incidentId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupSignatures(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> signatureIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupSignatures(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> signatureIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupSignature(Integer uniqueId, Integer signatureId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupSignature(Integer uniqueId, Integer signatureId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupThreats(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> threatIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateGroupThreats(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> threatIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupThreat(Integer uniqueId, Integer threatId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateGroupThreat(Integer uniqueId, Integer threatId, String ownerName)

Delete Indicator Associations

The methods below delete Indicator Associations to a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> ipAddresses)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> ipAddresses, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorAddress(Integer uniqueId, String ipAddress)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorAddress(Integer uniqueId, String ipAddress, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> emailAddresses)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<String> emailAddresses, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, String emailAddress)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, String emailAddress, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorFiles(Integer uniqueId, List<String> fileHashes)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorFiles(Integer uniqueId, List<String> fileHashes, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorFile(Integer uniqueId, String fileHash)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorFile(Integer uniqueId, String fileHash, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorHosts(Integer uniqueId, List<String> hostNames)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorHosts(Integer uniqueId, List<String> hostNames, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorHost(Integer uniqueId, String hostName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorHost(Integer uniqueId, String hostName, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorUrls(Integer uniqueId, List<String> urlTexts)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateIndicatorUrls(Integer uniqueId, List<String> urlTexts, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorUrl(Integer uniqueId, String urlText)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateIndicatorUrl(Integer uniqueId, String urlText, String ownerName)

Delete Security Label Associations

The methods below delete Security Label Associations to a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, List<String> securityLabels)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, List<String> securityLabels, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, String securityLabel)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, String securityLabel, String ownerName)

Delete Tag Associations

The methods below delete Tag associations to a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateTags(Integer uniqueId, List<String> tagNames)
WriteListResponse<String> dissociateTags(Integer uniqueId, List<String> tagNames, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateTag(Integer uniqueId, String tagName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateTag(Integer uniqueId, String tagName, String ownerName)

Delete Victim Associations

The methods below delete Victim Associations to a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictims(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> victimIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictims(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> victimIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictim(Integer uniqueId, Integer victimId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictim(Integer uniqueId, Integer victimId, String ownerName)

Delete VictimAsset Associations

The methods below delete VictimAsset associations to a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetEmailAddresses(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetEmailAddress(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetNetworkAccounts(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetNetworkAccounts(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetNetworkAccount(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetNetworkAccount(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetPhoneNumbers(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetPhoneNumbers(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetPhoneNumber(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetPhoneNumber(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetSocialNetworks(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetSocialNetworks(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetSocialNetwork(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetSocialNetwork(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetWebsites(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds)
WriteListResponse<Integer> dissociateVictimAssetWebsites(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> assetIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetWebsite(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateVictimAssetWebsite(Integer uniqueId, Integer assetId, String ownerName)

Delete Attribute

The methods below delete Attributes from a specific Group type.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<Integer> deleteAttributes(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> attributes)
WriteListResponse<Integer> deleteAttributes(Integer uniqueId, List<Integer> attribute, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse deleteAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Integer attribute)
ApiEntitySingleResponse deleteAttribute(Integer uniqueId, Integer attribute, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<String> deleteAttributeSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, List<String> securityLabels)
WriteListResponse<String> deleteAttributeSecurityLabels(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, List<String> securityLabels, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse deleteAttributeSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String securityLabel)
ApiEntitySingleResponse deleteAttributeSecurityLabel(Integer uniqueId, Integer attributeId, String securityLabel, String ownerName)


The AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter shares most of the write functionality with the AbstractGroupWriterAdapter. In fact, they both implement the following writer interfaces:

Interface | ----------------------------------------- | AttributeAssociateWritable<T> | GroupAssociateWritable<T> | IndicatorAssociateWritable<T> | SecurityLabelAssociateWritable<T> | TagAssociateWritable<T> | VictimAssetAssociateWritable<T> |

These interfaces allow the AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter to run all of the same methods as the AbstractGroupWriterAdapter.

The key parameter-level distinction between the AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter and the AbstractGroupWriterAdapter is the type (T) for the uniqueId parameter. As mentioned in previous sections, Indicator uniqueId types are all Strings. The method-naming conventions are the same.


FileIndicatorWriterAdapter, which all the functionality of the AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter with the addition of the following write methods:

Type Method
WriteListResponse<FileOccurrence> updateFileOccurrences(String fileHash, List<FileOccurrence> fileOccurrences)
WriteListResponse<FileOccurrence> updateFileOccurrences(String fileHash, List<FileOccurrence> fileOccurrences, String ownerName)
FileOccurrence updateFileOccurrence(String fileHash, FileOccurrence fileOccurrence)
FileOccurrence updateFileOccurrence(String fileHash, FileOccurrence fileOccurrence, String ownerName)


DocumentWriterAdapter has all the functionality of the AbstractGroupWriterAdapter with the addition of the following write methods:

Type Method
ApiEntitySingleResponse uploadFile(int uniqueId, File file)
ApiEntitySingleResponse uploadFile(int uniqueId, File file, String ownerName)


The AbstractBatchWriterAdapter class allows batch writing of Indicators to the API. The adapter facilitates the initial creation and upload of the batch file using the following write methods:

Type Method
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(BatchConfig item )
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(BatchConfig item, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse uploadFile(int batchId, File file)

Once a batch configuration is created, the ApiEntitySingleResponse object returns BatchResponseData with a batchId if successful. This batchId is used to upload the batch file using the uploadFile method. At this point, a successfully response to the upload will trigger the batch. Use the BatchReaderAdapter to poll for the status of the batch.


The SecurityLabelWriterAdapter class allows Group and Indicator associations. Much like the Indicator Adapters, the uniqueId is a user-created Security Label String. In addition to creating associations, the SecurityLabelWriterAdapter allows deleting associations from Group and Indicator types.

Below is the standard create methods available to all WriterAdapter’s. Note that the deletes require the Security Label as the uniqueId String (P). The create and update requires the full SecurityLabel object (T).

Type Method
WriteListResponse<T> create(List<T> itemList)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item, String ownerName)


The TagWriterAdapter class allows Group and Indicator associations. Much like the Indicator Adapters, the uniqueId is a user-created Tag name String. In addition to creating associations, the TagWriterAdapter allows deleting associations from Group and Indicator types.

Below is the standard create methods available to all WriterAdapters. Note that the deletes require the Tag Name as the uniqueId String (P). The create and update requires the full Tag object (T).

Type Method
WriteListResponse<T> create(List<T> itemList)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item, String ownerName)


Below is the standard create methods available to all WriterAdapters.

Type Method
WriteListResponse<T> create(List<T> itemList)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item, String ownerName)

In addition to the user-specific methods below, note the delete methods require the username while the create methods require the entire user object.

Type Method
UserResponse createAssignee(P uniqueId, User assignee)
UserResponse createEscalatee(P uniqueId, User escalatee)
UserResponse deleteAssignee(P uniqueId, String userName)
UserResponse deleteEscalatee(P uniqueId, String userName)


The TagWriterAdapter class allows Group, Indicator, and VictimAsset associations. Much like the Group Adapters, the uniqueId is a user-created Security Label String. In addition to creating associations, the VictimAssetWriterAdapter can remove associations for Group, Indicator, and VictimAssets.

Below is the standard create methods available to all WriterAdapters. Note that the deletes require the system-generated VictimAsset ID as the uniqueId Integer (P). The create and update requires the full VictimAsset object (T).

Type Method
WriteListResponse<T> create(List<T> itemList)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse create(T item, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds)
WriteListResponse<P> delete(List<P> itemIds, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId)
ApiEntitySingleResponse delete(P itemId, String ownerName)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList)
WriteListResponse<T> update(List<T> itemList, String ownerName)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item)
ApiEntitySingleResponse update(T item, String ownerName)

Writer Examples

Writer Delete Example:

3 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractGroupReaderAdapter;
4 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.ReaderAdapterFactory;
6 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.AbstractGroupWriterAdapter;
7 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.WriterAdapterFactory;
8 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.response.entity.ApiEntitySingleResponse;

10 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Adversary; 11 import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection; 12 import; 13

130 private static void doDelete(Connection conn) { 131 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Adversary> writer = WriterAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupWriter(conn); 132 133 Adversary adversary = new Adversary(); 134 adversary.setName("Test Adversary"); 135 adversary.setOwnerName("System"); 136 137 try { 138 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Adversary,?> createResponse = writer.create(adversary); 139 if ( createResponse.isSuccess() ) { 140 System.out.println("Saved: " + createResponse.getItem() ); 141 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Adversary,?> deleteResponse 142 = writer.delete( createResponse.getItem().getId() ); 143 if ( deleteResponse.isSuccess() ) { 144 System.out.println("Deleted: " + createResponse.getItem() ); 145 } else { 146 System.err.println("Delete Failed. Cause: " + deleteResponse.getMessage() ); 147 } 148 } else { 149 System.err.println("Create Failed. Cause: " + createResponse.getMessage() ); 150 } 151 152 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 153 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 154 } 155 156 }

This section offers examples on how to create, delete, and update data using the Java SDK for ThreatConnect.

Line Description
131 Since Adversary objects from the ThreatConnect API will be created and deleted, an AbstractGroupWriterAdapter with the Adversary parameterized type applied is instantiated.
138-139 An Adversary object with the ThreatConnect API is created, the response is captured, and isSuccess() is called to check if the save was successful.
140 The response Adversary object returned from the ThreatConnect API is printed. The getItem()method will return this object with the ID field populated. This method will always hold the saved item on a successful response.
141-142 The ID from the successful create is used to delete the same Adversary object. Note that the call to the delete() method requires the system-generated Adversary ID.
143-144 The delete response is verified as successful, and the original response is dumped.
146 With a failed delete, the error message is printed by calling the getMessage() method on the response object.
149 If the original create failed, the getMessage() method is also called to find the cause.

Writer Update Example

Writer Update Example:

3 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.AbstractGroupReaderAdapter;
4 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.reader.ReaderAdapterFactory;
5 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.AbstractGroupWriterAdapter;
6 import com.threatconnect.sdk.client.writer.WriterAdapterFactory;
7 import com.threatconnect.sdk.conn.Connection;
8 import com.threatconnect.sdk.exception.FailedResponseException;
9 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.entity.Adversary;

15 import com.threatconnect.sdk.server.response.entity.ApiEntitySingleResponse; 16 import; 17 import java.util.List; 18

153 154 private static void doUpdate(Connection conn) { 155 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Adversary> writer = WriterAdapterFactory.createAdversaryGroupWriter(conn); 156 157 Adversary adversary = new Adversary(); 158 adversary.setName("Test Adversary"); 159 adversary.setOwnerName("System"); 160 161 try { 162 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Adversary,?> createResponse = writer.create(adversary); 163 if ( createResponse.isSuccess() ) { 164 System.out.println("Created Adversary: " + createResponse.getItem() ); 165 166 Adversary updatedAdversary = createResponse.getItem(); 167 updatedAdversary.setName("UPDATED: " + createResponse.getItem().getName()); 168 System.out.println("Saving Updated Adversary: " + updatedAdversary ); 169 170 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Adversary,?> updateResponse = writer.update( updatedAdversary ); 171 if ( updateResponse.isSuccess() ) { 172 System.out.println("Updated Adversary: " + updateResponse.getItem()); 173 } else { 174 System.err.println("Failed to Update Adversary: " + updateResponse.getMessage() ); 175 } 176 } else { 177 System.err.println("Failed to Create Adversary: " + createResponse.getMessage() ); 178 } 179 180 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 181 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 182 } 183 184 }

Code Sample Description

Line Description
155-164 A test Adversary is created and saved to the ThreatConnect API.
166-168 The created Adversary is assigned to a variable called "updatedAdversary()" so that the Adversary name can be changed (line 167). Before updating the Adversary in ThreatConnect, it is printed to the console. The output should have an ID value populated and the name should read: "UPDATED: Test Adversary".
170-172 The "update()" method is called to save the changes to ThreatConnect. The argument to this method is the actual Adversary object. Just like the delete, the response success is verified and written to the console.

Writer Add Attribute Example

Writer Add Attribute Example

2     private static Email createTestEmail() {
3         Email email = new Email();
4         email.setName("Test Email");
5         email.setOwnerName("System");
6         email.setFrom("");
7         email.setTo("");
8         email.setSubject("Test Subject");
9         email.setBody("Test Body");

10 email.setHeader("Test Header"); 11 12 return email; 13 } 14 15 private static Attribute createTestAttribute() { 16 Attribute attribute = new Attribute(); 17 attribute.setSource("Test Source"); 18 attribute.setDisplayed(true); 19 attribute.setType("Description"); 20 attribute.setValue("Test Attribute Description"); 21 22 return attribute; 23 }

69 private static void doAddAttribute(Connection conn) { 70 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> writer = WriterAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupWriter(conn); 71 72 Email email = createTestEmail(); 73 Attribute attribute = createTestAttribute(); 74 75 try { 76 // ------------------------------------------------------------------77 // Create Email 78 // ------------------------------------------------------------------79 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Email, ?> createResponse = writer.create(email); 80 if (createResponse.isSuccess()) { 81 System.out.println("Created Email: " + createResponse.getItem()); 82 83 // -------------------------------------------------------------------84 // Add Attribute 85 // -------------------------------------------------------------------86 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Attribute, ?> attribResponse 87 = writer.addAttribute( createResponse.getItem().getId(), attribute ); 88 89 if ( attribResponse.isSuccess() ) { 90 System.out.println("tAdded Attribute: " + attribResponse.getItem()); 91 } else { 92 System.err.println("Failed to Add Attribute: " + attribResponse.getMessage()); 93 } 94 95 } else { 96 System.err.println("Failed to Create Email: " + createResponse.getMessage()); 97 } 98 99 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) {

100 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 101 } 102 103 } 104

Code Sample Description

Line Description
72-73 The test email object and the Attribute to be added are created.
79-81 The email in ThreatConnect is created and checked that it is successful.
86-87 The addAttribute() method takes the Email Group ID and the Attribute object to be added.
89-90 To confirm that the Attribute was added successfully, the response is checked.

Writer Associate Indicator Example

Writer Associate Indicator Example

2     private static Email createTestEmail() {
3         Email email = new Email();
4         email.setName("Test Email");
5         email.setOwnerName("System");
6         email.setFrom("");
7         email.setTo("");
8         email.setSubject("Test Subject");
9         email.setBody("Test Body");

10 email.setHeader("Test Header"); 11 12 return email; 13 } 14

25 private static Host createTestHost() { 26 Host host = new Host(); 27 host.setOwnerName("System"); 28 host.setDescription("Test Host"); 29 host.setHostName(""); 30 host.setRating( 5.0 ); 31 host.setConfidence(98.0); 32 33 return host; 34 }

104 105 private static void doAssociateIndicator(Connection conn) { 106 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> gWriter= WriterAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupWriter(conn); 107 AbstractIndicatorWriterAdapter<Host> hWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createHostIndicatorWriter(conn); 108 109 Email email = createTestEmail(); 110 Host host = createTestHost(); 111 112 try { 113 114 // ----------------------------------------115 // Create Email and Host 116 // ----------------------------------------117 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Email,?> createResponseEmail = gWriter.create(email); 118 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Host,?> createResponseHost = hWriter.create(host); 119 if (createResponseEmail.isSuccess() && createResponseHost.isSuccess() ) { 120 System.out.println("Created Email: " + createResponseEmail.getItem()); 121 System.out.println("Created Host: " + createResponseHost.getItem()); 122 123 // -----------------------------------------124 // Associate Host 125 // -----------------------------------------126 ApiEntitySingleResponse assocResponse 127 gWriter.associateIndicatorHost(createResponseEmail.getItem().getId() 128 , createResponseHost.getItem().getHostName() ); 129 130 if ( assocResponse.isSuccess() ) { 131 System.out.println("tAssociated Host: " + createResponseHost.getItem().getHostName() ); 132 } else { 133 System.err.println("Failed to Add Attribute: " + assocResponse.getMessage()); 134 } 135 136 } else { 137 if ( !createResponseEmail.isSuccess() ) { 138 System.err.println("Failed to Create Email: " + createResponseEmail.getMessage()); 139 } 140 if ( !createResponseHost.isSuccess() ) { 141 System.err.println("Failed to Create Host: " + createResponseHost.getMessage()); 142 } 143 } 144 145 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 146 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 147 } 148 149 }

Code Sample Description

Line Description
106-107 Two writers are created: one for the new email and the other for the host to be associated.
109-110 The test email object is crated, as well as the host to be associated.
117-121 To set up the example, both email and host are created in ThreatConnect. The create is verified as successful and the items are printed to the console.
126-128 The host is associated to the Email Group by using the Email ID and the Host name (the unique ID for the Host Indicator).
130-133 The Association is verified as successful.

Writer Associate Group Example

Writer Associate Group Example

2     private static Email createTestEmail() {
3         Email email = new Email();
4         email.setName("Test Email");
5         email.setOwnerName("System");
6         email.setFrom("");
7         email.setTo("");
8         email.setSubject("Test Subject");
9         email.setBody("Test Body");

10 email.setHeader("Test Header"); 11 12 return email; 13 } 14

36 private static Threat createTestThreat() { 37 Threat threat = new Threat(); 38 threat.setOwnerName("System"); 39 threat.setName("Test Threat"); 40 41 return threat; 42 }

151 152 private static void doAssociateGroup(Connection conn) { 153 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> gWriter= WriterAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupWriter(conn); 154 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Threat> tWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createThreatGroupWriter(conn); 155 156 Email email = createTestEmail(); 157 Threat threat = createTestThreat(); 158 159 try { 160 // ---------------------------------161 // Create Email and Threat 162 // ---------------------------------163 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Email,?> createResponseEmail = gWriter.create(email); 164 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Threat,?> createResponseThreat = tWriter.create(threat); 165 if (createResponseEmail.isSuccess() && createResponseThreat.isSuccess() ) { 166 System.out.println("Created Email: " + createResponseEmail.getItem()); 167 System.out.println("Created Threat: " + createResponseThreat.getItem()); 168 169 // ----------------------------------170 // Associate Threat 171 // ----------------------------------172 ApiEntitySingleResponse assocResponse 173 = gWriter.associateGroupThreat(createResponseEmail.getItem().getId(), 174 createResponseThreat.getItem().getId()); 175 176 if ( assocResponse.isSuccess() ) { 177 System.out.println("tAssociated Threat: " + createResponseThreat.getItem().getId() ); 178 } else { 179 System.err.println("Failed to Associate Threat: " + assocResponse.getMessage()); 180 } 181 182 } else { 183 if ( !createResponseEmail.isSuccess() ) { 184 System.err.println("Failed to Create Email: " + createResponseEmail.getMessage()); 185 } 186 if ( !createResponseThreat.isSuccess() ) { 187 System.err.println("Failed to Create Threat: " + createResponseThreat.getMessage()); 188 } 189 } 190 191 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 192 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 193 } 194 195 } 196

Code Sample Description

Line Description
153-154 Two writers are created: one for the new email and the other for the Threat to be associated.
156-157 The test email object is created, as well as the Threat to be associated.
163-167 To set up the example, both email and Threat are created in ThreatConnect, the create is verified as successful, and the items are printed to the console.
172-174 The Threat is associated to the Email Group by using the Email ID and the Threat ID.
176-179 The association is verified as successful.

Writer Associate Tag Example

Writer Associate Tag Example

2     private static Email createTestEmail() {
3         Email email = new Email();
4         email.setName("Test Email");
5         email.setOwnerName("System");
6         email.setFrom("");
7         email.setTo("");
8         email.setSubject("Test Subject");
9         email.setBody("Test Body");

10 email.setHeader("Test Header"); 11 12 return email; 13 } 14

44 private static Tag createTestTag() { 45 Tag tag = new Tag(); 46 tag.setName("Test-Tag"); 47 tag.setDescription("Test Tag Description"); 48 49 return tag; 50 }

196 197 private static void doAssociateTag(Connection conn) { 198 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> gWriter= WriterAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupWriter(conn); 199 TagWriterAdapter tWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createTagWriter(conn); 200 201 Email email = createTestEmail(); 202 Tag tag = createTestTag(); 203 204 try { 205 // -------------------------------------------206 // Create Email and Tag 207 // -------------------------------------------208 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Email, ?> createResponseEmail = gWriter.create(email); 209 tWriter.delete(tag.getName()); // delete if it exists 210 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Tag, ?> createResponseTag = tWriter.create(tag); 211 212 if (createResponseEmail.isSuccess() && createResponseTag.isSuccess() ) { 213 System.out.println("Created Email: " + createResponseEmail.getItem()); 214 System.out.println("Created Tag: " + createResponseTag.getItem()); 215 216 // ---------------------------------------------217 // Associate Tag 218 // ---------------------------------------------219 ApiEntitySingleResponse assocResponse 220 = gWriter.associateTag(createResponseEmail.getItem().getId() 221 , createResponseTag.getItem().getName() ); 222 223 if ( assocResponse.isSuccess() ) { 224 System.out.println("tAssociated Tag: " + createResponseTag.getItem().getName() ); 225 } else { 226 System.err.println("Failed to Associate Tag: " + assocResponse.getMessage()); 227 } 228 229 } else { 230 if ( !createResponseEmail.isSuccess() ) { 231 System.err.println("Failed to Create Email: " + createResponseEmail.getMessage()); 232 } 233 if ( !createResponseTag.isSuccess() ) { 234 System.err.println("Failed to Create Tag: " + createResponseTag.getMessage()); 235 } 236 } 237 238 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 239 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 240 } 241 }

Code Sample Description

Line Description
198-199 Two writers are created: one for the new email and the other for the Tag to associate.
201-202 The test email object, and the Tag to associate, are created.
208-214 To set up the example, both email and Tag are created in ThreatConnect. The create is verified as successful, and the items are printed to the console.
219-221 The Tag is associated to the Email Group by using the Email ID and the Tag name (the uniqueID for the Tag).
223-226 The association is verified as successful.

Writer Associate Victim Example

Writer Associate Victim Example

60     private static Victim createTestVictim() {
61         Victim victim = new Victim();
62         victim.setOrg("System");
63         victim.setName("Test API Victim");
64         victim.setDescription("Test API Victim Description");
66         return victim;
67     }

304 private static void doAssociateVictim(Connection conn) { 305 AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> gWriter= WriterAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupWriter(conn); 306 VictimWriterAdapter vWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createVictimWriter(conn); 307 308 Email email = createTestEmail(); 309 Victim victim = createTestVictim(); 310 311 try { 312 // --------------------------------313 // Create Email and Victim 314 // --------------------------------315 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Email,?> createResponseEmail = gWriter.create(email); 316 ApiEntitySingleResponse<Victim,?> createResponseVictim = vWriter.create(victim); 317 if (createResponseEmail.isSuccess() && createResponseVictim.isSuccess() ) { 318 System.out.println("Created Email: " + createResponseEmail.getItem()); 319 System.out.println("Created Victim: " + createResponseVictim.getItem()); 320 321 // --------------------------------322 // Associate Victim 323 // --------------------------------324 ApiEntitySingleResponse assocResponse 325 = gWriter.associateVictim(createResponseEmail.getItem().getId() 326 , createResponseVictim.getItem().getId()); 327 328 if ( assocResponse.isSuccess() ) { 329 System.out.println("tAssociated Victim: " + createResponseVictim.getItem().getId() ); 330 } else { 331 System.err.println("Failed to Associate Victim: " + assocResponse.getMessage()); 332 } 333 334 } else { 335 if ( !createResponseEmail.isSuccess() ) { 336 System.err.println("Failed to Create Email: " + createResponseEmail.getMessage()); 337 } 338 if ( !createResponseVictim.isSuccess() ) { 339 System.err.println("Failed to Create Victim: " + createResponseVictim.getMessage()); 340 } 341 } 342 343 } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) { 344 System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString()); 345 } 346 347 }

Code Sample Description

Line Description
305-306 Two writers are created: one for the new email and the other for the Victim to associate.
308-309 The test email object, and the Victim to associate, are created.
315-319 To set up the example, both email and Victim are created in ThreatConnect. The create is verified as successful, and the items are printed to the console.
324-326 The Victim is associated to the Email Group by using the Email ID and the Victim ID.
328-331 The association is verified as successful.

Writer Remove Association Example

Writer Remove Association Example

private static void doRemoveAssociatedTag(Connection conn) {

    AbstractGroupWriterAdapter<Email> gWriter= WriterAdapterFactory.createEmailGroupWriter(conn);
    TagWriterAdapter tWriter = WriterAdapterFactory.createTagWriter(conn);

    Email email = createTestEmail();
    Tag tag = createTestTag();

    try {
        // -----------------------------------------
        // Create Email and Tag 
        // -----------------------------------------
        ApiEntitySingleResponse<Email,?> createResponseEmail = gWriter.create(email);
        tWriter.delete(tag.getName()); // delete if it exists
        ApiEntitySingleResponse<Tag, ?> createResponseTag = tWriter.create(tag);

        if (createResponseEmail.isSuccess() && createResponseTag.isSuccess() ) {
            System.out.println("Created Email: " + createResponseEmail.getItem());
            System.out.println("Created Tag: " + createResponseTag.getItem());

            // -----------------------------------------
            // Associate Tag
            // -----------------------------------------
            ApiEntitySingleResponse assocResponse
                = gWriter.associateTag(createResponseEmail.getItem().getId()
                                     , createResponseTag.getItem().getName() );

            if ( assocResponse.isSuccess() ) {
                System.out.println("\tAssociated Tag: " + createResponseTag.getItem().getName() );

                // -----------------------------------------
                // Delete Association
                // -----------------------------------------
                ApiEntitySingleResponse dissociateResponse
                    = gWriter.dissociateTag(createResponseEmail.getItem()
                                  .getId(), createResponseTag.getItem().getName() );

                if ( dissociateResponse.isSuccess() ) {
                    System.out.println("\tDeleted Associated Tag: " + createResponseTag.getItem().getName() );
                } else {
                    System.err.println("Failed to delete Associated Tag: "+ dissociateResponse.getMessage());

            } else {
                System.err.println("Failed to Associate Tag: " + assocResponse.getMessage());

        } else {
            if ( !createResponseEmail.isSuccess() ) {
                System.err.println("Failed to Create Email: " + createResponseEmail.getMessage());
            if ( !createResponseTag.isSuccess() ) {
                System.err.println("Failed to Create Tag: " + createResponseTag.getMessage());

    } catch (IOException | FailedResponseException ex) {
        System.err.println("Error: " + ex.toString());

Code Sample Description

Line Description
245-271 The Email Group is created and associated with the Tag item.
276-278 The dissociateTag() method is called using the same parameters as the associate method. The email item ID value is used with the Tag name.
280-281 The deleting is verified as successful, and the message is dumped to the console.


The previous two examples explained how to:

  • Delete and update an Adversary and verify that the action was successfully applied to ThreatConnect
  • Add an Attribute to a Group item
  • Associate Indicators, Groups, Tags, and Victims
  • Remove Association from a Group item