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Priority queue proposal

[Revised 8/24/20]

Scenario and key assumptions.

A priority queue is a set of items with updatable priorities

A priority queue is used to track priorities of a set of distinct, unequal items (or keys). Each item (key) should be assigned a unique priority value.

A priority is a value used to prioritize keys so the one with first priority can easily be dequeued and processed first.

Distinct items can have the same priority. In this case which item gets dequeued first is not specified.

Smallest priority comes first

The queues are smallest-priority-first, i.e. small priorities are the 'highest' priority.

Priorities are updatable

Priorities can be changed, and items may be added and removed from the set at any time.


Priorities must be ordered (i.e. have an IComparer)

Priorities need a definite ordering, like numbers. There needs to be a 'total ordering' on the set, which can optionally be supplied via the IComparer<> abstraction. If you use a numeric type like int, there is a default comparer.

Keys in a priority queue are hashable (i.e. have an IEqualityComparer)

This can be optionally supplied via the IEqualityComparer<> abstraction. The default is to use object.Equals() and object.GetHashCode().

PriorityQueue<TKey, TPriority>

PriorityQueue<TKey, TPriority> is a set of items (keys) and their priorities. If not otherwise specified, it will use the 'default equality comparer' for comparing objects of type TKey and a 'default comparer' of type TPriority for priority ordering. Keys in the set are required to be unique.

public class PriorityQueue<TKey, TPriority> :
    ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey key, TPriority priority>>,
    IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey key, TPriority priority>>, // inherited from ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey,TPriority>>
    IEnumerable // inherited from IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority>>
    public PriorityQueue();
    public PriorityQueue(IComparer<TPriority> priorityComparer);
    public PriorityQueue(IComparer<TPriority> priorityComparer, IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer);

    public PriorityQueue(IEnumerable<TKey> keys, Func<TKey,TPriority> prioritySelector);
    public PriorityQueue(IEnumerable<TKey> keys, IEnumerable<TPriority> priorities);
    public PriorityQueue(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority>> keysAndPriorities);
    public PriorityQueue(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority>> keysAndPriorities, IComparer<TPriority> priorityComparer);
    public PriorityQueue(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority>> keysAndPriorities, IComparer<TPriority> priorityComparer, IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer);

    public IComparer<TPriority> PriorityComparer { get; }
    public IEqualityComparer<TKey> KeyComparer { get; }
    public TPriority Item[TKey] { get; set; } // can get priorities, update priorities, or add items and their priorities

    public TKey Dequeue();  // throws InvalidOperationException if the queue is empty (like Queue<>)
    public TKey Peek(); // throws InvalidOperationException if the queue is empty (like Queue<>)
    public void Enqueue(TKey key, TPriority priority); // throws ArgumentException if the key was already in the collection, like IDictionary<TKey,TPriority>.Add(), since  adding a distinct item twice with different priorities may be a programming error
    public void Update(TKey key, TPriority priority); // throws ArgumentException if the key was not in the collection
    public bool EnqueueOrUpdate(TKey key, TPriority priority); // doesn't throw, always updates priority of keys already in the collection. Returns true if an item was newly enqueued.
    public bool TryDequeue(out TKey key, out TPriority priority); // returns false if the queue is empty
    public bool TryPeek(out TKey key, out TPriority priority); // returns false if the queue is empty
    public bool EnqueueOrDecreasePriority(TKey key, TPriority priority); // doesn't throw, only updates priority of keys already in the collection if new priority is lesser. Returns true if an item was newly enqueued.

    // inherited from ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority>>
    public int Count { get; }
    public bool IsReadOnly { get; } // returns false
    public void Clear(); 
    // similar to IDictionary<>
    public void Add(TKey key, TPriority priority); // an alias for 'Enqueue'
    public bool Contains(TKey key);
    public bool Remove(TKey key); // Returns true if object was successfully removed.
    public bool TryGetPriority(TKey key, out TPriority priority);

    // inherited from ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority>>
    public void Add(KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority> item); // an alias for 'Enqueue'
    public bool Contains(KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority> item);
    public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair<TKey key, TPriority>[] array, int arrayIndex);
    public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey key, TPriority priority>> GetEnumerator();
    public bool Remove(KeyValuePair<TKey, TPriority> item);

    public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey key, TPriority priority>> {} // enumerates the collection in some arbitrary order
        // member declarations omitted for brevity

Example usage

var work = new PriorityQueue<WorkItem, int>();
WorkItem workItem = new WorkItem();
work.Enqueue(workItem, 5); //adds it with an initial priority
WorkItem nonUrgentWorkItem = new WorkItem();
work.Enqueue(nonUrgentworkItem, 6); //adds it with an initial priority
KeyValuePair workAndPriority = work.Peek(); // sees item with priority 5 at the front
work[workItem] = 7; //updates priority, now its less urgent
WorkItem todoFirst = work.Dequeue(); //dequeues item with the lowest priority, 6
if (work.TryDequeue(out var todoNext, out var priority)) // true, gets item with priority 7

Add Time Complexities

Operation Complexity
Construct Θ(1)
Construct Using IEnumerable Θ(n)
Enqueue Θ(log n)
EnqueueOrDecreasePriority Θ(log n)
EnqueueOrUpdate Θ(log n)
Peek Θ(1)
Dequeue Θ(log n)
UpdatePriority (of one item) O(log n)
Count Θ(1)
Clear O(n)
CopyTo Θ(n)
ToArray Θ(n)
GetEnumerator O(1)
Enumerator.MoveNext O(1)

General Notes

  • When IComparer<T> or IEqualityComparer<T> is not provided, Comparer<T>.Default or IEqualityComparer<T>.Default would be used.
  • TryPeek and TryDequeue is modelled on the Queue class behavior, returning false if used when the collection is empty.
  • Peek and Dequeue throw an exception if used when the collection is empty.
  • Add behavior for PriorityQueue is modelled on Collection.Add behavior and must either succeed or throw
  • Add and Enqueue behavior for PriorityQueue is modelled on Dictionary<,>.Add(), not Queue<T>.Enqueue(), because PriorityQueue keys have a uniqueness constraint.
  • Remove returns false when the item to remove is not found, modelled on Collection<> and Dictionary<,> behavior


  • Question: Why are the type parameters different for the two optional comparers of PriorityQueue<TKey, TPriority> - IEqualityComparer<TKey> but with IComparer<TPriority>?

  • Answer: Because they serve different purposes. Equality comparison is needed for locating unique items (keys) in the collection and updating their priority. Relative priority comparison with IComparer<TPriority> is needed so that items can be arranged by priority internally, for dequeueing in priority order.

  • Question: Why no new interfaces? Don't we need an interface since there could be different implementations of priority queue / priority dictionary?

  • Answer: it would probably be OK to have a general priority queue interface for allowing developers to write algorithms that can be reused with different implementations of priority queue. But we doubt the framework will support multiple implementations of priority queues that developers will choose between with significantly different characteristics AND still have exactly the same interface. So this is cut for now.

  • Question: Why smallest priority first?

  • Answer: its more convenient for shortest-path algorithms.

  • Question: Why doesn't the enumerator return the elements in sorted order?

  • Answer: so that it doesn't have to modify or copy the collection. Sort the collection with OrderBy etc if you need to iterate it in sorted order, or use a SortedSet.

  • Question: Why isn't it thread-safe or concurrency optimized?

  • Answer: like many standard collections, this class is optimized for simplicity and simple single-threaded applications

  • Question: Why not call it 'heap'? Or priority set? Or priority dictionary?

  • Answer: this opitimizes people's ability to find the API. Priority queue is a popular and specific term to search for. Heap has another common meaning in programming, making it harder to search for.

  • Question: Why isn't it implementing an IQueue interface (type)?

  • Answer: there's no such interface today, and it didn't seem valuable enough to retrofit one.