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NuclearMonster committed Sep 25, 2015
1 parent 43d66a2 commit d2a1c26
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Showing 23 changed files with 7,887 additions and 0 deletions.
162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions alextreg/common.php
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@

$enable_debug = (!empty($_REQUEST['debug']));

function get_form_tag()
global $enable_debug;
if ($enable_debug)
return("<form><input type='hidden' name='debug' value='true'>");
return("<form method='post' action='${_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'>");
} // get_form_tag

function is_authorized_vendor()
} // is_authorized_vendor

function write_error($err)
echo "<p><center><font color='#FF0000'>";
echo "ERROR: $err<br>";
echo "</font></center>\n";
} // write_error

function write_debug($dbg)
global $enable_debug;
if ($enable_debug)
echo "<p><center><font color='#0000FF'>";
echo "DEBUG: $dbg<br>";
echo "</font></center>\n";
} // if
} // write_debug

function current_sql_datetime()
$t = localtime(time(), true);
return( "" . ($t['tm_year'] + 1900) . '-' .
($t['tm_mon'] + 1) . '-' .
($t['tm_mday']) . ' ' .
($t['tm_hour']) . ':' .
($t['tm_min']) . ':' .
($t['tm_sec']) );
} // current_sql_datetime

function get_alext_wiki_url($extname)
$htmlextname = htmlentities($extname, ENT_QUOTES);
} // get_alext_wiki_url

function get_alext_url($extname)
$htmlextname = htmlentities($extname, ENT_QUOTES);
} // get_alext_url

function get_input_sanitized($reqname, $reqtype, &$reqval, $defval=false)
$val = $_REQUEST[$reqname];
if (!isset($val))
if (!$defval)
write_error("No $reqtype specified.");
return false;
} // if
$reqval = $defval;
return true;
} // if

$reqval = trim($val);
if ($reqval == '')
write_error("$reqtype is blank: Please fill out all fields.");
return false;
} // if

return true;
} // get_input_sanitized

function get_input_string($reqname, $reqtype, &$reqval, $defval=false)
return get_input_sanitized($reqname, $reqtype, $reqval, $defval);
} // get_input_string

function get_input_bool($reqname, $reqtype, &$reqval, $defval=false)
$tmp = '';
if (!get_input_sanitized($reqname, $reqtype, $tmp, $defval))
return false;

$tmp = strtolower($tmp);
if (($tmp == 'y') || ($tmp == 'yes') ||
($tmp == 't') || ($tmp == 'true') ||
($tmp == '1'))
$reqval = 1;
return true;
} // if

if (($tmp == 'n') || ($tmp == 'no') ||
($tmp == 'f') || ($tmp == 'false') ||
($tmp == '0'))
$reqval = 0;
return true;
} // if

write_error("$reqtype is not true or false");
return false;
} // get_input_bool

function get_input_number($reqname, $reqtype, &$reqval, $defval=false)
if (!get_input_sanitized($reqname, $reqtype, $reqval, $defval))
return false;

if (sscanf($reqval, "0x%X", &$hex) == 1) // it's a 0xHEX value.
$reqval = $hex;

if (!is_numeric($reqval))
write_error("$reqtype isn't a number");
return false;
} // if

return true;
} // get_input_number

function get_input_int($reqname, $reqtype, &$reqval, $defval=false)
if (!get_input_number($reqname, $reqtype, $reqval))
return false;

$reqval = (int) $reqval;
return true;
} // get_input_int

function get_input_float($reqname, $reqtype, &$reqval, $defval=false)
if (!get_input_number($reqname, $reqtype, $reqval))
return false;

$reqval = (float) $reqval;
return true;
} // get_input_float

139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions alextreg/database.php
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@

// This file adds a little bit of a wrapper over MySQL, and a little
// bit of convenience functionality.

require_once 'common.php';

// This should have the following lines, minus comments:
// $dbuser = 'username';
// $dbpass = 'password';
// Obviously, those should be a real username and password for the database.
require_once 'dbpasswd.php';

$dblink = NULL;

function get_dblink()
global $dblink;

if ($dblink == NULL)
global $dbuser, $dbpass;
$dblink = mysql_connect('localhost', $dbuser, $dbpass);
if (!$dblink)
$err = mysql_error();
write_error("Failed to open database link: ${err}.");
$dblink = NULL;
} // if

if (!mysql_select_db("alextreg"))
$err = mysql_error();
write_error("Failed to select database: ${err}.");
$dblink = NULL;
} // if
} // if

} // get_dblink

function db_escape_string($str)
} // db_escape_string

function do_dbquery($sql, $link = NULL)
if ($link == NULL)
$link = get_dblink();

if ($link == NULL)

write_debug("SQL query: [$sql]");

$rc = mysql_query($sql, $link);
if ($rc == false)
$err = mysql_error();
write_error("Problem in SELECT statement: {$err}");
} // if

} // do_dbquery

function do_dbwrite($sql, $verb, $expected_rows = 1, $link = NULL)
if ($link == NULL)
$link = get_dblink();

if ($link == NULL)

write_debug("SQL $verb: [$sql]");

$rc = mysql_query($sql, $link);
if ($rc == false)
$err = mysql_error();
$upperverb = strtoupper($verb);
write_error("Problem in $upperverb statement: {$err}");
} // if

$retval = mysql_affected_rows($link);
if (($expected_rows >= 0) and ($retval != $expected_rows))
$err = mysql_error();
write_error("Database $verb error: {$err}");
} // if

} // do_dbwrite

function do_dbinsert($sql, $expected_rows = 1, $link = NULL)
return(do_dbwrite($sql, 'insert', $expected_rows, $link));
} // do_dbinsert

function do_dbupdate($sql, $expected_rows = 1, $link = NULL)
return(do_dbwrite($sql, 'update', $expected_rows, $link));
} // do_dbupdate

function do_dbdelete($sql, $expected_rows = 1, $link = NULL)
return(do_dbwrite($sql, 'delete', $expected_rows, $link));
} // do_dbdelete

function db_num_rows($query)
} // db_num_rows

function db_fetch_array($query)
} // db_fetch_array

function db_free_result($query)
} // db_free_result

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions alextreg/headerandfooter.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

require_once 'common.php';

function render_header($title = 'OpenAL Extension Registry')
$img = ((is_authorized_vendor()) ? '../' : '') . 'openal_title_sm.jpg';

// !!! FIXME: need more here, I guess.
echo <<< EOF
<center><img src='$img'><br>OpenAL Extension Registry<hr></center>
} // render_header

function render_footer()
// !!! FIXME: need more here, I guess.
echo "<hr>\n";
if (is_authorized_vendor())
echo "<i>Logged in as: ${_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']}\n";
echo "(<a href='${_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?operation=op_changepw'>";
echo "change password</a>)\n";
echo "(<a href='${_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?operation=op_addvendor'>";
echo "add a new login</a>)</i><br>\n";
} // if
echo "</body></html>\n";
} // render_footer

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions alextreg/icculux.php
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

require_once 'common.php';

function icculux()
// $img = ((is_authorized_vendor()) ? '../' : '') . 'openal_title_sm.jpg';

// !!! FIXME: need more here, I guess.
//echo <<< EOF
//<center><img src='$img'><br>OpenAL Extension Registry<hr></center>

} // icculux

function render_footer()
// !!! FIXME: need more here, I guess.
echo "<hr>\n";
if (is_authorized_vendor())
echo "<i>Logged in as: ${_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']}\n";
echo "(<a href='${_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?operation=op_changepw'>";
echo "change password</a>)\n";
echo "(<a href='${_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?operation=op_addvendor'>";
echo "add a new login</a>)</i><br>\n";
} // if
echo "</body></html>\n";
} // render_footer

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions alextreg/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?php include ("../header.php") ?>

require_once 'operations.php';
//require_once 'headerandfooter.php';
require_once 'icculux.php'
require_once 'listandsearch.php';

if (do_operation())
echo "<p>Back to <a href='${_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}'>search page</a>.\n";

<?php include ("../footer.php") ?>

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