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File metadata and controls

69 lines (55 loc) · 3.54 KB

Work log to show taken architectural decisions

pre01.trivial (2023.01.06)

  1. Describe known business rules as functions
  2. Implemented first use case in some way
  1. Extracted Generic use case (Command pattern) to make controllers more similar.
  2. Referencing to Interface Segregation Pattern (ISP) we suggest having multiple adapters for different use cases, so DTO and adapters interfaces moved to use case as they will be different.
  1. Though many adapters will have similar parts we extracted them as separate protocol which are combined to make real adapter interface
  2. Second use case added to demonstrate how to add new adapters protocols.
  3. Added files for building python distributable package
  1. Domain services implemented as classes injected in use cases. That allows to exclude them from use case testing
  2. Domain services are not split too much to simplify current implementation

pre05.domain_errors (2023.04.05)

  1. Access related exceptions moved to domain layer. So no need to do same raises in all use cases

pre05.presentation (2023.05.21)

  1. Created layout for interface layer. It is split into 2 packages:
    • presentation (primary adapters in hexagonal architecture) here will be all related to application entrypoints: controllers and presenters. Actually we have two ways of interacting with our application:
      • web api (REST-like). It is going to be implemented using FastApi.
      • Telegram bot. It will use aiogram-dialogs
    • adapters. We will put here data access objects and clients for external APIs
  2. Created simple telegram dialog to test how DI can be implemented
    • Use case interactors are created inside controllers by calling factory methods
    • Single factory is used for creating all use case interactors
    • Factory is injected by passing it to a dispatcher.
    • We are going to release interactor resources by using factory as a context manager
  3. Created simple fastapi route to provide same functiontality:
    • Interactor Factory is injected using Depends
    • Interactors are created by calling factory methods as it is done in telegram bot
    • Pydantic schema is created to parse user data. It is slightly different from DTO as UserId in provided separately
    • Authentication currently is planned to be done in presentation level
  4. Stub db gateway and runnable main added
  1. Renamed UseCase classes to Interactor so the naming is more strict
  2. Simplified dirs structure of application and presentation layer. Removed redundant packages.
  3. Added IdProvider instead of passig user_id directly to interactor. This will allow accessing external services (like OAuth server) for authorization and retrieving some info. Implementsations of IdProvider differ for different intercaes:
    • For web app we use cookies and JWT token there
    • For telegram bot we just use data retrieved within event
    • For authentication result we use telegram response data
  4. Implemented authenticating using telegram widget
  5. Added configuration processing. We have one class describing app config, while different classes expect only parts of it.