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.. currentmodule:: xarray

Alternative chunked array types


This is a highly experimental feature. Please report any bugs or other difficulties on xarray's issue tracker. In particular see discussion on xarray issue #6807

Xarray can wrap chunked dask arrays (see :ref:`dask`), but can also wrap any other chunked array type that exposes the correct interface. This allows us to support using other frameworks for distributed and out-of-core processing, with user code still written as xarray commands. In particular xarray can now also supports wrapping :py:class:`cubed.Array` objects (see Cubed's documentation and the cubed-xarray package).

The basic idea is that by wrapping an array that has an explicit notion of .chunks, xarray can expose control over the choice of chunking scheme to users via methods like :py:meth:`DataArray.chunk` whilst the wrapped array actually implements the handling of processing all of the chunks.

Chunked array methods and "core operations"

A chunked array needs to meet all the :ref:`requirements for normal duck arrays <internals.duckarrays.requirements>`, but must also implement additional features.

Chunked arrays have additional attributes and methods, such as .chunks and .rechunk. Furthermore, Xarray dispatches chunk-aware computations across one or more chunked arrays using special functions known as "core operations". Examples include map_blocks, blockwise, and apply_gufunc.

The core operations are generalizations of functions first implemented in :py:module:`dask.array`. The implementation of these functions is specific to the type of arrays passed to them. For example, when applying the map_blocks core operation, :py:class:`dask.array.Array` objects must be processed by :py:func:`dask.array.map_blocks`, whereas :py:class:`cubed.Array` objects must be processed by :py:func:`cubed.map_blocks`.

In order to use the correct implementation of a core operation for the array type encountered, xarray dispatches to the corresponding subclass of :py:class:`~xarray.core.parallelcompat.ChunkManagerEntrypoint`, also known as a "Chunk Manager". Therefore a full list of the operations that need to be defined is set by the API of the :py:class:`~xarray.core.parallelcompat.ChunkManagerEntrypoint` abstract base class. Note that chunked array methods are also currently dispatched using this class.

Chunked array creation is also handled by this class. As chunked array objects have a one-to-one correspondence with in-memory numpy arrays, it should be possible to create a chunked array from a numpy array by passing the desired chunking pattern to an implementation of :py:class:`~xarray.core.parallelcompat.ChunkManagerEntrypoint.from_array``.


The :py:class:`~xarray.core.parallelcompat.ChunkManagerEntrypoint` abstract base class is mostly just acting as a namespace for containing the chunked-aware function primitives. Ideally in the future we would have an API standard for chunked array types which codified this structure, making the entrypoint system unnecessary.

.. currentmodule:: xarray.core.parallelcompat

.. autoclass:: xarray.core.parallelcompat.ChunkManagerEntrypoint

Registering a new ChunkManagerEntrypoint subclass

Rather than hard-coding various chunk managers to deal with specific chunked array implementations, xarray uses an entrypoint system to allow developers of new chunked array implementations to register their corresponding subclass of :py:class:`~xarray.core.parallelcompat.ChunkManagerEntrypoint`.

To register a new entrypoint you need to add an entry to the setup.cfg like this:

xarray.chunkmanagers =
    dask = xarray.core.daskmanager:DaskManager

See also cubed-xarray for another example.

To check that the entrypoint has worked correctly, you may find it useful to display the available chunkmanagers using the internal function :py:func:`~xarray.core.parallelcompat.list_chunkmanagers`.

.. autofunction:: list_chunkmanagers

User interface

Once the chunkmanager subclass has been registered, xarray objects wrapping the desired array type can be created in 3 ways:

  1. By manually passing the array type to the :py:class:`DataArray` constructor, see the examples for :ref:`numpy-like arrays <userguide.duckarrays>`,
  2. Calling :py:meth:`DataArray.chunk`, passing the keyword arguments chunked_array_type and from_array_kwargs,
  3. Calling :py:func:`open_dataset`, passing the keyword arguments chunked_array_type and from_array_kwargs.

The latter two methods ultimately call the chunkmanager's implementation of .from_array, to which they pass the from_array_kwargs dict. The chunked_array_type kwarg selects which registered chunkmanager subclass to dispatch to. It defaults to 'dask' if found, otherwise to whichever chunkmanager is registered if only one is registered, else it will raise an error.

Parallel processing without chunks

To use a parallel array type that does not expose a concept of chunks explicitly, none of the information on this page is theoretically required. Such an array type (e.g. Ramba or Arkouda) could be wrapped using xarray's existing support for :ref:`numpy-like "duck" arrays <userguide.duckarrays>`.