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Use the to_py() Function in RunPy: Converting JavaScript Objects to Python

This how-to guide will demonstrate the usage of to_py() function in RunPy queries for converting the JavaScript objects to Python.

to_py() function

The to_py() function in Pyodide is the counterpart of the to_js() function. It is used to convert JavaScript objects into their equivalent Python representations. This conversion is necessary when it is required to work with JavaScript objects within the Pyodide environment and manipulate them using Python code.

Similar to to_js(), to_py() performs the necessary mapping and conversion of data types between JavaScript and Python. It converts JavaScript objects, arrays, and other JavaScript data structures into their Python equivalents.

:::tip Check RunPy doc to learn more. :::

Using to_py() function

Here's an example demonstrating the usage of to_py():

import pyodide

def to_py(js_object):
  return dict(js_object)

my_js_object = {"name": "John", "age": 25, "country": "USA"}

my_py_dict = to_py(my_js_object)


In this example, a JavaScript object my_js_object is created using the Object.fromEntries() method from JavaScript. It represents a dictionary-like structure. The to_py() function is then used to convert the JavaScript object into a Python dictionary my_py_dict.

The output will be:

{'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'country': 'USA'}

By using to_py(), JavaScript objects can seamlessly convert into Python representations and work with them using Python code within the Pyodide environment.

Both to_js() and to_py() functions provide a convenient way to exchange data between Python and JavaScript when working with Pyodide, enabling to leverage the strengths of both languages in a unified environment.

Why use of to_py() is required?

When previewing the results of a RunPy query, the discrepancy between the JSON and Raw tabs can arise due to the way data is converted and displayed in Pyodide. By default, Python dictionaries are converted to Javascript Map objects in Pyodide. This conversion is performed to ensure compatibility between the two languages.

As a result, when viewing the data in the JSON tab, it is presented in the format of JavaScript objects, represented by () symbols. On the other hand, the Raw tab displays the raw representation of the returned data [{}, {}, ...], which may show Python dictionaries in their original form with {} symbols.

In this case, both representations are correct. The JSON tab presents the converted data in a format that is compatible with JavaScript, while the Raw tab displays the original Python dictionaries. The choice depends on the user's specific use case and whether they need to work with the data in a Javascript context or Python context.

To ensure consistency between the JSON and Raw representations, to_js() function provided by Pyodide can be used to explicitly convert Python dictionaries to JavaScript objects. This will help align the representations and ensure that the data is in the desired format.

Use the to_py() Function in runPy: Converting JavaScript Objects to Python