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ℹ️ Information
This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

⚠️ Information
This connector has limited support for Nedap employees. Please check the Fact Sheet for more details.
Extensive knowledge of HelloID provisioning and Nedap Ons (Nedap user and Nedap employee) are required.


Table of Contents


This Repository does only contains the readme. The source code can be found in a private Repository and is meant only for internal use. Link to Repository: Nedap Ons Employee

Nedap Ons provides an API and XML import method to programmatically interact with its services and data. This connector has limited support for managing employees in Nedap. It does not support (employee nor client) scheduling or other none Identity and Access management functionality. It can create multiple employees accounts in Nedap for each employment (EmployeeId and Employment sequence number combination).

Getting Started

Connection Settings

The following settings are required to connect to the API.

Setting Description
Environment URL API
Certificate (.PFX) Path Nedap-cert.pfx
Certificate Password Password of the certificate
IO Import Url The Url of the XML import of Nedap, Example: https://<"
IO Import Username The username of the IO Import
IO Import Password The Password of the IO Import
mappingFilePath The Path to the mapping file
CSV separation Character Mapping File CSV Separation Character


  • A valid Nedap certificate (.PFX) Tools4ever need to requests a certificate by Nedap to access the REST API
  • Credentials for the IO Import Different account credentials as the REST API
  • Mapping between HR departments/functions to Cluster/ Education/ registrationProfile
  • A custom property on the HelloID Person contract with a combination of the employeeCode and EmploymentCode named: [custom.NedapOnsIdentificationNo] Example:
    function getValue() {
        return sourceContract.PersonCode + "-" + sourceContract.EmploymentCode


  • This connector only supports a limited Employee object. When the required functionality is outside scope of this limited Employee connector, you will need an external supplier to configure a direct connection between your HRM system and Nedap Employees. It this situation, we can still manage your Ons user accounts and permissions.
  • Since the connector supports multiple accounts per a single HelloID person. The default Primary contract calculation is not always applicable. The connector contains an example of a "Primary contract calculation" , that calculates the primary contract for each employment (Nedap Account).
  • You can use this connector in combination with the Nedap-Users connector. When you use them both in the same environment. You must add the Employee Target system as "Use account data from system". To make sure the employee object exists in Nedap before starting to create the account object.
  • The connector is built containing three properties which cannot be mapped directly from the person model in HelloID. So there is a mapping file needed. This file must include a mapping between HR departments and/or function to a Nedap cluster, education and registration profile. The actions of the connector fails, when there is no mapping found. Of course, this can be changed in the code. But is not configurable by default.
  • When updating an employee account, you cannot verify if a property is successfully updated in Nedap. To do this you must check the Import Rapportage from the Nedap UI. Beheer > Import > Importrapportage inzien
  • Preview Mode: Note that in preview mode (DryRun), all HelloID contracts of a Person are in scope. Therefore, it does not simulate the actual outcome when it comes to determining which account should be created, updated, or deleted. However, this DryRun mode is added to verify if the mapping, configuration setting, etc. are present and correct. The contracts in scope are normally configured in the business rules. This cannot be stimulated in Preview.


Using this connector you will have the ability to create and manage the following items in Nedap:


  • Multiple employee objects for each Employement (employeeId + SequenceNumber), based on the contracts in condition from the Business Rules


  • Update attributes of the corresponding employee account as configured in the connector mapping. An example of such mapping file can be found in the Assets folder.
  • Create new employee account for each Employement (employeeId + SequenceNumber) combination.
  • Disable account reference from Aref -See delete action -


  • Set an end date of the contract for each employee account. So the user is unable to log in.

Employee Additional Mapping:

Header Description
Primary Contract Calcuatlion Example of a Primary contract calculation.
Title.ExternalId Property of the HelloID primary contract per employment
Department.ExternalId Property of the HelloID primary contract per employment
EducationId Deskundigheidsprofiel > Import Code
RegistrationProfile Weekkaartprofiel > ProfileName
ClusterId Organigram > Identificatie
ClusterName Organigram > Naam

Please note! That the mapped value will be created if they do not exist in Nedap! So if you choose in a RegistrationProfile that does not exist, it will be created. What might encounter some unexpected behavior.

Supported Properties

PropertyName Notes
Id IdentificationNo
AuthenticationNumber Is needed for second factor
Education Deskundigheidsprofiel => Import Code
RegistrationProfile Weekkaartprofiel => ProfileName
Cluster Organigram > Identificatie (Team)
Contract Only a single Employment. With start and endate.

Fact Sheet

The following table displays an overview of the functionality for the Nedap Ons connector for HelloID Provisioning and Service Automation.

Type of action Nedap HelloID provisioning HelloID Service Automation
Create Employees Yes Yes, Simple employee, no scheduling No
Update Employees Yes Yes, Simple employee, no scheduling No
Delete Employee No No, Sets an enddate on contract No
Manage Employee Contracts Yes Yes 1 contract, Simple employee, no scheduling No
Set RegestrationProfiel (Weekkaart) Yes Yes, Additional mapping required No
Set Cluster (Team) Yes Yes, Additional mapping required No
Set education (Deskundigheidsprofiel ) Yes Yes, Additional mapping required No
Set Discipline Yes No No
Set Profession (Beroepsgroep) Yes No No
VacationRight Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
AccountAmount Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
VacationAmounts Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
CompensationAmount (compensatiesaldo) Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
CompensationSetting (compensatieberekening instellingen) Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
HourlyWages Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
CollectiveAgreement Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
Addresses Yes No, outside the scope of identity management. No
FreeField Yes No No

Remote Nedap documentatie

  • Nedap API documentatie → klik
  • Nedap XML import handleiding → klik
  • Nedap XML import documentatie → klik
  • Nedap ONS autorisatie handleiding → klik

Setup the connector

Before using this connector, make sure you replace the variables below. So they meet your configuration:

For more information about our HelloID PowerShell connectors, please refer to our general Documentation page

HelloID Docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at:

Forum Thread

The Forum thread for any questions or remarks regarding this connector can be found at: Helloid-prov-target-nedap-ons-employee