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84 lines (49 loc) · 1.92 KB


File metadata and controls

84 lines (49 loc) · 1.92 KB


Represent a terrain object in a Torque 3D level.



Represent a terrain object in a Torque 3D level.


   terrainFile = "art/terrains/Deathball Desert_0.ter";
   squareSize = "2";
   tile = "0";
   baseTexSize = "1024";
   screenError = "16";
   position = "-1024 -1024 179.978";
   rotation = "1 0 0 0";
   scale = "1 1 1";
   isRenderEnabled = "true";
   canSaveDynamicFields = "1";


.. cpp:function:: bool TerrainBlock::exportHeightMap(string filename)

        export the terrain block's heightmap to a bitmap file (default: png)

.. cpp:function:: bool TerrainBlock::exportLayerMaps(string filePrefix)

        export the terrain block's layer maps to bitmap files (default: png)

.. cpp:function:: int TerrainBlock::import(String terrainName, String heightMap, F32 metersPerPixel, F32 heightScale, String materials, String opacityLayers)

.. cpp:function:: bool TerrainBlock::save(string fileName)

        Saves the terrain block's terrain file to the specified file name.

        :param fileName: Name and path of file to save terrain data to.

        :return: True if file save was successful, false otherwise


.. cpp:member:: int  TerrainBlock::baseTexSize

        Size of base texture size per meter.

.. cpp:member:: bool  TerrainBlock::castShadows

        Allows the terrain to cast shadows onto itself and other objects.

.. cpp:member:: int  TerrainBlock::createNew

        TerrainBlock.create( String terrainName, U32 resolution, String materialName, bool genNoise ).

.. cpp:member:: int  TerrainBlock::lightMapSize

        Light map dimensions in pixels.

.. cpp:member:: int  TerrainBlock::screenError

        Not yet implemented.

.. cpp:member:: float  TerrainBlock::squareSize

        Indicates the spacing between points on the XY plane on the terrain.

.. cpp:member:: filename  TerrainBlock::terrainFile

        The source terrain data file.