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Functions for dealing with vectors and matrices etc.


.. cpp:function:: Point3F getBoxCenter(Box3F box)

        Get the center point of an axis-aligned box.

        :param b: A Box3F, in string format using "minExtentX minExtentY minExtentZ maxExtentX maxExtentY maxExtentZ"

        :return: Center of the box.

.. cpp:function:: float getMax(float v1, float v2)

        Calculate the greater of two specified numbers.

        :param v1: Input value.
        :param v2: Input value.

        :return: The greater value of the two specified values.

.. cpp:function:: float getMin(float v1, float v2)

        Calculate the lesser of two specified numbers.

        :param v1: Input value.
        :param v2: Input value.

        :return: The lesser value of the two specified values.

.. cpp:function:: float m2Pi()

        Return the value of 2*PI (full-circle in radians).

        :return: The value of 2*PI.

.. cpp:function:: float mAbs(float v)

        Calculate absolute value of specified value.

        :param v: Input Value.

        :return: Absolute value of specified value.

.. cpp:function:: float mAcos(float v)

        Calculate the arc-cosine of v.

        :param v: Input Value (in radians).

        :return: The arc-cosine of the input value.

.. cpp:function:: float mAsin(float v)

        Calculate the arc-sine of v.

        :param v: Input Value (in radians).

        :return: The arc-sine of the input value.

.. cpp:function:: float mAtan(float rise, float run)

        Calculate the arc-tangent (slope) of a line defined by rise and run.

        :param rise: of line.
        :param run: of line.

        :return: The arc-tangent (slope) of a line defined by rise and run.

.. cpp:function:: void mathInit( ...)

        Install the math library with specified extensions. Possible parameters are:

        * 'DETECT' Autodetect math lib settings.
        * 'C' Enable the C math routines. C routines are always enabled.
        * 'FPU' Enable floating point unit routines.
        * 'MMX' Enable MMX math routines.
        * '3DNOW' Enable 3dNow! math routines.
        * 'SSE' Enable SSE math routines.

.. cpp:function:: int mCeil(float v)

        Round v up to the nearest integer.

        :param v: Number to convert to integer.

        :return: Number converted to integer.

.. cpp:function:: float mClamp(float v, float min, float max)

        Clamp the specified value between two bounds.

        :param v: Input value.
        :param min: Minimum Bound.
        :param max: Maximum Bound.

        :return: The specified value clamped to the specified bounds.

.. cpp:function:: float mCos(float v)

        Calculate the cosine of v.

        :param v: Input Value (in radians).

        :return: The cosine of the input value.

.. cpp:function:: float mDegToRad(float degrees)

        Convert specified degrees into radians.

        :param degrees: Input Value (in degrees).

        :return: The specified degrees value converted to radians.

.. cpp:function:: string mFloatLength(float v, int precision)

        Formats the specified number to the given number of decimal places.

        :param v: Number to format.
        :param precision: Number of decimal places to format to (1-9).

        :return: Number formatted to the specified number of decimal places.

.. cpp:function:: int mFloor(float v)

        Round v down to the nearest integer.

        :param v: Number to convert to integer.

        :return: Number converted to integer.

.. cpp:function:: float mFMod(float v, float d)

        Calculate the remainder of v/d.

        :param v: Input Value.
        :param d: Divisor Value.

        :return: The remainder of v/d.

.. cpp:function:: bool mIsPow2(int v)

        Returns whether the value is an exact power of two.

        :param v: Input value.

        :return: Whether the specified value is an exact power of two.

.. cpp:function:: float mLerp(float v1, float v2, float time)

        Calculate linearly interpolated value between two specified numbers using specified normalized time.

        :param v1: Interpolate From Input value.
        :param v2: Interpolate To Input value.
        :param time: Normalized time used to interpolate values (0-1).

        :return: The interpolated value between the two specified values at normalized time t.

.. cpp:function:: float mLog(float v)

        Calculate the natural logarithm of v.

        :param v: Input Value.

        :return: The natural logarithm of the input value.

.. cpp:function:: float mPi()

        Return the value of PI (half-circle in radians).

        :return: The value of PI.

.. cpp:function:: float mPow(float v, float p)

        Calculate b raised to the p-th power.

        :param v: Input Value.
        :param p: Power to raise value by.

        :return: v raised to the p-th power.

.. cpp:function:: float mRadToDeg(float radians)

        Convert specified radians into degrees.

        :param radians: Input Value (in radians).

        :return: The specified radians value converted to degrees.

.. cpp:function:: int mRound(float v)

        Round v to the nearest integer.

        :param v: Number to convert to integer.

        :return: Number converted to integer.

.. cpp:function:: float mSaturate(float v)

        Clamp the specified value between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

        :param v: Input value.

        :return: The specified value clamped between 0 and 1 (inclusive).

.. cpp:function:: float mSin(float v)

        Calculate the sine of v.

        :param v: Input Value (in radians).

        :return: The sine of the input value.

.. cpp:function:: string mSolveCubic(float a, float b, float c, float d)

        Solve a cubic equation (3rd degree polynomial) of form a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0.

        :param a: First Coefficient.
        :param b: Second Coefficient.
        :param c: Third Coefficient.
        :param d: Fourth Coefficient.

        :return: A 4-tuple, containing: (sol x0 x1 x2). (sol) is the number of solutions(being 0, 1, 2 or 3), and (x0), (x1) and (x2) are the solutions, if any.

.. cpp:function:: string mSolveQuadratic(float a, float b, float c)

        Solve a quadratic equation (2nd degree polynomial) of form a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0.

        :param a: First Coefficient.
        :param b: Second Coefficient.
        :param c: Third Coefficient.

        :return: A triple, containing: (sol x0 x1). (sol) is the number of solutions(being 0, 1, or 2), and (x0) and (x1) are the solutions, if any.

.. cpp:function:: string mSolveQuartic(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e)

        Solve a quartic equation (4th degree polynomial) of form a*x^4 + b*x^3 + c*x^2 + d*x + e = 0.

        :param a: First Coefficient.
        :param b: Second Coefficient.
        :param c: Third Coefficient.
        :param d: Fourth Coefficient.
        :param e: Fifth Coefficient.

        :return: A 5-tuple, containing: (sol x0 x1 x2 c3). (sol) is the number of solutions(being 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4), and (x0), (x1), (x2) and (x3) are the solutions, if any.

.. cpp:function:: float mSqrt(float v)

        Calculate the square-root of v.

        :param v: Input Value.

        :return: The square-root of the input value.

.. cpp:function:: float mTan(float v)

        Calculate the tangent of v.

        :param v: Input Value (in radians).

        :return: The tangent of the input value.

Vector Math

Functions for working with three-dimensional vectors (VectorF/Point3F).


.. cpp:function:: VectorF VectorAdd(VectorF a, VectorF b)

        Add two vectors.

        :param a: The first vector.
        :param b: The second vector.

        :return: .


                // VectorAdd( %a, %b );
                // The sum of vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz) is:
                //     a + b = ( ax + bx, ay + by, az + bz )

                %a = "1 0 0";
                %b = "0 1 0";

                // %r = "( 1 + 0, 0 + 1, 0 + 0 )";// %r = "1 1 0";
                %r = VectorAdd( %a, %b );

.. cpp:function:: VectorF VectorCross(VectorF a, VectorF b)

        Calculcate the cross product of two vectors.

        :param a: The first vector.
        :param b: The second vector.

        :return: .


                // VectorCross( %a, %b );
                // The cross product of vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz), is
                //     a x b = ( ( ay * bz ) - ( az * by ), ( az * bx ) - ( ax * bz ), ( ax * by ) - ( ay * bx ) )

                %a = "1 1 0";
                %b = "2 0 1";

                // %r = "( ( 1 * 1 ) - ( 0 * 0 ), ( 0 * 2 ) - ( 1 * 1 ), ( 1 * 0 ) - ( 1 * 2 ) )";
                // %r = "1 -1 -2";
                %r = VectorCross( %a, %b );

.. cpp:function:: float VectorDist(VectorF a, VectorF b)

        Compute the distance between two vectors.

        :param a: The first vector.
        :param b: The second vector.

        :return:  ).


                // VectorDist( %a, %b );
                // The distance between vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz), is
                //     a -> b = ||( b - a )||
                //            = ||( bx - ax, by - ay, bz - az )||
                //            = mSqrt( ( bx - ax ) * ( bx - ax ) + ( by - ay ) * ( by - ay ) + ( bz - az ) * ( bz - az ) )

                %a = "1 1 0";
                %b = "2 0 1";

                // %r = mSqrt( ( 2 - 1 ) * ( 2 - 1) + ( 0 - 1 ) * ( 0 - 1 ) + ( 1 - 0 ) * ( 1 - 0 ) );
                // %r = mSqrt( 3 );
                %r = VectorDist( %a, %b );

.. cpp:function:: float VectorDot(VectorF a, VectorF b)

        Compute the dot product of two vectors.

        :param a: The first vector.
        :param b: The second vector.

        :return: .


                // VectorDot( %a, %b );
                // The dot product between vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz), is:
                //     a . b = ( ax * bx + ay * by + az * bz )

                %a = "1 1 0";
                %b = "2 0 1";

                // %r = "( 1 * 2 + 1 * 0 + 0 * 1 )";
                // %r = 2;
                %r = VectorDot( %a, %b );

.. cpp:function:: float VectorLen(VectorF v)

        Calculate the magnitude of the given vector.

        :param v: A vector.

        :return: .


                // VectorLen( %a );
                // The length or magnitude of  vector a, (ax, ay, az), is:
                //     ||a|| = Sqrt( ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az )

                %a = "1 1 0";

                // %r = mSqrt( 1 * 1 + 1 * 1 + 0 * 0 );
                // %r = mSqrt( 2 );
                // %r = 1.414;
                %r = VectorLen( %a );

.. cpp:function:: VectorF VectorLerp(VectorF a, VectorF b, float t)

        Linearly interpolate between two vectors by t .

        :param a: Vector to start interpolation from.
        :param b: Vector to interpolate to.
        :param t: Interpolation factor (0-1). At zero, a is returned and at one, b is returned. In between, an interpolated vector between a and b is returned.

        :return: .


                // VectorLerp( %a, %b );
                // The point between vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz), which is
                // weighted by the interpolation factor, t, is
                //     r = a + t * ( b - a )
                //       = ( ax + t * ( bx - ax ), ay + t * ( by - ay ), az + t * ( bz - az ) )

                %a = "1 1 0";
                %b = "2 0 1";
                %v = "0.25";

                // %r = "( 1 + 0.25 * ( 2 - 1 ), 1 + 0.25 * ( 0 - 1 ), 0 + 0.25 * ( 1 - 0 ) )";
                // %r = "1.25 0.75 0.25";
                %r = VectorLerp( %a, %b );

.. cpp:function:: VectorF VectorNormalize(VectorF v)

        Brings a vector into its unit form, i.e. such that it has the magnitute 1.

        :param v: The vector to normalize.

        :return:  scaled to length 1.


                // VectorNormalize( %a );
                // The normalized vector a, (ax, ay, az), is:
                //     a^ = a / ||a||
                //        = ( ax / ||a||, ay / ||a||, az / ||a|| )

                %a = "1 1 0";
                %l = 1.414;

                // %r = "( 1 / 1.141, 1 / 1.141, 0 / 1.141 )";
                // %r = "0.707 0.707 0";
                %r = VectorNormalize( %a );

.. cpp:function:: MatrixF VectorOrthoBasis(AngAxisF aa)

        Create an orthogonal basis from the given vector.

        :param aaf: The vector to create the orthogonal basis from.

        :return: A matrix representing the orthogonal basis.

.. cpp:function:: VectorF VectorScale(VectorF a, float scalar)

        Scales a vector by a scalar.

        :param a: The vector to scale.
        :param scalar: The scale factor.

        :return: .


                // VectorScale( %a, %v );
                // Scaling vector a, (ax, ay, az), but the scalar, v, is:
                //     a * v = ( ax * v, ay * v, az * v )

                %a = "1 1 0";
                %v = "2";

                // %r = "( 1 * 2, 1 * 2, 0 * 2 )";
                // %r = "2 2 0";
                %r = VectorScale( %a, %v );

.. cpp:function:: VectorF VectorSub(VectorF a, VectorF b)

        Subtract two vectors.

        :param a: The first vector.
        :param b: The second vector.

        :return: .


                // VectorSub( %a, %b );
                // The difference of vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz) is:
                //     a - b = ( ax - bx, ay - by, az - bz )

                %a = "1 0 0";
                %b = "0 1 0";

                // %r = "( 1 - 0, 0 - 1, 0 - 0 )";
                // %r = "1 -1 0";
                %r = VectorSub( %a, %b );

Matrix Math

Functions for working with matrices (MatrixF, AngAxisF, MatrixRotation, MatrixPosition).


.. cpp:function:: TransformF MatrixCreate(VectorF position, AngAxisF orientation)

        Create a transform from the given translation and orientation.

        :param position: The translation vector for the transform.
        :param orientation: The axis and rotation that orients the transform.

        :return: A transform based on the given position and orientation.

.. cpp:function:: TransformF MatrixCreateFromEuler(Point3F angles)

        a matrix from the given rotations.

        :param Vector3F: X, Y, and Z rotation in *radians*.

        :return: A transform based on the given orientation.

.. cpp:function:: Point3F MatrixMulPoint(TransformF transform, Point3F point)

        Multiply the given point by the given transform assuming that w=1. This function will multiply the given vector such that translation with take effect.

        :param transform: A transform.
        :param point: A vector.

        :return: The transformed vector.

.. cpp:function:: TransformF MatrixMultiply(TransformF left, TransformF right)

        Multiply the two matrices.

        :param left: First transform.
        :param right: Right transform.

        :return: Concatenation of the two transforms.

.. cpp:function:: VectorF MatrixMulVector(TransformF transform, VectorF vector)

        Multiply the vector by the transform assuming that w=0. This function will multiply the given vector by the given transform such that translation will not affect the vector.

        :param transform: A transform.
        :param vector: A vector.

        :return: The transformed vector.

Random Numbers

Functions for generating random numbers. Based on a seed, the random number generator produces a sequence of numbers. As a given seed will always produce the same sequence of numbers this can be used to generate re-producible sequences of apparently random numbers. To set the seed, call setRandomSeed().


.. cpp:function:: float getRandom(int a, int b)

        Returns a random number based on parameters passed in.. If no parameters are passed in, getRandom() will return a float between 0.0 and 1.0. If one parameter is passed an integer between 0 and the passed in value will be returned. Two parameters will return an integer between the specified numbers.

        :param a: If this is the only parameter, a number between 0 and a is returned. Elsewise represents the lower bound.
        :param b: Upper bound on the random number. The random number will be <= b.

        :return: , between 0 and a, or a float between 0.0 and 1.1 depending on usage.

.. cpp:function:: int getRandomSeed()

        Get the current seed used by the random number generator.

        :return: The current random number generator seed value.

.. cpp:function:: void setRandomSeed(int seed)

        Set the current seed for the random number generator. Based on this seed, a repeatable sequence of numbers will be produced by getRandom() .

        :param seed: The seed with which to initialize the randon number generator with. The same seed will always leed tothe same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. If -1, the current timestamp will be used as the seed which is a good basis for randomization.