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CTF Training


By default, RAMN ECUs implement small CTF challenges that can be used to practice for automotive Capture The Flag (CTF) events.

The flags are in plaintext in both the firmware files and the source code; The goal is to develop the correct commands or scripts to extract flags without looking at the source code or binary files. The format of flags is "flag{xxx}".



  • Very easy: There is a flag accessible by sending the command "^" over USB.
  • Easy (requires scripting): There is another flag accessible by sending the command "&" and a five-digit numerical password (e.g., "&12345").



  • Very easy: There is a flag broadcast with CAN ID 0x770 if you send any message with ID 0x456.
  • Very easy: There is a flag broadcast with CAN ID 0x771 if you send a remote frame with a specific ID.
  • Very easy: There is a flag broadcast with CAN ID 0x772 if you send a CAN message with ID 0x457 and payload "GIVEFLAG".
  • Intermediate: There is a flag broadcast with CAN ID 0x773 if you send a specific CAN message, checked with the following function:
static uint8_t checkIfShouldSendFlag4(const FDCAN_RxHeaderTypeDef* pHeader, const uint8_t* data)
 8001ccc: b480       push {r7}
 8001cce: b083       sub sp, #12
 8001cd0: af00       add r7, sp, #0
 8001cd2: 6078       str r0, [r7, #4]
 8001cd4: 6039       str r1, [r7, #0]
 8001cd6: 687b       ldr r3, [r7, #4]
 8001cd8: 689b       ldr r3, [r3, #8]
 8001cda: 2b00       cmp r3, #0
 8001cdc: d12d       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001cde: 687b       ldr r3, [r7, #4]
 8001ce0: 681b       ldr r3, [r3, #0]
 8001ce2: 4a19       ldr r2, [pc, #100] @ (8001d48 <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x7c>)
 8001ce4: 4293       cmp r3, r2
 8001ce6: d128       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001ce8: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001cea: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001cec: 2b50       cmp r3, #80 @ 0x50
 8001cee: d124       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001cf0: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001cf2: 3301       adds r3, #1
 8001cf4: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001cf6: 2b34       cmp r3, #52 @ 0x34
 8001cf8: d11f       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001cfa: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001cfc: 3302       adds r3, #2
 8001cfe: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001d00: 2b24       cmp r3, #36 @ 0x24
 8001d02: d11a       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001d04: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001d06: 3303       adds r3, #3
 8001d08: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001d0a: 2b24       cmp r3, #36 @ 0x24
 8001d0c: d115       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001d0e: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001d10: 3304       adds r3, #4
 8001d12: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001d14: 2b57       cmp r3, #87 @ 0x57
 8001d16: d110       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001d18: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001d1a: 3305       adds r3, #5
 8001d1c: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001d1e: 2b30       cmp r3, #48 @ 0x30
 8001d20: d10b       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001d22: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001d24: 3306       adds r3, #6
 8001d26: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001d28: 2b52       cmp r3, #82 @ 0x52
 8001d2a: d106       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001d2c: 683b       ldr r3, [r7, #0]
 8001d2e: 3307       adds r3, #7
 8001d30: 781b       ldrb r3, [r3, #0]
 8001d32: 2b44       cmp r3, #68 @ 0x44
 8001d34: d101       bne.n 8001d3a <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x6e>
 8001d36: 2301       movs r3, #1
 8001d38: e000       b.n 8001d3c <checkIfShouldSendFlag4+0x70>
 8001d3a: 2300       movs r3, #0
 8001d3c: 4618       mov r0, r3
 8001d3e: 370c       adds r7, #12
 8001d40: 46bd       mov sp, r7
 8001d42: f85d 7b04 ldr.w r7, [sp], #4
 8001d46: 4770       bx lr
 8001d48: 0077cafe .word 0x0077cafe


Send a message with ID 0x458 to enable the periodic transmission of the following flags.

  • Easy: There is a flag broadcast one bit at a time with CAN ID 0x6F0.
  • Intermediate: There is a flag broadcast one bit at a time with CAN ID 0x6F1.
  • Difficult: There is a flag broadcast one bit at a time with CAN ID 0x6F2 (flag is 19 characters long).


Hint: Flags always start with the ASCII string "flag".


  • Very easy: ECU D holds a flag readable at ID 0x0001 with the Read Data By Identifier Service.
  • Easy: ECU D holds a flag readable at ID 0x0002, but you will need to authenticate first.
  • Easy (requires scripting): ECU D holds another flag readable with the Read Data By Identifier Service.
  • Easy: ECU D holds a flag that is accessible with Read Memory By Address at address 0x01234567 and size 17 (0x11).
  • Intermediate (requires scripting): ECU has a custom UDS service with ID 0x40, can you create a valid request?