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Releases: TransDecoder/TransDecoder

TransDecoder Release v5.7.1

16 Jul 13:10
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Minor updates to better support Docker-based execution.

Output directory (via --output_dir | -O) can be set by user, but the working directory name will be fixed within the output directory and based on the name of the target transcriptome.

TransDecoder v5.7.0

27 Jan 19:27
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  • compatible with hmmsearch or hmmscan output
  • cleaner organization of outputs and checkpoints
  • TransDecoder.LongOrfs includes option for --complete_orfs_only (as requested)
  • GFF3 files no longer have the uri-encoding so easier to directly read.
  • misc bugfixes - corrected length in fasta header for start-refined orfs

(and earlier updates from 5.6.0 that apparently never officially released)

  • genome propagation of orfs resets orientation for unspliced transcripts with opposite strand orfs.
  • speed update from Yanick Paco Hagemeijer
  • added option --output_dir | -O to both TransDecoder.LongOrfs and TransDecoder.Predict, as per request, so users can point to specific output directories rather than relying on the default ( basename(target.fasta) + ".transdecoder_dir/").
  • removing track name from bed output
  • if select single best orf, do selection before removing overlapping preds
  • updated to match current header formatting
  • really retain all blast hits, ignoring overlaps to prev selected entries, unless single_best_orf indicated
  • updated genetic code options in help menu

TransDecoder Release v5.5.0

26 Oct 12:57
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added option --output_dir | -O to both TransDecoder.LongOrfs and TransDecoder.Predict, as per request, so users can point to specific output directories rather than relying on the default ( basename(target.fasta) + ".transdecoder_dir/").

TransDecoder Release v5.4.0

17 Oct 14:33
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v5.4.0, Oct 17, 2018

bugfix - earlier version was inadvertently reporting a single best orf per transcript when --single_best_orf was not invoked. Now fixed and behaves as advertised.
Also, less verbose.
Added tests for runmode validation.
Other minor updates


11 May 14:23
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removed the DB_File requirement.

TransDecoder Release v5.2.0

21 Apr 15:45
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Allow to rerun w/ blast and pfam results and to just reexecute the steps needed to take those data into account.
The test runner now includes a small pfam and blast on-the-fly execution step as well.

TransDecoder Release v5.1.0

27 Mar 16:10
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Better support for different genetic codes as described here:

Also, shouldn't report UTR records for cases where the coding region starts at a partial codon.

TransDecoder-v5.0.2 Release

20 Oct 17:44
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-protein identifiers are more manageable (ex. ${transcript_acc}.p1, .p2, ..., .pn)
-added example for use w/ supertranscripts

TransDecoder Release v5.0.1

12 Sep 16:36
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the start-adjustment can now cope with sequences containing non-{GATC} characters.

TransDecoder Release v5.0.0

26 Aug 21:12
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-algorithm updates: frame[0] score > 0 and max for first 3 reading frames (instead of all 6), and orf with highest frame[0] score is chosen allowing for minimal overlap among selected predictions.
-option --single_best_only provides the single longest of the selected orfs per contig.
-long orfs unlikely to appear in random sequence are automatically selected as candidates with this minimal long orf length set dynamically according to GC content.
-orf score and blast or pfam info is propagated to gff3 output