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Transkribus Web UI

Initial rework of TSX TSX for the READ READ project.

This project uses python Django

So far this is a skeletal website to aid design discussion about the architechture of the WebUI. The basic idea is that the project will have 3 apps for each of the three modules described in the specification

  • Base module (working title library)
  • Publishing module
  • Modification module

Though possibly more apps for smaller bits of functioanilty...

UPDATE: More details can be found in the Synopsis of Transkribus WebUI/Library


Here is a short guide with steps that need to be performed to build Transkribus Web UI.


python and pip. Use pip to install the packages below.

Build Steps

You need to have pip installed. Usage of Virtualenv is recommended. To run Transkribus Web UI install the following with pip:

pip install django django-bootstrap3 requests xmltodict dicttoxml dateutil django-recaptcha


To run, create the database:

python makemigrations
python makemigrations read
python migrate

Then start the server:

python runserver


Perform the steps in the "Running" section of this Readme except starting the server. Make sure that Apache httpd and mod_wsgi is installed and that the apache user can read and write the directory where you have checked out the git repository.

Create a file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ named e.g. library.conf. Write the following content to this file:

WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/TranskribusWebUI/read/
WSGIPythonPath /path/to/TranskribusWebUI
WSGIDaemonProcess python-path=/path/to/TranskribusWebUI:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Alias /media/ /path/to/TranskribusWebUI/media/
Alias /static/ /path/to/TranskribusWebUI/static/

<Directory /path/to/TranskribusWebUI/read>
                Require all granted

<Directory /path/to/TranskribusWebUI/static>
        Require all granted

<Directory /path/to/TranskribusWebUI/media>
        Require all granted

Run "python collectstatic" in "/path/to/TranskribusWebUI". Restart httpd and check if everything works.


The Transkribus Web UI uses django's internationalisation and localisation (note the use of 's' rather than 'z'). The site has been prepared for translations for all the official languages of the EU (

Conditions for internatioanlisation:

  • templates need to {% load i18n %}
  • then anything in {% trans "some phrase" %} will be translated if a translation is available
  • .py files need to from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
  • then anything in _("some phrase") will be translated if a translation is available


To make translations available:

  • find the appropriate .po file locale/[lang_code]/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
  • In this file you will see msgid's that correspond to the phrases in {% trans "..." %} or _("...")
  • Simply fill in the msgstr with the correct translation eg:
#: library/
msgid "Given Name"
msgstr ""
  • commit the changes to the .po files

Adding new phrases

If you have added a new phrase to a template or .py file there are a couple of things to do on the host afterwards. First the new phrases need to be added to the .po files. This is done with the following command:

  • django-admin makemessages -l [lang_code] (or -a for all languages)

Then (once the translations have been made in the .po files) the phrases must be be recompiled with:

  • django-admin compilemessages
