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Releases: Tribler/py-ipv8

IPv8 v2.3.1504 release

16 Sep 14:40
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Includes the first 1504 commits (+110 since v2.2) for IPv8, containing:

  • Added convenience add strategy method
  • Added settings for the sign timeouts
  • Added issue templates
  • Added advanced attestation tutorial
  • Added using pseudonym directory in working directory
  • Added a Pull Request template
  • Added mutation test badge to README
  • Added PyPi release GitHub action
  • Added a code of conduct
  • Added NetworkEndpoint REST API tests
  • Added EndpointDispatcher
  • Added multiple Peer interfaces support
  • Added HTTP status code verification to make_request
  • Added bytes_up and bytes_down to DispatcherEndpoint
  • Added speed test functionality to TunnelCommunity
  • Added message ID to tunnel payload classes
  • Added easy way to reset Endpoint byte counters
  • Added advanced identity doc to TOC
  • Fixed MockDHTProvider
  • Fixed Swagger docs when api_key is set
  • Fixed IPv8 exit node script
  • Fixed TaskManagers not being shutdown
  • Fixed encoding hostnames in TunnelCommunity
  • Fixed issue with missing public keys in OverlaysEndpoint
  • Fixed loadin database on CommunicationManager start
  • Fixed PR template folder
  • Fixed EndpointListener LAN estimation
  • Fixed M2CryptoSK.verify
  • Fixed wrong error in MockTunnelExitSocket
  • Fixed GitHub version incrementer script
  • Removed log statement
  • Removed check_num_packets from TunnelExitSocket
  • Removed Endpoint stresstest
  • Removed identity communities from default configuration
  • Removed json_util
  • Removed unnecessary ord calls
  • Updated relay_candidates to filter based on public_key
  • Updated documentation
  • Updated Getting Started in
  • Updated RootEndpoint to be configurable
  • Updated Peer.address to be undeprecated
  • Updated on_ip_address to catch CancelledError
  • Updated message handlers to not use decode_map directly
  • Updated decode_map to be a list

IPv8 v2.2.1394 release

29 Jun 07:57
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Includes the first 1394 commits (+97 since v2.1) for IPv8, containing:

  • Added REST endpoint for measuring core drift
  • Added identity datatypes
  • Added token chaining datastructure
  • Added identity manager structures
  • Added ID 2.0 pseudonym management
  • Added v2 ID 2.0 REST API
  • Added Asyncio debug endpoints
  • Added apikey/TLS support to REST API server
  • Added ConfigBuilder
  • Fixed automated GitHub PR script
  • Fixed loosing peer_flags on disconnect
  • Fixed missing imports
  • Fixed coverage report not registering module-import coverage
  • Fixed PingChurn and updated DHT endpoints
  • Fixed bucket refreshing
  • Fixed test runner ignoring failures.
  • Fixed DHT ping assert location
  • Fixed Trustchain update script
  • Fixed deadlock while shutting down RequestCache
  • Updated the host binding for the REST api to be configurable
  • Updated id formats moved into SchemaManager
  • Updated testing infrastructure
  • Updated aesthetics and testing (documentation)
  • Updated tunnel endpoint
  • Updated DHT to use less bandwidth
  • Updated test files and sanity fixes
  • Updated auto version incrementer

IPv8 v2.1.1325 release

20 Apr 13:12
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Includes the first 1325 commits (+158 since v2.0) for IPv8, containing:

  • Replace twisted with asyncio
  • Added swagger docs
  • Added option to TaskManager for ignoring certain Exceptions
  • Added VariablePayload compilation decorator
  • Added united system path as files
  • Added basic tests for the DataChecker class
  • Added ez_send shortcut
  • Added shortcut for adding Payload handlers
  • Added prefix mapping for endpoint
  • Added managed futures to RequestCache
  • Added get_overlay(s) method to MockIPv8
  • Added warning about long-running tasks in TaskManager
  • Fixed url for getting trustchain blocks for a specific user
  • Fixed issue with hidden services tests
  • Fixed trustchain crawler lambda
  • Fixed bootstrap test wrong assertion
  • Fixed readthedocs links
  • Fixed filter peers by community in RandomWalk strategy
  • Fixed tester scripts
  • Fixed script paths
  • Fixed tracker systemd file + error in the script
  • Fixed set size change in tracker
  • Fixed block broadcast in TrustChain
  • Fixed decrementing TTL when received block broadcast
  • Fixed removing inactive peers from tracker
  • Fixed TrustChain genesis block invariant validation
  • Fixed possible README PyPi issues
  • Fixed thread hog when no strategies are running
  • Fixed reuse of ports not being detected
  • Fixed various unhandled exceptions
  • Fixed the fallback argument for 'id_metadata'
  • Fixed binary data in TC tx err 500
  • Fixed AttestationEndpoint test
  • Fixed uncaught socket aton
  • Fixed RequestCache Future cancellation and allow custom timeout actions
  • Fixed duplicate task name
  • Fixed sqlite text type
  • Fixed token error if message arrives before DHT is initialized
  • Fixed resolve tunnel error
  • Fixed attestation tutorial documentation
  • Updated REST tests
  • Updated documentation
  • Updated TunnelCrypto to be compatible with libnacl 1.7
  • Updated usability for registering anonymous tasks
  • Updated project requirements
  • Updated half blocks in TrustChain documentation
  • Updated lambdas with functions
  • Updated verified_peers to set datastructure
  • Updated TrustChain crawler
  • Updated speedup DHT tests
  • Updated set instead of list for relayed_broadcast
  • Updated msg handler type check
  • Updated lazy_community docstrings
  • Updated avoid 'del' where possible

IPv8 v1.10.1167 release

18 Jan 08:56
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Includes the first 1167 commits (+61 since v1.9) for IPv8, containing:

  • Added support for trackers on same subnet
  • Added utf-8 decoding for deprecated custom encoding
  • Added multiple attestation requesting
  • Added Android prototype docs
  • Added IPv8 configuration docs
  • Added keys documentation
  • Added serialization documentation
  • Added VariablePayload compilation decorator
  • Added docs IPv8 features, Why does IPv8 exist?
  • Added TunnelCrypto compatibility with libnacl 1.7
  • Fixed trustchain block iter returning offset
  • Fixed puncture without DiscoveryCommunity
  • Fixed links in docs
  • Fixed to documentation
  • Fixed use of random.randint for IRMA
  • Fixed binding on_should_sign_outcome lambda variables at runtime
  • Fixed dictionary changed size errors
  • Fixed bootstrap test wrong assertion
  • Fixed IRMA build_proofs test
  • Fixed project requirements
  • Fixed peer inequality check in Python 2.7
  • Fixed readthedocs links
  • Fixed filter peers by community in RandomWalk strategy
  • Updated max crawl batch to be a setting
  • Updated md docs to rst
  • Updated docs to be Read the Docs compatible
  • Updated verified_peers to set datastructure
  • Updated half blocks in TrustChain documentation

IPv8 v1.9.1106 release

16 Oct 14:25
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Includes the first 1106 commits (+73 since v1.8) for IPv8, containing:

  • Added convenience struct for TrustChainBlock creation
  • Added option to disable broadcast for specific blocks
  • Added ping measurements for peers
  • Added irma proof import
  • Added hidden services DHT lookup retry
  • Added support for large block retrieval in DHTs
  • Added Network optimizations
  • Updated doc structure for mkdocs
  • Updated twistd path in systemd files
  • Fixed version incrementer
  • Fixed Python 3 integration
  • Fixed IPs/hostnames that are not str
  • Fixed boneh exact 0-vector certainty calculation
  • Fixed block type loading from database
  • Fixed ensure_* methods from six 1.12
  • Fixed hidden services peer discovery
  • Fixed tracker on same subnet connectability
  • Fixed sleeping on main thread in event loop
  • Fixed references to failure.value.message
  • Fixed loop cancel in strategy LoopingCall
  • Fixed wrapping result of should_sign in maybeDeferred
  • Fixed error when pinging in tunnel community
  • Fixed threading issue in create_circuit
  • Fixed blockcache using unwritable buffer name
  • Fixed REST test teardown
  • Fixed service cache not checking for verified peers
  • Fixed links

IPv8 v1.8.1033 release

24 Jun 09:23
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Includes the first 1033 commits (+140 since v1.7) for IPv8, containing:

  • Added retry mechanism for new TC block publishing to DHT
  • Added anonymous communities
  • Added exitnode plugin
  • Added automatic version incrementer
  • Added Deferred return value to should_sign, crawl_chain methods
  • Added memory cache that holds blocks in your own chain
  • Added range proofs
  • Updated get_latest_blocks behaviour
  • Updated hidden services
  • Updated installation tutorial and add it to
  • Updated attestation SDK
  • Fixed tunnel implementation
  • Fixed Python 3 REST encoding
  • Fixed TC crawling without knowing chain length
  • Removed bloom filter code
  • Removed netifaces requirement
  • Removed

IPv8 v1.7.893 release

13 Apr 07:23
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Includes the first 893 commits (+29 since v1.6) for IPv8, containing:

  • Removed deprecated unpack_multiple_as_list
  • DHT fixes
  • Attestation REST endpoint fixes
  • Switched Bloomfilter to unicode
  • TunnelCommunity optimization

IPv8 v1.6.864 release

15 Feb 13:42
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Includes the first 864 commits (+70 since v1.5) for IPv8, containing:

  • Improvements for Python 3 support
  • Fixed some corner cases when walking
  • Refactored TunnelCommunity
  • Added block withholding prevention through DHT
  • Updated documentation
  • Removed some unused features

IPv8 v1.5.794 release

29 Jan 15:58
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Includes the first 794 commits (+17 since v1.4.1) for IPv8, containing:

  • TrustChain sanitizing logic fix
  • TrustChain chain length piggybacking format
  • Fixed peer discovery sybil region attack vector
  • Smoothed out IPv8 main update loop
  • Community ids for TrustChain/TestnetTrustChain updated
  • Fixed README for external sites

IPv8 v1.4.1.777 release

22 Jan 13:03
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Includes the first 777 commits (+13 since v1.4) for IPv8, containing:

  • Some documentation
  • Include ipv8_service in