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84 lines (61 loc) · 2.9 KB


File metadata and controls

84 lines (61 loc) · 2.9 KB



By default:

  • all relative paths in a toml are interpreted as relative to that toml file
  • if only one target is built from source, it is built into build/<build_type>
  • if more than one target is built from source, they are built into build/<target_name>/<build_type>
  • an external target's sources will be copied/downloaded into build/<target_name>/external_sources
  • targets for which sources are found will be built as executable
  • targets for which no sources are found will be header-only

Search Paths

Include directories

Default system directories for #include-searches are given by Clang.

clang-build's include directories will be added to the search paths and will be searched for header files for a target. In your project file, you can add an include_directories array to specify a target's header directories, where by default clang-build will try the target's root directory and an "include" subdirectory.

Source directories

clang-build's source directories will be searched for source files for a target. In your project file, you can add a sources array of patterns to specify a target's sources, where by default clang-build will try the target's root directory and a "src" subdirectory.

Build Type and Flags

For ".cpp" files, the newest available C++ standard will be used by automatically adding e.g. -std=c++17.

The default build type contains the flags, which are used in all build configurations, i.e. the minimum set of flags which clang-build enforces.


contains -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Werror


adds -O3 -DNDEBUG


adds -O3 -g3 -DNDEBUG


adds -O0 -g3 -DDEBUG


adds debug flags and --coverage -fno-inline

By activating all warnings and turning them into errors, the default flags ensure that unrecommended code needs to be explicitly allowed by the author.

Build Directories

├── myproject
|   ├── targetname
|   |   ├── external_sources
|   |   ├── release
|   |   |   ├── obj
|   |   |   ├── dep
|   |   |   ├── bin
|   |   |   ├── lib
|   |   |   └── include
|   |   ├── debug
|   |   | └── ...
|   |   ├── default
|   |   | └── ...
|   |   └── ...
|   └── othertargetname
|       └── ...
└── mysubproject
    └── ...


If there is only one project, the target build folders will be placed directly into "build". Analogously, if there is only one target, the "release", "debug", etc. directories will be placed directly into "build".