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1378 lines (888 loc) · 46.7 KB

API changelog

2.71.1 (2024-06-20)

  • Add new read-only field isProxy to EmployeeDTO

2.71.0 (2024-06-17)

  • Added two new endpoints for Logistics Basic customers who activated the Available inventory functionality
  • PUT /order/orderline/{id}/:pickLine
  • PUT /order/orderline/{id}/:unpickLine

2.70.58 (2024-06-13)

  • Added new method to /currency endpoint. Returns the amount in the company currency, where the input amount is in fromCurrency, using the newest exhange rate available for the given date

2.70.57 (2024-04-10)

  • Add new field isPicked in OrderLineDTO
  • Pick and unpick orderLines based on status from OrderDTO. PICKED status - will pick all of the lines and CANCELLED status - will unpick all of the lines

2.70.56 (2024-03-14)

  • Added new endpoint '/ledger/postingRules'. The posting rules defined which accounts from the chart of accounts that are used for postings when the system creates postings. In this version the id of the sub ledgers (customer, vendor, employee) are exposed, and only GET is supported.

2.70.55 (2024-03-12)

  • New field in OrderLine object called orderedQuantity, that can be used by the Logistics customers who have the Backorder functionality activated

2.70.54 (2024-02-26)

  • Added new field rackbeatAgreementNumber to LogisticsSettingsDTO

2.70.53 (2024-01-23)

  • Changes to GET /company/settings/altinn, now returns "***********" when the company has an AltinnPassword

2.70.52 (2024-01-17)

  • Add new fields in TravelExpenseZoneDTO
    • fromDate (inclusive)
    • toDate (inclusive)
    • currencyId
  • Add new query params to GET /travelExpense/zone
    • date, getting the valid zones based on fromDate and toDate
    • query, searching by countryCode or zoneName
  • New ordering of GET /travelExpense/zone based on zoneName
  • New API for all available Pension Providers /pension that can be connected to /salary/settings/pensionScheme

2.70.51 (2023-12-11)

  • Add API endpoint /vatTermSizeSettings for specifying VAT term sizes.

2.70.50 (2023-12-06)

  • Add new field department to AccountDTO

2.70.48 (2023-10-23)

  • Added POST /contact/list endpoint for batch creating new contacts

2.70.47 (2023-10-20)

  • Added ordering to department/query (orders by number, then by name)

2.70.46 (2023-09-15)

  • Add new field isRemoveAccessAtEmploymentEnded to EmploymentDTO

2.70.45 (2023-08-24)

  • Add new field discountPercentage to OrderDTO
  • Add new field markUpOrderLines to OrderDTO

2.70.44 (2023-07-20)

  • Add new field status to OrderDTO
  • Add new field website to CustomerDTO
  • Add new field website to SupplierDTO

2.70.43 (2023-07-04)

  • Add new field OrderGroups to OrderDTO
  • Add new query param updateLinesAndGroups to PUT /Order/{id}

2.70.42 (2023-05-04)

  • Add new field discountPercentage to CustomerDTO

2.70.41 (2023-04-28)

  • Add API endpoint for searching for result budgets for multiple projects, departments, employees or products.
    • GET /resultbudget

2.70.40 (2023-04-24)

  • Added endpoints to upload and delete attachments on salary
    • PUT /salary/transaction/{id}/attachment
    • POST /salary/transaction/3746350/attachment/list
    • POST /salary/transaction/3746350/attachment

2.70.30 (2023-04-12)

  • Change "Send PO by email" API to send data as body istead of Query Params

2.70.21 (2023-04-12)

  • Added DELETE endpoint to Order

2.70.20 (2023-03-27)

  • Added /asset/upload API endpoint for importing assets in Excel format.

2.70.19 (2023-03-14)

  • Added to depreciationAccountId, lifetimeInMonths, incomingBalance, accumulatedDepreciation to Asset.

2.70.18 (2023-03-07)

  • stockOfGoods from Product resource will only be available on demand

2.70.17 (2023-03-01)

  • Added new endpoint GET municipality/query

2.70.15 (2023-02-15)

  • Updated InvoiceDTO by adding a new InvoiceRemarkDTO and deprecating the old invoiceRemarks field.

2.70.14 (2023-02-10)

Added sendToCustomer param to the invoice endpoint :createCreditNote

2.70.12 (2023-02-07)

  • Added PUT endpoint for EmployeePreferences
  • New field in EmployeePreferencesDTO
    • language

2.70.11 (2023-01-10)

  • New field in SupplierInvoiceDTO
    • outstandingAmount

2.70.10 (2023-01-05)

  • New field in PurchaseOrderlineDTO
    • supplierProduct

2.70.9 (2022-12-16)

  • Add "query" param for GET /inventory to be able searching by name

2.70.8 (2022-12-14)

  • Added new endpoint: GET /employee/employment/occupationCode/{id}
  • New field for search GET /employee/employment/occupationCode
  • id filter based on OccupationCode ids

2.70.7 (2022-12-14)

  • New field invoicingDepartment in AccountDTO

2.70.5 (2022-11-21)

  • Added endpoint for downloading reminder pdf: /reminder/{reminderId}/pdf

2.70.4 (2022-10-25)

  • Deprecating typeOfStocktaking field in /inventory/stocktaking

2.70.3 (2022-10-25)

  • POST order/:invoiceMultipleOrders supports field sendToCustomer

2.70.2 (2022-10-24)

  • POST order/:id/invoice supports fields sendType and overrideEmailAddress

2.70.1 (2022-10-24)

  • Deprecating isDeletable field in product endpoint. Field will always return false for other consumers then Tripletex Web or App.

2.70.0 (2022-10-24)

  • Added new endpoint fore reading, creating and deleting opening balances: 'ledger/voucher/openingBalance' with GET, POST and DELETE. The opening balance is a starting point for accounting in Tripletex, where existing balance and sub-ledger values can be defined.

2.69.27 (2022-10-13)

  • Added new internal fields for ProductLineDTO: counted, counter, dateCounted and expectedStock
  • Added new read-only field for ProductLineDTO: location

2.69.26 (2022-10-10)

  • Added new query params query and productGroupIds for search method in ProductLineAPI

2.69.25 (2022-09-27)

  • Added endpoints for CompanyStandardTime: salary/settings/standardTime
  • Added new endpoint GET employee/standardTime/byDate

2.69.24 (2022-09-05)

  • Added endpoint DrivingStop (post, get, delete)

2.69.23 (2022-09-02)

  • Added fields requiresDepartment and requiresProject to AccountDTO

2.69.22 (2022-07-08)

  • Added new endpoint: DELETE /contact/list. It takes a comma separated list of contacts ids

2.69.21 (2022-07-06)

  • New field in ProductDTO
    • mainSupplierProduct
  • New field in SupplierProductDTO
    • isMainSupplierProduct

2.69.20 (2022-06-10)

  • Deprecated discountPrice from Product resource

2.69.19 (2022-05-04)

  • New field for search GET /employee filter based on email

2.69.18 (2022-04-26)

  • Added webhooks for account.create, account.update and account.delete

2.69.17 (2022-04-08)

  • Added field saftCode to ledger/account POST , GET and PUT

2.69.16 (2022-04-07)

  • Added field externalVoucherNumber to ledger/voucher POST and PUT

2.69.15 (2022-04-04)

  • Added new field in VoucherDTO:
    • supplierVoucherType

2.69.14 (2022-04-01)

  • Deprecated GET product/external endpoint please use GET product/external/query or GET product/external/{id}.

2.69.13 (2022-03-22)

  • Added new field in SupplierDTO:
    • isEfoNelfoMerchant

2.69.12 (2022-03-21)

  • Added endpoint for ResourcePlanBudget
    • GET /project/resourcePlanBudget

2.69.11 (2022-03-03)

  • New field in CurrencyDTO
    • isDisabled
  • New field in ProductPriceDTO
    • purchasePriceCurrency
  • Added parameter showOnlyLastPrice to GET product\price method

2.69.10 (2022-02-28)

  • Added new PurchaseOrderline endpoints:
    • POST /purchaseOrder/orderline/list
    • PUT /purchaseOrder/orderline/list
    • DELETE /purchaseOrder/orderline/list
  • Added new fields to PurchaseOrder:
    • internalComment
    • receivedDate
    • lastSentTimestamp
    • lastSentEmployeeName
  • Added new field to PurchaseOrderline:
    • unitListPriceCurrency

2.69.9 (2022-02-18)

  • Added field isFactoring to Customer.

2.69.8 (2022-03-02)

  • Added fields accountNumberFrom and accountNumberTo in Ledger/posting

2.69.7 (2022-02-10)

  • Added field sequence to TravelCostCategoryDTO.

2.69.6 (2022-01-26)

  • Removed field employee from Address.

2.69.5 (2021-11-24)

  • Added parameter AVTALEGIRO to the URL parameter sendType for the endpoint PUT /invoice/{id}/:send.
  • This allows integrations to send invoices as AvtaleGiro.

2.69.4 (2021-11-16)

  • Added field invoiceOnAccountVatHigh to Order
  • Added field totalInvoicedOnAccountAmountAbsoluteCurrency to Order

2.69.3 (2021-11-15)

  • Added field currency to Company

2.69.2 (2021-11-05)

  • Added new query parameters paidAmountAccountCurrency, paymentTypeIdRestAmount and paidAmountAccountCurrencyRest to POST /order/{id}/:invoice. This is to support prepaid amount where invoice currency is different to payment account currency and to support prepaid amount with two different payment types.

2.69.1 (2021-11-03)

  • Added field useProductNetPrice to Project
  • Added field ignoreCompanyProductDiscountAgreement to Project

2.69.0 (2021-10-27)

  • API endpoint for creating historical vouchers. These are vouchers created outside Tripletex, and should be from closed accounting years. The intended usage is to get access to historical transcations in Tripletex. Also creates postings. All amount fields in postings will be used. VAT postings must be included, these are not generated automatically like they are for normal vouchers in Tripletex.
    • POST /ledger/voucher/historical/historical
    • POST /ledger/voucher/historical/employee
    • POST /ledger/voucher/historical/{voucherId}/attachment
    • PUT /ledger/voucher/historical/:closePostings
    • PUT /ledger/voucher/historical/:reverseHistoricalVouchers
    • PUT /ledger/vatType/createRelativeVatType

2.68.18 (2021-10-25)

  • Added field ledgerAccount to Customer and Supplier
    • This is used on Multiple Ledgers to specify ledger account on customers and suppliers.

2.68.17 (2021-09-30)

  • Added field canCreateBackorder to Order

2.68.16 (2021-09-20)

  • Added field sendMethodDescription to Order

2.68.15 (2021-09-03)

  • Added field externalRef to Posting. The field contains an external reference for identifying payment basis of the posting, e.g., KID, customer identification or credit note number.

2.68.14 (2021-08-23)

  • Fixed a bug in POST /invoice/list introduced in 2.68.10 where the operation would fail because of duplicate order creations.

2.68.13 (2021-08-12)

  • Added field "changedSince" to GET /customer

2.68.12 (2021-08-05)

  • Added field "createBackOrder" to '/order/{id}/:invoice'

2.68.11 (2021-07-21)

  • Added inventory id to response for GET /inventory/inventories

2.68.10 (2021-07-14)

  • Fixed bug that did not create orderLines if included in POST /order

2.68.9 (2021-07-01)

  • Added validation on /employee/employment for startDate so it can no longer be changed to after the date of the second employmentDetails

2.68.7 (2021-07-01)

  • Added query parameters createOnAccount, amountOnAccount, and onAccountComment to PUT /order/{id}/:invoice

2.68.6 (2021-06-28)

  • Added fields amortizationAccount, amortizationStartDate, and amortizationEndDate to PostingDTO

2.68.5 (2021-06-28)

  • Added new query parameter voucherDate to PUT /supplierInvoice/voucher/{id}/postings. Allows changing the date of the voucher connected to this supplier invoice: "If set, the date of the voucher and the supplier invoice will be changed to this date. If empty, date will not be changed"

2.68.4 (2021-06-21)

  • Added PUT /supplierInvoice/{invoiceId}/:changeDimension for changing of project, department, employee, and product on debit postings for a supplier invoice.

2.68.3 (2021-06-10)

  • Added field isInactive to Department

2.68.1 (2021-05-19)

  • Added GET /ledger/voucher/>externalVoucherNumber to find vouchers based on the external voucher number.

2.68.0 (2021-05-07)

  • Added POST /purchaseOrder/{id}/attachment/list
  • Added DELETE /purchaseOrder/{id}/attachment

2.67.0 (2021-05-06)

  • Added GET /saft/exportSAFT for exporting a SAF-T file of the Tripletex account.

2.66.0 (2021-05-04)

  • Added GET /product/discountGroup
  • Added GET /product/discountGroup/{id}-
  • Added POST /product/{id}/image
  • Added DELETE /product/{id}/image
  • Added field discountGroup to Product
  • Added field weight to Product
  • Added field weightUnit to Product
  • Added field volume to Product
  • Added field volumeUnit to Product
  • Added field image to Product

2.65.0 (2021-05-03)

  • Added POST /saft/importSAFT for importing SAF-T files into Tripletex.

2.64.0 (2021-04-21)

  • Added GET /project/controlFormType
  • Added GET /project/controlFormType/{id}
  • Added GET /project/settings
  • Added PUT /project/settings

2.63.4 (2021-04-20)

  • Added field costPercentage to ActivityDTO

2.63.3 (2021-03-30)

  • Added department to Contact
  • New field for search GET /contact filter based on department

2.63.2 (2021-03-25)

  • New GET /project/template/{id} endpoint

2.63.1 (2021-03-23)

  • New field for search GET /inventory/inventoryLocation filter based on name

2.63.0 (2021-03-17)

  • Bulk endpoints for Subscription
    • PUT /event/subscription/list
    • POST /event/subscription/list
    • DELETE /event/subscription/list

2.62.2 (2021-03-15)

  • New fields for search GET /product/inventoryLocation
    • inventoryId filter based on Inventory ids
    • isMainLocation filter based on InventoryLocation that are marked as main locations.

2.62.1 (2021-02-19)

  • Added basisPercentage and relativeVatType to VatTypeDTO!

2.62.0 (2021-02-18)

  • Added read-only field document to PurchaseOrder
  • Added read-only field attachment to PurchaseOrder
  • Added read-only field ediDocument to PurchaseOrder
  • Added POST /purchaseOrder/{id}/attachment

2.61.0 (2021-02-17)

  • Added model PickupPoint
  • Added GET /pickupPoint
  • Added GET /pickupPoint/{id}
  • Added field pickupPoint to PurchaseOrder

2.60.5 (2021-02-16)

  • New field in GET /inventory/location field isInactive. Makes it possible to search for InventoryLocations based active / inactive.

2.60.4 (2021-02-15)

  • New field in GET /voucherStatus field status. Make it possible to search for voucherStatuses filtered by status.
  • New field in GET /voucherStatus field type. Make it possible to search for voucherStatuses filtered by type.
  • Change GET /invoice field voucherId to take a comma separated list of voucherIds

2.60.3 (2021-02-09)

  • New field in POST /supplierInvoice/{invoiceId}/:addPayment partialPayment. Adding multiple payments are now only possible when setting partialPaymentto true.

2.60.2 (2021-02-09)

  • Deprecated field bankAccounts on CustomerDTO and SupplierDTO.
  • Introduced new field bankAccountPresentation on CustomerDTO and SupplierDTO. This can now be used to create/update and read bankAccount information connected to a customer or supplier.

2.60.1 (2021-02-04)

  • Added endpoint ledger/voucher/>voucherReception

2.60.0 (2021-02-01)

New resultbudget endpoints:

  • GET: /resultbudget/company
  • GET: /resultbudget/department/{id}
  • GET: /resultbudget/project/{id}
  • GET: /resultbudget/product/{id}
  • GET: /resultbudget/employee/{id}

2.59.1 (2021-01-27)

  • Added new query params typeOfVat and vatDate on GET /ledger/vatType. If you for example specify OUTGOING as the type of VAT, you will only get VAT types that the company has access to (from the vat-settings of the company) and is of the provided type. vatDate will default to today's date if not specified.
  • Added new field legalVatTypes on AccountDTO. This is a list of legal VAT types that you can use on the actual account.

2.59.0 (2021-01-26)

  • The checksum feature is now only used if the client specifies the If-None-Match header

2.58.0 (2021-01-18)

  • Added new endpoint: product/inventoryLocation (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Added field inventoryLocation to GoodsReceiptLineDTO, OrderLineDTO and ProjectOrderLineDTO Only available for users that have activated the Logistics Pluss Beta-program

2.57.7 (2021-01-07)

  • Added field invoiceComment to ProjectDTO

2.57.6 (2021-01-05)

  • Added query param assignableProjectManagers to /employee (GET) endpoint

2.57.5 (2020-12-22)

  • Removed deprecated field deductions from SalaryCompilationDTO, which affects salary/compilation endpoint

2.57.4 (2020-12-17)

  • Added new readonly postingType OUTGOING_INVOICE_CUSTOMER_POSTING to PostingDTO

2.57.3 (2020-12-14)

  • Can now set deliveryAddress field in ProjectDTO (no longer readonly)

2.57.2 (2020-12-11)

  • Added fields orderLines and travelReports to InvoiceDTO

2.57.1 (2020-12-08)

  • Added field attention to ProjectDTO
  • Added field reference to ProjectDTO
  • Can now set contact field in ProjectDTO (no longer readonly)

2.57.0 (2020-12-07)

  • Added new endpoint: product/logisticsSettings (GET, PUT)

Only available for users that have activated the Logistics Pluss Beta-program

2.56.6 (2020-12-02)

  • Added Attachment of earnings (tax) to salary/compilation endpoint

2.56.5 (2020-11-30)

  • Added new endpoint to order/orderLine (PUT)

2.56.4 (2020-11-26)

  • Added new endpoint: addPayment to SupplierInvoiceAPI
  • Removed authorization on call to GET /event

2.56.3 (2020-11-24)

  • Added new readonly postingType INVOICE_EXPENSE to PostingDTO

2.56.2 (2020-11-23)

  • Add EmployeeDTO as readonly property sender in /voucherMessage endpoint.

2.56.1 (2020-11-19)

  • Add comment, message, externaObjectUrl and referenceNumber to VoucherStatusDTO
  • Add attachments to OrderDTO
  • Added employeeCategory to EmployeeDTO
  • Added new endpoint: employee/category (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Added new endpoint: employee/category/list (POST, PUT, DELETE)

2.56.0 (2020-11-18)

  • Added new endpoint: product/productPrice (GET)

2.55.2 (2020-11-17)

  • Add field preliminaryInvoice to OrderDTO
  • Open /Invoice for preliminary invoices

2.55.1 (2020-11-13)

Updated existing and created new endpoints for changes in a-melding from January 2021:

  • Added field employmentEndReason to /employment endpoint
  • Added field employmentForm to /employment/details endpoint
  • Added new endpoints /salary/settings/pensionScheme (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)

2.55.0 (2020-11-11)

  • Added new endpoint: voucherMessage (POST, GET)

2.54.9 (2020-11-09)

  • Added the fields creditedInvoice and isCredited to the /invoice endpoints

2.54.8 (2020-11-05)

  • Removed unused field extraPercentOrderLines in `/project

2.54.7 (2020-11-01)

  • Made comment optional when approving voucher in /supplierInvoice
  • Corrected sorting order of elements in voucherApprovalListElementDTO

2.54.6 (2020-10-20)

  • Added language field to /customer endpoints

2.54.5 (2020-10-19)

Made following changes to /supplierInvoice

  • Re-named field number to invoiceNumber
  • Added commentFromOriginator and project to VoucherApprovalListElementDTO
  • Made sure the order of the VoucherApprovalListElements are the same in the api as in the web application

2.54.4 (2020-10-14)

  • Added new endpoints DELETE /customer and DELETE /supplier.

2.54.3 (2020-10-08)

  • Added tempNumber to VoucherDTO.

2.54.2 (2020-09-21)

  • Add new API endpoint: POST /order/list which allows posting a list of Orders, with OrderLines embedded inside.

2.54.1 (2020-09-04)

  • Added phoneNumberWork to ContactDTO

2.54.0 (2020-09-04)

  • Add new API endpoint: POST /invoice/list which allows posting a list of Invoices, with new Order and OrderLines embedded inside.
  • Allow embedding new Orders and OrderLines inside an Invoice, when posting a new Invoice using the POST /invoice API endpoint.
  • API change: paymentTypeId and paidAmount added to InvoiceDTO. These are optional, and used to specify payment type and paid amount when posting a list of invoices.
  • API change: In OrderLineDTO, the order field is now optional. This is because now, a list of Invoices can be posted, where each Invoice contains a list of Orders, where each Order contains a list of OrderLines, embedded inside.

Example of POST /invoice/list:

      "invoiceDate": "2020-09-02",
      "invoiceDueDate" : "2020-09-12",
      "orders" : [
       "deliveryDate" : "2020-09-03",
       "orderDate" : "2020-09-01",
       "customer" : {"id" : 3001 },
       "orderLines" : [{
         "count" : 2,
         "description" : "Example description"

2.53.0 (2020-08-24)

  • Added new endpoints for approving supplierInvoices:
    • PUT /supplierinvoice/:approve
    • PUT /supplierinvoice/{id}/:approve
    • PUT /supplierinvoice/{id}/:reject
    • PUT /supplierinvoice/{id}/:addRecipient

2.52.0 (2020-08-19)

  • Added new endpoints/order/orderGroup (get, put, post, delete)

2.51.0 (2020-08-17)

  • Added new endpoint/product/unit/master with a list of Product Units (Get)

2.50.0 (2020-07-08)

  • Added new endpoint/supplierInvoice/voucher/{id}/postings (Put)

2.49.0 (2020-07-06)

  • Added new endpoints /voucherStatus (get, post)

2.48.0 (2020-06-30)

  • Added GET for new endpoint /balanceSheet (get the balance sheet / saldobalanse for the specified parameters)

2.47.0 (2020-06-25)

Added new transportType endpoint.

2.46.3 (2020-06-04)

  • Added invoiceComment and invoiceRemarks to InvoiceDTO.

2.46.2 (2020-05-18)

Set the correct values of taxDeductionCode and isMainEmployer upon creating of employments if those fields are not sent to Tripletex.

2.46.1 (2020-05-15)

Added fields tollCost and passengerSupplement to MileageAllowanceDTO

2.46.0 (2020-05-15)

New endpoints for deviation on purchaseorder. Only available for users that have activated the Logistics Pluss Beta-program:

  • purchaseOrder/deviation (GET, POST, PUT DELETE)
  • purchaseOrder/deviation/{id}/:approve
  • purchaseOrder/deviation/{id}/:deliver
  • purchaseOrder/deviation/{id}/:undeliver

2.45.2 (2020-05-11)

  • Added readonly field isInactive to Activity endpoint.

2.45.1 (2020-05-05)

  • Improved PUT /travelExpense/to allow managing lists of perdiemCompensations ( creating / updating / deleting multiple perdiemCompensations in one request)

2.45.0 (2020-04-27)

  • Added GET /timesheet/month, this gets the month status/overview for a specified month/employee combination or ID
  • Added PUT /timesheet/month actions for complete, re-open, approve and un-approve based on a month/employee combination or ID

2.44.2 (2020-04-27)

Added DELETE method to product endpoint.

2.44.1 (2020-04-22)

Added receiverEmail, discount, packingNoteMessage, transporterMessage, comments, attention and currency fields to PurchaseOrder object

2.44.0 (2020-04-21)

Added GET for new endpoint /travelExpense/zone (find zone by id and search) Added new field travelExpenseZoneId to /travelExpense/perDiemCompensation endpoint in PerDiemCompensationDTO

2.43.1 (2020-04-16)

Added DEFAULT send type parameter for /purchaseOrder/{id}/:send method

2.43.0 (2020-04-08)

New endpoints added for product group:

  • product/group (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • product/groupRelation (GET, POST, DELETE)

2.42.1 (2020-04-07)

Small patch for purchaseOrder endpoint

  • Change name of the field contact to ourContact to be consistent with the GUI
  • Added field supplierContact

2.42.0 (2020-04-03)

New methods added for purchaseOrder endpoint:

  • /purchaseOrder/{id}/:send
  • /purchaseOrder/{id}/:sendByEmail

2.41.2 (2020-03-18)

/travelExpense/perDiemCompensation/autoSuggest new internal endpoint that generates on the fly per diem compensations with auto-suggested data based on input and travel details without storing them in the database. ( POST )

2.41.1 (2020-03-18)

/address endpoints are now deprecated and hidden. Prefer using /deliveryAddress for delivery addresses, or addresses through their parent objects, e.g. /employee or /customer. Existing integrations are not affected.

2.41.0 (2020-03-17)

New endpoint added:

  • purchaseOrder/orderline (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)


  • Session, consumer, and employee tokens generated on the test environment ( are now prefixed with test-, to easily distinguish them from production tokens.

2.40.2 (2020-03-12)

  • VoucherDTO Added validation on voucher type

2.40.1 (2020-03-11)

  • Added field description to Product.

2.40.0 (2020-03-10)

New endpoints for goods receipt. Only available for users that have activated the Logistics/Logistics Pluss Beta-program:

  • purchaseOrder/goodsReceipt (GET, POST, PUT DELETE)
  • purchaseOrder/goodsReceiptLine (GET, POST, PUT DELETE)

2.39.3 (2020-02-25)

  • New endpoint: PUT /order/:invoiceMultipleOrders Charges a single customer invoice from multiple orders. The orders must be to the same customer, currency, due date, receiver email and attn.

2.39.2 (2020-02-21)

  • Changes to GET /timesheet/salaryTypeSpecification. We have have removed query date in favour of dateFrom (From and including) and dateTo (To and excluding). This change is done to make the endpoint be more in line with other timesheet endpoints like /entry for instance. This is not something we usually do but as this endpoint is in beta and only been released on week ago, it's a bit of now or never.

  • CustomerDTO change Allow multiple email addresses on invoice email, separated by ;

2.39.1 (2020-02-19)

Added new methods to /purchaseOrder endpoint:

  • POST
  • PUT

2.39.0 (2020-02-13)

End point changed:

  • added showInTimesheet to /salary/type this boolean value describes if if a salary type is applicable for timesheet or not

New endpoint:

  • timesheet/salaryTypeSpecification (GET, POST, PUT DELETE):
    Adding this endpoint has given us the possibility to log for instance overtime.

2.38.6 (2020-02-13)

New endpoints in product:

  • POST /product/list
  • PUT /product/list

2.38.5 (2020-02-03)

Webhooks for create (and similar) events are now triggered even when an update happens at the same time. Previously, only the update webhook was sent, skipping the create webhook. This means it should no longer be necessary to subscribe to update-events when you're only interested in create.

2.38.4 (2020-01-30)

  • Allow creation of external projects (isInternal = false) from POST /project/ and PUT /project/ for pilots only.
  • New endpoint /project/projectActivity
  • POST: /activity

2.38.3 (2020-01-30)

  • Added field status to GET /purchaseOrder and GET /purchaseOrder/{id} endpoint

2.38.2 (2020-01-20)

Updated following field in ProjectDTO:

  • mainProject should now update the main project via PUT /project/{id}

2.38.1 (2020-01-16)

Added following field to ContactDTO:

  • phoneNumberMobileCountryId (If not set, it will be derived from phoneNumberMobile if possible, or default to Norway)

2.38.0 (2020-01-15)

Added endpoint:

  • GET /purchaseOrder and GET /purchaseOrder/{id}

2.37.8 (2020-01-09)

Removed required validation for fields marked as readOnly. Resolves issue #12

2.37.7 (2020-01-08)

Added following field to EmployeeDTO:

  • phoneNumberMobileCountryId (If not set, it will be derived from phoneNumberMobile if possible, or default to Norway)

2.37.6 (2019-12-16)

Added two new endpoints for salary compilation:

  • /salary/compilation
  • /salary/compilation/pdf

2.37.5 (2019-12-16)

Abroad remittance for salary transactions is now supported - only in pilot. Added following fields to EmployeeDTO:

  • iban
  • bic (swift)
  • creditorBankCountryId

2.37.3 (2019-11-25)

  • Added query param includePayrollTaxZones to endpoint municipality/get. Default is true. True will return payroll tax zone info with the municipality DTO. Notice that since there now are municipalities with more than one zone, those are represented by more than one DTO with the same municipality number.

2.37.2 (2019-11-15)

  • Added 'mimetype' field to DocumentDTO
  • Updated Bankstatement _ Added accountId field to Bankstatement and restrictions have been added to not allow bankstatements for the same account and time period.
    _ POST: /bank/statement/import now requires that bankId, accountId, fromDate and toDate is spesified.

2.37.1 (2019-11-07)

Added 'isSalaryAdmin' and 'showPayslip' to TravelExpenseDTO

2.37.0 (2019-10-24)

Added support for subscription invoices in the API. First create an order with subscription settings, then approve the order for subscription invoicing. The subscription invoice can also be charged using order :invoice method. New API methods:

  • PUT: /order/{id}/approveSubscriptionInvoice
  • PUT: /order/{id}/unApproveSubscriptionInvoice

2.36.3 (2019-10-17)

  • Feature: all responses now has a header field named x-tlx-request-id containing the request identifier.

2.36.02 (2019-10-07)

New WebHooks events added:

  • employee.create, employee.update and employee.delete
  • contact.create, contact.update and contact.delete

2.36.01 (2019-10-02)

  • Added query parameters for the fields inActive and showOnEmployeeExpenses for travelExpense/costCategory.

2.36.0 (2019-10-01)

New project/period endpoints:

  • GET: /project/{id}/period/hourlistReport
  • GET: /project/{id}/period/invoiced
  • GET: /project/{id}/period/invoicingReserve
  • GET: /project/{id}/period/monthlyStatus
  • GET: /project/{id}/period/overallStatus

New project/task endpoint:

  • GET: /project/task

New fields:

  • Added fields signatureRequired and signed to /project/controlForm endpoint
  • Added field isapproved to `/invoice endpoint
  • Added fields signatureRequired and signed to /project/controlForm endpoint
  • Added fields isFixedPrice, fixedprice, contributionMarginPercent, numberOfSubProjects, numberOfProjectParticipants, contact, invoicingPlan and preliminaryInvoice to /project/controlForm endpoint
  • Added field isBudget and invoice to /project/orderline endpoint

2.35.12 (2019-09-10)

  • Changed type of employment/division from int to divisionDTO; employment/details/occupationcode from int to occupationcodeDTO; employment/details/municipalityid from int to municipalityDTO.

2.35.11 (2019-08-30)

  • Changed type of query parameter employeeId in /employee/employment/details endpoint from Integer to String

2.35.10 (2019-08-27)

  • Added field ean to /product endpoint

2.35.9 (2019-08-05)

New API Endpoint for Order, that lets you attach a document to a specified Order ID:

  • PUT: /order/{id}/:attach

2.35.8 (2019-07-19)

  • Updated swagger.json:
    • Added schemas property to clearly specify that only HTTPS is supported (required for Postman swagger import)
    • Added contact property with a link to the GitHub repository

2.35.7 (2019-07-10)

  • Added new field phoneNumberWork (read/write) to Employee for /employee endpoint

2.35.6 (2019-07-08)

  • Added fields authHeaderName (read/write) and authHeaderValue (write only) to Subscription to allow for custom authentication headers. If set, the specified header will be included in webhook POST callbacks.

2.35.5 (2019-06-24)

  • validate that costs exists on expense for PUT /travelExpense/:deliver and PUT /travelExpense/:approve

2.35.4 (2019-06-20)

New endpoint travelexpense/settings for a company.

  • GET: "/travelExpense/settings"

2.35.3 (2019-06-14)

2.35.2 (2019-06-04)

New Document Archive endpoints that handles document archive associated with diferent object types. Returns list with all documents archive associated with an object type specified in path variable {id}

  • GET: /documentArchive/project/{id}
  • GET: /documentArchive/employee/{id}
  • GET: /documentArchive/customer/{id}
  • GET: /documentArchive/supplier/{id}
  • GET: /documentArchive/product/{id}
  • GET: /documentArchive/account/{id}
  • GET: /documentArchive/prospect/{id}
    Create a document/upload to archive and associate it with an object type specified by {id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/project/{id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/employee/{id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/supplier/{id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/customer/{id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/product/{id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/account/{id}
  • POST: /documentArchive/prospect/{id}
    Updates document archive meta data for a specific document {id}
  • PUT: /documentArchive/{id}
    Delete document archive specified by {id}
  • DELETE: /documentArchive/{id}

2.35.1 (2019-05-27)

  • GET /ledger/vatType and GET /ledger/vatType/{id} now supports vat number 0.
  • Most objects that had VatType as a field will now be able to return data instead of null when the vat number is 0.

2.35.0 (2019-05-22)

  • Added endpoint GET /project/controlForm

2.34.2 (2019-05-20)

  • Changed field amount to /travelExpense endpoint to readonly
  • Added field chargeableAmount to /travelExpense endpoint
  • Changed field costs to /travelExpense to be writable
  • Added field document to /travelExpense endpoint
  • For travelExpense/cost, changed field amountNOKInclVAT to /travelExpens/cost to be writable

2.34.0 (2019-05-16)

  • Added endpoint /event/{eventType} to give examples for each event model
  • Added event type notification.sent, which is triggered once the employee is sent a new notifications

2.33.9 (2019-04-23)

  • Added endpoint for getting currency exchange rates at /currency/{id}/rate

2.33.8 (2019-04-15)

  • Added field invoicesDueIn to /customer endpoint
  • Added field invoicesDueInType to /supplier endpoint

2.33.7 (2019-04-15)

  • Added field overdueNoticeEmail to /customer endpoint
  • Added field overdueNoticeEmail to /supplier endpoint

2.33.6 (2019-04-12)

  • Added new search parameter isApplicableForSupplierInvoice to GET /ledger/account

2.33.5 (2019-04-10)

  • Customer's isSupplier can be managed (created and updated) via /customer
  • Supplier's isCustomer can be managed (created and updated) via /supplier

2.33.4 (2019-04-04)

  • Added readOnly field hourlyCostPercentage to timesheet\entry

2.33.3 (2019-04-02)

  • Added endpoint GET, POST, PUT, DELETE project\hourlyRates
  • Added endpoint GET, POST, PUT, DELETE project\hourlyRates\projectSpecificRates

2.33.2 (2019-03-14)

  • Enhanced endpoint /department with DELETE method

2.33.1 (2019-03-12)

  • Added field to /employee: holidayAllowanceEarned: year, amount, basis, amountExtraHolidayWeek

2.33.0 (2019-03-08)

  • Added endpoint GET, POST, PUT /employee/hourlyCostAndRate

2.32.5 (2019-03-06)

  • Added field factor to Currency for GET /currency.

2.32.4 (2019-03-04)

  • Extended invoiceSendMethod to support EFAKTURA. VIPPS and PAPER for PUT /customer/{id}/ and POST /customer API endpoints. The PUT /invoice/{id}/:send also supports these send methods.

2.32.3 (2019-02-28)

  • Added fields isMainEmployer and taxDeductionCode to endpoint /employee/employment

2.32.3 (2019-02-26)

  • Added the possibility to create and update customers with emailAttahcmentType. The field emailAttahcmentType has been added to the PUT /customer/{id}/ and POST /customer API endpoints. This parameter is optional.

2.32.2 (2019-02-22)

  • Employee's address can be managed (created and updated) via /employee endpoint
  • Customer's postal and physical address can be managed (created and updated) via /customer endpoint
  • Supplier's postal and physical address can be managed (created and updated) via /supplier endpoint

2.32.2 (2019-02-20)

  • Added the possibility to create and update customers with invoiceSendMethod. The parameters invoiceSendMethod which is enum values and singleCustomerInvoice which is a boolean have been added to the PUT /customer/{id}/ and POST /customer API endpoints. These parameters are optional, but for setting invoiceSendMethod to EHF the singleCustomerInvoice must be set to false.

2.32.1 (2019-02-15)

  • Added endpoint DELETE /ledger/voucher/{id}/attachment

2.32.0 (2019-02-11)

  • Added endpoint GET, POST /{travelExpenseId}/attachment

2.31.0 (2019-01-20)

  • Added endpoint GET /timestheet/settings

2.30.5 (2019-01-20)

  • Added readOnly fields to /product: elNumber, nrfNumber

2.30.4 (2019-01-17)

  • Added ENUM values to employmentType, remunerationType and workingHoursScheme in /employee/employment/details

2.30.2 (2019-01-08)

  • Added fields to /supplier: isWholesaler, showProducts
  • Added field to /product/external: organizationNumber

2.30.1 (2018-12-19)

  • Added field to /employee: comments

2.30.0 (2018-12-18)

  • Added endpoint POST, PUT, GET employee/nextOfKin
  • Added fields to /employee: phoneNumberHome, InternationalIdDTO

2.29.0 (2018-12-14)

  • Added endpoint POST employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence/list

2.28.1 (2018-12-13)

  • Added endpoint GET, PUT /company/settings/altinn

2.28.0 (2018-12-03)

  • Added endpoint GET, POST, PUT /division
  • Deprecated endpoint GET /company/divisions

2.27.4 (2018-11-30)

  • Added field numberto Payslip

2.27.3 (2018-11-27)

  • Deprecated response field VoucherSearchResponse.totalNumberOfPostings

2.27.2 (2018-11-22)

  • Added fields to /country: isoAlpha2Code, isoAlpha3Code, isoNumericCode

2.27.1 (2018-11-21)

  • Added PUT, POST and GET order line by ID to project/orderline

2.27.0 (2018-11-12)

  • Added field discountPrice to Product

2.26.3 (2018-11-07)

  • /invoice/{id}/:payment added optinal paidAmountCurrency parameter, to specify the amount paid in the invoice currency.

2.26.2 (2018-10-31)

  • PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}/:reverse added method for reversing vouchers.

2.26.1 (2018-10-31)

  • GET /project added the field displayName

2.26.0 (2018-10-29)

  • Added endpoint GET /invoice/details/{id} which returns additional details about project invoices, such as project fee amounts, markup, travel expenses, invoice text, the amount on account balance and vat type.
  • Added projectInvoiceDetails to the Invoice API model, which contains a list of project invoice details for the given invoice.
  • Added discountPercentage to the Project API model, containing the discount percentage specified for the project.

2.25.0 (2018-10-26)

  • Added endpoint PUT /contact

2.24.0 (2018-10-24)

  • The general field changes now contains all changes. Before this version only the creation and the last change was listed.

2.23.3 (2018-10-15)

  • Added field invoice to TravelExpense

2.23.2 (2018-10-12)

  • GET,PUT /project added isReadyForInvoicing.

2.23.1 (2018-10-10)

  • New endpoint: /project/participant (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE)
  • GET /project Now has field for participants.

2.23.0 (2018-10-10)

  • New endpoint: /document
  • Three new fields in GET /ledger/voucher: attachment, document and ediDocument

2.22.2 (2018-10-09)

  • GET /project Now has field for deliveryAddress.

2.22.1 (2018-09-19)

  • PUT /project Now allow changing project description.

2.22.0 (2018-09-17)

  • POST /salary/transaction new boolean parameter for generating tax deduction.
  • GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /project/orderline new BETA endpoints for selected participants only.

2.21.4 (2018-09-12)

  • PUT /project allow PUT on non-internal projects.

2.21.3 (2018-09-6)

  • GET /contact added phoneNumberMobile.

2.21.2 (2018-09-05)

  • Changed Swagger documentation to correctly specify return code 201 rather than 200 for POST requests.

2.21.1 (2018-08-31)

  • PUT /invoice/{id}/:createCreditNote added for creating credit notes.
  • AmountRoundoff og amountRoundoffCurrency added to Invoice.

2.20.1 (2018-08-24)

  • DELETE /ledger/voucher added.
  • GET /inventory with query parameter isMainInventory now works as intended.

2.20.0 (2018-08-23)

  • POST /ledger/voucher/importDocument now supports an optional description that will be used on the new voucher(s).

2.19.0 (2018-08-22)

  • New endpoint: PUT /ledger/voucher/list - Update multiple vouchers.
  • Voucher.year is now correctly defined as read-only.

2.18.0 (2018-08-21)

  • Added information about outstanding payment and payment reminders to invoices: postings, reminders, sumRemits, amountOutstanding og amountOutstandingTotal.
  • Added a /reminder API endpoint and :createReminder to the invoice API endpoint.

2.17.1 (2018-08-17)

  • Added support for organizationNumber query parameter in /customer (GET) and /supplier (GET).

2.17.0 (2018-08-16)

  • /customer (PUT and POST): accountManager is no longer read-only.

2.16.2 (2018-08-13)

  • Added the possibility to create prepaid invoices. The parameters paymentTypeId og paidAmount have been added to the PUT /order/{id}/:invoice and POST /invoice API endpoints. These parameters are optional, but both must be provided if a prepaid invoice should be created.

2.16.1 (2018-08-02)

  • Fixed incorrect URL references to costCategory and paymentType from travelExpense/cost.

2.16.0 (2018-08-02)

  • POST /ledger/voucher/importDocument [BETA] Upload a document to create one or more vouchers. Valid document formats are PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF and EHF.

2.15.2 (2018-07-27)

  • Distinguished payment type in travelExpense API between costCategory and paymentType. new GET endpoints for travelExpense/costCategory and travelExpense/paymentType. It is now possible to actually obtain these for use with travelExpense/cost. (This is a "breaking" change for travelExpense/cost, but also makes it usable.)

2.15.1 (2018-07-04)

  • Added field reverseVoucher to Voucher - a reference to the voucher that is produced when the current voucher is reversed.
  • Added fields vacationAllowanceAmount (readonly), grossAmount (readonly), amount (readonly) to Salary.Payslip.
  • Added field amount to Salary.Specification.

2.15.0 (2018-06-29)

  • Added support of bank reconciliation.
  • Added endpoint bank/statement for importing bank statements.
  • Added endpoint bank/reconciliation/for reconciliation. Reconciliation can be done either with a bank statement, or without.
  • Added endpoint bank/reconciliation/match for mapping postings to transactions on the bank statement.
  • Added endpoint bank/ for getting banks that are supported, their register numbers and the bank statement file formats that can be imported.

2.14.2 (2018-06-27)

  • Added fields externalAccountsNumber, description (readonly) and mainProject (readonly) to Project.

2.14.1 (2018-06-21)

  • Added webhook support for Customer, Supplier and Project: _ customer.create _ customer.update _ customer.delete _ supplier.create _ supplier.update _ supplier.delete _ project.create _ project.update * project.delete

2.14.0 (2018-06-19)

  • Added endpoint ledger/voucher/{id}/:sendToInbox

2.13.3 (2018-06-18)

  • GET /employee * Added allowInformationRegistration as a query parameter and as a read-only field. This parameter determines if salary information can be registered on the user including hours, travel expenses and employee expenses. The user may also be selected as a project member on projects.

2.13.2 (2018-06-15)

  • Updated handling of JSON parse errors _ Errors deserializing input JSON now results in HTTP error 422 instead of 500 _ Mapping errors are now specified instead of the generic message Invalid json

2.13.1 (2018-06-12)

  • Added webhook support for Voucher events: _ voucher.create _ voucher.update * voucher.delete
  • Changed endpoint /timesheet/entry * Added read-only field to TimesheetEntry: chargeableHours

2.12.2 (2018-05-28)

  • Added endpoint ledger/voucher/>nonPosted

2.12.1 (2018-05-28)

  • Changed endpoint /supplier * Introduced filter parameter changedSince, to only list suppliers changed after a given timestamp

2.12.0 (2018-05-28)

  • Added endpoints for payment types for outgoing payments:
    • GET /ledger/paymentTypeOut
    • POST /ledger/paymentTypeOut
    • POST /ledger/paymentTypeOut/list
    • PUT /ledger/paymentTypeOut/list
    • DELETE /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id}
    • GET /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id}
    • PUT /ledger/paymentTypeOut/{id}

2.11.2 (2018-05-24)

  • Changed GET /travelExpense
    • added queryparameter state with the posilble values ALL, OPEN, DELIVERED, APPROVED, SALARY_PAID (default value ALL)

2.11.1 (2018-05-09)

  • Added validation of addresses to PUT /address/ _ Empty addresses are not allowed. _ Either or Address.customerVendorId is now required.

2.11.0 (2018-05-09)

  • Added beta version of webhooks for pilot users _ Exposes new endpoints for GET /event and GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /event/subscription _ Contact us to join the pilot program!

2.10.1 (2018-04-25)

  • Added endpoint PUT /travelExpense/:copy
  • Changed validation for TravelExpense: * Validation now only occurs when isCompleted is set to true. Allows for creation of empty travel reports.

2.10.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Added endpoints for POST, PUT and DELETE on /project
  • Fixed some bugs

2.8.0 (2018-04-19)

  • Added endpoint PUT /ledger/voucher
  • Added endpoint PUT /ledger/voucher/{id}
  • Added endpoint DELETE /ledger/account

2.5.5 (2018-02-08)

  • Improved revision/version handling. The API now returns error code 8000 ("Revision Exception") when attempting to PUT an object with the wrong version specified. This typically happens when someone else has modified the specified object.

2.5.0 (2017-11-23)

  • Added endpoints for salary: _ /salary/payslip _ /salary/specification _ /salary/transaction _ /salary/type

2.4.0 (2017-11-15)

  • Added endpoints for employees and employment: _ /employee/employment _ /employee/employment/details _ /employee/employment/employmentType _ /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsence _ /employee/employment/leaveOfAbsenceType _ /employee/employment/occupationCode _ /employee/employment/remunerationType _ /employee/employment/workingHoursScheme * /employee/standardTime

2.3.3 (2017-11-07)

  • Changed endpoint /department * Introduced filter parameter departmentManagerId

2.3.2 (2017-10-30)

  • Changed endpoint /product: * Introduced filter parameter productNumber

2.3.1 (2017-10-20)

  • Added endpoints for ledger (hovedbok): _ /ledger/openPosts _ /leder/posting/openPosts

2.3.0 (2017-10-10)

  • Added endpoints for prospects (CRM): _ GET /crm/prospect _ GET /crm/prospect/{id}

2.2.0 (2017-09-27)

  • Added endpoints for product: _ POST /product _ PUT /product _ PUT /product/unit _ GET /product/unit/
  • Added fields to Product: _ priceIncludingVatCurrency (utsalgspris inkl. mva) _ priceExcludingVatCurrency (utsalgspris eks. mva) _ costExcludingVatCurrency (innkjøpspris) _ isInactive _ vatType (mva-kode) _ currency _ productUnit _ isStockItem (lagervare) * stockOfGoods (lagerbeholdning)