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IMGAPI Operator Guide
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IMGAPI Operator Guide

This document is a guide for operators of an IMGAPI. Users of IMGAPI can refer to the User Guide.

There are two main types of IMGAPI:

  1. DC-mode: An instance that is part of the core "imgapi" service in a Triton DataCenter. An in-DC IMGAPI is configured with mode === "dc". It serves HTTP over the DC's "admin" network. It optionally has a firewalled (external connections only) NIC on an external network to be able to reach out (to import from standalone IMGAPIs, or pull from Docker registries).

  2. standalone: A standalone IMGAPI, that runs independent of a Triton DataCenter. These are configured with mode === "public" (for public images, example "") or mode === "private" (for repos with private images, example ""). These serve HTTPS over a public network (via haproxy for SSL termination and possible load balancing, to one or more node.js IMGAPI processes). They are typically configured to use HTTP Signature auth (like Triton's CloudAPI and Manta's web API) for any write endpoints.


Both types of IMGAPI instances use "imgapi" images built from sdc-imgapi.git, released to Triton's Updates Image repository.

DC-Mode Setup

A DC-mode IMGAPI instance is setup via standard Triton DataCenter headnode setup. See

DC-mode setup: add an external NIC

For a DC-mode IMGAPI to import images -- e.g. from to add base images for users of the DC, or from for updating the Triton DC -- the IMGAPI instance requires an external NIC. The instance is firewalled to only allow outgoing connections. The external NIC can be added (and to the adminui instance) via:

sdcadm post-setup common-external-nics

DC-mode setup: connect to Manta

For durable image storage (and to enable image creation which intentionally fails without durable storage), a DC-mode IMGAPI instance needs to be given Manta connection details.

This can be done by running one of the following scripts (they must be run from inside the imgapi zone):

# Use a Manta that is part of this same Triton cloud (i.e. shares the
# same account database):
imgapi-manta-setup MANTA_URL [OPTIONS] | bunyan

# Use a Manta that is not part of this Triton cloud:
imgapi-external-manta-setup MANTA_URL MANTA_USER PATH_TO_PRIV_KEY | bunyan

(Dev Note: Longer term this responsibility should move to a sdcadm post-setup ... command.)

DC-mode setup: enable custom image creation without Manta

(This step is optional, and typically solely for development.)

By default, a DC-mode IMGAPI only allows custom image creation (i.e. the [CreateImageFromVm](./] endpoint) if it is configured with Manta storage for custom image files. However for test Triton DataCenter standups you can hack IMGAPI to allow local custom image storage.

The symptom of needing to do this from cloudapi or the node-smartdc CLI is:

$ triton image create 3d68ee48-d1fa-685c-9c33-e23064141138 myimage 1.0.0
triton image create: error (NotAvailable): custom image creation is not currently available

To allow custom images using local storage, run the following in your SDC headnode global zone:

echo '{"metadata": {"IMGAPI_ALLOW_LOCAL_CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_VM": true}}' \
  | sapiadm update $(sdc-sapi /services?name=imgapi | json -H 0.uuid)

When the 'config-agent' running in the imgapi zone picks up this change (after about 30s), the imgapi service will be restarted with "allowLocalCreateImageFromVm": true (see the Configuration section above).

Standalone Setup

A standalone IMGAPI instance is just a regular instance. However two reasons mean we can't use stock triton to provision one:

  • We use 'imgapi' images from, which can only be imported to a DC by an operator. Dev Note: Eventually this could move to custom image builds by the user that owns the imgapi instance. Preferably this would be via a triton build that automates this.
  • We want (for good updating we currently require) a delegated dataset, which isn't yet an exported feature of CloudAPI's CreateMachine.

Warning: Currently, standalone IMGAPI code does not support multiple instances using the same Manta area. It is up to the operator to guard against this. If two instances are writing to the same Manta area, they could cause conflicts in the image files and backups stored there.

Standalone Setup Step 1: create instance

To create new standalone IMGAPI instance, use imgapi-standalone-create. It needs to be run from the DC's headnode global zone.

imgapi-standalone-create [OPTIONS] ACCOUNT IMAGE PACKAGE ALIAS

For example:

cd /var/tmp
curl -kO
chmod +x imgapi-standalone-create

# A play IMGAPI in COAL using a local 'trentm' COAL account and
# /trent.mick/stor/tmp/images in Manta:
./imgapi-standalone-create \
    -m mantaUrl= \
    -m mantaUser=trent.mick \
    -m mantaBaseDir=tmp/images \
    trentm latest sample-2G myimages0

# An deployment of might look like this:
./imgapi-standalone-create \
    -m mantaUrl= \
    -m mantaUser=joyops \
    -m \
    -t \
    joyops latest g4-highcpu-2G imagesjo0

The -m option adds metadata. A set of metadata keys are supported setup config vars (see Standalone Setup Configuration below). The -t option adds an instance tag -- in this case to use CNS.

Standalone Setup Step 2: edit config

After creation, one may edit the generated config file at "/data/imgapi/etc/imgapi.config.json" manually. Afterwards, remember to restart the imgapi service:

vi /data/imgapi/etc/imgapi.config.json
svcadm restart imgapi

Standalone Setup Step 3: add imgapi instance key to account

Every standalone IMGAPI instance creates its own "instance key" -- an SSH key to be used for authenticated access to Manta, if relevant. If configuring this IMGAPI instance for Manta access (strongly suggested), then one needs to add this instance's SSH public key to the Manta account to being used.

For convenience the instance public key is published on the instance's metadata, so that a command like the following can work to add the key to one's account:

triton inst get ALIAS | json metadata.instPubKey | triton key add -

The key is typically named "imgapi-$alias-$zonenameprefix-$date", so when listing keys it to check, it will look something like this:

$ triton keys
FINGERPRINT                                      NAME
b5:cb:80:c0:5e:d9:2b:6f:63:a3:44:eb:ac:39:db:fa  imgapi-imagesjo0-ef4a1442-20160907
b3:f0:a1:6c:32:3b:47:63:ae:6e:57:22:74:71:d4:bd  trentm

Standalone Setup Step 4: restore data from backup

The setup is not complete until imgapi-standalone-restore is run. This will restore "local" data from the backup in the IMGAPI's Manta area, if any. It must be run even if it is a no-op (not configured to use Manta, empty Manta area).

ssh root@$(triton ip ALIAS)
imgapi-standalone-restore [OPTIONS]

Dev note: It must always be run because it leaves a marker file indicating that it is safe for the background imgapi-standalone-backup process to run and write data to the backup. Even if not backing up imgapi-standalone-status will report a problem if it hasn't been successfully run once.

Standalone Setup Step 5: set TLS cert

This step is optional.

Initial setup will create a self-signed TLS certificate. If you have a signed certificate you'd like to use, it can be installed as follows:

cp /var/tmp/your-cert.pem /data/imgapi/etc/cert.pem
svcadm restart haproxy   # restart haproxy, the TLS terminator

Dev note: Eventually we hope to support Let's Encrypt.

Standalone Setup Step 6: add authkeys for signature auth

This step is optional.

Typically (and by default) a standalone IMGAPI will use HTTP Signature auth (config.authType === "signature"). Authentication is only done on endpoints that modify things (CreateImage, DeleteImage, UpdateImage, etc.) and on the Ping endpoint for testing.

For signature auth you need a mapping of usernames to SSH public keys. A good way to do that is to add "$username.keys" files in the IMGAPI's Manta area at:


For example:

$ mget /joyops/stor/
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAA...

The IMGAPI server periodically (once per hour) syncs changes from that Manta area and updates its auth info. Or for the lazy one can do either of:

ssh root@$(triton ip ALIAS) svcadm restart imgapi

# The following require already being setup for auth.
IMGAPI_CLI_URL= imgapi-cli reload-auth-keys
images-imgadm reload-auth-keys      # custom CLI for
updates-imgadm reload-auth-keys     # custom CLI for

This isn't the only place that authkeys can be added. See the Authentication section below for full details.

Standalone Setup Step 7: set CNS service tag

This step is optional.

A nice way to setup DNS for a standalone IMGAPI instance is to use CNS, if available in your Triton DC. Set the tag on your instance:

triton inst tag set -w myimages0

and CNS will create a service ("svc") DNS name:

$ triton -p tritonsw inst get imagesjo0 | json dns_names

Then create a CNAME in your DNS provider mapping, say, "" to the service name: ->

Then, even if your instance is recycled and replaced, DNS will still work. And when imgapi supports multiple instances (for HA), DNS will map to all your instances using the "myimages" cns tag.

Standalone Setup Step 8: configure downstream imgapi

If you have not completed step 5, the instance will be using a self-signed certificate. In this case, for testing purposes you may wish to configure another imgapi instance such that it will allow importing from the standalone, for example:

$ service=$(sdc-sapi /services?name=imgapi | json -H 0.uuid)
$ sapiadm update $service metadata.IMGAPI_ALLOW_INSECURE=true



sdcadm up imgapi

Standalone: To update a standalone IMGAPI instance use imgapi-standalone-reprovision. It needs to be run from the DC's headnode global zone (dev note: because reprovision isn't yet a part of CloudAPI).

imgapi-standalone-reprovision [OPTIONS] INSTANCE IMAGE

For example:

cd /var/tmp
curl -kO
chmod +x imgapi-standalone-reprovision

./imgapi-standalone-reprovision 98cf10d4-7550-11e6-8930-ef291247b988 latest

This will handle importing the identified 'imgapi' image to the DC, tweaking its permissions, and reprovisioning the instance to the new image.

Key rotation

Both DC-mode and standalone IMGAPI instances use an SSH key to talk to Manta for file storage (if configured to use Manta). This section describes how to rotate that key.

Key rotation: DC-mode

A DC-mode IMGAPI that is configured to use Manta is setup in one of two ways:

  1. with a local manta (in the same region), the 'admin' account, and using a key generated by the setup script (imgapi-manta-setup); or

  2. with a possibly external manta, using a key provided to the setup script (imgapi-external-manta-setup).

In both cases the IMGAPI key can be rotated by re-running the script:

# 1.
# Note: Use the "--force" option to force re-generation of the key.
sdc-login -l imgapi
imgapi-manta-setup --force MANTA-URL | bunyan

# 2.
sdc-login -l imgapi
imgapi-external-manta-setup <manta-url> <manta-user> <path-to-new-priv-key> | bunyan

Key rotation: Standalone

Login to the instance and run:


This will walk you through the process of rotating the key: A new key will be generated. You will need to manually add that key to the appropriate Manta user (in general a standalone IMGAPI instance doesn't know or have access to the appropriate CloudAPI on which to add a key). The script will wait until that key is available and then update the imgapi service as appropriate.



sdcadm check-health

(Dev note: Yes, currently there are both of those things. Eventually when sdcadm check-health improves, the latter can be deprecated.)


ssh root@$(triton ip ALIAS)
imgapi-standalone-status [-h] [-v]

Backup and Recovery

DC-mode: nothing currently

Standalone: A regular part of a standalone IMGAPI is a background process (see "Background processes" section below) that periodically backs up local data to Manta, to /${manta.user}/stor/${manta.baseDir}/backup/.... This, of course, requires that the config file have manta access (see "Setup" steps above).

Recovery from backup is exactly the setup process described above: read the "Setup" section from the start. In particular the 'imgapi-standalone-restore' script is the part that restores the local data from backup.

Background processes

DC-mode IMGAPI has the following background processes:

  1. A node.js "config-agent" SMF service that handles updating config files (in particular the imgapi service config) from "sapi_templates/..." and SAPI data.
  2. A node.js "registrar" SMF service agent that handles registering this imgapi instance in the Triton DataCenter's "binder".
  3. A node.js "amon-agent" SMF service that handles monitoring. (Dev Note: Current amon usage for imgapi monitoring is not significant.)
  4. An hourly cronjob runs "logadm" to handle log rotation.
  5. A "hermes" SMF service agent runs from the GZ to handle rotated log file upload to Manta (if the Triton DC is so configured).

Along with the usual 'imgapi' service and haproxy; a standalone IMGAPI has the following background processes:

  1. An hourly cronjob runs "logadm" to handle log rotation.
  2. An hourly cronjob runs to upload rotated files to manta.
  3. An hourly cronjob runs "imgapi-standalone-backup" to backup local data to Manta.


An IMGAPI process is configured via two files:

  1. A defaults JSON file: "etc/defaults.json" in the repository, "/opt/smartdc/imgapi/etc/defaults.json" in an IMGAPI instance.

  2. An instance-specific JSON config file, typically "/data/imgapi/etc/imgapi.config.json" (can be overridden with the node main.js -f CONFIG-PATH option). An explicit config file must exist, but it can be the empty {} to just use the defaults.

    A DC-mode config file is rendered by the config-agent service -- rendered from the template at "sapi_templates/imgapi/template" and instance config from the SAPI GetConfig endpoint ( See "SAPI Configuration" below.

    A standalone IMGAPI's config file is initially rendered by the "boot/standalone/" setup process from the template at "etc/standalone/imgapi.config.json.handlebars" and setup config vars on instance metadata, if any. See "Standalone Setup Configuration" below

Currently the defaults give you a public-mode standalone IMGAPI, that listens at "", uses the local database and local storage backends, and uses signature auth for endpoints that create/update/delete resources.

Note that given custom values override full top-level keys in the defaults. For example: if providing manta, one must provide the whole manta object.

var type default description
port Number 8080 Port number on which to listen.
address String Address on which to listen.
serverName String imgapi/$version Name of the HTTP server. This value is present on every HTTP response in the 'Server' header.
logLevel String/Number debug Level at which to log. One of the supported Bunyan log levels. This is overridden by the -d,--debug switch.
maxSockets Number 100 Maximum number of sockets for external API calls
mode String public One of 'public' (default, running as a public server e.g., 'private' (a ironically "public" server that only houses images marked public=false), or 'dc' (running as the IMGAPI in a Triton DataCenter).
datacenterName String - Name of the Triton DataCenter on which IMGAPI is running. Only relevant if mode === "dc".
serviceName String - The name of the service. Only relevant if mode === "dc".
instanceUuid String - The instance UUID. Only relevant if mode === "dc".
serverUuid String - The server (CN) UUID on which the instance is running. Only relevant if mode === "dc".
adminIp String - The admin IP address. The metrics server will be exposed on this network. Only relevant if mode === "dc".
adminUuid String - The UUID of the admin user in this Triton DataCenter. Only relevant if mode === "dc".
channels Array - Set this make this IMGAPI server support channels. It must be an array of channel definition objects of the form {"name": "<name>", "description": "<desc>"[, "default": true]}.
placeholderImageLifespanDays Number 7 The number of days after which a "placeholder" image (one with state 'failed' or 'creating') is purged from the database.
allowLocalCreateImageFromVm Boolean false Whether to allow CreateImageFromVm using local storage (i.e. if no manta storage is configured). This should only be enabled for testing. For SDC installations of IMGAPI "IMGAPI_ALLOW_LOCAL_CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_VM": true can be set on the metadata for the 'imgapi' SAPI service to enable this.
allowInsecure Boolean false Whether to allow insecure connection to another IMGAPI instance when importing from it. This should only be enabled for testing. For SDC installations of IMGAPI "IMGAPI_ALLOW_INSECURE": true can be set on the metadata for the 'imgapi' SAPI service to enable this.
minImageCreationPlatform Array see defaults.json The minimum platform version, ["<sdc version>", "<platform build timestamp>"], on which the proto VM for image creation must reside. This is about the minimum platform with sufficient imgadm tooling. This is used as an early failure guard for CreateImageFromVm.
authType String signature One of 'none' or 'signature' (HTTP Signature auth).
authKeys Object - Optional. A mapping of username to an array of ssh public keys. Only used for HTTP signature auth (config.authType === "signature").
databaseType String local The database backend type to use. One of "local" or "moray". The latter is what is typically used in-DC.
storageTypes Array ["local"] The set of available storage mechanisms for the image files. There must be at least one. Supported values are "local" and "manta". See the Image file storage section for discussion.
manta Object - Object holding config information for Manta storage.
manta.baseDir String imgapi The base directory, relative to '/${manta.user}/stor', under which image files are stored in Manta.
manta.url String - The Manta API URL.
manta.insecure Boolean false Ignore SSL certs on the Manta URL.
manta.remote Boolean - Whether this Manta is remote to this IMGAPI. This helps IMGAPI determine practical issues on whether manta or local storage is used for large files.
manta.user String - The Manta user under which to store data.
manta.key String - Path to the SSH private key file with which to authenticate to Manta.
manta.keyId String - The SSH public key ID (signature).
manta.rootDir String (This is automatically computed from other config vars.) The Manta full path under which IMGAPI uses.
ufds.url String - LDAP URL to connect to UFDS. Required if mode === 'dc'.
ufds.bindDN String - UFDS root dn. Required if mode === 'dc'.
ufds.bindPassword String - UFDS root dn password. Required if mode === 'dc'.
wfapi.url String - The Workflow API URL.
wfapi.workflows String - Array of workflows to load.
wfapi.forceReplace Boolean - Whether to replace all workflows loaded every time the IMGAPI service is started. Ideal for development environments
imgapiUrlFromDatacenter Object - The mapping of short dc name to the imgapi admin url, which an image in this imgapi can be copied to. This can also be set using SAPI Configuration.

For operational scripts, development, and debugging, one can look at the full merged and computed config by calling "lib/config.js" as a script. This should always be used in preference to looking at the config files directly to get the merged and computed config object values. Examples:

$ node lib/config.js -h
usage: node .../lib/config.js [OPTIONS] [KEY]
    -h, --help                          Print this help and exit.
    -f CONFIG-PATH, --file=CONFIG-PATH  Config file path.

$ node lib/config.js -f foo.json authType

$ node lib/config.js -f foo.json
    "port": 8080,
    "address": "",
    "maxSockets": 100,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "mode": "public",
    "authType": "signature",

SAPI Configuration

DC-mode IMGAPI is configured via "metadata" on the "imgapi" SAPI service. See the config template for the authoritative details.

Key Type Default Description
IMGAPI_ALLOW_LOCAL_CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_VM Boolean false Set this to allow image creation even when the DC is not setup to use a Manta. This is useful for development. See the setup section.
IMGAPI_MANTA_* various - These are typically setup by the imgapi[-external]-manta-setup scripts. See the DC-mode setup: connect to Manta section
docker_registry_insecure Boolean false See
http_proxy String - See
IMGAPI_URL_FROM_DATACENTER Object - See x-DC Image Copying description.

Standalone Setup Configuration

A standalone IMGAPI instance's config is first written at initial setup by imgapi-standalone-gen-setup-config by rendering a template. A number of keys can be provided on instance metadata for this initial rendering. These are called "setup config vars". At time of writing they are (see setupConfigVars in imgapi-standalone-gen-setup-config):

Key Corresponds to this key from the "Configuration" table
mode mode
serverName serverName
mantaUrl manta.url
mantaUser manta.user
mantaBaseDir manta.baseDir
mantaInsecure manta.insecure
channels channels; This may also by the special value standard, which will be substituted by the "standard" channels (a set of channels used by

x-DC Image Copying

It is possible to configure IMGAPI to allow users to copy images from one datacenter to another.

To be able to use x-DC image copying, each datacenter must have SAPI configuration, which will specify the IMGAPI endpoints that a datacenter is allowed to copy into.

The configuration will be a JSON object, which contains a mapping of the dc short name or the IMGAPI admin url where IMGAPI is listening. Note that the short dc name should match what is shown via: CloudAPI ListDatacenters.

For example, to allow us-east-1 to copy images into both us-sw-1 and us-west-1 you would run the following SAPI configuration command:

$ login to us-east-1 headnode
$ SAPI_IMGAPI_UUID=$(sdc-sapi /services?name=imgapi | json -Hga uuid)
$ echo '{ "metadata": { "IMGAPI_URL_FROM_DATACENTER": { "us-sw-1": "", "us-west-1": "" }}}' | \
    sapiadm update "$SAPI_IMGAPI_UUID"

Then restart config-agent in the imgapi zone (or wait until imgapi notices the config has changed, at which point imgapi will then restart itself).


There are two possible storage mechanisms for the (possibly large) image files (and image icon files). The storage mechanisms used are configured via the storageTypes config var. For example:

"storageTypes": ["manta", "local"],
"mode": "dc",
"datacenterName": "us-test-1",
"manta": {
    "url": "",
    "user": "alice",
    "key": "/data/imgapi/etc/imgapi-img7-37591570-20160831.id_ecdsa",
    "keyId": "SHA256:UlGQ8CXT0BIvJXq2IoPllUHUOTJUCwNLhsKMzdc8/30",
    "baseDir": "imgapi",
    "insecure": false,
    "remote": true,

Storage types are:

  1. manta: Requires an available Manta and that IMGAPI be configured to use it. All files are stored in the configured Manta user's area (under "/${manta.user}/stor/"), as opposed to storing images own by Bob under Bob's area in Manta. Manta storage may be local (i.e. within the same region, this is preferred) or remote (a Manta across the WAN).

    The Manta root directory used by an IMGAPI (called the Manta rootDir) is as follows. If in DC mode (mode === "dc"), then the additional "${datacenterName}/" dir component is added.



  2. local: Files are stored at the local "/data/imgapi/images/..." (possibly a delegate dataset or NFS mount or whatever). All IMGAPI instances will have at least "local" storage.

Configuring for Manta storage is preferred because file storage is then durable. For in-DC IMGAPI instances, Manta storage is required for user custom image creation, i.e. CloudAPI's CreateImageFromMachine, unless overriden.

For DC-mode imgapi instances, the <imgapi-zone>:/opt/smartdc/imgapi/bin/imgapi-manta-setup and <imgapi-zone>:/opt/smartdc/imgapi/bin/imgapi-external-manta-setup scripts are intended for use in setting up to use a Manta. (Longer term this responsibility should move to a sdcadm post-setup ... command.)

At runtime, when a file is added (via AddImageFile) a storage backend must be selected. Non-remote Manta storage, if available, is used in preference to "local" storage. If Manta storage is available but is remote, then which storage is used is a little more complicated. The intention is that user-created custom images (i.e. IMGAPI's CreateImageFromVm, aka CreateImageFromMachine on cloudapi) go to Manta. However, admin-managed public images for the DC are typically large and can't practically live in a remote Manta. Therefore the algorithm is that "admin"-owned images prefer local storage to "remote Manta" storage. Images owned by others prefer remote Manta storage to local storage.

The login shell of an IMGAPI instance should be setup to access its configured Manta (useful for development and debugging):

sdc-login -l imgapi
rootDir=$(node /opt/smartdc/imgapi/lib/config.json manta.rootDir)
mls $rootDir


IMGAPI supports two authentication modes:

  1. HTTP Signature auth (`config.authType === "signature"). This is the default and suggested auth mode for standalone IMGAPI instances.
  2. No auth (config.authType === "none"). This is the typical configuration for DC-mode IMGAPI instances, which run on the "admin" network.

HTTP Signature auth

To support HTTP signature authentication the server needs a mapping of usernames to an array of SSH public keys. There are three places those keys can come from:

  1. config.authKeys. For example:

     "authType": "signature",
     "authKeys": {
         "trentm": ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDPLIC/hQIyd3gvIteBVOIrhZJ8KJHdZe3O/eb7wZL3yoEAOSQeC5yIZINLyZElFeDjKrgsshhPRnWV0QrPPPfkgnpiHTXbTPU0p5aEqekMgMUVVblGmtKr1QRxuQYW2S1r3HBZkoVC8LnbPBR4xWgtCx8LuVOOwCtYc9+E+e+Yl9EjW415KZyVtMVhpzR7ja8Le+SiapJOUejy7CuO73XS9A9xXDHGw81lQtoDJASgJhJKj8/64tgGFxkNERjBtA/hG/9bofHD/Zw4kxAoR1kjtF49sDop5UKEBT3WlejWedQ/fZqyHCNk+YOpmIt+aM0jF49vNMM+QhQotTN5iYHb DESCRIPTION"]
  2. Local ".keys" files in /data/imgapi/etc/authkeys/local/$username.keys. E.g.

     $ cat /data/imgapi/etc/authkeys/local/trentm.keys
     ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDPLIC/hQIyd3gvIteBVOIrhZJ8KJHdZe3O/eb7wZL3yoEAOSQeC5yIZINLyZElFeDjKrgsshhPRnWV0QrPPPfkgnpiHTXbTPU0p5aEqekMgMUVVblGmtKr1QRxuQYW2S1r3HBZkoVC8LnbPBR4xWgtCx8LuVOOwCtYc9+E+e+Yl9EjW415KZyVtMVhpzR7ja8Le+SiapJOUejy7CuO73XS9A9xXDHGw81lQtoDJASgJhJKj8/64tgGFxkNERjBtA/hG/9bofHD/Zw4kxAoR1kjtF49sDop5UKEBT3WlejWedQ/fZqyHCNk+YOpmIt+aM0jF49vNMM+QhQotTN5iYHb DESCRIPTION
  3. ".keys" files in Manta at ${manta.rootDir}/authkeys/$username.keys:

     $ mls /trent.mick/stor/imgapi/authkeys

    This, of course, requires config.manta.* be set. IMGAPI will periodically (once per hour) sync ${manta.rootDir}/authkeys/*.keys files in Manta to /data/imgapi/etc/authkeys/manta/ locally and load from there. Use the AdminReloadAuthKeys endpoint to trigger a reload.


service/path where notes
imgapi SMF log svcs -L imgapi *
config-agent SMF log svcs -L config-agent *, DC-mode only
registrar SMF log svcs -L registrar *, DC-mode only
amon-agent SMF log svcs -L amon-agent *, DC-mode only
backup to Manta /var/log/triton/imgapi-backup.log *, standalone-mode only
log upload to Manta /var/log/tritonlogupload.log standalone-mode only
logadm /var/log/logadm.log standalone-mode only

Log rotation and upload to Manta

Logs marked with an asterisk (*) are rotated and uploaded to Manta.

DC-mode IMGAPIs' logadm rotates logs hourly to:


and the hermes global zone agent periodically uploads from there to Manta per this configuration, removing files after a period after upload.

Standalone IMGAPIs' logadm rotates logs hourly to:


The script links those files to:


From there the script uploads (via an hourly cron job) to Manta:


Dev Note: The result with standalone IMGAPIs' log rotation and upload has a few properties different to DC-mode IMGAPIs. These are intentional and I (Trent) would like to propagate this pattern to all Triton core services. The improvements are:

  • Rotated logs for local use are in /var/log/triton/*.log and are retained for the period listed in the /etc/logadm.conf config. Typically that is a week of hourly logs. One common problem of in-prod debugging is that after a few hours (the hermes retain_time), the log files may have been uploaded to Manta and deleted from the local instance. Retaining them according to logadm config also means that log space usage behaviour is similar for DCs setup for Manta log upload and those that are not, which is beneficial for dogfooding.
  • The log files in the "upload/" subdir can be deleted immediately after successful upload. This simplifies the log upload script.
  • The basename of uploaded logs is the $nodename -- which is the zone's alias. This allows for a predictable name in Manta (rather than an instance zonename UUID) which can allow avoiding an extra mfind for Manta jobs for analysis.

Log-related commands

Some possibly useful commands follow. Tail the imgapi log:

tail -f `svcs -L imgapi` | bunyan

Restart the IMGAPI service and tail the log:

svcadm restart imgapi && tail -f `svcs -L imgapi` | bunyan

Use the Bunyan dtrace facility to tail trace-level logs of the imgapi service:

bunyan -p imgapi


IMGAPI exposes metrics via node-triton-metrics on http://<ADMIN_IP>:8881/metrics