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RDAP (HTTP) Lookups

IPWhois.lookup_rdap() is now the recommended lookup method. RDAP provides a far better data structure than legacy whois and REST lookups (previous implementation). RDAP queries allow for parsing of contact information and details for users, organizations, and groups. RDAP also provides more detailed network information.


Arguments supported by IPWhois.lookup_rdap().

Key Type Description
inc_raw Bool Boolean for whether to include the raw whois results in the returned dictionary.
retry_count Int The number of times to retry in case socket errors, timeouts, connection resets, etc. are encountered.
depth Int How many levels deep to run queries when additional referenced objects are found.
excluded_entities List A list of entity handles to not perform lookups.
bootstrap Bool If True, performs lookups via ARIN bootstrap rather than lookups based on ASN data. ASN lookups are not performed and no output for any of the asn* fields is provided.
rate_limit_timeout Int The number of seconds to wait before retrying when a rate limit notice isreturned via rdap+json.
asn_alts List Array of additional lookup types to attempt if the ASN dns lookup fails. Allow permutations must be enabled. Defaults to all ['whois', 'http'].
extra_org_map Dict Dictionary mapping org handles to RIRs. This is for limited cases where ARIN REST (ASN fallback HTTP lookup) does not show an RIR as the org handle e.g., DNIC (which is now built in ORG_MAP) e.g., {'DNIC': 'arin'}. Valid RIR values are (note the case-sensitive - this is meant to match the REST result): 'ARIN', 'RIPE', 'apnic', 'lacnic', 'afrinic'


Results Dictionary

The output dictionary from IPWhois.lookup_rdap(). Contains many nested lists and dictionaries, detailed below this section.

Key Type Description
query String The IP address input
asn String Globally unique identifier used for routing information exchange with Autonomous Systems.
asn_cidr String Network routing block assigned to an ASN.
asn_country_code String ASN assigned country code in ISO 3166-1 format.
asn_date String ASN allocation date in ISO 8601 format.
asn_registry String ASN assigned regional internet registry.
network Dict The assigned network for an IP address. May be a parent or child network. See :ref:`rdap-network-dictionary`.
entities List List of object names referenced by an RIR network. Map these to the objects dict keys.
objects Dict The objects (entities) referenced by an RIR network or by other entities (depending on depth parameter). Keys are the object names with values as :ref:`rdap-objects-dictionary`.
raw Dict The raw results dictionary (JSON) if inc_raw is True.

Network Dictionary

The dictionary mapped to the network key in the objects list within :ref:`rdap-results-dictionary`.

Key Type Description
cidr String Network routing block an IP address belongs to.
country String Country code registered with the RIR in ISO 3166-1 format.
end_address String The last IP address in a network block.
events List List of event dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-events-dictionary`.
handle String Unique identifier for a registered object.
ip_version String IP protocol version (v4 or v6) of an IP address.
links List HTTP/HTTPS links provided for an RIR object.
name String The identifier assigned to the network registration for an IP address.
notices List List of notice dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-notices-dictionary`.
parent_handle String Unique identifier for the parent network of a registered network.
remarks List List of remark (notice) dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-notices-dictionary`.
start_address String The first IP address in a network block.
status List List indicating the state of a registered object.
type String The RIR classification of a registered network.

Objects Dictionary

The dictionary mapped to the object (entity) key in the objects list within :ref:`rdap-results-dictionary`.

Key Type Description
contact Dict Contact information registered with an RIR object. See :ref:`rdap-objects-contact-dictionary`.
entities List List of object names referenced by an RIR object. Map these to other objects dictionary keys.
events List List of event dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-events-dictionary`.
events_actor List List of event (no actor) dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-events-dictionary`.
handle String Unique identifier for a registered object.
links List List of HTTP/HTTPS links provided for an RIR object.
notices List List of notice dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-notices-dictionary`.
remarks List List of remark (notice) dictionaries. See :ref:`rdap-notices-dictionary`.
roles List List of roles assigned to a registered object.
status List List indicating the state of a registered object.

Objects Contact Dictionary

The contact information dictionary registered to an RIR object. This is the contact key contained in :ref:`rdap-objects-dictionary`.

Key Type Description
address List List of contact postal address dictionaries. Contains key type and value.
email List List of contact email address dictionaries. Contains key type and value.
kind String The contact information kind (individual, group, org).
name String The contact name.
phone List List of contact phone number dictionaries. Contains key type and value.
role String The contact's role.
title String The contact's position or job title.

Events Dictionary

Common to lists in :ref:`rdap-network-dictionary` and :ref:`rdap-objects-dictionary`. Contained in events and events_actor (no actor).

Key Type Description
action String The reason for an event.
timestamp String The date an event occured in ISO 8601 format.
actor String The identifier for an event initiator (if any).

Notices Dictionary

Common to lists in :ref:`rdap-network-dictionary` and :ref:`rdap-objects-dictionary`. Contained in notices and remarks.

Key Type Description
title String The title/header for a notice.
description String The description/body of a notice.
links List List of HTTP/HTTPS links provided for a notice.

Upgrading from 0.10 to 0.11

Considerable changes were made between v0.10.3 and v0.11.0. The new RDAP return format was introduced and split off from the legacy whois return format. Using RDAP lookup is the recommended method to maximize indexable values.

RDAP return data is different in nearly every way from the legacy whois data.

For information on raw RDAP responses, please see the RFC:

Usage Examples

Basic usage

>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> from pprint import pprint

>>>> obj = IPWhois('')
>>>> results = obj.lookup_rdap(depth=1)
>>>> pprint(results)

'asn': '15169',
'asn_cidr': '',
'asn_country_code': 'US',
'asn_date': '2007-03-13',
'asn_registry': 'arin',
'entities': [u'GOGL'],
'network': {
    'cidr': '',
    'country': None,
    'end_address': '',
    'events': [{
            'action': u'last changed',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2012-02-24T09:44:34-05:00'
            'action': u'registration',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2007-03-13T12:09:54-04:00'
    'handle': u'NET-74-125-0-0-1',
    'ip_version': u'v4',
    'links': [
    'name': u'GOOGLE',
    'notices': [{
        'description': u'By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are
            agreeing to the RDAP/Whois Terms of Use',
        'links': [u''],
        'title': u'Terms of Service'
    'parent_handle': u'NET-74-0-0-0-0',
    'raw': None,
    'remarks': None,
    'start_address': '',
    'status': None,
    'type': None
'objects': {
    u'ABUSE5250-ARIN': {
        'contact': {
            'address': [{
                'type': None,
                'value': u'1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\nMountain View\nCA\n
                    94043\nUNITED STATES'
            'email': [{
                'type': None,
                'value': u''
            'kind': u'group',
            'name': u'Abuse',
            'phone': [{
                'type': [u'work', u'voice'],
                'value': u'+1-650-253-0000'
            'role': None,
            'title': None
        'entities': None,
        'events': [{
            'action': u'last changed',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2015-11-06T15:36:35-05:00'
            'action': u'registration',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2015-11-06T15:36:35-05:00'
        'events_actor': None,
        'handle': u'ABUSE5250-ARIN',
        'links': [
        'notices': [{
            'description': u'By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are
                agreeing to the RDAP/Whois Terms of Use',
            'links': [u''],
            'title': u'Terms of Service'}],
        'raw': None,
        'remarks': [{
            'description': u'Please note that the recommended way to file
                abuse complaints are located in the following links.\r\n\r
                \nToreport abuse and illegal activity:
                /reporting-abuse/ \r\n\r\nFor legal requests:
                Regards,\r\nThe Google Team',
            'links': None,
            'title': u'Registration Comments'
        'roles': None,
        'status': [u'validated']
    u'GOGL': {
        'contact': {
            'address': [{
                'type': None,
                'value': u'1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\nMountain View\nCA\n
                    94043\nUNITED STATES'
            'email': None,
            'kind': u'org',
            'name': u'Google Inc.',
            'phone': None,
            'role': None,
            'title': None
        'entities': [u'ABUSE5250-ARIN', u'ZG39-ARIN'],
        'events': [{
            'action': u'last changed',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2015-11-06T15:45:54-05:00'
            'action': u'registration',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2000-03-30T00:00:00-05:00'
        'events_actor': None,
        'handle': u'GOGL',
        'links': [
        'notices': None,
        'raw': None,
        'remarks': None,
        'roles': [u'registrant'],
        'status': None
    u'ZG39-ARIN': {
        'contact': {
            'address': [{
                'type': None,
                'value': u'1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\nMountain View\nCA\n
                    94043\nUNITED STATES'
            'email': [{
                'type': None,
                'value': u''
            'kind': u'group',
            'name': u'Google Inc',
            'phone': [{
                'type': [u'work', u'voice'],
                'value': u'+1-650-253-0000'
            'role': None,
            'title': None
        'entities': None,
        'events': [{
            'action': u'last changed',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2015-09-01T14:03:11-04:00'
            'action': u'registration',
            'actor': None,
            'timestamp': u'2000-11-30T13:54:08-05:00'
        'events_actor': None,
        'handle': u'ZG39-ARIN',
        'links': [
        'notices': [{
            'description': u'By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are
                agreeing to the RDAP/Whois Terms of Use',
            'links': [u''],
            'title': u'Terms of Service'
        'raw': None,
        'remarks': None,
        'roles': None,
        'status': [u'validated']
'query': '',
'raw': None

Use a proxy

>>>> from urllib import request
>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> handler = request.ProxyHandler({'http': ''})
>>>> opener = request.build_opener(handler)
>>>> obj = IPWhois('', proxy_opener = opener)

Optimizing queries for your network

Multiple factors will slow your queries down. Several :ref:`rdap-input` arguments assist in optimizing query performance:


False: ASN lookups are performed to determine the correct RIR to query RDAP. This adds minor overhead for single queries.

True: Use ARIN bootstrap (redirection), significantly reducing overall time for bulk queries, but at the sacrifice of not having asn* field data in the results.


This value equates to the number of entity levels deep to search for sub-entity information. Found entities each result in a query to the RIR. The larger this value, the longer a single IP query will take. More queries will cause RIR rate limiting to trigger more often for bulk IP queries (only seen with LACNIC).


This is the number of times to retry a query in the case of failure. If a rate limit error (HTTPRateLimitError) is raised, the lookup will wait for rate_limit_timeout seconds before retrying. A combination of adjusting retry_count and rate_limit_timeout is needed to optimize bulk queries.

When performing bulk IP lookups, the goal should be to acquire as much data, as fast as possible. If you have multiple IP lookups, in a row, that belong to the same RIR (generally LACNIC), the chance to hit rate limiting errors increases (also depending on bootstrap, depth, network speeds).

One option to increase bulk query performance is to disable retries and store the errored IPs in a list for the next round of lookups (loop your bulk queries until all IPs resolve). Disable retries by setting retry_count=0


When a HTTPRateLimitError is raised, and retry_count > 0, this is the amount of seconds to sleep before retrying the query. Using the default value, or setting this too high, will have a large impact on bulk IP queries. I recommend setting this very low for bulk queries, or disable completely by setting retry_count=0.

Note that setting this result too low may cause a larger number of IP lookups to fail.