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simple flask captcha validation


a good example of usage can be found in /tests/, although heres a basic example

import flask
import flask_ishuman

app = flask.Flask(__name__)
h = flask_ishuman.IsHuman()

def index():
    c =
    return ...  # now render it, like c.image() maybe or c.rawpng() or something"/")
def validate():
    code = flask.request.form.get("code")  # this if u have a <form> that has name=code in it, but ur free to get the `code` in any way u want

    # if code is None then itll return false regardless

    if h.verify(code):
        pass  # captcha valid
        pass  # captcha invalid

app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = h.rand.randbytes(2048)

# firefox throws warnings if these are not set
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE"] = "None"
app.config["SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE"] = True

h.init_app(app)"", 8080)

heres the functions and classes we have :

  • IsHuman -- captcha wrapper
    • __init__(image_args: dict, audio_args: dict) -> None -- constructor, passes image_args to captcha.image.ImageCaptcha and same with audio_args, just for audio ( underlying captcha library, although i forked it )
      • cimage attr is an instance of captcha.image.ImageCaptcha
      • caudio attr is an instance of
      • rand is a cryptographically secure randomness source, or secrets.SystemRandom()
      • skey is the unique captcha key in the session
      • app is the flask app ( can be None if init_app() was not called )
      • pepper is the pepper of captchas ( also can b None if init_app() was not called )
    • init_app(app: flask.Flask) -> Self -- initialize flask app, set up variables, configuration, generate keys
    • random(length: int | None) -> str -- returns a random code of length length, uses a random number in CAPTCHA_RANGE length by default
    • digest(code: str, salt: bytes | None) -> (bytes, bytes, float) -- returns a salted and peppered sha3-512 digest of a code, returns (digest, salt, timestamp)
    • set_code(code: str) -> Self -- sets the captcha to a code
    • get_digest() -> (bytes, bytes, float) | None -- returns the current captcha digest if available, returns (digest, salt, timestamp), returns None if unavailable or expired
    • verify(code: str | None, expire: bool = True) -> bool -- returns if a code is a valid hash, if code is None will always return False, which helps to work with flask apis like flask.request.from.get, will also call expire() if expire=True ( default ) is passed
    • new(code: str | None, length: str | None, set_c: bool = True) -- returns a new CaptchaGenerator, passes code as the code and uses random(length) by default, set_code() is called if set_c is True, which is the default
    • expire() -> Self -- expire the current captcha
    • expired_dt(ts: float) -> bool -- check if the current captcha is expired according to its ts ( timestamp )
    • auto_expire(ts: float) -> bool -- runs expire() if expired_dt() is True, returns the result of expired_dt()
  • CaptchaGenerator -- generate captchas
    • __init__(code: str, cimage: captcha.image.ImageCaptcha, caudio: -> None -- constructor, takes in the captcha code and captcha helpers
      • code is the captcha code
      • cimage is an instance of captcha.image.ImageCaptcha
      • caudio is an instance of
    • rawpng() -> bytes -- returns raw png data used in png()
    • rawwav() -> bytes -- returns raw wav data used in wav()
    • png() -> str -- returns base64 encoded png of the image captcha
    • wav() -> str -- returns base64 encoded wav of the audio captcha
    • image(alt: str = "Image CAPTCHA") -> str -- returns html to embed for the captcha, alt attr is set as alt, note tht alt is not escaped
    • audio(alt: str = "Audio CAPTCHA", controls: bool = True) -> str -- returns the audio captcha embedding html, alt attr is not set, but embded in the audio element as alt, and controls is added too if controls is set to True, note tht alt is not escaped

what u have to do is basically :

  • create IsHuman
  • call init_app on it
  • call new on it
  • use functions provided in CaptchaGenerator to display captcha
    • for example embed it in html using .png() or have a route like /captcha.png to return the actual png although do whatever u want


  • SECRET_KEY -- this is default in flask, set this to a secure random value, this is used for session storage and protection, will throw a warning if unset
  • CAPTCHA_SALT_LEN -- the salt length to use for salting of hashes, by default 32
  • CAPTCHA_CHARSET -- the charset to use in captchas, by default all ascii letters, digits and characters @#%?
  • CAPTCHA_RANGE -- a 2 value tuple storing (from, to) arguments, used to generation of random captcha lengths, by default from 4 to 8 ( (4, 8) )
  • CAPTCHA_EXPIRY -- a float, which defines the lifetime of a single captcha in seconds, by default it is None which means the lifetime is infinite
  • CAPTCHA_PEPPER_SIZE -- the size of the pepper value, by default 2048
  • CAPTCHA_PEPPER_FILE -- the pepper file to use, which is like a constant salt not stored in the session, by default captcha_pepper

these should be a part of app.config, although optional -- will use default values if unspecified

best configuration practices

  • large, cryptographically secure, random secret key
  • a salt length that is anywhere from 16 to 64 bytes, dont go overboard though as that will increase the size of the session
  • charset of readable characters when messed with in a captcha sense
  • a sensible range, so it isnt too large like 100 characters or too small like 1 characters
  • a short expiry time, but not so sort that users cant figure it out in time, maybe like 5 to 10 mins, keep in mind audio captchas if ur using them, audio captchas tend to take longer
  • a big pepper size, maybe like from 512 to 4096 bytes

styling and selection

  • image captchas get the image-captcha id ( <img id=... /> )
  • audio captchas get the audio-captcha id ( <audio id=...><source /><audio> )


all logging of flask-ishuman is done through logging.DEBUG