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225 lines (160 loc) · 6.21 KB

Documentation generation

Two documents are available for generation:

  • Reference Manual (HTML, PDF)
  • User Guide (HTML, PDF)

The documentation build is independent from building the binary artifacts.

Tools and building environment

These tools are used to generate TF-M documentation:

  • Doxygen v1.8.0 or later
  • Graphviz dot v2.38.0 or later
  • PlantUML v1.2018.11 or later
  • Java runtime environment v1.8 or later (for running PlantUML)
  • Sphinx and other python modules, listed in docs/requirements.txt

Additionally, for PDFs format:

  • LaTeX
  • PdfLaTeX

There are two ways of building TF-M reference manual:

  1. As a custom target of TF-M CMake build system
  2. Directly, using the command line tools

To prepare your building environment execute the following steps:

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Linux

        .. code-block:: bash

            sudo apt-get install -y doxygen graphviz default-jre
            mkdir ~/plantuml
            curl -L --output ~/plantuml/plantuml.jar
            export PLANTUML_JAR_PATH=~/plantuml/plantuml.jar

            # For PDF generation
            sudo apt-get install -y doxygen-latex

            # Install the required Python modules
            pip3 install --upgrade pip
            cd trusted-firmware-m
            pip3 install -r docs/requirements.txt

    .. group-tab:: Windows

        Download and install the following tools:

            - `Doxygen 1.8.8 <>`__
            - `Graphviz 2.38 <>`__
            - The Java runtime is part of the Arm DS installation or can be
               downloaded from `here <>`__
            - `PlantUML <>`__
            -  `MikTeX <>`__ - for PDF generation only

        Set the environment variables, assuming that:

            - doxygen, dot, and MikTeX binaries are available on the PATH.
            - Java JVM is used from Arm DS installation.

        .. code-block:: bash

            set PLANTUML_JAR_PATH=<plantuml_Path>\plantuml.jar
            set PATH=$PATH;<ARM_DS_PATH>\sw\java\bin

            # Install the required Python modules
            pip3 install --upgrade pip
            cd trusted-firmware-m
            pip3 install -r docs\requirements.txt

Build TF-M Reference Manual

The Reference Manual will be generated in the build_docs/reference_manual.

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Linux

        .. code-block:: bash

            cd <TF-M base folder>
            cmake -S docs -B build_docs
            cmake --build build_docs -- tfm_docs_refman_html tfm_docs_refman_pdf

    .. group-tab:: Windows

        .. code-block:: bash

            cd <TF-M base folder>
            cmake -S docs -B build_docs -G"Unix Makefiles"
            cmake --build build_docs -- tfm_docs_refman_html tfm_docs_refman_pdf

Build TF-M User Guide

The User Manual will be available under the directory build_docs/user_guide.

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Linux

        .. code-block:: bash

            cd <TF-M base folder>
            cmake -S docs -B build_docs
            cmake --build build_docs -- tfm_docs_userguide_html tfm_docs_userguide_pdf

    .. group-tab:: Windows

        .. code-block:: bash

            cd <TF-M base folder>
            cmake -S docs -B build_docs -G"Unix Makefiles"
            cmake --build build_docs -- tfm_docs_userguide_html tfm_docs_userguide_pdf

Direct build using a command line tools

The direct build will build both user_guide and reference_manual.

.. tabs::

    .. group-tab:: Linux

        .. code-block:: bash

            # Build the documentation from build_docs directory
            cd <TF-M base folder>
            mkdir build_docs
            cp docs/ build_docs/
            cd build_docs
            sphinx-build ./ user_guide

    .. group-tab:: Windows

        .. code-block:: bash

            # Command line tools is yet not available for Windows


.. uml::

    skinparam state {
      BackgroundColor #92AEE0
      FontColor black
      FontSize 16
      AttributeFontColor black
      AttributeFontSize 16
      BackgroundColor<<pdf>> #A293E2
      BackgroundColor<<doc>> #90DED6
    state u_guide as "User Guide" <<doc>>
    state refman as "Reference Manual" <<doc>>
    state rtd_theme as "sphinx-rtd-theme" <<doc>>
    state tabs as "sphinx-tabs" <<doc>>
    state sphnix_puml as "sphinxcontrib-plantuml" <<doc>>
    state sphnix_svg as "sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter" <<doc>>
    state JRE as "JRE" <<doc>> : Java Runtime Environment
    state gwiz as "Graphwiz dot" <<doc>>
    state Sphinx as "Sphinx" <<doc>>
    state python as "Python v3" <<doc>>
    state m2r as "m2r2" <<doc>>
    state PlantUML as "PlantUML" <<doc>>
    state LaTex as "LaTex" <<pdf>>
    state PdfLaTex as "PdfLaTex" <<pdf>>
    state Doxygen as "Doxygen" <<doc>>
    state librsvg as "librsvg2-bin" <<doc>>

    [*] --> u_guide
    u_guide --> Sphinx
    Sphinx --> m2r
    Sphinx --> rtd_theme
    Sphinx --> tabs
    Sphinx --> sphnix_puml
    Sphinx --> sphnix_svg
    m2r --> python
    rtd_theme --> python
    tabs --> python
    sphnix_puml --> python
    sphnix_svg --> python
    sphnix_svg --> librsvg
    Sphinx --> PlantUML
    PlantUML --> JRE
    PlantUML --> gwiz
    Sphinx --> LaTex
    LaTex --> PdfLaTex

    [*] --> refman
    refman --> Doxygen
    Doxygen --> PlantUML
    Doxygen --> LaTex
    state Legend {
      state x as "For PDF generation only" <<pdf>>


Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.