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gitproj Configuration Documentation


There are over 20 config variables for managing the git-proj sub-commands. Their "scope" is defined by the file they are in. Definitions "closer" to the project directory have higher precedence than files farther away. Think of this as a sieve, with variables looked for in the following order, where the last definition wins.

   Scope           Access    Location
1. System          --file    /etc/gitconfig
   gitproj, global --file    /usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitconfig
2. Global, user    --global  ~/.gitconfig
   gitproj, local  --file    PROJ/.gitproj
3. Local, proj     --local   PROJ/.git/config
4. Worktree        --file    PROJ/.git/config.worktree

If the "Access" is defined for "set" or "get", then that is the only location "git config" will use.

git-proj doesn't do anything with "/etc/config" or ".git/config.worktree".

/etc/gitconfg (System)


Currently, gitproj does not do anything with this file. Variables that should be set for all users on a system can be put in this file. Since gitproj defines all of the gitproj variables in a user's ~/.gitconfig, the /etc/gitconfig changes will not have any impact on the gitproj variables.

/usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitconfig (gitproj global)


gitproj default variable values for all users and projects are defined in this file. The values are only copied at selected times, and unless specified, they will only add missing vars, not change user or project vars.

This file is mainly used when creating an initial project with "git proj init" or "git proj clone". It is also used by "git proj config".

The /usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitconfig file is not used directly by "git config". It is only used to set up the ~/.gitconfig file.

New vars and default values may be added when a new version of gitproj is installed. Package manager options can be used to replace or keep the existing config file (see man dpkg --force-confdef, --force-confnew, or --force-confold).

    # These options work will between Linux and Windows
    filemode = true
    autocrlf = false
    ignorecase = true
    excludesFile = ~/.gitignore
    logAllRefUpdates = true
    quotePath = false
    trustctime = false
    # This is required!
    name = YourName
    email =
    # Add, remove, or change these
    br = branch
    br-all = branch -r
    ci = commit
    co = checkout
    df = diff
    origin = config --get remote.origin.url
    raw-origin = config --get remote-raw-origin
    push-tags = push --tags origin
    revert-all = reset --hard HEAD
    st = status
    top = rev-parse --show-toplevel
    tracked = remote show origin
    # Change if desired
    ui = never
[branch "develop"]
    # Change if desired
    mergeoptions = --log
[gitflow "branch"]
    master = main
    main = main
    develop = develop
[gitflow "prefix"]
    feature = feature/
    release = release/
    hotfix = hotfix/
    bugfix = bugfix/
    support = support/
[gitproj "config"]
    proj-status = installed
    syslog = false
    facility = user
    bin = /usr/lib/git-core
    doc = /usr/share/doc/git-proj
    git-flow-pkg = git-flow
    git-flow = true         # set by init in PROJ/.gitroj
    # The TBDs are changed when in PROJ/.gitroj and PROJ/.git/config
    local-status=TBD        # set by init and clone
    local-host=TBD          # set by init and clone
    proj-name = TBD         # set by init and clone
    remote-status=TBD       # set by remote and clone
    remote-raw-origin=TBD   # set by remote and clone
    remote-min-space = 2g   # set by remote and clone
    verbose = 2
[gitproj "hook"]
    verbose = true
    pre-commit-enabled = true
    check-file-names = true         # only these ch in names: [-_.a-zA-z0-9]
    check-in-raw = true             # don't allow ci to PROJ/raw/?
    check-whitespace = true         # don't allow trailing spaces
    check-for-tabs = false          # don't allow tabs for tab-ext-list
    tab-ext-list = c sh md html pod
    check-for-big-files = true      # don't allow files > binary-file-size
    binary-file-size = 10k

~/.gitconfig (--global user)


If the ~/.gitconfig is not defined, it will be copied from /usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitconfig. Also if ~/.gitignore is not defined, it will be copied from /usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitignore.

"git proj init" and "git proj clone" will update ~/.gitconfig from /usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitconfig, for any gitproj section vars that are not defined in ~/.gitconfig. Existing values will not be changed.

PROJ/.gitproj (gitproj local)


The PROJ/.gitproj file is not used directly by "git config". It is only used to set up the initial PROJ/.git/config file.

"git proj init" will create PROJ/.gitproj from the gitproj sections in ~/.gitconfig (also filling in "missing" vars from /usr/share/doc/git-proj/config/gitconfig). PROJ/.gitproj should be versioned, for use by git proj clone

"git proj clone" will add all vars from PROJ/.gitproj to PROJ/.git/config after the files are created. If PROJ/.gitproj is missing, it will create it with the "init" process.

git-proj commands that change gitproj section vars in PROJ/.git/config will also change the vars in PROD/.gitproj so that later clones can update PROJ/.git/config.

PROJ/.git/config (--local proj)


"git proj init" and "git proj clone" will copy all of the vars in PROJ/.gitproj to PROJ/.git/config.

/usr/share/doc/git-proj/hooks/pre-commit, ~/.pre-commit, PROJ/.pre-commit, PROJ/.git/hooks/pre-commit

~/.pre-commit (optimal)
PROJ/.pre-commit (optimal)

The pre-commit hook file is created with a precedence similar to the config vars.

"git proj init" and "git proj clone" will create the PROJ/.git/hooks/pre-commit file. If PROJ/.pre-commit exists, that file will be used. If ~/.pre-commit exits, that file will be used. And finally the /usr/share/doc/git-proj/hooks/pre-commit file will be used.

The first time "git proj init" is used to create a project, all the pre-commit files (~/.pre-commit, PROJ/.pre-commit, PROJ/.git/hooks/pre-commit) will be cloned from /usr/share/doc/git-proj/hooks/pre-commit This allows the user to add their own pre-commit functions.

Config Variables and Environment Variables

These are globals and vars that affect how the script runs. Just about all of the env. vars. that begin with "gp" can be set and exported before the script is run. That way, you can set your own defaults by putting them in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile files.

Global variable precedence (the last one to set the gp variable, wins). (Internally, this is not implemented in this order, but this is the logical result.)

* internal hardcoded default
* variable in ~/.gitconfig
* variable in PROJ/.git/config
* env. var.
* command line option

Notation: gp[Var]; -[A]; git.config.[var]; (default)

gp[Var];          - a global env. var. name (NA means there is none)
-[A];             - a CLI option (-NA means there is none)
git.config.[var]; - git config var name (NA means there is none)
(default)         - its default value, if not defined anywhere

gpAuto; -a; NA; (false)

This is used to run the scripts in batch mode.

gpAutoMove; -m; NA; (false)

This is used by the "git proj init" command.

gpYesNo; -y; -n; NA; (No)

If gpAuto is true, then gpYesNo can define the default answers.

NA; -NA, gitproj.config.proj-status; (TBD)

Once the gitproj package is installed and configured, this will be changed to "installed."

gpSysLog; -NA; gitproj.config.syslog; (false)

If set to 0, log messages will only be sent to stderr.

If set to 1, log messages will be sent to stderr and syslog.

Default: false

gpFacility; -NA; gitproj.config.facility; (user)

Log messages sent to syslog will be sent to the "facility" specified by gpFacility.

"user" log messages will be sent to /var/log/user.log, or /var/log/syslog, or /var/log/messages.log

Default: user

Allowed facility names:

local0 through local7 - local system facilities
user - misc scripts, generic user-level messages
auth - security/authorization messages
authpriv - security/authorization messages (private)
cron - clock daemon (cron and at)
daemon - system daemons without separate facility value
ftp - ftp daemon
kern - kernel  messages  (these  can't be generated from user processes)
lpr - line printer subsystem
mail - mail subsystem
news - USENET news subsystem
syslog - messages generated internally by syslogd(8)
uucp - UUCP subsystem

These are some suggested uses for the localN facilities:

local0 - system or application configuration
local1 - application processes
local2 - website errors
local3 - website access
local4 - backend processes
local5 - publishing
local6 - available
local7 - available

gpBin; -NA; NA; (/usr/lib/git-core)

The location of the executing command will set this.

gpDoc; -NA; NA; (/usr/share/doc/git-proj)

If not found, then set to: $gpBin/../doc If still not found: error.

gpDebug; -x, -xx..., -X N; NA; (0)

See the "common-options" section in git-proj for details.

There is no config variable for gpDebug.

NA; -NA, gitproj.config.git-flow-pkg, (git-flow)

gpGitFlow; -NA; gitproj.config.flow; (true)

If true, git-flow will be set up for the project.

NA; -NA, gitproj.config.local-status; (TBD)

When a project has been successfully set up by git proj init or git proj clone, this will be set to "defined" in PROJ/.gitproj and PROJ/.git/config. If should always be "TBD" in ~/.gitconfig

NA; -NA, gitproj.config.local-host; (TBD)

When a project has been successfully set up by git proj init or git proj clone, this will be set to "$HOSTNAME" in PROJ/.git/config only.

gpProjName; -NA, gitproj.config.proj-name; (TBD)

When a project has been successfully set up by git proj init or git proj clone, this will be set to the project's name in PROJ/.gitproj and PROJ/.git/config. Usually, this is the top directory name. If should always be "TBD" in ~/.gitconfig

NA; -NA, gitproj.config.remote-status; (TBD)

When git proj remote runs OK, this is changed to "defined", in PROJ/.gitproj and PROJ/.git/config. If should always be "TBD" in ~/.gitconfig

gpRemoteRawOrigin, -d, gitproj.config.remote-raw-origin, (TBD)

This is set by git proj remote and git proj clone to the remote raw location. It is set in PROJ/.git/config. If should always be "TBD" in ~/.gitconfig and PROJ/.gitproj.

gpRemoteMinSpace; -NA; gitproj.config.remote-min-space; (2g)

This is the minimum space that should be available on the external drive. The git proj remote command will not continue if there is not enough space. The available space should be at least twice the size of the space used by ProjName.raw.

gpVerbose; -q, -v, -V N; gitproj.config.verbose; (2)

See the "common-options" section in git-proj for details.

gpVer, -NA; gitproj.config.ver, ()

This is set by git proj init in the PROJ/.gitproj and PROJ/.git/config files. The value will be the currently installed version of gitproj. The version is defined in the file: /usr/share/doc/git-proj/VERSION

git proj clone will compare ver in PROJ/.gitproj to /usr/share/doc/git-proj/VERSION. If the checked-out project's major or minor numbers are greater than the installed version, there could be problems. It should not be a problem if the installed version is greater because gitproj tries to be backward compatible. And it might try to upgrade the project.

A warning message will be output if there are differences.

gpHookVerbose; -NA; gitproj.hook.verbose; (true)

If false, there will be output from pre-commit only if problems are identified.

gpPreCommitEnabled; -NA; gitproj.hook.pre-commit-enable; (true)

Use this to turn all pre-commit checks off.

gpCheckFileNames; -NA; gitproj.hook.check-file-names; (true)

If true, only these characters can be used in file and directory names: [-_.a-zA-z0-9]

gpCheckInRaw; -NA; gitproj.hook.check-in-raw; (true)

If true, files in the top raw/ dir will not be allowed in the git repository. The files should have been ignored with the rule in .gitignore, but maybe someone "forced" the add.

Setting this to "false" defeats the whole purpose for gitproj.

gpCheckWhitespace; -NA; gitproj.hook.check-whitespace; (true)

If true, don't allow trailing spaces in text files.

See rm-trailing-sp to fix.

gpCheckForTabs; -NA; gitproj.hook.check-for-tabs; (false)

If true, don't allow tabs for files with the extensions found in: gitproj.hook.tabs-ext-list

To fix, use "rm-trailing-sp -f FILE"

gpTabExtList; -NA; gitproj.hook.tabs-ext-list; (c sh md html pod)

    tab-ext-list = c sh md html pod

List the file extensions for files that will be checked for tabs.

gpCheckForBigFiles; -NA; gitproj.hook.check-for-big-files; (true)

If true, look for large binary files. Ones greater than gitproj.hook.binary-file-size will not be allowed into the git repo.

gpMaxSize; -i, --int; gitproj.hook.binary-file-size; (10k)

Valid suffixes: k, m, g

If there is no suffix, then bytes are assumed.