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React Native Booking Ticket


npm install @mindinventory/react-native-booking-ticket
yarn add @mindinventory/react-native-booking-ticket

Supported platform

  • Android
  • Ios


import SeatsLayout from "@mindinventory/react-native-booking-ticket";

Props to use

Parameter Type Description
row number Set number of rows to draw seat layout.
layout Layout (Optional) Default value columnOne: 2 & columnTwo: 2.
driverPosition string (Optional) Accepts string args among left or right. Default is right.
isSleeperLayout boolean (Optional) Accepts boolean value either true or false. Default is false.
maxSeatToSelect number (Optional) Allow uset to select maximum number of seats to book in one go. Default value 7.
selectedSeats Array (Optional) Accepts value seatNumber number and seatType number which accepts value from (booked or women or blocked). Default its set to blank array.


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.


@mindinventory/react-native-booking-ticket MIT-licensed.

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