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Indirect Values of Keyword Parameters

Most parameters of log_calls (all :ref:`settings <what-is-a-setting>` paramaters except prefix and max_history) can take two kinds of values: direct and indirect, which you can think of as static and dynamic respectively. Direct/static values are actual values, such as those computed when the definition of a decorated callable is interpreted, e.g. enabled=True, args_sep=" / ". As discussed in the previous chapter, :ref:`dynamic_control_of_settings`, the values of parameters are set once and for all when the Python interpreter creates a callable object from the source code of a decorated function or method. Even if you use a variable as the value of a setting, subsequently changing the variable's value has no effect on the decorator's setting.

log_calls provides yet another way to overcome this limitation, in addition to those described in the previous two chapters: indirect values.


Using this capability is more intrusive than the approaches to dynamically changing settings already discussed: it introduces more "debug-only" code which you'll have to ensure doesn't run in production. As such, it's less appealing. However, it has its place, in demos and producing documentation.

Definition and basic examples

.. index:: indirect value (of a setting parameter)

log_calls lets you specify any "setting" parameter except prefix or max_history with one level of indirection, by using indirect values:

indirect value of a :ref:`setting <the-settings>` parameter
A string that names a keyword parameter of a decorated callable. When the callable is called, the value of that keyword argument is used as the value of the setting.

To specify an indirect value for a parameter whose normal values are (or can be) str``s (this applies only to ``args_sep and logger, at present), append an '=' to the value. For consistency, any indirect value can end in a trailing '=', which is stripped. Thus, enabled='enable_=' indicates an indirect value to be supplied with the keyword enable_.

Explicit indirect values

An indirect value can be an explicit keyword argument present in the signature of the callable:

>>> @log_calls(enabled='enable_')
... def f(x, y, enable_=False): pass

Thus, calling f above without passing a value for enable_ uses the default value False of enable_, and the call gives no output:

>>> f(1, 2)

Supplying a value True for enable_ does give log_calls output:

>>> f(3, 4, enable_=True)    # output:
f <== called by <module>
    arguments: x=3, y=4, enable_=True
f ==> returning to <module>

Implicit indirect values

An indirect value doesn't have to be present in the signature of a decorated callable. It can be an implicit keyword argument that ends up in **kwargs:

>>> @log_calls(args_sep_=', ')      # same as log_calls default
... def g(x, y, **kwargs): pass

When the decorated callable is called, the arguments passed by keyword, and the decorated callable's explicit keyword parameters with default values, are both searched for the named parameter; if it is found and of the correct type, its value is used; otherwise a default value is used.

Here, the value of the args_sep setting will be the default value given for args_sep_:

>>> g(1, 2)
g <== called by <module>
    arguments: x=1, y=2
g ==> returning to <module>

whereas here, the args_sep value used will be ' $ ':

>>> g(3, 4, args_sep_=' $ ')
g <== called by <module>
    arguments: x=3 $ y=4 $ **kwargs={'args_sep_': ' $ '}
g ==> returning to <module>


If an indirect value is specified for enabled and it is "not found", then the default value of False is used. For example:

>>> @log_calls(enabled='enable_')
... def h(**kwargs): pass

Here, the indirect value enable_ has no default value — there is no default indirect value for enabled. In this special case only, the enabled setting will be False if no value is supplied for enable_ in a call to h:

>>> h()             # no output
>>> h(enable_=True) # output:
h <== called by <module>
    arguments: **kwargs={'enable_': True}
h ==> returning to <module>

Indirect values in settings dicts and files

In a settings file, the value of a keyword is treated as an indirect value if it's enclosed in (single or double) quotes and its last non-quote character is '='. For example:


Of course, indirect values can be used in settings dicts as well, and there, only indirect values of args_sep and logger require a trailing =.

Using log_calls_settings to set indirect values

Similarly, it's perfectly legitimate to assign an indirect value to a setting via log_calls_settings:

>>> @log_calls(enabled=False)
... def g(*args, **kwargs):
...     return sum(args)
>>> g(0, 1, 2)              # no log_calls output
>>> g.log_calls_settings.enabled = 'enable_log_calls='
>>> g(1, 2, 3, enable_log_calls=True)
g <== called by <module>
    arguments: *args=(1, 2, 3), **kwargs={'enable_log_calls': True}
g ==> returning to <module>

Controlling format 'from above'

This indirection mechanism allows a caller to control the appearance of logged calls lower in the call chain, provided all decorated callables use the same indirect parameter keywords.

In the next example, the separator value supplied to g by keyword argument propagates to f. Note that the arguments 42 and 99 end up in g's positional varargs tuple.

>>> @log_calls(args_sep='sep=')
... def f(a, b, c, **kwargs): pass
>>> @log_calls(args_sep='sep=')
... def g(a, b, c, *g_args, **g_kwargs):
...     f(a, b, c, **g_kwargs)
>>> g(1,2,3, 42, 99, sep='\\n')       # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS, +SKIP
g <== called by <module>
        *g_args=(42, 99)
        **g_kwargs={'sep': '\\n'}
    f <== called by g
            **kwargs={'sep': '\\n'}
    f ==> returning to g
g ==> returning to <module>

Paradigms for handling keyword parameters

Several uses of "indirect values" described in this section rely on multiple functions and methods treating **kwargs as a kind of "common area" or "bulletin board" – a central store for data of common interest. This paradigm for **kwargs handling, which we might call promiscuous cooperation, conflicts with the one usually espoused, for example in discussions about the design of composable classes which cooperatively call super(). In his article Python's super() considered super!, Raymond Hettinger clearly describes that approach as one in which:

every method [f, say, is] cooperatively designed to accept keyword arguments
and a keyword-arguments dictionary, to remove any arguments that it needs,
and to forward the remaining arguments using **kwds [via super().f(..., **kwds),
where ... are positional arguments], eventually leaving the dictionary empty
for the final call in the chain.

Certainly, this condition implies that a subclass's implementation of a method should never share keywords with a parent class's implementation. But it's more stringent than that. It requires that a class's implementation of a method never share keywords with any implementation of that method in any class that might ever be on its mro list. Indeed, following this prescription, an implementation simply can't share keyword parameters: each method will "remove any [parameters] that it needs" before passing the baton via super() to its kinfolk further on down the mro list. In the presence of multiple inheritance, which alters a class's static mro, this might be difficult to guarantee.

This is a clear if stern approach to cooperation, one consistent with the behavior of certain "final calls in the chain" that land in core Python. For example, object.__init__ and type.__init__ raise an exception if they receive any **kwargs. (Would that they didn't: this is often a nuisance.) But the "promiscuous" paradigm of cooperation is also valid and useful, and causes no harm as long as it's clear what all cooperating parties are agreeing to.