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File metadata and controls

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150 lines (105 loc) · 5.3 KB


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TwicPics integration with NuxtJS. Uses @twicpics/vue under the hood.

⚠️ Deprecation warning ⚠️

This package has been deprecated in favor of TwicPics Components.

TwicPics Components is a collection of web components that make it dead easy to unleash the power of TwicPics in your own projects and using the framework of your choice.

👉 Check the documentation


  1. Add @twicpics/nuxt dependency to your project
yarn add @twicpics/nuxt -D # or npm install @twicpics/nuxt --save-dev
  1. Add @twicpics/nuxt to the buildModules section of nuxt.config.js
// nuxt.config.js
  buildModules: [

  twicpics: {
    // Your TwicPics custom domain
    domain: "",
    // Optional settings
    defaultParams: {

Module options

domain (required)

This is your very own TwicPics domain.

defaultParams (optional)


  • Default value: 0.2 (any value that is not a number will be ignored)

TwicPics will lazy-load images by default. To avoid too abrupt a transition with elements appearing into view and then images very obviously loading afterwards, TwicPics will "anticipate" lazy loading by a factor of the actual viewport. This behavior is controlled by this setting.


  • Default value: 2 (any value that is not a number will be ignored)

TwicPics will take the Device Pixel Ratio of the current device into consideration when determining the sizes of images to load. By default, it will not take a DPR greater than 2 into consideration. If the DPR of the device is higher than 2, TwicPics will assume it to be 2. So you can lower it to 1 or be more permissive (for instance by setting it to 3 or 4).


  • Default value: 10 (any value that is not a number will be ignored)

To avoid requesting too may variants of the same image, TwicPics will round the width of images to the closest multiple of step. The height will then be computed in order to respect the original aspect ratio.


TwicImg component

<twic-img src="<image-path>"
          transition="<boolean>" />
Name Description Type Default Required
src Absolute or relative path to an image. String true
width See ratio. Integer false
height See ratio. Integer false
ratio Unitless width/height values. You can either use ratio or width and height to set the aspect-ratio of your image. If both are used, ratio win. A squared image will be rendered by default. String 1/1 false
placeholder Can be preview, meancolor, maincolor or none. String preview false
step See TwicPics documentation for details. Integer 10 false
focus Can be auto or coordinates - see TwicPics documentation for details. String 10 false
transition Whether or not to load images with a fade in effect. Boolean true false
transitionDuration Duration of the transition effect. String 400ms false
transitionTimingFunction CSS timing function applied to the transition effect. String ease false
transitionDelay Transition delay of the transition effect. String 0ms false
alt alt attribute content String Image name without extention. false


      alt="my image" />

export default {



Edit TwicPics Nuxt


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using yarn dev or npm run dev


MIT License

Copyright (c) TwicPics