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The !(not)Opinionated Web Framework (by TypeUnSafe inc.)


Any Resemblance to Existing Framework is Purely Coincidental

M33ki Framework makes it easy to build web applications with Golo & Java.

M33ki is based on a lightweight, stateless or stateful (as you want) , web-friendly architecture.

Built on Golo and SparkJava (and some other libraries), M33ki provides minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for embedded web server.

##Developer friendly.

Make your changes and simply hit refresh! All you need is a browser and a text editor.

###Getting started with Golo

  • open a terminal
  • type m33ki
  • type your application name, ie myapp
  • choose the kind of project : 1
  • that's all, go to the application directory : cd myapp and run it ./

Terminal :

   _____  ________ ________  __   .__
  /     \ \_____  \\_____  \|  | _|__|
 /  \ /  \  _(__  <  _(__  <|  |/ /  |
/    Y    \/       \/       \    <|  |
\____|__  /______  /______  /__|_ \__|
        \/       \/       \/     \/
  WebApp server Golo powered (c) @k33g_org

OS : mac os x
Application name?>myapp
Creating myapp application
1- copy /Users/k33g_org/Dropbox/Public/TYPEUNSAFE/m33ki/jars to /Users/k33g_org/Dropbox/Public/myapp
2- copy /Users/k33g_org/Dropbox/Public/TYPEUNSAFE/m33ki/libs to /Users/k33g_org/Dropbox/Public/myapp

reading configuration file
What kind of application ?
1- Golo Skeleton project
2- Hybrid project (Java + Golo)
Creating Golo Skeleton project ...

myapp application has been created
Last steps :
- type : cd myapp

Now, to start the application just type : ./
Have fun!

More explanations to come : WIP

###Getting started with Java

  • open a terminal
  • type m33ki
  • type your application name, ie myapp
  • choose the kind of project : 2
  • that's all, go to the application directory : cd myapp and run it ./

###Hi! An "obliging" web's scaffolding tool

see :

Hi comes with a application generator for M33ki

You can add your own generators. See generators directory

##Golo Application structure


##Hybrid (Java+Golo) Application structure


##Modern web & mobile.

M33ki was built for needs of modern web & mobile apps.

  • RESTful by default
  • JSON is a first class citizen
  • Websockets, EventSource (Server Sent Events)
  • NoSQL (MongoDb & Redis)

###REST Example

# Create a model
POST("/models", |request, response| {
  println(request: body())
  response: json(Json(): toJsonString(map[["message", "this is a POST request"]])): status(201) # 201: created

# Retrieve all models
GET("/models", |request, response| {
  response: json(Json(): toJsonString(map[["message", "this is a GET request"]]))

# Retrieve a model by id
GET("/models/:id", |request, response| {
  let id = request: params(":id")
  response: json(Json(): toJsonString(map[["message", "this is a GET request with id="+id]]))

# Update model
PUT("/models/:id", |request, response| {
  println(request: body())
  let id = request: params(":id")
  response: json(return Json(): toJsonString(map[["message", "this is a PUT request with id="+id]]))

# Delete model
DELETE("/models/:id", |request, response| {
  let id = request: params(":id")
  response: json(return Json(): toJsonString(map[["message", "this is a DELETE request with id="+id]]))

##Asynchronous model ... if you want

###Promises (hopes)




##Install M33ki


You have to install Golo and set GOLO_HOME to PATH


# 1- clone m33ki repository in a directory
git clone

# 2- edit .bashrc
pico ~/.bashrc

# 3- Then :
export GOLO_HOME="$HOME/golo-directory/"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOLO_HOME/bin

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/directory/m33ki


# 1- clone m33ki repository in a directory
git clone

# 2- edit .bash_profile
sudo pico ~/.bash_profile

# 3- Then :
export GOLO_HOME
export PATH=$PATH:$GOLO_HOME/bin

export M33KI_HOME

###OSX with Homebrew

# 1- tap the typeunsafe repository (only once)
brew tap TypeUnsafe/golo

# 2- install the m33ki formula (depends on golo)
brew install --HEAD m33ki


Set System Variables in Configuration Panel.

##Create an application

  • run console : type m33ki
  • answer the questions (application name, kind of application)
  • that's all
  • cd <name of the application>
  • run your application : type ./ (OSX & Linux) or go.bat (Windows)

##Extend your application

Each M33ki application has a /jars directory. You just need to copy the jar file you need in this directory, and then you can use it with Golo and/or Java?

##Extend M33ki




You can create project template in /templates directory of M33ki distribution. Do not forget to change the m33ki.json file to declare your new project :

    "1" : ["Simple project","simple"]
  , "2" : ["REST project", "rest"]
  , "3" : ["Hybrid project (Java + Golo)", "hybrid"]


  • Documentation
  • ...