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songbook-tools: extra-tools

  • - Given a pdf file, dump the index to a plain-text file. Can be used for, given a pdf songbook, generate a file-avoiding manifest file for blacklisting and avoiding duplicates, that is passed to with the --manifest parameter. Parameters (all optional, complementary to CLI queries):

    -h, --help       show this help message and exit
    --input INPUT    name of the input pdf file (default: "songbook.pdf")
    --output OUTPUT  name of the output txt file (default: "manifest.txt")
    --yes [YES]      accept all, skip all queries (default: "NULL")
  • - Given a directory composed by minimally markuped songs, replace a symbol.

    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --input INPUT         path of the default song input directory (default: "examples/")
    --output OUTPUT       path of the default song output directory (default: "out/")
    --inSymbol INSYMBOL   input symbol (default: "C")
    --outSymbol OUTSYMBOL
                          output symbol (default: "Do")
    --yes [YES]           accept all, skip all queries (default: "NULL")
  • - Given a directory composed by minimally markuped songs, strip from all the chords.

    -h, --help       show this help message and exit
    --input INPUT    path of the default song input directory (default: "examples/")
    --output OUTPUT  path of the default song output directory (default: "out/")
    --yes [YES]      accept all, skip all queries (default: "NULL")