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Configuration reference


The best way to configure INGInious is to use inginious-install. See config.

Configuring INGInious is done via a file named configuration.yaml or configuration.lti.yaml. To get started, files named configuration.example.yaml and configuration.lti.example.yaml are provided.



The different entries are :


false if users cannot delete their accounts (and all related data from database), trueotherwise.


false if database registration should be disabled. In this mode no password can be set and accounts are only created via the external authentication systems. true otherwise.


The link to the backend used. You can either set it to local or indicate the address of your manually-managed backend.

  • local. In this mode, which is the default, you have to ensure the docker daemon is local to your machine, or, at least, share the same directory structure. This is typically the case if you use Linux and have a local Docker daemon, or if you use Docker for Mac/Windows, or even docker-machine with local machines. This is the configuration described in this tutorial. You will need a running docker daemon on your machine for this to work. If you can use any Docker client command, like docker info, INGInious should run flawlessly.

    In this mode, a supplementary config option is available, local-config.

  • tcp://, udp:// or ipc:///path/to/your/sock, where the adresses are the ip/socket path of the backend you started manually. This is for advanced users only. See commands inginious-backend and inginious-agent for more information.

Path to the directory where are courses backup are stored in cases of data wiping.


These configuration options are available only if you set backend:local.


Number of concurrent task that can be run by INGInious. By default, it is the number of CPU in your host.


Host to which the users should connect in order to access to the debug ssh for containers. Most of the time, just do not indicate this option: the address will be automatically guessed.


Range of port, in the form 64100-64200, to which INGInious can bind SSH debug containers, to allow remote debugging. By default, it is 64100-64200.


A directory whose absolute path must be available by the docker daemon and INGInious at the same time. By default, it is ./agent_tmp.


Can be set to INFO, WARN, or DEBUG. Specifies the logging verbosity.


Set to true if the webapp must be disabled.


MongoDB client configuration.


MongoDB server address. If your database is user/password-protected, use the following syntax: mongodb://USER:PASSWORD@HOSTNAME/DB_NAME


You can change the database name if you want multiple instances or in the case of conflict.


A list of plugin modules together with configuration options. See plugins for detailed information on available plugins, including their configuration. Please note that the usage of at least one authentication plugin is mandatory for the webapp.


Mails can be sent by plugins.


Email sender name, e.g. : INGInious <>


SMTP server.


SMTP port.


SMTP username.


SMTP password.


Set to true if TLS is needed.


Path to the directory where YAML-defined static pages are located.


A list of super-administrators who have admin access on the whole stored content.


The path to the directory that contains all the task definitions, grouped by courses. (see task)


Set to true to use the minified version of Javascript scripts, false otherwise.


Link to the INGInious xterm app with the following syntax: http[s]://host:port. If set, it allows to use in-browser task debug via ssh. (See _webterm_setup for more information)


Several plugins are available to complete the INGInious feature set.

External authentication plugins

You can allow account creation from an external authentication source. This will link the external credentials to the INGInious account so that the user can log in INGInious using these credentials in the future. Several authentication plugins are available.


Uses an LDAP server to authenticate users.

To enable this plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.ldap_auth
      id: <some_id_for_ldap>
      host: ""
      encryption: "ssl" #can be tls or none
      base_dn: "ou=People,dc=info,dc=ucl,dc=ac,dc=be"
      request: "(uid={})",
      name: "LDAP Login"

Most of the parameters are self-explaining, but:


is the authentication method id. It must be alphanumerical and different from other external authentication methods.


is the request made to the LDAP server to search the user to authentify. "{}" is replaced by the username indicated by the user.


Uses a SAML2-compliant identity provider (such as Shibboleth IdP) to authenticate users.

To enable this plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.saml2_auth
        id: <some_id_for_saml2>
        strict: true
            entityId: "<your_entity_id>"
            x509cert: "<your_cert>"
            privateKey: "<your_private_key>"
            entityId: ""
                url: ""
                binding: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"
            x509cert: "<idp_cert>"
                - "<idp_cert>"
             metadataValidUntil: ""
             metadataCacheDuration: ""
             cn: "urn:oid:"
             email: "urn:oid:"
             uid: "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1"

id is the authentication method id. It must be alphanumerical and different from other external authentication methods. Your IdP is required to provide at least attributes corresponding to the username, the complete name and the email address. Use the attributes entry for the mapping. The additionalX509certs is a plugin-specific entry to specify several certificates in case your IdP is able to use more than one.

This plugin mainly relies on python3-saml package and configuration parameters are interoperable. Please refer to the package documentation for more detailed configuration parameters. The SP Attribute Consuming Service (ACS) is automatically configured by the plugin.


Uses a Facebook/LinkedIn/GitHub/Google application to allow authentication (and possibly sharing) via the network. You need to create an app on the appropriate developer platform in order to use this plugin.

To enable this plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.facebook_auth
        id: <some_id_for_facebook>
        debug: false
        client_id: <your_app_id>
        client_secret: <your_app_secret>

id is the authentication method id. client_id and client_secret are the OAuth identifier and secret of the created app. Replace facebook_auth by linkedin_auth, github_auth or google_auth according to your case.

Set debug to true to allow OAuth to be run in debug mode (for instance, if SSL is not yet set up).


Uses a Twitter application to allow authentication and sharing via the network. You need to create two apps on the appropriate developer platform in order to use this plugin. One will only have authentication capabilities and the other one will be able to write posts for the user in order to share results.

To enable this plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.auth.twitter_auth
      id: twitter
      debug: false
      client_id: <app_id_auth_only>
      client_secret: <app_secret_auth_only>
      share_client_id: <app_id_with_share_rights>
      share_client_secret: <app_secret_with_share_rights>
      user: <user_who_created_the_app>

id is the authentication method id. client_id and client_secret are the OAuth identifier and secret of the created app. Set debug to true to allow OAuth to be run in debug mode (for instance, if SSL is not yet set up).

Scoreboard plugin

This plugin allows to generate course/tasks scoreboards. To enable the plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.scoreboard

To define a new scoreboard, an additional field scoreboard must be defined in the course.yaml file associated to a course (See course). For instance: :

    - content: ["taskid1"]
      name: "Scoreboard task 1"
    - content: ["taskid2", "taskid3"] # sum of both score is taken as overall score
      name: "Scoreboard for task 2 and 3"
    - content: {"taskid4": 2, "taskid5": 3} # overall score is 2*score of taskid4 + 3*score of taskid5
      name: "Another scoreboard"
      reverse: True

This defines three scoreboards for the course. The first one will create a scoreboard for task id taskid1 and will be displayed as Scoreboard task 1. The second one will create a scoreboard for taskid2 and taskid3 where both scores are added. The last one is more complex and will create a reversed scoreboard for task taskid4 and taskid5 where both scores are wieghted by factor 2 and 3, respectively.

The score used by this plugin for each task must be generated via a key/value custom feedback (see feedback-custom) using the score key. Only the succeeded tasks are taken into account.

Contests plugin

This plugin allows to manage an ACM/ICPC like contest inside a course between students. To enable the plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.contests

A new configuration page named Contest appears on the administration page. To enable the contest mode, check the Enable contest plugin box on the appropriate course. Please note that the plugin will override the task accessibility dates.

Simple grader plugin

This simple grader allows anonymous POST requests without storing submissions in database.

To enable the plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.simple_grader
      courseid : "external"
      page_pattern: "/external"
      return_fields: "^(result|text|problems)$"
  • courseid is the course id you want to expose to the simple grader.
  • page_pattern is the URL at which you want to make the simple grader available.
  • return_fields is a regular expression matching the submission fields that can be returned via the simple grader.

A demonstration POST form will be available at the page_pattern specified URL.

New synchronized job

External submissions must take the form of a POST request on the url defined by page_pattern. This POST must contains two data field:

  • taskid: the task id of the task
  • input: the input for the task, in JSON. The input is a dictionary filled with problemid:problem_answer pairs.

The return value will contains the standard return fields of an INGInious inginious.backend job plus a "status" field that will contain "ok".

If an internal error occurs, it will return a dictionary containing

    "status": "error",
    "status_message": "A message containing a simple description of the error"

New asynchronous job

This POST request allows new jobs to be treated asynchronously. It must contains three data fields:

  • taskid: the task id of the task
  • input: the input for the task, in JSON. The input is a dictionary filled with problemid:problem_answer pairs.
  • async: field that indicate that the job must be launched asynchronously. Only have to be present, content is not read.

The return value will be a dictionnary containing:

    "status": "done",
    "jobid": "the jobid of the async job. Will be needed to get the results."


    "status": "error",
    "status_message": "A message describing the error"

Get status of asynchronous job

Given a jobid in input (as field of the POST request) and will return either: :

    "status": "waiting"


    "status": "error",
    "status_message": "A message describing the error"


    "status": "done",

where ... are the results of the job, as defined in the return_fields configuration value.

Git Repo plugin

This plugin allows saving submissions history in a Git repository, according to the following path pattern : courseid/taskid/username. The version kept in the head of branch is the latest submission made.

To enable this plugin, add to your configuration file: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.git_repo
      repo_directory: "./repo_submissions"

The repo_directory parameter specify the path to the repository that must be initialized before configuration.

JSON task file readers plugin

It is possible to store task files in other formats than YAML. However, these plugins are provided for retro-compatibility with previous supported formats, which are deprecated. You therefore use these plugins at your own risks.

To enable the JSON task file format: :

    - plugin_module: inginious.frontend.plugins.task_file_readers.json_reader